Apologies to those who have already responded, but I need to 'chase up' the rest!

I need, please, an indication from you all that you will be happy to pay your 'subs' again this year so that I can fix the amount.

1) I do NOT need money at this moment. Paying before I have calculated the required amount will complicate things!!
2) Some of you have already responded, so thanks.
3) If you can also say which payment method you prefer that would be good.

Please respond by PM, and the tally plus info is kept at the 'Members only' thread at viewtopic.php?f=23&t=8718


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Re: Allotment

#221 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

Bigger pots mostly populated a couple of days ago.
I finished filling the other ones (on the right) just now.
Seed trays in the foreground are this year's main crop, just planted.
I get animals roaming my property and trampling, and ants eat seeds, so I find getting them started and transplanting solves both problems.

This is my first go with big pots for growing to full size, so advice appreciated.
I have mixed good topsoil from my own lot with peat moss and compost, about 80%/10%/10%.
This is a bit less additives than recommended, but I have excellent topsoil.
I have a range of varieties across a range of pot sizes, as I cannot find any definitive advice on pot sizes for cherry tomatoes, or smaller peppers.
Nor do I know how much produce one loses for going a size smaller.
So, I hope to find out both this year.

This year's Spring is forecast to be quite short, so I will leave building the trolley thingie PHXPhlyer suggested till next year, when I will have decided exactly what size pots to use, and so will know exactly what size to build it.
In the meantime, I will get a lot of exercise!
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