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The supernatural

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:56 am
by TWT
Yes,I stole the idea for this thread from 'over there'.

I've never experienced anything 'paranormal' or 'supernatural'.But I don't doubt people that say they have.Has anyone here experienced anything like seeing apparitions,feeling the room temperature plummet for no apparent reason (not including ex-spouses entering the room),or similar ?

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:06 am
by probes
I have. Felt someone dear and dead standing right behind me, probably to keep me going. And I don't think I imagined it, as by now several years have passed and I can't 'just imagine' him back (if it's all in the brain and amputees can get rid of phanotm pains by looking at the image of the foot in the mirror placed next to the leg they have) - but now and then I feel he's keeping an eye on me.
But of course one rarely speaks of such experiences, as they'll be labelled mad by normal people.
Btw, a friend had had a horrible dream about a 'weird' plane crashing and next day the Concorde was in the news. And she's even not interested in aviation nor had specifically noticed there is such a plane (well, was).

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:42 pm

(1) Just after we moved in the wife caught a quick glimpse of a woman wearing old fashioned clothing in this house. Subsequently neighbour showed her photo of the previous owner's wife, Marie-Louise, who left years before. It was her.

(2) Last year our CH thermostat reset itself to what was a high temperature for me. Wife reminded me previous owner had always had the heating up high when we came to see the house before buying. Did a search on the 'net, he had retired back to Germany in 1996 and died in old age a few days before the thermostat incident.

(3) Ghost cat walking up and down on people in bed, even people sleeping with bedroom door closed. Experienced by both my parents-in-law (FIL said "I thought it was mother jumping on me, that hasn't happened for many years"), aunt-in-law, friends from France, and me. Complete ignored by my (real) cat, the Magnificent Buster who however looked as if he knew something but wasn't saying.

(4) books thrown about in empty rooms, etc.

Nothing has happened for the last 12 months so maybe my bible-reading is working.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:14 pm
by jimtherev
Back in the day, I helped a young woman move into a 'new' home on the Old Kent Road. Couple of weeks later, she loved the house, but wouldn't go in the back door because "it feels spooky" Then a neighbour asked her how she liked living in the murder house. Seems that it was a wife-killed-husband scenario, and the deed was done in the back porch.
Altho' I'm not normally into that sort of thing, I went and said some prayers & stuff to... well, I'm not really sure what for... but subsequently the lass was able to use the back door again.
All in the mind? Well, possibly? But how did she know about the murder? Maybe a newspaper article she had forgotten? Don't know. But she claimed the news was a total surprise, and she deffo wouldn't have moved in if she had remembered anything like that.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:26 pm
by Airborne Aircrew
Many years ago myself and three friends were playing with a Ouija board while my parents were out one evening. I can't even remember what we were "asking" but I remember we all suddenly felt an icy cold descend on the room. If I stepped through into the dining room the temperature was normal. We packed up the board and I have never touched one since.

A couple of years before that my father took us to visit a friend of his who lived in an old Elizabethan thatched cottage in a small village somewhere in deepest, darkest England. They had a little set of stairs going upstairs from the living room that they covered with a curtain. On the same wall, at the other end - about 8 feet away - was the door into the kitchen. We were sitting facing the fireplace with our backs to that wall. Suddenly their cat arched its back and started hissing while it stared at the curtain covering the stairs. Then it quite clearly followed something unseen by us from the stairs and into the kitchen. The look on our faces must have been a picture because the lady of the house laughed and, quite matter of factly, stated "Don't worry, that's just our ghost"... and then she carried on with the conversation at hand as if nothing had happened.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:40 pm
by Tom Joad
I remember stirring in my sleep the night my father passed away. I was overcome, physically and mentally with an amazing feeling of wellbeing - never felt so contented nor safe in my life. I like to think that it was my Dad giving me a hug, letting me know that he loved me. I'm a practicing Roman Catholic and well at ease with the notion of spirituality, but I don't believe the dead can appear as apparitions in the common sense to influence things in the land of the living. There my Physics head rules and,sorry, but ghosts and the 2nd law of thermodynamics just don't get on :D

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:06 pm
we all suddenly felt an icy cold descend on the room

I didn't mention it but once and only once I felt as if I was stepping into an icy shower of air. A couple of feet forward or back, nothing, just in one location about a yard across in one of the corridors.

Yes there have been quite a few strange happenings in our house (been here 20 years now) but nothing nasty, malignant or in the least bit worrying, never felt there was anything other than something parallel to my own existence that was doing its own thing.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:30 pm
by Blacksheep
I mentioned this once in the old place. It was a fine summer's day and I was working back shift at RAF Northolt. I left for home in broad daylight around nine o'clock. At the time we lived in a married quarter in Bleheim Crescent, West Ruislip. As I was coming round the curve at the bottom of the crescent I could see a man walking down the road to my right. He was tall, had long fair hair and wore a ¾ length beige coat, drainpipe trousers and walked with a bouncing gait that made his hair bounce up and down. His dress was early 60's but this was the late 70's and his odd appearance was striking. As I drew abreast of him he suddenly stepped off the pavement straight in front of me and went down. I hit the brakes hard and sat there shaken. I got out of the car and went to the front - there was no-one there. I knelt down and looked under the car - nothing.

I drove the last few yards to our house and Missus said "What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost" "I think I have!" I replied....

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:41 pm
by John Hill
The trip was nothing unusual and we felt we were almost home when we got in the taxi at the airport. As we came close to our street my wife leaned forward and touched the driver on his shoulder. His reaction was immediate and rather terrifying, he let out some sort of scream and the taxi lurched before careening across a couple of lanes and coming to rest on the footpath. My wife immediately apologised but really it was only a light touch and why such a dramatic reaction?

The driver said "I have only been driving this taxi for two days but for 25 years I drove a hearse!"

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:43 am
by boing
Been having a discussion with the sceptics at the other place but did not mention this.
I've had 3 experiences - none with ghostly visual effects.
One was in the room where my Grandma had died a short time before. All the furniture had been removed just the carpets and a high wide curtain over a large window left. The curtains draped to the floor and they were closed. As I looked around the room part of the curtain was lifted up as if somebody had grasped it between their thumb and fingers about three feet above the ground and lifted it about a foot off the carpet. After a few seconds the curtain fell back into place. This was not a draft of wind because the windows were not open and the curtain lifted vertically it did not move sideways. No bad feelings or such, it just seemed to be a way of saying hello.


Re: The supernatural

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:20 pm
by Mrs Ex-Ascot
As a retired nurse could bore all with numerous stories. Best one concerns a hospital side room which only male patients could be put in. Any female patients would awaken with their bedclothes floating above them. A Psychic patient reckoned a male patient had died there and just liked to have a look! He was nicknamed 'the pe*v*rt!

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:40 pm
by Blacksheep just seemed to be a way of saying hello.
...or goodbye?

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:14 pm
Told for me for true by a reliable person, Krissie (German civil servant).

As in many families in Germany, the grandparents (in German: "Oma" and "Opa") lived upstairs, parents and kids on middle floor, utility/garage below. Oma was very old and unwell, expected to die, but as is often the way, grandpa died first. After the funeral, mother sent Krissie's younger sister up to sleep with her grandma at night to keep the sad old lady company. She didn't like it but went. Next night it was Krissie's turn. She came down to breakfast next morning, said mamma I don't like it up there. Why not asked her mother. Krissie replied because Opa's there. Mother replied to her daughter, he's only come back because he's worried about Oma being alone and old and ill, you tell him the next time he comes that we are all looking after her and he shouldn't worry any more.

She did - end of the visits.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:09 am
by Dushan
Mrs Ex-Ascot wrote:As a retired nurse could bore all with numerous stories. Best one concerns a hospital side room which only male patients could be put in. Any female patients would awaken with their bedclothes floating above them. A Psychic patient reckoned a male patient had died there and just liked to have a look! He was nicknamed 'the pe*v*rt!

For a minute I thought you were going to tell us that Slasher was a patient there.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:37 am
by 421dog
When a newly minted intern, My chief resident and I watched a young girl walk into an elevator (in a bank of four)
in a major medical center in the middle of the night. Within 2 seconds of her door closing, we pressed the button to call the elevator, and, immediately, 'her' door opened.

Needless to say, the car was empty.

We just looked at each other and went on about our business

Only time in my life something like that has happened.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:49 pm
In 1966 I worked as an apprentice (Youth-in-Training) in the GPO Free Lane Repeater Station at Leicester. An old-fashioned lift ran up the side of the stairwell, the sort closed by scissor doors. Most of us (techies on the first floor, about 80 nubile young wenches in the manual exchange on the top floor) took the stairs as the lift was so slow. One day we heard loud screams from the stairwell: we ran out to find one of the top-floor operators having hysterics. When we got her calmed to a coherent state, it transpired she had been going off shift, walking down the stairs. She saw a woman coming up the stairs just below her, noted her old-fashioned hat and coat, wondered why this person had not left these in the ground floor cloakroom. Then, at the bend in the stairs, this person went straight ahead through the closed lift doors into the lift shaft and disappeared. Result: hysterics in our lady colleague.

The young lady was given three weeks paid leave and reassigned to another duty station when she returned. A reporter (local stringer) from the BBC who turned up was told nothing. But there is a further bit to this story: the week before, GPO engineers had removed a 40' light pole from outside the Repeater Station. In the hole that was left, presumably preserved by the creosote, was a skull with long red hair. Which my colleagues took across the road to the pub backing on to Free Lane (just looked it up: it was "The Royal Standard") and bought a half pint of beer. And over the next few months, now and then, an apparition was seen on the ground floor, assumed to be someone who wandered in from the street, but never caught.

Every word I've written here happened: I was there.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:38 pm
by Capetonian
I too had two very discomforting experiences with Oiuja board.

The first was when I was about 16 and some friends and I were Ouijaing away in the small hours at a friend's house, on a cold winter night. Suddenly his father walked in and said he'd come to see what was wrong with the heating thermostat as the house was 'boiling hot'. The room we were in was icy cold.

Another time, with friends in a student house in Bradford, the glass started spelling out what seemed to be meaningless series of letters, many Zs, Ws, and Ks. As a linguistics student, I realised that it was Polish and wrote the letters down. Next day, we found out that in the past, in the early 1900s, the house had been owned by Polish people and a murder had taken place there. We found someone to translate it for us and although the sentences didn't have much meaning, they were definitely strings of Polish words and numbers.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:52 pm
by Chuks
I had got to a certain point when I was hoping to find work abroad. I had just finished with 11 months in Miami and then finally getting my American ATPL, with no firm prospects to find work abroad, but ....

I visited New York City then, when I took a trip on the Staten Island Ferry. (It's just a cheap way to see New York Harbor and Liberty Island, basically, since Staten Island itself is not so interesting.) I was leaning over the side when the boat set off from lower Manhattan, with some strong wash from the propeller, and just then I heard a voice say "You are going on a long journey." To Staten Island? No, longer than that!

That was not the usual "thought crossing one's mind," but a literal, quiet voice, just as if someone were speaking the words, which I found interesting! If you had to call it something then it must have been an auditory hallucination produced by my strong wish to, yes, go on some sort of "long journey." I was alone at the rail, nobody near me, so there was no question in my mind that I had not literally heard that voice; it was simply exactly as if I had heard it.

Not long afterwards, in fact, I was stuck out there in hillbilly country, far-western Virginia, with no real prospect of moving on, when the phone rang one morning; a fellow from Miami was offering me a job in Nigeria. There was my "long journey," the one the voice had spoken of!

I think that many of us have some sort of inner life that is somewhat unknown to us: our unconscious setting things in motion that then come as a surprise to our conscious mind. Some odd decision with no rational basis leads one in some new direction: the unconscious at work. If you have that bent of mind you can assign some of these events to the paranormal, but I think it's often just the hidden workings of the mind suddenly becoming known to the conscious.

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:35 pm
by Karearea
What, I wonder, is the physiological reason for the "shivers" and "tingles" in one's spine when reading of events like the above?

Re: The supernatural

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:36 pm
by ian16th
John Hill wrote:The driver said "I have only been driving this taxi for two days but for 25 years I drove a hearse!"

The best laugh I've had for yonks. ^:)^