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Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:14 pm
by 4mastacker
G-CPTN wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:23 am
Just in case it turns up in Bots . . .

An "extremely heavy" hippo has been stolen.
I feel somewhat let down after reading that link.

I thought someone had kidnapped the Shadow Home Secretary.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:24 pm
by Magnus
Mme Octo, Is that a ladder in your tights, or a stairway to heaven? :x

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:49 pm
by Wodrick
I suppose that passes for smooth in Jockistan :)

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:55 pm
by ExSp33db1rd
Little bloke got his drone airborne but we couldn't get the camera to work.
Has it got the range to get to Gatwick ?

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:06 pm
by CharlieOneSix
2300, North East Scotland, almost mid-January, and 15 minutes ago it was 14C. No wonder the grass has started to grow! Crazy!

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:20 am
by Ex-Ascot
Morning folks. 07.00 local and the jungle bunny noise has started already. Cretins. Anyway, chainsaws due to arrive any minute to free our driveway. I have said to our project manager that it should only take his men half a day. Which on a Sunday will of course cost us a full day.

Overcast 22 degs but guess we will get mid 30s later.

The burds are very verbal this morning almost drowning out the jungle bunnies.

They have just arrived, chainsaws going. Our chap William is the guy in red by the gate. He has looked after all our projects for 6 years. If we have an emergency like this he will be out like a shot. Zimmy of course, a local would take 6 weeks to react.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 6:50 am
by Ex-Ascot
08.45 job done. 5 men, equipment, 40 km out of town, Sunday, 130 euros.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 7:23 am
by Ibbie
Good morning.

Another blue sky and 0c start to the day here.

Daughter and grandchildren are scheduled to call round this morning.

Sad news from blighty yesterday, that a close friend of ours had passed away in a nursing home aged in her early eighties. Her husband and surviving son, two other sons have died in her lifetime, are devistated. Also found out that they have had a similar heartache to that of Mrs IB and myself, in that they had not seen or spoken to their only grandaughter for over eight years, at her mother's behest.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 7:38 am
by Alisoncc
Saudi teenager who fled "for her life", now given sanctuary in Canada is in for a big shock. Apparently father quite high up in Saudi administration, so daughter wouldn't have wanted for much. Servants available at her personal whim to do this and that; and now living on welfare in Canada having to do everything herself, and it's bloody cold. This Dear is reality.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:36 am
by Rwy in Sight
Good day to all. Spent some time clearing stuff and considering whether to put up a cloth hanger without a physical straight line checker and use an app instead.

Ibbie sorry about your friend.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:00 am
by 4mastacker
That fella standing on the tree stump in Ex-A's photo blends in well with the background.

Yesterday, we removed a similarly sized lump that had fallen in me canal and was blocking the waterway....well, not perzackly removed, just shunted to the side to allow the boat to pass. It will be extracted next weekend.

In other canal news, the contractor delivered a huge machine for doing a major dredging task along me canal this week. Loads of our volunteers turned up to clear the track/branches/trees etc so said machine can get onto the towpath. Driver of mammoth machine done very well to get it into position ready for a crack of sparrows start on Monday.....then noticed he had brought the wrong machine. Doh!! Machine will be exchanged for the proper one on Tuesday.

The grass is also growing very well in South Kesteven. One is considering getting the mower out today.

But first, tea!!

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:12 am
by Wodrick
Wx same as *Ibbie* just not as cold, there again it's not 10c yet.
No idea what the day will bring but as SM will be gardening I am sure it will involve lifting.

Need some new potatoes for dinner, so that's a quick trip to the mini-mart and a check on the mail at the English shop.

Ritual lunch too and a gammon joint tonight.
A good buy for us is a gammon joint we get three meals and a sandwich easily for 7.99€

Sorrry Ibbie, we are at the age when contemporarys die off are we not ?

Is all

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:14 am
by om15
Excited this morning, going to the Garden Centre to buy seeds and seed potatoes for chitting, ready for spring. This will be followed by 14 units of alcohol comprised of Wadworth, Old Speckled Hen, Adnams and cheap red wine.
Misty is still very stressed, she is eating well though so not coming to any harm, she is really trying hard to fit in and joins in activities, is fascinated by the lap top.
Condolences Ibbie.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:46 am
Interesting article in yesterday's 'Times' on the Boers of Patagonia and a resurgence there of pride in their identity.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:51 am
Condolences, Ibbie. I was thinking today of all the great people at the Agency with whom I worked 1968-1993 and how nearly all are now dead. Quoting Bob Dylan's 'Dream' "I wish, I wish, I wish in vain, how I could sit simply in that room again..."

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 10:24 am
by Slasher
Evening. 5pm here. Slasher Met station reporting clear sky, 31C with buggerall wind, buggerall rain and rising barometer.

Me little bloke did 3 circuits in the Super Cub smorning. Got a bit overconfident on his 2nd landing and bounced it so I took over and went around. Handed it back at 100ft AGL This time he snatched it perfectly on the third. Then we went out behind the hills where I tried teaching him some 60* steeples but he'll need more practice. Coming back he had a crack at talking to ATC to the utter silence then amusement of all on frequency. When asked for his current position in the circuit he got a bit flustered and said "I'm up here and I want to land on that runway over there ok?" =))

I did the landing and demonstrated a 3-pointer while he sat and followed through on the stick. He took over after and taxied in but forgot to do the mag check before pulling the mixture off. He looked like a humbled little puppy after we deplaned, much like I did when I screwed up while learning to fly in the DH82 untold yonks ago. Teaching me boy takes me back and kicks in memories I never thought I had.

Aftervthst it was off to the drone shop but the damn place was closed today. So we went home to figure out what's wrong with the bloody camera. We followed all the instructions to a tee but it still doesn't work. Trying again tomorrow going to the shop.

About to take Ap to the airport for her BKK HQ and slate pickup mission. Slate logistics all worked out.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:12 pm
by Magnus
Wodders, regarding gammon, we get 2 or 3 meals, sarnies plus a bowl of lentil soup out of a gammon joint for £6 from the sons of Morris. It isn't hard to eat inexpensively and healthily on a tight budget (we're not on one). You can have meals for a family of four for two or three days for less than the cost of a delivered pizza, which is what a lot of the entitlement generation appear to expect.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:28 pm
by ian16th
The last meal, of soup from the ham bones, is the tastiest.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:53 pm
by Groundgripper
You may remember (but probably don't) that last Sunday I mentioned SM's loss of a ring which I'd bought her last September - it apparently leapt off her finger and dematerialised, as we couldn't find it anywhere.

It rematerialised yesterday afternoon in one of the inner pockets in one of her handbags - the pocket marked 'here be dragons, not to mention your mobile phone'. :YMPARTY: The handbag had been sitting on the dressing table stool in front of her when the disappearance occurred and had been 'thoroughly' searched several times. :-?

Much relief all round :-bd #:-S


Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread IV

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:26 pm
If you attribute such dis-and reappearances to chance, they will continue. However once you realise it's gremlins or little people, and audibly state that in their (unseen of course) presence, the gremlins are happy that their reality is acknowledged and won't do it again. Probably.