Apple AirTags or something similar

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Apple AirTags or something similar

#1 Post by reddo »

For those of us who regular travel on airlines and who check their luggage, these little devices are a stress buster.
My bag didn't make it on the flight from JFK to LHR but instead of wondering where it was, I knew and I could tell the baggage services agent.
I watched it taxiing out at JFK and the next day, arrive into LHR. Just great.
When it was with the courier, I knew approx when it would be delivered and so I didn't have to wait in all day.
Sure, I was getting some SMS alerts etc but nothing like seeing where you bag is for assurance.

I use the AirTag because I have an iPhone. Tile and others work for Android etc. :)
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Re: Apple AirTags or something similar

#2 Post by Ex-Ascot »

Never heard of these things before but this is an interesting clip about them.
'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.' Sir Winston Churchill.
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Re: Apple AirTags or something similar

#3 Post by reddo »

There was a bit of noise from Lufthansa about banning them. Nothing heard since.
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