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The saddest day in Maritime Aviation Operations

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers who have taken the Oath, worn the uniform & even loitered in harm's way occasionally.
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The saddest day in Maritime Aviation Operations

#1 Post by G~Man »

Most know, some do not---before going rotary I was in the RAF and flew on Nimrods with 201 Squadron and then the Nimrod Flight Trials Unit.

On the eve of the worst date in Maritime operations, I pause to remember those no longer with us.

On September 2nd 1995 Nimrod MR.2 XV239 was lost when she crashed into Lake Ontario during an airshow with the loss of all crew.

On September 2nd 2006 Nimrod MR.2 XV230 was lost whilst on Operations over Afghanistan with the loss of all crew.

I had flown with a few of them. RIP my friends.

Per Ardua Ad Astra.

B-) Life may not be the party you hoped for, but while you're here, you may as well dance. B-)
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Re: The saddest day in Maritime Aviation Operations

#2 Post by TheGreenAnger »

On September 2nd 1995 Nimrod MR.2 XV239 was lost when she crashed into Lake Ontario during an airshow with the loss of all crew.
With respect to all those, crew, families, friends et al.

I remember seeing the crash into the water on the TV in Cardiff on the day it happened, and it didn't compute.

Sad day.

The second crash should still be regarded as a crime and those in seniority should hang their heads in shame... as for the rest, the above presides.
My necessaries are embark'd: farewell. Adieu! I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious leave.
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