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Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:42 am
by Ex-Ascot
We inherited many very old plum trees in the Cotswolds. Some were Victorias but the others some horrible mushy yellow things. Mostly went onto the compost heap. Shame really.

Just topped up the pool from the borehole not lagoon. It has gone all green. Mega chlorine me thinks. Jungle bunny noise again. w@nkers.

Good news about your home trip Capt. Send us some of that rain please.

Five pelicans just cruising by

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:48 am
by Pontius Navigator
Did our second speed watch in the village this morning. It's a new site; Wednesday one in 5 doing more than 20% over the limit. This morning we went out 45 minutes earlier; one in 4, including one persistent woman that people complain about 51 in the 30 zone right on the time for children going to school. And she has two children in the back.

We are out there in yellow vests and warning signs. Mind you the Ku band radar works quite well through low leaves on a tree and through parked cars too.

No sympathy; if they can't see me they can't see children or dogs that might run out.

Going out later today. Now if we catch her again 😀

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:02 pm
Nearly had a deceased OFSO this morning. Crossing on foot the six-lane highway at the Angel I did something I never do. Instead of looking at the actual traffic, I looked at the pedestrian light, saw it was green and started to walk. Something made me look to my left and I was just in time to jump back on the centre island before getting mown down and turned into hacksteak. Checked, the low sun was shining right into the light, illuminating the green but oddly not the red.

Down the road, blue lights and emergency people bending over a young lady who had been knocked down.

Could have been me.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:13 pm
by Slasher
Ex-Ascot wrote: ↑
Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:42 am
Good news about your home trip Capt. Send us some of that rain please.
What was reported earlier is the only decent rainfall thus far sah. Only a sprinkling since, along with the usual BKN035. Any further heavy rain we’ll fill in a sealed large plastic garbage bin and send it over FOC.

Only tonight to get through, the traveling tomorrow, then 6 clear days of unadulterated bliss and sheer bumdom at home! :)

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:42 pm
by llondel
OFSO wrote: ↑
Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:02 pm
Nearly had a deceased OFSO this morning. Crossing on foot the six-lane highway at the Angel I did something I never do. Instead of looking at the actual traffic, I looked at the pedestrian light, saw it was green and started to walk. Something made me look to my left and I was just in time to jump back on the centre island before getting mown down and turned into hacksteak. Checked, the low sun was shining right into the light, illuminating the green but oddly not the red.
I've had people laugh at me for checking both ways when crossing a one-way street, but once in Cirencester I was nearly taken out by White Van Man going the wrong way. He'd passed by going the correct way, reached the end, done a U-turn and come hammering back down, oblivious to the fact that it was a one-way street. So now I do look both ways. I guess the Cambridge experience helped too, while there might not be cars, there are always bikes, for whom traffic lights and road signs appear to be optional.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:49 pm
by Fox3WheresMyBanana
Emergency vehicles, lost tourists, forgetful seniors, criminals driving a getaway...the list of people who drive the wrong way down a one-way street is almost endless. I always look both ways.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:58 pm
by 1DC
EX A? If you have pelicans flying about isn't that a precursor for rain? Seem to recall seeing a programme about somewhere in Australia and the pelicans turned up and the local abbo said that meant that the rains were about to arrive..

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:09 pm
It's the height they fly at which is important. S'pose that be true for all birds.

Especially the Ooh-ma-Goolies bird...

Seriously, the insect catchers fly low when storm coming.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:22 am
by Ex-Ascot
Into town to sort out passports. Need to print off a few things so going to the out of town safari lodge/pub then DHL. Thank you OFSO (glad you survived) and Cape. All sorted.

Re. the Pelicans, they were paddling. Think that they are only here because we have the only water for miles around. And, fish of course. At least another month until rain. We do not want it too early as statically it would be a bad rainy season.

Hope you get some flying in Capt.

Crossing roads I do a 360 deg check and up and down. The b@stards here can come from any direction. Yes and Oxford was bad for bicycles. By the way if you want a free bike report one stolen in Oxford and they take you to their stolen bike store and you just pick one. True. Also they offer you counselling. True.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:38 am
by Slasher
Ex-Ascot wrote: ↑
Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:22 am
Hope you get some flying in Capt.
On my way to DMK to take the Daffy home sah. The Cub captain wants to fly tomorrow morning and if I’m a good boy he might let me do a circuit.

FF3055DC-7402-4C2E-8830-48926632DC35.jpeg (46.88 KiB) Viewed 302 times

This was him just before his 9th birthday. He’s 10 and a half now.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:42 am
by Woody
Morning everyone, we’re definitely getting more than our fair share of wetness here in the Royal Borough. It’s my first day off today and I was planning some activity in the garden, putting up washing dryer and a flagpole, but even MrsWoody says that I shouldn’t use my electric drill when it’s raining, wouldn’t qualify for a Darwin Award either :-o

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:52 am
by Rwy in Sight

You need to teach him to respect the Captain with him still being the FO.

Woody, stay dry. Don't attempt to get the Darwin Award

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:23 am
by om15
Wet and grey outside, last knockings of the decorating this morning thank goodness, cat is agitated as she wants to go out killing critters but doesn't want to get her paws wet.

Enjoy your R&R Slasher, remember that you're not in the sim when training little un, don't want him inverted.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:24 am
Pissing it down in Islington. Our new dishwasher from John Lewis arrived just after 07:00. Nice blokes, good clean installation. Worth paying that bit extra as it's down stairs, along passage, up stairs, with sharp turn to upper floor. I took the one in Spain out myself, all on one level. Not in London.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:55 am
by reddo
Chucking it down here. Of course. We've booked the roofers to do some work and the scaffolding's up...

Slasher - fine wee lad there. Is he as much of a smart ar$e as you? :D

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:43 am
by Pontius Navigator
Woody wrote: ↑
Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:42 am
even MrsWoody says that I shouldn’t use my electric drill when it’s raining, wouldn’t qualify for a Darwin Award either :-o
Years ago we had just installed a new pond with a liner on top of a stone mat laid over clay. The following morning the liner was floating on the surface. No idea how it happened but great idea, lightbulb moment.

Went down to the hardware store, got a drill pump adaptor and some polythene tubing. Put tube under the liner, primed the pump and started the drill. One gulp and the tube was sealed flat.

Back to the store, got a length of stout tubing and repeat. Worked a treat and a solid jet of water, a couple of gallons per minute (I guess), and we are in business. It won't take long to shift 20*10*3 feet of water will it?

Naturally the drill wants to rotate the whole pump and I can't hold it all day. So I switches off the power, gets a large slab of concrete and weights down the tubes and switches power on.

Power off and gets another slab of concrete and weighs down the drill to stop it rotating. Brilliant, job done and water flowing nicely. Go for a coffee.

Return, no drill. The tubes not detached and drill, in the end of its cable, is now under the lining. It is still running happily and those fish already in the pond are quite happy.

Amazing what wiggly amps can achieve.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:53 am
by Slasher
reddo wrote: ↑
Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:55 am
Is he as much of a smart ar$e as you? :D
As an be seen by his visage Reddo his mum’s genes were dominant at the time of conception*. Consequently he’s inherited Apsara’s brain which means he’s way smarter than me. The only thing he got from moi was my nose and what hopefully will end up being a respectable dong.

*Yes he is a child of pure lust. I still remember the encounter! :ymdevil:

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:59 am
by Slasher
om15 wrote: ↑
Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:23 am
remember that you're not in the sim when training little un, don't want him inverted.
He’s already accomplished in loops, barrel rolls, stall turns and spins (with the lead weights under his seat for spinning).

Just got off the ph with him via Ap’s machine. Yes he will let me take the stick and do a circuit if I bring him back something nice (which happens to be a T-shirt).

Doors closing. Better sign off.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:16 am
by Wodrick
Morning all,
Wall to wall Blue, cooler though just 22c.

SM is to doctor anyway but wound has taken a turn for the worse.
We find out result of last weeks swab.

It seems I have lost her medical card, however, contrary to all expectations, replacement is simplicity itself.
As is continuation of supply.
Actually we find the medical card/computer system simplicity personified, certainly down here in Andalucia.

Stan is coming later to temp repair the sofa again.

Insurance due on Toyota it seems, 337€ that's for next month :( ¼ house due too :(

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:24 am
by Ibbie
Similar weather this side of the bay.

Came joint 4th last night and lost the jump off for €10 prize.