WTF is happening in the UK?

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#21 Post by ian16th » Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:32 am

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:47 am
Emigrating is not easy, even shifting between countries that speak the same language. Moving to different bits of the same country could make a lot of difference too, but many are reluctant to do even that.
I do believe that one thing leads to the other and that you are preaching to the converted on here.

The bulk of us were in the military, where we were moved around, nationally & internationally, on a bureaucratic whim.
This continued with me in civilian life, I moved house 5 times in 17 years with the same company.
With the options offered when I was asked to move the 6th time, when I looked, I looked further than the UK national borders.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#22 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:41 am

Agreed ian16th, although I am talking to the converted, not preaching.
AtomKraft I do not know what the general population will take, in the UK or anywhere else. I suspect we are going to find out soon enough. It is a fascinating time to observe humanity, from a safe distance. It is, as an American author said about 20 years ago, too late to fix the system from within, and too early to shoot the b@stards. When does too early become now?

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#23 Post by Pontius Navigator » Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:50 am

I fetched up in rural Lincolnshire. Unfortunately we had many immigrants from London which changed the character of the village. It still had attractions with two surgeries, a library, lots of restaurants and hotels and deservedly was acclaimed as an inland resort. Its biggest attraction had been lack of traffic. As things became busier its attraction declined.

We are now back in tranquillity with one pub and one shop.

When we venture to more populous areas the traffic convinces us to stay put.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#24 Post by ian16th » Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:20 am

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:41 am
Agreed ian16th, although I am talking to the converted, not preaching.
Just a turn of phrase.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#25 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:25 am

Yeah, I figured. Just my sensitivity to preaching I think.
Some things are much easier to interpret when one has tone of voice.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#26 Post by Smeagol » Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:01 pm

AtomKraft wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:19 am
True, Fox.
Most folk are just too lazy to move. In my own case inertia/ laziness would have definitely kept me in the UK, had not a boot been metaphorically applied to my arse.
Having left, wild horses wouldn't drag me back to work there, although it remains an option when I retire.
The state of the UK is wildly annoying, but it definitely becomes a bit less so when one succeeds in getting the robbing fingers of HMRC out of ones pocket!
Lord knows how UK residents put up with all that shite though.
It's nice to be tolerant, but in the case of the British, is there a limit to that tolerance, or will they tolerate anything?
Well I suppose the old adage applies to many of us Brits, 'It may be *****, but it's MY *****'. We complain and maybe some try to do something about it, though I don't quite know how. Stand for election to borough, county or national.....but that almost means joining an established party and of the 'Establishment'.
I for one have emigrated once, many years ago, to South Africa, when it was worth emigrating to! Since then we have moved about 27 times in 40 years. Lived in 7 counties for between one and four years plus a few more for shorter periods, And where do I reside now? The UK! Why? Because for all its problems it is home and there is nowhere else I would rather live permanently.
Like Pontius N, I live in a rural area a mile down a dead end road with a few neighbours but far enough away that I can ignore the ones I don't like. A reasonable nice city, Norwich, is less than 20 miles away if one feels inclined for some 'civilization'. But I also have a cottage in Cornwall which we escape to periodically and where we may end up living permanently, particularly if Mrs S has her way.
I've lived in a few countries and some may be warmer or cheaper or (chose your own adjective) but they all have their own problems, many not apparent to the casual visitor. At least in one's own country the issues are known and one knows how to deal with them.
Well maybe not Brexit..........
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#27 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:05 pm

If I'd stayed in the UK I would be rural, in Norfolk, Lincolnshire, North Yorkshire or Cornwall. I've lived in 3 of them. Same principle; where is pleasant with mostly good neighbours, no total a-holes, and the furthest possible from government influence. I like everything about the Northern Isles except the lack of trees, which as it turned out is a biggie for me.

Maybe Northumberland too.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#28 Post by om15 » Tue Aug 20, 2019 2:54 pm

I have lived in Scotland twice, Lancashire, Norfolk, Devon and Dorset (twice), I have been very lucky to have lived in such lovely places, all different but all very rural and pleasant. Abroad I have lived in Cyprus, Saudi and California, didn't much like any of them, also visited many other places.
I would like to return to live in Scotland, but not as a subject of the current First Minister, Dorset is losing its rural feel, masses of building going on, roads gridlocked. If younger we would GTF out of the UK, it is only going to get worse, NZ or Canada probably, but at this latish stage couldn't face the upheaval, looking quite seriously at west Wales, property is cheap, roads quiet and people very pleasant.
The prospect of Gyppo Corbyn and his hideous momentum creatures enthusiastically redistributing my wealth could just about force a relocation overseas, if so I would look at Ireland (southern bit) possibly.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#29 Post by Krystal n Chips » Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:08 am

I'll come to the subject of this post shortly but, as always, it was a delight to read so many collective posts based on your own quaint insular views.

I was amused to read the bit an "drinking and driving "...and "respect for police " in the same sentence for example.

And fancy the character of a village in Lincolnshire changing with new arrivals.....which may even, eventually, disrupt those long established genetic close family ties......and the traffic !...well those drovers tracks haven't really been improved for how many centuries ?.....incidentally, I had the misfortune to be in Grantham in July for the funeral of a very close friend from the gliding world and noted the dump is still the same chaotic traffic nightmare it always has been.

Not forgetting another fave of the chaps......a spot of casual homophobia

I wasn't sure which thread to post this on, but this one seems apt.

Here's something to give you all a jolly good chortle over as you have your full English brekkie.....and doubtless many can't wait for the glorious day in Oct when the UK flounces out of the EU no more of those ghastly Continental brekkies permitted what !.....anyway, the question was posed in the thread's the answer.

All happy now ? ... eport-says

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#30 Post by om15 » Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:42 am

Been chucked off TOP have we, you appear out of sorts and rather liverish, nothing to do with Corbyn's poll ratings is it?

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#31 Post by Pontius Navigator » Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:09 am

Joker back?

Dorset, oh dear, that is where the mem sahib is now looking, but not Poole, just one big traffic jam.

I think we should post our addresses so we don't make a mistake and move next door to an objectionable ppruner.

(well this is the joke thread)

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#32 Post by AtomKraft » Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:30 am

Pansies like yourself are part of the problem.
It's unlikely you comprehend the problem and even less likely that you can identify a solution.
In fact you probably don't even think there IS a problem.
The more wankerish it becomes, the more you'd like it.

When I read the utter drivel you write, and the smug, supercilious, pompous and scornful tone you write in, I'm reminded of what's gone wrong in the UK.

The reason you are loathed here, and the dreadful pc-itis that the UKs suffering from are closely related.


Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#33 Post by Capetonian » Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:38 am

I hoped we had seen the last of the vacuous and boring outpourings of pompous meaningless verbiage from the Guardian of Manchester.

I am so thankful that in real life I never seem to meet anyone like him.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#34 Post by om15 » Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:44 am

PN, North Dorset is still pretty special, small villages off the beaten track, but the southern part is dreadful, expensive, crowded, gridlocked and fraught, awful.
West Dorset is OK, but Bridport is very expensive and crowded, the answer is to keep away from the coast, try looking in the Blackmoor Vale or further west.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#35 Post by 4mastacker » Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:38 am

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:05 pm
If I'd stayed in the UK I would be rural,..................

Maybe Northumberland too.
Good call Fox, although make sure you're at least 14 miles from the Toon. :-bd The city was turned into a concrete jungle by T Dan Smith, Poulson and their corrupt cronies.

Unfortunately, the corruption in the Labour Party didn't stop there...and then there's the shrill calls of "right wing extremists/ism" if something doesn't fit in with their agenda.

Take, for example, the alleged assault of that odious little **** Owen Jones - KnC licks the ground he walks on...he might even lick his @r$e. Straight away, OJ cites as 'right-wing extremists' and 'Military' being responsible without any evidence to prove it and the BBC goes into overdrive to cover the (non?)event and then, for some strange reason, the reports vanish from the BBC's web-pages. Equally strange too, is that no video has yet been shown on social media of the alleged assault which allegedly took place in one of the most heavily surveilled areas of the UK and where folks have a propensity to get their smartphones out and start taking photos even when a sparrow farts. Plus, where were all the witnesses who readily appear to get their mug-shots on the telly?

Compare that with the fracas involving a couple of cricketers - social media lit up within a very short time.

Did an assault take place? Perhaps. Was a gay lovers tiff? Perhaps. Had he got pissed and fell down some stairs? Perhaps. Was it some Momentum supporters who think OJ isn't being extreme enough? Perhaps. Was it an attention-seeking fit of jealousy by OJ because all the media was focused on a 16 year old Swedish lass? Perhaps. Was OJ telling the truth? Only he knows that, and if he wasn't it shows him up to be nothing more than a gobby prat.

Whatever may or may not have happened, we have seen the extent that the Guardianistas will go to to distort the actuality to try to show left= good, right = bad and their cynical manipulation of the facts. Oh, and to counter OJ's claim that it is always "the right" who do the violent stuff, he's conveniently overlooked the video of him at a demo in London, well in with left wing protestors who were throwing their weight and other stuff around- no doubt using the Corbyn defence of "There, but not taking part".
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#36 Post by Pontius Navigator » Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:04 am

Om15, that sounds perfect. Let K go south and we shall go north and west.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#37 Post by Pontius Navigator » Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:05 am

AtomKraft wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:30 am
Pansies like yourself are part of the problem.
I hear Conventry is good.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#38 Post by Smeagol » Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:07 pm

Pontius Navigator wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:05 am
AtomKraft wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:30 am
Pansies like yourself are part of the problem.
I hear Conventry is good.
Excellent advice, responding to it only encourages a response. Ignore, ignore, do not take the bait!
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#39 Post by Sisemen » Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:48 pm

Thankfully I live far enough away from K&C as to be not bothered by him. With his penchant for windswept trailer parks in soulless parts of the UK I doubt he’ll ever darken the West Australian doorstep let alone my little hidy hole.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#40 Post by om15 » Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:20 pm

If the useless Labour Government under Blair hadn't opened the door for uncontrolled and unlimited immigration there wouldn't be people living in shipping containers, creating a massive pressure on housing, benefits and the NHS was bound to cause problems.

Hopefully if we have a bit of a recession those that came here might return to their own countries and take the pressure off society a little.

Yes it is a scandal that people are living in containers, it would have been good if the Guardian had carried out a root cause analysis before publishing that article.

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