ATC - Pissed off

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Re: ATC - Pissed off

#21 Post by Ex-Ascot »

Ex-Ascot wrote:
Fri Feb 22, 2019 12:29 pm
As far as I know I have only pissed of ATC once which was when I did aeros in my JP in an airway. They didn't like that. I still have the letter somewhere.
Just found it in an old log book. Well they shouldn't have sent me out without a navigator. Not my fault.
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Re: ATC - Pissed off

#22 Post by Boac »

Rimmer - weren't you on Red Dwarf? :))

"Not my fault." - certainly not. Blame the authorising QFI.

Reminds me of the time many moons ago when on 'permanent' night shift on 23(F) at Leuchars I was, being the Squadron IRE, sent off to bore holes in the sky (in an 'over-wing tanked' F6) to chase the chinagraph line for the bosses promotion. :)) As it was 'quiet time' (about 0200Z) I filed a FP to fly down the airway (for fun??) from Perth to London and then back in 'white man's land' (ie off airways). NB The Frightning had no airways kit, so I was aiming to navigate with offset TACAN. After about 30 minutes of silence, a very bored controller said "Mission 23 - would you like to turn left 70 degrees to re-enter the airway?" =))
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Re: ATC - Pissed off

#23 Post by Ex-Ascot »

Boac wrote:
Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:21 am
Rimmer - weren't you on Red Dwarf? :))
Yes actually. The script writers, Robert Grant and Douglas Naylor' were in my year at school (same as Wodders) and based all their characters on class mates. I was the perfectionist prefect. See:

Wrote to them about it once and got a signed copy of their latest book along with a lawyers letter denying everything. Lister was a couple of years behind us, a real slob. I always thought it was just a coincidence until they mentioned that Rimmer's best friend at school was Todhunter. He was. Then I watched the credits and saw who the script writers were. Doug was run over by a bus outside the school and lost his leg. Used to have swimming competitions with him. His one leg was faster than my two..
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Re: ATC - Pissed off

#24 Post by Woody »

Guess which one is me :ymdevil:

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Re: ATC - Pissed off

#25 Post by Boac »

Fascinating. Was the dishy blonde I have seen sometimes also at your school, or was that not co-ed? Was she introduced to the story to satisfy the slavering sex-lust of Boac? I need to know.

Great series!
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Re: ATC - Pissed off

#26 Post by Ex-Ascot »

Boac wrote:
Sun Mar 08, 2020 3:09 pm
Fascinating. Was the dishy blonde I have seen sometimes also at your school, or was that not co-ed? Was she introduced to the story to satisfy the slavering sex-lust of Boac? I need to know.

Great series!
We took girlies in during my 4th year. After Wodders' time. I think that it took about two months before the first one had a bun in the oven.

This is the pad:
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Re: ATC - Pissed off

#27 Post by Boac »

Bun master?
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Re: ATC - Pissed off

#28 Post by TheGreenGoblin »

Red Dwarf is a superb series! I guess this explains Ex-Ascot' s deep focus on the solar panels. No power, no hologram!


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Re: ATC - Pissed off

#29 Post by Ex-Ascot »

These American air traffic RT conversations are rarely amusing but this one is quite good. Especially the China Air (2.20 mins). But given all this indiscipline on the air it isn't surprising that they have so many mistakes made by ATC over there.

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.' Sir Winston Churchill.
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