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Damn that Global Warming...

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Damn that Global Warming...

#1 Post by Airborne Aircrew »

The election of Trump has them sledding in the Sahara Desert... Amazing eh?

These bizarre scenes from the Sahara Desert show locals sledging down sand dunes after the heaviest snowfall in living memory.

Photographers have taken incredible pictures this morning of ONE METRE deep snow covering the sand in the small Saharan desert town of Ain Sefra.


Good job that all reference to climate change has been purged from the Presidential web site...
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#2 Post by 500N »

Not just the Climate change page,
The LGBT page as well has gone.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#3 Post by Airborne Aircrew »

I didn't even know there was one...

The changes for the better have started...

I have no problem, (as I have stated many times before here), with minorities... I'm just fed up with their constant demands to be treated as the majority when they want things that the majority aren't comfortable with...

Funny how they whine when they they don't get things they are comfortable with...

Apparently I'm not alone...
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#4 Post by 500N »

My sentiments as well.

The imposing on the majority of things they want which most don't. Unisex fcking toilets for one.

Constant is the right word, it's never ending, give them an inch and they want a mile.
(Probably not the best way to describe it lol)

The other thing is, it's always someone else's fault -blacks especially.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#5 Post by Airborne Aircrew »

They're "victims" you see...

Everyone who doesn't see things their way was born to and have spent their life picking at them and making them feel bad...

Frankly... Until they started bitching, whining, moaning and complaining I never gave the useless twats a thought...

Now, every time they find something new to complain about I'm inclined to dig my heels in... If they would just live their lives in peace and harmony no-one would care enough to bother them and _everyone_ could be happy...

But they don't want to be happy.

An old friend who has now passed - a good Yorkshireman - used to describe his wife Marian in the following way. It describes the precious minorities to a Tee....

She isn't 'appy unless she's bloody miserable.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#6 Post by Slasher »

In any group, there will always be a tiny number comprised of the obsessed. It's when this number successfully imposes its will on the majority that it becomes thoroughly obscene.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#7 Post by Chuks »

AA, don't be digging in your heels. Instead, go back to where you came from if living as a foreigner among US citizens who annoy you is such a problem. Begone!

Also, Comic Book Guy called again. He wants his avatar back, saying that you are "ruining his image," whatever that means.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#8 Post by OFSO »

If anyone has any 'global warming' would you send it down here to Spain ? Coldest January for 15 years, 500 motorists stranded in the snow on the Madrid-Valencia motorway, and my feet are FREEZING.

Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#9 Post by Capetonian »

It's so often not the minority groups themselves that piss me off, it's the bloody do-gooders taking up cudgels on their behalf.

Typical example, I have a good friend who's gay. Openly gay, but not 'in your face gay'. Last year when it was his birthday a group of his colleagues organised dinner for him in a restaurant and were kind enough to include me in the invite, which was .cc to everybody. One stupid bitch, who doesn't know him very well, took it upon herself to send out an email to everybody saying something like : "Some of you may not know that 'X' is gay so please make sure you don't refer to it as he may be offended."

That was Carte Blanche to me. I purposely arrived a few minutes late, wearing a brightly coloured scarf, a necklace, bangles, and a pink shirt, minced across the restaurant, and said : "Hello dahlings, hello sweetie .......... I decided to dress for the occasion." All except the writer of the note saw the funny side, she was livid!
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#10 Post by 500N »


That I would agree with. People who are offended on other groups behalf but have no real connection.

Your gay friend is how most prefer they behave.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#11 Post by Chuks »

Yeah, I am with Carptoonian on this one. There's nothing worse than a gay friend who wants to "put it in your face."

Carptoonian, could you, pretty please, find a different metaphor for being flamboyantly gay? "Flaunt it, make a show of himself, be screamingly obvious," whatever, just not "put it in your face." There your Freudian slip is showing, Darling. (Mine too, but I don't care! Before you ask: married, two kids, no closets just wardrobes. Mwah!)
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#12 Post by OFSO »

Back to Global Warming. Channel-hopping, I found myself watching a program about an expedition to the high Andes on TV tonight. The guy visited a place where an ancient civilisation had flourished in a large valley. For 500 years the local glacier had provided water until it receeded, dried up, and the civilisation perished - believed to have happened about 1000 years ago. In following years the glacier fully and for hundreds of years re-established itself, but is now receeding again and will probably dry out once again. So, cyclical and not caused by humans, then.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#13 Post by Chuks »

Rate of change comes into this, when climate change (not global warming, since every numpty going has a good moan about "It's two feet of snow here but those idiots are on about global warming so how can that be with two feet of snow?") can mean a rate of change too rapid for many organisms to adapt to as they were able in the past. It's not that changes never happened, just that now they may happen much more quickly. Anyway, that's one argument those stupid climate scientists make.

Donald Trump knows it's just Chinese fakery meant to ruin American business. You can go with that if you wish to.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#14 Post by OFSO »

I've just driven to the timberyard, loaded a couple of cwt of logs, driven home and unloaded and stacked 'em. Global warming not necessary, I'm nice and warm now.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#15 Post by Rwy in Sight »

I hope at least some scientists to have the decency to admit that January 2017 was not the warmest since records began. Having said that it seems we do get some mild winters followed by a cold one so a trend may be forming.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#16 Post by Chuks »

One more time: It is "Climate Change," not "Global Warming." The level of popular understanding of climate science often reads like "Global warming? Rubbish! There was frost on the windscreen of my car this morning a quarter of an inch thick! You call that 'warm'?"
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#17 Post by Magnus »

Well, first it was Anthropogenic Global Warming, apparently accepted as fact by 128% of scientists. Then it was Anthropogenic Climate Chaos when figures were accepted about, for example, polar bears being down to 5000 (lie; there were 25000). Now we have climate change, which is undeniable as the climate has changed for millennia. We appear to be in a warming period, which has stalled for over a decade while anthropogenic CO2 has increased. Bits of the Greenland ice cap have receded, exposing settlements from the viking era when CO2 was lower, but it seems to have been warm enough to develop farms and hamlets.

What next? Let's have AGF (freezing). "Watts Up With That?", I ask.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#18 Post by OFSO »

Frost on the windscreen ? All relevant. Way way down towards Jupiter's core you will find ice at a temperature of hundreds of degrees celsius. The ice is formed by pressure. (I'll add there two words, "of course").

Wasn't something said about England being a country where you could experience all four seasons in a single day ? Here in the North of Spain, today, we have had:

- sullen grey clouds, calm
- ditto, with a gale blowing
- sullen grey clouds, snow
- brilliant blue sky and too hot to sit out of doors.

And mark you it isn't 3 p.m. yet.....

Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#19 Post by Sisemen »

And here in Oz the numpties get all worked up with their doom-laden predictions to keep the faithful in a permanent state of stress while the continent rushes across the face of the planet by moving north at a rate of 6 cm - yes, 6cm - each year.

Anyone who has swirled a bowl of water and then put their hand in even a slightly different position knows the effect on the fluid dynamics. The effect on weather patterns and climate in the Southern Hemisphere has to be enormous with this great chunk of land going walkabout.
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Re: Damn that Global Warming...

#20 Post by BenThere »

Watching Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' today will make you realize how silly it is, and wonder how so many true believers were taken in. The climate change/global warming scam was never anything but a money grab, capitalizing on the emotions of the gullible.

Stewardship of the environment is an ongoing responsibility, but punishing the commerce and well-being of the people on the basis of flawed analysis, and suppressing contrary data and analysis was and is a very costly fraud.
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