Chemtrails in southern UK?

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Chemtrails in southern UK?

#1 Post by CharlieOneSix »

The chemtrailers must be having a meltdown over this.....
_103158107_cloud4.jpg (29.24 KiB) Viewed 4753 times
'Cloud Streets' over southern UK
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Re: Chemtrails in southern UK?

#2 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

I expect the Chemtrailers took this as a personal insult ;)))


Re: Chemtrails in southern UK?

#3 Post by Capetonian » ... rologists/

Definitely chemtrails. Sobvious innit. As I got off a flight this afternoon and glanced into the cockpit, I saw the captain furtively covering a toggle switch on the console and I'm sure it said : CHEMTRAIL ON // OFF. He gave me a guilty glance and I heard him say to the guy in RH seat : "I think I hid it in time."

They are all going in the same direction due to the unusual vertical alignment of the axes of the major planets, which lines up with the reciprocal of the square root of the deviation between True and Magnetic North. This is auspicious for Chemtrail dissemination as it ensures the fastest progress into the lungs of the population.
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Re: Chemtrails in southern UK?

#4 Post by Woody »

You know we’re going to be invaded by a bunch of nutters now, who actually believe all this :-o
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Re: Chemtrails in southern UK?

#5 Post by CharlieOneSix »

Chemtrail switch, turbulence generator switch and, for Slasher, co-pilot eject switch....
switch.JPG (54.22 KiB) Viewed 4721 times
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Re: Chemtrails in southern UK?

#6 Post by Ex-Ascot »

Excellent C16 like it. Took my watch to a watchmaker in Cape Town last year. His wife was an absolute nutter. When she found out that I was a pilot I got about an hour's lecture on the subject including having to be shown web sites on the matter and links written down for me. She is apparently seriously ill from these chemicals. One thinks that she is just seriously nuts.
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Re: Chemtrails in southern UK?

#7 Post by Capetonian »

I have a friend whose wife is seriously deranged, pretty much along the same lines and every time I fly anywhere which is about once a week, or use a cell phone which is daily I have to be subjected to a lecture.
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Re: Chemtrails in southern UK?

#8 Post by Ex-Ascot »

Cape, when you are down there go and have your watch serviced. Bloody good watchmaker, just around the corner from the Taj Hotel. It is great entertainment. He says nothing but she just goes on and on and on. He makes watches and clocks from scratch. Cuts the cogs by hand. Amazing. She asked if we had a watchmaker in Bots. I said no. She then asked if they could move here. I said no, we will come to see you. They are CHRONOS WATCHMAKERS but just noticed that their web site is down. OMG she may be here. :-o
'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.' Sir Winston Churchill.

Re: Chemtrails in southern UK?

#9 Post by Capetonian »

I might find some excuse to pop in there but I don't wear a watch so I certainly don't need to get one serviced. I will make a point of telling her that I do about 10 long haul round trips a year and dozens of short haul ones and see what reaction that invokes
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