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Re: ...The Panda in the Room....China

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:58 am
by John Hill
Don't worry China will never step out of line, not now that they have seen how the forces of the Empire, ably assisted by the vassal states of NATO sorted out those scallywags in Khorasan. :ymsmug:

Re: ...The Panda in the Room....China

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:33 pm
by barkingmad
And now for something completely different, a short article praising the Chinese for once again outfoxing the running dogs of capitalism and their hyena lackeys blah blah...

Caution for readers of a delicate disposition, the article contains the word 'Trump' ! ^#(^ ... -our-times

Gosh, am I glad I didn't push this lab-leak theory in the early days, otherwise I might have been accused of being a conspiracy theorist and that would never do!

Re: ...The Panda in the Room....China

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 4:51 pm
by barkingmad
Things are not looking good in Chinaaah these days, what with rumours of house-arrested folks allegedly jumping out of windows or simply screaming out of them. ... t-extreme/

Even the Toothy Tyrant in NZ has finally given up the quest for the holy grail of zero-covid, but as Professor Pantsdown seemed to believe CCP-style lockdowns various were a good idea to copy then when will we get Lockdown #4 etc anytime soon?

However, maybe if Johnson survives, then he'll be hoist with his own petard as speculated in this clip;

:-o [-X :-?

Re: ...The Panda in the Room....China

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 8:51 pm
by barkingmad
Whilst we were all looking at Ukraine and cheering them on in the Urological Song Contest, other potentially seismic shifts may be occurring if this from the Washington Times is to be believed;

"The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Rumors circulating in China and among overseas Chinese social media are claiming Chinese President Xi Jinping, under fire for draconian COVID-19 lockdowns in Shanghai and elsewhere, will step down from power.

The rumors followed a meeting last week of the Party Politburo Standing Committee, the collective leadership group that rules China. They were traced in part to a Chinese-language YouTube video May 4 by Canadian-based blogger appearing under the persona “Lao Deng.” Details of the video quickly spread to social media outlets in China but were quickly censored." :-?

Re: ...The Panda in the Room....China

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 7:23 am
by barkingmad
Seems like the Panda is getting more grumpy by the day and this hot off the press might manage to attract attention away from Ukraine and the current unrest in Israel and their neighbouring territories;

I wonder what contingency plans have the West up their sleeve if Taiwan ceases to be independent, if they ever were, but if they suddenly disappear into the CCP’s generous enveloping arms?

Maybe our new flat-top floating airfield loaded with F-35s will be rapidly deployed to be amongst the first casualties...

Re: ...The Panda in the Room....China

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:33 pm
by barkingmad
More bad news on China, or rather more bad news about the financial aid sent by the UK supposedly to help women, in that awful CCP system, but not actually being of benefit to them; ... 5698276993

Like other countries to whom we shovel barrowloads of dosh, in 2023 I can’t help wondering why? :-\

Re: ...The Panda in the Room....China

Posted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:44 pm
by Fox3WheresMyBanana
Politicians don't just do corruption at home.

Re: ...The Panda in the Room....China

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 5:09 am
by Woody

Re: ...The Panda in the Room....China

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 5:14 am
by OneHungLow
Woody wrote:
Wed May 17, 2023 5:09 am
Mad Liz has her say :-o
Mad, sad and too stupid to know it! Another shameless, self serving Tory politician on the make!
The former prime minister also called for the development of "an economic Nato", which "supports freedom and proper free enterprise".

She suggested countries including the G7 nations, members of the EU, South Korea and Australia could join this kind of group.

Ms Truss said: "We cannot rely now on the UN security council, which was recently chaired by Putin's Russia.

"We cannot rely on the World Trade Organisation to make sure fair trade rules are in place. That's why we need other alternatives to get things done."