R4-B Hoverfly landing on HMS Vanguard 1947

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R4-B Hoverfly landing on HMS Vanguard 1947

#1 Post by CharlieOneSix » Thu Feb 17, 2022 12:45 pm

I came across this photo again recently. It show Lt Ken Reed carrying out the first landing of an RN helicopter on a RN ship. It happened off Portland in February 1947. The ship was taking King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret to South Africa for the Royal Tour.
Ken was a delightful chap who always wore a bow tie in civvy street. He was a helicopter test pilot who after several jobs set up Twyford Moors Helicopters in Chandlers Ford, Hampshire. I went there once as he was advertising for pilots but I didn't take the job. At that time he was the sole importer of Enstrom helicopters. A while later he set up Southampton Heliport and moved the Twyford Moors base to there. I used to pop in quite often for fuel and he was always ready for a chat. Sadly Ken, Twyford Moors and the heliport are long gone.
Here's a photo and short biography of Ken:
Ken Reed - photo and biography

Alan Bristow challenged that Ken was the first to land on a RN ship. He maintained that he was. Not sure who is correct.
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Re: R4-B Hoverfly landing on HMS Vanguard 1947

#2 Post by Boac » Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:08 pm

That's a pretty cluttered landing spot!

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