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Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 10:16 pm
by Wodrick
Alicante, Sevillia, Granada all had international flights.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 10:55 pm
by Woody
I flew into Reus last year, but that was with Thomas Cook, though Harpair also were there.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 7:44 am
by Ibbie
Everywhere in Spain that TUI, BA, Easyjet, Harpair, Jet2 et al, flew to from another country, were international flights.

It's another misthought out attempt at control. The people making these edicts may be in government , but have no more or even less experience than one of us. It's all guess work/back of a fag packet stuff, if that. It's the same in the UK and all the other EU Countries plus and especially Trumpton

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 8:58 am
by barkingmad
With the EUSSR in incipient chaos at the moment, Brexit, revolting Italians, revolting Germans, revolting French, Hungary making rebellious noises etc, as usual the MSM in UK (and possibly other countries) have conveniently forgotten to mention the Spanish are getting openly restless and threatening the peace in the wonderful European Community; ... al-madrid/

Are there any O-N contributors who can cast possibly better informed light on this disturbing development?

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 1:47 pm
1) Madrid will never 'cure' the unrest until they accept the division of Spain into a federal collection of autonomous states, which they never will.

2) The most prosperous Spanish region is Catalunia, where the ruling parties have been fighting each other since before the civil war and still are. Catalunia will never achieve independence until they accept a unified approach, which they never will.

3) The government in Madrid has now and will have for the foreseeable future such a small majority that they rely in support from the Catalans. But see (2) above.

Like a number of other nations, Spain can only be ruled by a dictator or a strong monarch. There is not a candidate for dictator and the present king is despised by the majority of the population.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 9:18 am
by barkingmad
“Spain can only be ruled by a dictator or a strong monarch”.
How come ‘Mutti’ Merkel and the gorgeous Ursula VDL are unable to tame them under the comfort blanket of “peace in Europe”?
This is the phrase much abused by the Remoaners when Brexit was first getting up to speed.
Mind you, the bogtrotters in NornIron managed to fight a 30 years war amongst themselves with north of 3,000 deaths and countless injuries whilst technically in the EUSSR, so there is not much hope for the Brussels/Strasbourg brigade’s chances of calming down the excitable Spaniards.
Maybe the new EU Army will sort it all out and impose peace as successfully as the EUrocrats have imposed austerity...?

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 10:37 am
by Ibbie
The question is, will Sanchez get his final extention to the present State of Alarm through the senate this week. He's after taking it to 24 June in order to have unravelled all the lockdown. The unravelling includes an end to the 14 day quarantine.
There have now been 20 complaints to The Supreme Court against Sanchez and his ministers for their management during the state of emaergency.

People in the ERTE scheme which is supposed to cover wages during the emergency have still not received any payments.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 11:04 am
Spain has untouchable (or unreprimandable) status vis-a-vis the EU due to their previous support for everything and anything Brussels wants to do.

Sanchez is on dodgy ground, telling his citizens they will receive billions of euros from the ECB. Without having explained that the billions are coming from Member States contributions - including Spain. Or were, until the German Supreme Court stuck a spanner in the spikes of the Brussels Bicycle.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 6:24 am
by Ibbie
More demonstrations in Madrid against the Government last night.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 7:38 am
The OFSO's Green Forms were removed from our safe box yesterday and will be in the certified post to London today. Thus whenever it happens we shall be allowed back in. Passing thru the Empire of Gaul to get there is another matter. Some months to go yet.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 7:59 pm
by Ibbie
It appears tonight that Sanchez has only gained support to extend the state of alarm to 7 June.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:23 pm
Are all the current regulations (masks, travel, frontiers) dependent on Spain being in a state of emergency ?

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 4:27 pm
Our cleaner's daughter, who is going to be a member of the Mossas (she had to take Spanish nationality as other EU nationalities are forbidden to join the civil service) checked with the Generalität, the Catalan Parliament. From June 30th it is anticipated that there will be open frontiers again.

There are exemptions for the wearing of masks including asthmatics such as my wife.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 7:21 pm
by BenThere
the present king is despised by the majority of the population
I was unaware of that. The Spanish monarchy isn't covered very well in the States. What is it about Felipe that makes him unpopular?

King Juan was highly regarded here in the US. I liked him mostly because he was a qualified F-4 pilot in the Spanish air force. I once had to break out of the traffic pattern to make way for him at Zaragosa back in the early 80s. Also I was at Zaragosa when there was an attempted coup d'etat led by a group of soldiers who shot up the house of government around the same time. We were restricted to our quarters after returning from a refueling in Germany, after having to hold at the French border for a while before being allowed back to our Spanish base at Zaragosa whose commander was thought to be a part of the coup attempt. When King Juan got on TV to denounce the coup, it ended.

We've had no coverage at all about Felipe.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 5:40 am
I may have been expressing a Catalan viewpoint. Juan Carlos spoke Catalan well, always used the language when he visited, came to the F-1 race and other sporting events. His son is anti-Catalan. Both were and are involved in frauds and tax fiddles but the old boy could carry it off with a laugh. His son is a denier. Creepy man.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 7:40 am
by Ibbie
Sanchez got his 15 day extention to the state of alarm through last night, thanks to support from the communists.

The demonstrations against him and his government are growing. Demonstrations in Seville last night.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 7:09 am
by Ibbie
More demonstrations against Sanchez and his mob last night. People in Malaga, Marbella and Ciudad Real joined the numbers, to name three places.

To add to matters, one of the free English language rags is spreading even more false news in yesterdays publication.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 2:25 pm
by BenThere
Also Juan Carlos seemed to be the guiding hand when Spain transitioned to a constitutional monarchy from the quasi-faschist Franco regime that had ruled it for generations. I thought that was handled well with little or no blood shed, and it turned out to be the liberation of the Spanish people. Spain in 1980 was much more refreshing than Spain in 1975.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:27 pm
My friends in Spain went out for a meal with adequate quantities of food and drink last night. They said Roses is delightful without all the smelly tourists from the Great Unwashed Countries to the North.

Re: Chaos in Spain

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 7:31 pm
by BenThere
I remember back on TOP posts that expressed an affection for Cuba vacations because they were free of the distasteful Americans.

Very few Americans are traveling to Europe these days. Those folks must be overjoyed.