The US Hamster Wheel

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1241 Post by John Hill » Sat May 13, 2017 5:00 am

Please Miss don't do that as I do not want to be here alone!
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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1242 Post by Chuks » Sat May 13, 2017 5:08 am

"However I have asked many times, and you refuse to answer: Specifically how might Putin have interfered in the election? Don't give me a pile of steaming "woulda,coulda,mighta". Be specific."

I hope this is specific enough: Multiple U.S intelligence agencies concluded people with direct ties to the Kremlin gave WikiLeaks hacked e-mails from the Democratic National Committee.

How did you miss that one, ob? It has been all over the news. This is part of why we are seeing several probes; it's a try at finding out just what went on during the election. This is why even Democrats are upset to see Comey get the sack, despite how he may have hurt Hillary's chance at being elected; he was leading one of the probes.

Hey, ob, you like to make fun of me pretending to have no problems with having to clear Muslim migrants out of our rose garden, "Get lost, you guys! And take your goat with you; that's disgusting!" so why shouldn't I mock your nonchalance about ... what was it this time? This, I guess: ... ne-n758191 (I can see it now, a summer cook-out at Chez Obgraham: "Come and get it everyone, before the fall-out gets all over the burgers!")

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1243 Post by Chuks » Sat May 13, 2017 5:24 am

My great and good friend Dushan just sent me a news flash from New Zealand about a rat eradication program. You keep in touch John, so that we know you remain alive and well.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1244 Post by obgraham » Sat May 13, 2017 5:30 am

You're just repeating the same things, Chuks: "Somebody says they interfered".

I want you to explain to me how any actions of Putin, Russia, etc., actually interfered (i.e. changed the result) of the election. Hacking off a couple of Hill's emails, mostly about wedding planning and yoga, isn't going to change the outcome, is it? After all everyone had those emails, even Carlos Danger.

Meanwhile, sorry, Alison -- I thought we were playing pretty nice here.

Finally: contrary to the wishes of NBC, there wasn't the slightest bit of radiation leakage at Hanford this week. The reports of 3 legged chickens roaming the shrub-steppe were false.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1245 Post by John Hill » Sat May 13, 2017 5:46 am

Sometimes a big wheel hat is not enough....
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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1246 Post by Mrs Ex-Ascot » Sat May 13, 2017 7:15 am

This is an interesting article from the beeb

Liked the comment about all news being big news. The implication being that anything of real significance is potentially overlooked by the general public. Is President Trump being clever or emulating Nixon? And if he is doing either or both, is he playing a clever game or not? :-?

I would be interested in peoples comments. :)
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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1247 Post by Magnus » Sat May 13, 2017 7:37 am

I love the fact that when EVIDENCE is sought, accusations (not actual evidence) are presented in response. Comprehension 101 should be a prerequisite for acceptance as a poster here.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1248 Post by Bob » Sat May 13, 2017 7:42 am

I'm enjoying President Trump's trolling of Democrats who are on tape attacking Comey on the record

A man after your own heart for sure.

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, then a few days later expressing outrage for getting what they demanded.

Is it too complicated for you that someone can ask for an action over one situation and still be displeased with the same action when it is taken for a completely different matter for entirely different reason?.

I know It is a Republican trait to see the world Black and white, but I do believe, not all republicans are as simple minded as Trump and yourself
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Comprehension 101

#1249 Post by Chuks » Sat May 13, 2017 9:33 am

Magnus, obgraham asked for anything that shows "how might Putin have interfered in the election." (My emphasis.) Not EVIDENCE, just some reasonable supposition about a method Putin might have used. (I am not able to get into the Kremlin and rummage through Vlad's desk looking for EVIDENCE, as you have it. Some EVIDENCE has been cited, in fact, but here all I was asked for is a guess about method.)

Right now we have three separate investigations running, one each by the House, the Senate, and the FBI, all about this very thing, Russian interference in the election. That was interference seemingly done in large part by Russian hacking: getting private e-mails and then passing them along to Wikileaks. If that fact, that investigations are taking place, does not show something about Putin's method, hacking, then what does it show?

Look, Magnus, I don't mind that you are probably one of the brainiest guys in Scotland. (If you emigrated to Oz you would probably raise the average IQ in both Scotland and Oz by two points, but what of that?) Don't get all excited and try to always talk down to me just because of this, when you sometimes miss the point completely by doing that. (Bear in mind that I do like to wind people up, or did you miss that for lack of EVIDENCE?) Here I was just asked to guess about method, not to provide EVIDENCE.

Take a chill pill, Magnus. Then put on your sandals, go out in the garden and kick a thistle, why don't you? That will take your mind off annoying people who have something against Donald Trump for perfectly obvious reasons, even without EVIDENCE.

EVIDENCE is coming, I think, and plenty of it.

You asked me to show how Putin might have interfered with the election, obgraham. Well, that was by hacking; that was one possible form of interference. Did it work? At a guess, yes, probably, to some extent, but your question was about method, about interference, not the effect of interference.

Ever watch soccer, ob? You often see a guy get his shirt grabbed: interference. If he misses his shot then that's taken for effective interference to some extent, even though he might have missed his shot anyway. On the other hand, even if he makes his shot there was still interference. Having your e-mails hacked is just like having your shirt grabbed, whether that is what made you miss your shot or not.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1250 Post by Boac » Sat May 13, 2017 3:19 pm

I think this quote from a White House 'staffer' sums it up beautifully.
"“It’s not that we don’t know what the president wants to say, it’s that the president doesn’t know what the president wants to say,” the staffer said."

It must be like 'clearing up after the Lord Mayor's show'.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1251 Post by obgraham » Sat May 13, 2017 4:42 pm

Soccer? That's your problem, Chuks. Too much soccer.

No I don't watch soccer. I do however watch the same game, but it's called Hockey. Played by real men, rather than pussycats. I know it's not popular in Lefty circles, since the vast majority of players are white guys. Lots of Russkies playing there, too, but they aren't reliable when it comes to winning the Cup.

You clearly don't care about the outcome of all these Trump/Russkie investigations, since you have already decided Putin put Trump in office, evidence of such be damned. I guess when I mailed in my ballot, it was diverted to Moscow so that they could make sure my black mark was in the right place. Oh wait, didn't work, since Hillary and her band of sycophants have my state all locked up for the Dems.

The beauty of our Electoral system is that it is bloody near impossible to rig the outcome.

All this pi$$ing and moaning is merely because you don't care for the victor.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1252 Post by Magnus » Sat May 13, 2017 5:25 pm

Here ya go, Chuks. From one of your own ramblings,

An alert poster here wants to tell us that "There's not a shred of evidence that the Russkies did anything of consequence during the election, try as they might have."

Have a shred: "The U.S. intelligence community on Friday accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 election in its strongest terms yet, alleging Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign to undermine faith in the electoral process and developed a "clear preference" for President-elect Donald Trump

You provided ACCUSATIONS, not EVIDENCE. Comprehension 101, remember?

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1253 Post by Chuks » Sat May 13, 2017 10:44 pm

Sorry, Magnus. I left one dot out if you want to play "connect the dots." "The U.S. intelligence community [presumably having some evidence for this] accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 election .... " There we must presume that they don't just fling accusations about without some evidence to go on, so that the fresh accusation presumes the presence of fresh evidence.

I guess that's a bit past your comprehension. Well, you might catch up. Remember, "Much may be made of a Scotchman, if he be caught young," when relative to the folk of Dr. Johnson's time you are still young.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1254 Post by BenThere » Sun May 14, 2017 2:07 pm

The U.S. intelligence community [presumably having some evidence for this] accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 election ....

'The US intelligence community' is not an entity that exists as a single, identifiable source, but a large group of multiple and often conflicting elements, none of which has come up with any plausible evidence, beyond theoretical, unsubstantiated suppositions by motivated partisans, and reported by, so far, only a jaundiced media, sympathetic to its motive of undermining President Trump.

Unfortunately for the 'Resistance', there are two sides to the story. Evidence of collusion is ample on only the wrong side for the Democrats. I don't think the authors of the Trump-Russia narrative had considered the direction the unearthing of facts might take. President Trump's wire-tapping tweet turned that narrative and opposition strategy in general on its head. ... sia-nexus/

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1255 Post by Magnus » Sun May 14, 2017 3:15 pm

BenThere, we ought to ignore Chuks, or get someone to lead him by the hand to a place of safety. There is a serious lack of comprehension of the difference between accusations (or suspicions) and evidence. Chuks is clinging, somewhat desperately, to stories of accusations as being actual evidence. Still waiting for any verifiable evidence, yet I am supposed to be the one with a limited comprehension level. I won't bother holding my breath while I wait for the evidence.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1256 Post by BenThere » Sun May 14, 2017 4:25 pm

He has to do that, Magnus, to maintain his take on developments in Germany and in US politics.

While we say there is trouble in Europe, Chuks points out the friendly Muslim shopkeeper, living on the same cul-de-sac, all smiles and has assimilated totally to German culture. When we point out the rapes and murders, welfare costs, and loss of European culture, the response is always how he and his neighbors get along.

I worked with a fellow reservist pilot who had a high-level job with Intel Corp, back in the 1990s. One of his close associates, a Muslim IT professional, turned out to be a Jihadist who was fingered in the killing of a few Kafir, aiding the planned Seattle space needle plot of the early 2000s, while generally prospering from the bounty of US commerce, plotting and supporting its demise. He considered this Muslim assimilated and a friend, and was totally surprised when the truth came out and his friend was convicted.

Chuks validly points out positives of most Muslims living in the West and trying to get by, raise families, and live in peace. Near where I live is Dearborn, Michigan, heavily Middle Eastern Muslim and Christian populated, in fact it has the largest Middle Eastern community in the US. It is also the safest, most functional of Detroit's inner ring suburbs. When I feel like a shwarma or a lamb kabob, that's where I go, and it takes me only a few minutes to get there. He ignores, however, the pernicious element of so many migrants who seek only welfare, have no respect for the culture they are inserting themselves into, and plan to overtake it one day to implement Sharia, the subjugation of women, Kafir, and the modern freedoms we enjoy, for now. Dearborn has an unsettling record of FMG, honor killings, and ISIS recruits as well.

I don't think our friend, Chuks will ever acknowledge the validity of our trepidations over Islam, or anything positive about President Trump's efforts to mitigate the risk.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1257 Post by Chuks » Sun May 14, 2017 5:43 pm

Have it your way, guys. There's no evidence of the Russians having hacked the Dems. Somebody did that, and our intelligence community has no idea who that was, so that they just decided on a whim to blame Russia.

If that's so, who is this Guccifer 2.0 we keep being told about?

Have you guys been hanging out with John HIll? I bet he gave you some Kool-Aid to drink ... that must be it.

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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1258 Post by Cacophonix » Sun May 14, 2017 6:03 pm

Ben there's no **** proof that I didn't **** you up that arse in Italy but you rely on your proof and sense to deny that *****. Nonetheless you give your Orange turd the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe you deserve to be **** more up the arse than are already being. I am sad to say that I have come to the conclusion that you are an idiot!


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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1259 Post by Cacophonix » Sun May 14, 2017 6:19 pm

Ben is clueless. Typical **** Trump supporter...



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Re: The US Hamster Wheel

#1260 Post by obgraham » Sun May 14, 2017 7:29 pm

Caco, have you skipped your pills again this morning?

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