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The Beard

By Popular Request - Modded by the Girls of Ops-Normal.
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Re: The Beard

#41 Post by Hydromet »

My old OC, a certain Major J. Orde, used to have hairy cheeks, kinda under his eyes. He just shaved straight down from his sideburns and let the rest grow. I thought it rather suited him, but when I tried it, it made me look like a monkey.
A former Chief of Navy here had similar. He (and they) were known to all & sundry as 'Old Bugger Handles.'
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Re: The Beard

#42 Post by OFSO »

So many people, and yes, mostly female people, have said that they like my beard, that I am keeping it.
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Re: The Beard

#43 Post by G-CPTN »

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Re: The Beard

#44 Post by cockney steve »

White ones are ok-ish "salt 'n pepper just looks scruffy...even worse when the latter is mainly long stubble, -the tramp-look as epitomised by one J Corbyn.

Re: The Beard

#45 Post by ribrash »

cockney steve wrote:
Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:27 pm
White ones are ok-ish "salt 'n pepper just looks scruffy...even worse when the latter is mainly long stubble, -the tramp-look as epitomised by one J Corbyn.
I guess I'm ok-ish then.
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Re: The Beard

#46 Post by OFSO »

Needed a trimmer as the old one has died. Boots ! At eye level, trimmers from £25 to £100 (yes !) Despite creaking knees, folded myself down to floor level. On bottom shelf, Boots own model, £14, more importantly than price is small and lightweight. Works, also, now am less attractive to Diane Abbott.
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Re: The Beard

#47 Post by OFSO »

Not sure how many mm the hair above the upper lip should be trimmed back. 1mm seems fine but when I purse my lips - for example after reading one of K&C's posts - I can feel the ends of the individual hairs. 3mm is too much. Is there an Officer's Mess standard ?
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Re: The Beard

#48 Post by Hydromet »

A former chief of the Australian Navy didn't have the traditional sailor's beard, but two little puffs of whisker on his upper cheeks. He once rebuked a CPO who grew similar by telling him that "On me they look distinguished - on you they look ridiculous."
They were known by all and sundry as "bugger handles", and he as "old bugger handles."

Re: The Beard

#49 Post by Slasher »

My missus loathes me having any form of beard. Says she hates it scratching her face and ...other places. Can't even stand me having a 5 o clock shadow.
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Re: The Beard

#50 Post by Rwy in Sight »

Slasher, check the tolerable length of face hair. A lady that you would like was fine with short facial hair but did dislike a longish version.Although I understand that if she dislike a five o'clock shadow this is an issue.

Re: The Beard

#51 Post by Slasher »

Not really an issue RiS. Ap said from day one she hates scratchy beards so I've long accepted to shave before we play any funny buggers. Not many Asian women like a faceful of cacti spikes on their bloke anyway.
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Re: The Beard

#52 Post by G-CPTN »

Slasher wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:08 am
Not many Asian women like a faceful of cacti spikes on their bloke anyway.
No doubt the result of an extensive survey?

Re: The Beard

#53 Post by Slasher »

No that's just a cultural fact. Most ME women for example prefer bearded faces as would be expected.
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Re: The Beard

#54 Post by OFSO »

Well the Eurostar computerised passport scanners don't like beards so I have to go to booths manned by humans. Who inevitably burst out laughing when I say why I'm there and not at their electronic cousins...
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Re: The Beard

#55 Post by Hydromet »

Long time ago in Singapore, I was checking into a hotel and the woman doing the check-in said "We don't like beards in Singapore." I was tempted to tell her not to grow one then, but given the political climate of the times, I desisted.
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Re: The Beard

#56 Post by Pontius Navigator »

Hydromet wrote:
Sun Mar 10, 2019 9:29 pm
They were known by all and sundry as "bugger handles", and he as "old bugger handles."
Bugger's Grips I was told.
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Re: The Beard

#57 Post by John Hill »

Sometime in the early 70's the boss announced before all and sundry that I would be having a haircut and a shave before the upcoming royal visit***. I assured him I would if I could find a hygiene certified barbers' shop within a thousand miles. I held out for two years on the haircut and I am still holding off on the shave.

We were loading the C206 to go into Taleban era A'stan when the P'stani passport guy started to laugh, I asked him to share the joke and he said he thought I might be going to J'bad in disguise!

***Royal VC10 at Rarotonga, one of you guys might have been on board.
Been in data comm since we formed the bits individually with a Morse key.
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Re: The Beard

#58 Post by OFSO »

For the Festival de Trobadors last weekend I allowed my beard to go untrimmed, thinking there would be a universal increase in length and thickness. Not a bit of it. Every individual hair seems to have its own idea on growth and direction. Untrimmed it looks a mess.Why is this so in humans when in dogs and cat their hair grows in a consistent fashion.

Re: The Beard

#59 Post by Slasher »

While away in Honkers and being a lazy bastard I would just let my beard grow wild till the night before I go back home. I've since stopped - as a cadet a couple of months ago offered to help me out of the sim seat as I was a "bearded old man"! :-o

Asians show respect to broken down burnt out old geriatrics when they see them. I hurrumphingly told him I'm far too young to be bloody old! :-L

Been shaving since every morning and no such insulting offers have followed. The tiny-boobed yet nice chinky girl at the Centre's info desk did say I look years younger without a húzi.

I don't care being visually mistaken as a bum but I'll be buggered if I'm gonna be called old before my time! [-(
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Re: The Beard

#60 Post by ian16th »

With the current price of razor blades, shaving is becoming a luxury.
Cynicism improves with age
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