Labour leader.

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Nick Riviera
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Re: Labour leader.

#221 Post by Nick Riviera » Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:38 am

Pontius Navigator wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:21 am
Nick Riviera wrote:
Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:40 pm
Boac wrote:
Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:37 pm
You presumably have more faith in politicians than I do. Sweet dreams =))
I have no faith in any of them. But I will not praise Starmer for finally growing a pair. He was a senior cog in the wheel of an anti-semitic party and did nothing.
Resigning on a principal is all very well but being outside the tent does not always work. Gorgeous George was a PITA but didn't achieve much apart from keeping his nose on the trough. Robin Cook was horourable but once out was out.

Hopefully 50 years labour through and through will take a long walk on a short pier.
Nope, sorry, that's a get-out clause for people who do nothing when bad things are happening. He didn't need to resign, just continually castigate and berate the Labour leadership and call them out for what they were. He would have been sacked, which he could have worn as a badge of honour, and then rode back into the party as a principled hero following the routing of Corbyn and his acolytes at the election. He chose to do nothing.

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Re: Labour leader.

#222 Post by barkingmad » Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:41 am

Sir Charmer, when he was the UK Attorney General, was singularly useless in the role, despite his legal training, QC qualification and all the other typical CV guff which gets trotted out when his pedigree is under discussion.

The sad aspect of this for the UK is that Her Maj’s Opposition will once again turn inwards with infighting and navel fluff-picking when they should be giving HMG serious and continuous grief over the handling of the plague and the Brexit process.

The LibDems are nowhere to be seen and the only submarine threat appears to be The Brexit Party, whom I suspect may have a back-channel to the Rottweilers in the Drowning Street basement, who are probably pulling the strings, along with BigCorp, some of whom certainly are benefiting from the Covid cash cow.

It’s a brilliant distraction, just like the alleged anti-Islam smears chucked at the Tories recently so all we need now are accusations of anti-BAME to surface and we’ll have a full house of red herrings. Kipper, anyone?

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Re: Labour leader.

#223 Post by Undried Plum » Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:16 am

In Scotland the real threat is the implosion of the Labour party as a credible opposition to the Snumpties. We've got an election in the pygmy parliament coming up and at present we do not have a functioning opposition.

Der Partei looks like winning a full majority, if not actually a landslide. They've made an utter arse of the roads, the education system, the NHS, the police and just about everything else. Nobody is holding them to account. The opposition is already out of sight. I doubt whether as many as 10% of voters in Scotland could name the leaders of the Scottish Conservatives or Scottish Labour or the Scottish LibDems.

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Re: Labour leader.

#224 Post by OFSO » Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:56 pm

I see the lovely Ms Abbot has rushed to Jeremy's defence. How very nice of her. And another of his supporters from Tower Hamlets is up before the Beak on fraud charges next week, a charming Moslem Lady Councillor who mysteriously jumped the queue for a council flat, and has "no idea" how it happened.

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Re: Labour leader.

#225 Post by OFSO » Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:39 pm

A Labour MP has been charged with housing fraud after being investigated over how she obtained her flat.

Apsana Begum, who was elected to her seat in Poplar and Limehouse in east London last year, has been accused of three offences.

The MP, who is considered an ally of the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and whose candidacy was backed by Momentum, is said to “vigorously contest” the allegations.Begum faces three separate charges of dishonestly failing to disclose information in order to make gains for herself or another, or expose another to a loss with the offences dated between January 2013 and March 2016. She is due to appear at Thames magistrates’ court on 10 December. The charges are the result of an investigation by Tower Hamlets council, which as a local authority has the power to bring prosecutions.

A statement issued by lawyers for the MP, who won her seat with a majority of nearly 29,000, said: “Ms Begum vigorously contests these malicious and false allegations. She cannot comment in any further detail.”

The Sun, which revealed the charges, reported last November that Begum was facing an investigation over the flat she moved into months after leaving her estranged husband’s home. The property is understood to be run by a housing association, but the tenants are nominated by the council. Investigators reportedly wanted to know how she got to the top of an 18,000-strong waiting list so quickly given she did not have children. The paper previously reported that Begum denied wrongdoing, saying: “I was so grateful to be housed, which provided me with the lifeline I needed to live independently and safely.”

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Re: Labour leader.

#226 Post by barkingmad » Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:25 pm

Are we talking about this charming “peoples’ representative” elected to look after her contituency’s interests, or at least her own interests? ... ing-fraud/

It appears she is not very selective about her associates as she’s managed to get linked with another well-known (to Private Eye readers) East Ender with a chequered history; ... -unfrozen/

And that article is from only 1 year ago! Seems the East Enders’ Labour Politics swamp requires draining then refilling with uncontaminated stock of coarse fish but how can that be achieved without upsetting the ‘woke’?!

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Re: Labour leader.

#227 Post by barkingmad » Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:15 am

A life-long Labour voter has sent the letter she sent to her MP Rebecca Long-Bailey informing her she will not be voting for them again;

“Dear Rebecca,

I write today to let you and Sir Keir Starmer know that I will never vote for the Labour Party again.

I am 62 years of age and have voted Labour all of my life. I grew up in a Yorkshire mining town, my family were miners and I saw their struggles. At school I was in remedial class but I overcame this problem and by my mid-30s I had obtained a 1st Class science degree, an MPhil, a teaching qualification, a diploma in psychotherapy and a postgraduate qualification in public health. I spent most of my working life employed by the NHS. I have specialised in mental health and HIV prevention.

With this background I believe you can see I am talking from substantial experience and qualifications. It is from this position that I wish to convey my utter disappointment and disgust in the position the Labour Party has taken over the pandemic. I have personal circumstances in that my frail elderly father with vascular dementia has been unable to have the support of his family since mid-March. I have returned to Salford today from my weekly trip to Yorkshire, where I pick up my father’s 83 year old sister and drive to the care home to sit outside locked double glazed doors to try to support my father who sits inside in his wheelchair. I see other families, wives and husbands in their late 80s, separated and, as all of us in this position, maybe never to see our family member in person again. It is heart breaking.

I am so angry as the Labour Party could have advocated for the 400,000 lonely and isolated care home residents and their desperate families. The Labour Party could have supported the call, begun in the summer, for families to be treated as key workers and for care homes to have more support and to have their insurance underwritten by the Government. It did not.

On the eve of the second nation lockdown of my country I do not have words to express my anger in the Labour Party. You could have taken the route of challenging the authoritarian imposition of restrictions, you could have challenged the fear, you could have promoted trust and unity. Instead I have seen the Labour Party drive fear, promote greater authoritarianism and neglect the poor in our communities. It is only the fortunate who can benefit from lockdown and work from home. So many other people are needed to support the community – shop workers, food preparation, supply and delivery, police, fire service, care workers, health service workers, warehouse pickers, packers and deliverers, refuse workers, construction workers, waste water workers, power supply workers, this list is endless. Whilst the rich are indoors sheltering the poor service their needs.

It is my opinion that the Labour Party has failed the country generally and poor communities in particular.

I would like you to show Keir Starmer my email as I am certain my views are representative of many former Labour Party voters.”

Hardly a good start for the New Improved Refurbished Deep-Cleansed Labour Party?

Charmer is going to have to work very hard before 2024, especially with folk like Burnham stalking his every misteak? (!) [-X

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