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One NDB approach (without DME) too much...

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:48 pm
by More Aviation
Robot Lords of Tokyo...

Chuckle chuckle (schadenfreude type laughter)...

Yip, as anticipated, after years of pretending they didn't exist, the flaccid hordes of mucous filled sacks of caucasian flesh voted for their man and they won.

The truth will out.

Trumplestiltskin, that bully, that horrid filth of failed enterprise and smutty gropings, that nasty old pedophile with a combover, has drawn from the well of lies that is America - and been reborn like the fiction of Christ as a wonder of Marvel comic creation: The Heroic Self-Made White Man. And this Lie has taken the oval orifice.

And ripped the blinkers from many eyes, tearing up the liberal democratic myth of America as real; burning Hollywood as the Holy Book where all movies have happy endings, revealing that there is NO such a thing as Progress where the Future will be better.

The Lie is in power and the Truth will out and in its burning dawn we see the murderous deceit of Amerika:
...that it is a colonised land built on the bones and blood of its still living indigenes, the backs of slaves and the sweat of cheap migrant labour.

Ave Trumperator, morturi the salutant!



Brakes, we are down...