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Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:36 pm
by PHXPhlyer
ricardian wrote:
Fri Jun 17, 2022 6:19 pm
One for the dog lovers
She next needs to incorporate the tail into the choreography.


Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:52 pm
by PHXPhlyer
Previous house was a split entry, half flight down to daylight finished basement, and half flight up to main floor.
Previous dog, the late, great, Heather The Wonderdog o:-) (*) :O3 , a dwarf Golden Retriever, sensed something bad about the downstairs. and would not go to the lower level for any reason. [-X
Unfortunately, she was unable to communicate her specific concerns regarding the lower level. With hindsight, perhaps she foresaw the flood from a burst pipe upstairs, which led to the total destruction of the downstairs area. :-?
Her fear of the downstairs area predated her eventual blindness due to cataracts.


Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 4:05 pm
by TheGreenGoblin
Hounds, in houses and out, know about, unlike us who often know now't!

I speak for myself... :p

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 6:51 pm
by PHXPhlyer
Monsoon finally showing signs of beginning.
High clouds with temps down (below 100oF) and rising humidity *35 % currently.
Radar shows train of moisture coming up from the Gulf of California.
Haven't seen forecast for this monsoon but whatever it does will probably result in flooding from the recent (and ongoing fires) and the areas which burned last year.


Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 3:34 am
Sunday, five am, wide awake, very unusual. Probably the heat..

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:17 am
Now 10 am. A cool 24° and humid. Big change.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:29 am
by Woody
My drive home last night was 15C cooler than Friday, if it carries on at the same rate it should be snowing on the way home tonight :-o

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 8:45 am
by Wodrick
Good Moaning,
showing 26c the guess be 29c needless to say Blue Dome with poor viz due to heat haze.

Woken at 06.45 by a whimpering dog, thinking the worst got up, Henry wanted to play ball. ~X(

Slept fitfully in the chair for a while, just started the A/C to get the temperature down a bit for the normal Sunday routine.

Floors, ritual, certain doze, etc.

The washing machine timer seems to be defunct. Need to find somebody, the only two I know, that we have used in the past, are both useless W.......
One English who may well be past his sell by date and one Spanish who is one of the messiest workers I have ever met, that includes some A&C chaps.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 10:05 am
by Ex-Ascot
Bit warmer first thing today. Now warm northerly. At safari camp for a few beers. No other customers.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 12:37 pm
by Ex-Ascot
Hippo city out the front. They are decimating our water lilies but will not eat the rhizomes.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 12:40 pm
by Undried Plum
No snow in the bellybutton of Scotland today.

Pond fish are growing nicely, though. Big enough to choke a heron, I hope.

Mafeesh hippos, ma'ahaleesh.

Pardon my Arabic. It's been a long time.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:25 pm
Lunch at Silvias in town square. Lots of freebies. Very breezy. Planning this year's Festival de Trobadors in September.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 4:25 am
by Rwy in Sight
Good morning members.

Since yesterday I have a sore throat and some minor cough. I am taking a covid test with the result it started 10 minutes ago and there is a single solid red line - for the time being...

Edited to add 25 minutes after the first drops were placed on the sensor there is a strong red line on the control field and a practically invisible line on the result field. I hope it is my idea. If symptom remains I would take the beer taste (drink enough beers to make sure my taste works fine).

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:00 am
Bad luck, mate. Hope it's a mild case.

22° here last night but 75% humidity. Still no storms.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:01 am
by Ibbie
Morning all.

Lower temperature this morning at 21c, however it s still a clear blue sky with a guessed high at 28c.

Grandson won all the award categories at his football club for his age group, however there is a rule that one player can not receive more than one trophy, so he came home with just leading goal scorer and the others went to those coming second. He also, being captain had to make a speech to the assembled hoards.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 7:32 am
by Pontius Navigator
Late to rise. Staggered outside at 8.30 having fed Isla to see a light twin flying south. Bleary eyed it looked like two fuselages.

It was the first float plane I have ever seen. Amphibians yes, but never a float plane. G LAUD.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:34 am
by CharlieOneSix
G-LAUD is on Loch Lomond Seaplane's AOC and operates between the Glasgow seaplane base and Scotland's west coast. The business is run by David West who worked with us in BCAL Helicopters for a very short time in the 80s.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:42 am
by Wodrick
Good Moaning all,

Cloudy this side but not cold, 24c rising, same 28c forza guess.

A week with nothing planned save Punto's magic on Wednesday afternoon and the house external painting which should start mañana.
We will see, the Serb has a tendency to "Forget"

I'm sure that when SM becomes a mentally functioning model this will change.

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:40 am
by limeygal
Morning all: Promises to be another scorcher. Forecast for next 2 days is 100F and 101F. I am currently painting the master bathroom. A job that normally only takes a day-2 days so far. The humidity and heat are 'orrible. I can only stand a short time painting. We have a dehumidifier in there and central a/c, but they can't keep up. Still not as hot as one particularly hot day in Bahrain. The temperature hit 50C. Country wide power cut ensued. All the a/c's kicking in blew a fuse! I was a very soggy hostie by the time I got to the airport as my car had no a/c. Ah, the glamour. 8-|

My cardiologist told me to "get into shape" before my next stress test (3 months). I have started walking in the 'hood. I don't know what is happening to me, but I am loving it. I have to go out at the crack of sparrers before the heat and humidity really kick in and so far (it's been a month), I actually look forward to it. It is nice a peaceful and I am noticing things I don't normally pay attention to when driving. Downside is that at that time everybody's sprinkler systems kick in and I have to dodge the spray. That being said, for the last couple of mornings I have walked straight though them-it felt great!! (Also losing weight-yay.)

Re: The really boring and totally pointless snippets thread V

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:34 am
Amazonmsn turned up at my nieces while she was watering her garden last week. "Spray me" he said, so she gently applied a watery mist to his face. "no, hard, all over! " so she gave him a good soaking. "Great, thanks'" and jumped back in his van and roared off.