Are helicopter pilots simply mad, more eccentric, or do they simply have a better sense of humour than fixed wing types?
Case in point, filched from Peter Saxton's book (vide. what books am I reading thread)...
"The helicopters were deployed from Aberdeen to Shetland, and the crews spent a few days per month manning them. The pilots and engineers hadn't much to amuse themselves with up there, and one day they found a kilt washed on the beach. They had it washed and dried, ready for use. There was a daily BA Viscount fixed wing service, and passengers walked from a portacabin check-in to the aircraft steps before being ushered into the aircraft. One of our pilots rolled his trouser legs up and put on the kilt. The kilt was slightly long for him. He wore his flying boots and his BA Captain's jacket, complete with four gold rings on each arm. As the passengers began to walk across the tarmac, he marched swiftly to the front of them and lead them to the aircraft steps, saluting smartly as they climbed into the aircraft. He hard the pilot's window slide open and a very cultured English voice said in his direction, "I don't know who you are, or what you think you are doing, but f*ck off!" No couth, or sense of humour, some people.! - Captain Tom Porteous.