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Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:47 am
by Ex-Ascot
Morning folks. Broken Cu, 25°C good rain in last 24 hrs 16 mm.

Just had an e-mail from ex 'er in doors. 'So what are you doing in this lock down, just drinking' :(( She really is cruel. Anyway just siphoned off another 4.2 ltrs of Masisi Hooch. Will set up 9 more tomorrow. Just put in an order for a bottle of scotch to be delivered tomorrow. 2 beers left. None left at safari camp.

Electrician has spare board for the booster pump hopefully fix in next two days. He can also look at the one CCTV camera we are having problems with. Our system was the first he had ever installed. He was working from a scrap of paper from the box. I have downloaded the full manual of a very similar system. Hopefully we can work it out between us.

Massive garden pruning going on, it has gone crazy.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:40 am
by TheGreenGoblin
Better half's mom is due to go in for cancer treatment and is discussing power of attorney with her daughter. Do any of the denizens of this good place have any experience of this process. I am keen not to fall into the hands of rapacious solicitors, can one handle the whole process oneself?

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:54 am
by Ibbie
Have experienced this three times GG. 25+ years ago did one for my mother, myself. As far as I remember, think that wasn't a problem.

In more recent times one was done in respect of M-I-L via her and her step son's solicitor. That was about 10 years ago. Chap was a highway robber. He got a second helping with his charges for dealing with a modest and simple estate on her death.

Most recent was one for my aunt about five years ago. Used my cousin's solicitor for that, at a reasonable and fraction of the fees of the other joker.

If you use a solicitor get an estimate and a set fee if you can.

Still waiting on coroner to deal with my cousin's death, two weeks ago. Apparently file may hit the top of the pile in another two weeks.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:22 am
by Wodrick

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:31 am
by Wodrick
Overcast 8/8 and cool 11˚c the guess is an unattainable 17˚c
95% overnight rain.

One seems to have new neighbours - unidentified, think they am Belgian.
Driving the beasts potty.

Punto behaved well last night it took three of us to get him on the table and hold him so Mrs Vet could access the 3x3" flap of flesh hanging off.
He now has a million staples holding him back together. 32€.

I crossed two locked municipalities to get to the vet - no Guardia in either direction.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:36 am
by Pinky the pilot
Standard procedure was for all four ladies to practice synchronised jumping on the spot just off the green, leading to occupying snake slithering off the opposite side. Weren't allowed to shout or make a noise as this would upset the decorum of the game
Alison;Ever get any funny looks or comments from following players when carrying that procedure out?

How you going BTW?

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:42 am
by TheGreenGoblin
Pinky the pilot wrote:
Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:36 am
Standard procedure was for all four ladies to practice synchronised jumping on the spot just off the green, leading to occupying snake slithering off the opposite side. Weren't allowed to shout or make a noise as this would upset the decorum of the game
Alison;Ever get any funny looks or comments from following players when carrying that procedure out?

How you going BTW?
The leaping lady golfers of Lovely Bottom! =))

(Ok it is in Tasmania but still)... ;)))

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:48 am
by tango15
Still waiting on coroner to deal with my cousin's death, two weeks ago. Apparently file may hit the top of the pile in another two weeks.
it may take some time, Ibbie. In my son's case, the coroner gave out what would have been his birthday as the day for the inquest, until we objected, then it was another month after that before they could offer us a date, a full six months after the event. Mind you, this was in central London, so they're probably busier there.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:53 am
by TheGreenGoblin
Wodrick wrote:
Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:22 am
Hope this helps
It is most helpful.... many thanks Wodrick...

Thanks to Ibbie too.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:10 am
by CremeEgg
GG - if you haven't already got a decent solicitor (unlike estate agents there are a few that aren't robbin barstewards) - try your local branch of Age Concern they have lists of trusted traders (although I'm sure a solicitor would get upset about being called a trade). Ours was from such a list and he participates in the annual free will writing month where he does wills for nowt as long as you make a donation to Age Concern. Local AC quite hot on checking those on the list - I know a plumber who was on the AC list and was having trouble with a fitting so he let out a few choice words. Lady client was not impressed and got AC to remove said plumber from their list.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:14 am
by 4mastacker
Morning folks. Erratic weather this morning; changing all the time - foggy, snowing, clear and sunny, rinse and repeat. It's a bit stormy along the Dawlish Sea Wall as well and it looks like the cruise ships that were anchored in Torbay have buggahed orf.

Good win for the England cricket team this morning. Switched the telly on to watch - just after the last wicket fell. :|

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:24 am
by Undried Plum
Had been due to take delivery of a large consignment of Hielan' beef today, but have postponed it as the three local roads are completely impassable to anything other than a large tractor.

Four inches of snow lying on a substrate of black ice is not good on a twisty country lane which has a couple of quite steep gradients.

No doubt some idiot will try it in a saloon car or a hot hatchback on summer tyres and will end up in a ditch or a hedge or the river. Fukkem.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:37 am
by TheGreenGoblin
CremeEgg wrote:
Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:10 am
GG - if you haven't already got a decent solicitor (unlike estate agents there are a few that aren't robbin barstewards) - try your local branch of Age Concern they have lists of trusted traders (although I'm sure a solicitor would get upset about being called a trade). Ours was from such a list and he participates in the annual free will writing month where he does wills for nowt as long as you make a donation to Age Concern. Local AC quite hot on checking those on the list - I know a plumber who was on the AC list and was having trouble with a fitting so he let out a few choice words. Lady client was not impressed and got AC to remove said plumber from their list.
I will definitely look to get Age Concern's advice... I don't have a local solicitor (mine is based in Cardiff) so a trusted list would be very welcome. Thank you CremeEgg.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:55 am
When my father-in-law died probate was entrusted to a large firm of solicitors. 18 months later and several thousands pounds paid, a case brought (and won) against the solicitors for malpractice, and their leading man on our case fired by them.... We finally had probate. When years later my mother-in-law died, I did probate myself. Four weeks, no problems. Interestingly while doing her probate I discovered cockups made by the professionals who did her husband's probate, and set them right. No redress against the solicitor who had messed up father-in-law's probate as he was not only fired but seemingly dead. I must check my copy of Danté to see in which bolga lawyers and solicitors end up.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:47 pm
by Magnus
I feel obliged to point out that what George Formby played was a banjo ukulele. FWIW, I have a baritone ukulele.

-1C here, intermittent snow.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:52 pm
by 1DC
A solicitor is not required for Power of Attorney following the instructions provided by Wodrick is simple and you only pay the costs of the Office of the Public Guardian. A solicitor will charge ten times more.
Similarly when my sister died my solicitor wanted about £900 to obtain probate for me, following the instructions provided on line it took me about thirty minutes and cost about £80. It was simple probate and was delivered in about a month. I believe it can become complicated if foreign investments are involved,

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:56 pm
Can anyone here who has lived or worked in the former USSR or Russia tell me the name for a police file or police dossier?

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:36 pm
by Pontius Navigator
4ma, 5 inches of snow here, going to try a walk with the dog, 7 inches to the shoulder.

Any ideas?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:54 pm
by Undried Plum
I noticed this strange flight track. Departure point was Farnborough.


What on earth is that aircraft doing?

Is it perhaps some kind of radar calibration target for a war canoe in Rosyth? I thought the the Blaircraft carriers were elsewhere. Anyway, they have the Cobham (or whoever) Falcons for that sort of work.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:10 pm
by CharlieOneSix
Late on parade due to a whole morning spent clearing a snow shovel wide path down to the road. The snow has drifted to thigh depth in places. Expecting a supermarket delivery 14-1600. I will be surprised if it arrives - have had moderate to heavy snowfall nearly all day. Plastic boxes in place at the driveway end in case The Council snowplough has been through twice and the farmers are out on the road as well with their blades. My car is still stuck firm in a drift on the driveway.

TGG - Power of Attorney is different here in Scotland both in name and a £1 cheaper registration fee than England. I did both of ours about 5 years ago. It's not difficult and there's plenty of guidance on line as others have indicated. No need to use a solicitor - up here if you haven't followed the rules then the Office of the Public Guardian will reject the application. In Scotland a solicitor of medical practicioner must witness the document. We got our GP to do that. This is to make sure the grantee is aware of what they're doing and are not under undue influence. Not sure if that means alcohol.......