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Re: New Zealand

#221 Post by barkingmad » Fri Mar 11, 2022 5:27 pm

Maybe Rossian’s B-i-L will be able to construct a crystal radio out of these components, which have also been observed under the correct microscopy in other countries oop north in EUrope;

“This story is an interview with three very brave people in New Zealand—a doctor and two lawyers—who are trying to get the health officials in New Zealand to investigate and explain the nature of the weird-looking microscopic objects that they (and several other teams) have observed when looking at the contents of the vials under an electron microscope.

The brave people I interviewed are Dr. Matt Shelton, Sue Grey, and an anonymous human rights lawyer who is an active participant in the New Zealand freedom movement but who at the moment cannot publicly disclose her name due to her career situation.

A vial was obtained, and its contents were observed under an electron microscope.

The findings turned out to be bizarre: the injection seemed to contain microscopic square and rectangular shapes, weird-looking structures that showed up with regularity, objects that seemed to possibly “organize” into more complex structures over the course of several days, etc.y

Besides observing the mystery objects with his own eyes, Dr. Shelton also connected with another group of scientists in New Zealand who had followed a similar process and ended up with similar findings (in addition to a group in Spain and a group in the UK). In our interview, Dr. Shelton shared images and videos from that other group as well.

At no point did Dr. Shelton, Sue Grey, or the anonymous lawyer claim to know what those weird objects were.

They did, however, become concerned—and so they made their findings available, and they have been very passionately asking the health authorities in New Zealand to please investigate the mystery objects and provide an explanation as to what they are.

The health authorities of New Zealand showed no interest in investigating the vials—but Sue Grey and Dr. Shelton, on the other hand, found themselves under investigation by respective industry bodies!

Dr. Shelton’s medical license was suspended as well.”

Jolly good, we don’t want that nasty Dr Shelton going around damaging innocent folk, do we?

Allegedly the contracts ‘twixt customer guvvments and the ‘brew’ suppliers stipulates that no analysis nor disassembling of the supplied product is permitted, I wonder why and what could they possibly wish to hide? :-?

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Re: New Zealand

#222 Post by FD2 » Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:08 pm

Ah - thank you bm. Where do you find these nutters' conspiracy websites? You must have a little well of them that you keep dipping into!

I got as far as this: (There is a lot happening in New Zealand right now; just the other day, the police brutally attacked the Wellington protestors and injured a number of people. I will send out a separate update about that.) and instantly stopped reading the tripe.

Hundreds of people (flat earthers, virus conspiracy believers, Trump supporters, anti-1080, anti-water reorganisation and other assorted folk) illegally occupied the grounds around the parliament buildings. They were allowed to stay there and have a shout about things that bothered them, including compulsory covid vaccinations, before being trespassed from the site. As the assembly continued to swell it was infiltrated by others (and there is a strong undercurrent of them here) who, like the BLM rioters and other malcontents around the world just want to control the narrative and inflict their views on the peaceful majority. Inspired by Trump's minions in the Capitol invasion the narrative changed to cries of 'Freedom!' and 'Taking back our country!' etc.

The police continued to take a peaceful approach and apart from minor skirmishes when latecomers tried to move the concrete blocks and get their vans and cars inside the demo area. This went on for over three weeks - a shower block and flushing toilets were erected by the demo fans and it became obvious what sort of people had actually overtaken and started to run what had started as a peaceful event. Locals were abused both physically and verbally for daring to wear masks and be in the vicinity of the squalid camp. Local shopkeepers received similar abuse and some were forced to close for their own safety. In minor skirmishes with the cops the slobs threw sh*t at them - you can understand the camp was rather unsanitary by this time.

By day 21 it was obvious that a permanent camp was being established in the grounds of the parliament and even nice Police Commissioner Coster decided to end the nonsense on day 23. The police cleared the camp and it was claimed set fire to the tents etc, even when newsreel showed the demo mob doing it themselves - they even had a handle on the sort of lying propaganda which we are seeing in Ukraine at the moment. This was when the violence erupted with brick weave roads being ripped up and half bricks and any other missiles to hand were thrown at the cops. They had already lost the support of the general law abiding population by that time and this cemented those opinions. As Ardern said - this does not have to appearance of a New Zealand demonstration - it has all the hallmarks of being copied from other violent events from abroad. Polls showed overwhelming public support for Coster's actions.

A previous violent demonstration occurred when anti-apartheid crowds prevented matches being played against the Springboks. Now I think that was justified. I think some of the policies of this government have polarised society here and may well be to blame for a rise in right wing popularity. I don't support those policies and am reassured that the right wing will scrap many of these divisive two peoples type legislation if they get back in power.

I suggested you read some 'normal' press regarding events here and you come back and quote a nutters' conspiracy publication concerning something nasty spotted under a microscope. It's obviously a government secret weapon for controlling minds isn't it? Tinfoil hats at the ready! (-| #-o

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Re: New Zealand

#223 Post by FD2 » Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:12 pm

Rossian wrote:
Fri Mar 11, 2022 11:10 am
Ah but, ah but, ah but, FD2 my B-i-L who lives in NZ informs Madame and I in a Skype call that of course it is a WELL KNOWN FACT that the toothy lady who appears on your TV screens is NOT JA!! She is a body double fronted up by the Gummint while the REAL JA is in permanent house arrest!! Who knew? Oh and all doctors are purely there to take money from poor people to fund the underlying conspiracy of paedophiles led by Hilary Clinton who connect to NZ by an Under Pacific tunnel to bend everyone to their will. Who knew that either??
Doctors are with Big Pharma as well (of course). Oh except when he had a prostate cancer scare which those evil MDs sorted for him!
This chap was an officer in the RAF in UK, has a double first in electronic engineering and was personnel director of a large UK life assurance company before becoming an alternative therapist in NZ. And he believes all the shite that QAnon put out, unquestioningly.
I find him impossible to talk to.

The Ancient Mariner
Rossian - Thanks, how did you stop yourself from laughing? Did they support the parliament demo? They must have left their tinfoil hats off when the rays were bing sent out from the secret labs. It takes all sorts, as the saying goes!

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Re: New Zealand

#224 Post by FD2 » Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:15 pm

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Re: New Zealand

#225 Post by Rossian » Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:21 pm

B-i-L comes across as very plausible and sincere, but then he also claims to cure people living in the US northwest of a variety of "severe" illnesses by "distance healing". As they say in Glasgow as the ultimate expression of disbelief "Aye, that'll be right eh!"
See PM.

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Re: New Zealand

#226 Post by FD2 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:49 am ... congestion

Usual posers on noisy bikes at the front posing as hard men in their Nazi helmets. It's great they have the freedom to protest and block traffic in a busy part of the city.

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Re: New Zealand

#227 Post by barkingmad » Wed May 11, 2022 8:25 am

If true, then the best they can do is to rework the film studios, sets and locations to shoot the spectacular film “The Search for the Holy Grail of Zero-Covid”, the first of a 10 part series which will run and run; ... ern/289655

Shergar’s sister, or the Toothy Tyrant, gained universal respect and adoration following the Christchurch shootings but has since soiled her copybook with the misdirected religious fervour of the typical Global Young Leader.

However, if the ambitious qualified NZ youth come over to Blighty they might just help to rescue us from the dire mess into which we’ve been led by the Pig Dictator. X(

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Re: New Zealand

#228 Post by FD2 » Thu May 12, 2022 6:04 am

Come on BM - do keep up: ... -july-2022 Zero Covid was abandoned ages ago.

soiled her copybook with the misdirected religious fervour of the typical Global Young Leader
Which particular action(s) are you referring to? I dislike the racially divisive legislation she has been trying to sneak through Parliament and suspect she'll be out at the Election next year. I don't really think it's religious fervour - more woke fervour perhaps. As for teaching UK politicians anything I think as much of the truth as can be told would be a good starting point and likewise with less hypocrisy the second.

Starmer has yet again made a fool of himself over the curry gate business and all his minions jumped on it and also made fools of themselves. The ginger minger was in on the leggy joke to begin with as far as I can see and sitting with the other boozers at the curry event. What a bunch of hypocrites - matching those on the other side of the House.

Then an idiot, even accidentally perhaps, gets porn flashing on his phone screen and it seems he sits there goofing at it instead of immediately shutting it off in great embarrassment. Another chump, if the reports are true, suggests that people can feed themselves on 30pence a day. Where do they find these people? Can't they scan their heads for evidence of a brain during the selection procedure? They should have their phones confiscated, like school kids, to make them pay attention to the debates, which is why they are there in the first place.

BJ has had a lucky escape due to the malign Putin's invasion or he would have rightly been out on his backside and deservedly so. We all know politicians are 'economical with the truth' but he has taken that to a new level. Finally he is doing something right with the Ukraine business but I don't think this new Boris will be in evidence for long.

Apologies for thread drift - I'm now out of it.

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Re: New Zealand

#229 Post by Karearea » Mon May 16, 2022 6:39 am

The Ministry for the Environment has shut down a web page detailing an emissions projection tool following an error where it posted the words “Blah Blah Blah” three times.

A screenshot of the Ministry for the Environment website showed a page originally said: “Here are some the actions currently being taken by New Zealand to mitigate against climate change.”

This was followed by bullet points which said “Blah Blah Blah” three times.

The Ministry for the Environment accidentally published a placeholder for content on its website on Monday.
Ministry for the Environment posts 'Blah Blah Blah' in outline of emissions tool

"And to think that it's the same dear old Moon..."

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Re: New Zealand

#230 Post by Karearea » Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:00 am

Farmers are out in force today in opposition to the Government’s proposed emissions pricing scheme.

The “We’re Not Going to Take It” nationwide protest is underway with utes, tractors, and trucks gathering in the country’s main centres.

Almost 60 convoys are planned around the country: this from Dunedin -

Country comes to town for protest
"People need to realise New Zealand produces less than a quarter of a percent of global emissions but our primary sector is being crippled to lower that when other countries will just take over from us,"
"And to think that it's the same dear old Moon..."

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Re: New Zealand

#231 Post by barkingmad » Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:51 am

Karearea, you are not alone down under in the opinion of Saint Jacinda.

This from the Northern Hemisphere which I hope will ease the pain of the Kiwis.

It's a long article and only limited availability to non-subscribers so I've grabbed it and post it here to increase our understanding of this Young Global Leader... :ymsick:

"There’s a new type of Western leader: kind, empathetic, rational, considerate. At least, that’s what Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, wants you to think. Although her party has been slipping in the polls, she remains a potent figurehead of progressive politics for governments around the world, who revere her as a modern-day saint for her ability to produce extraordinary electoral results whilst staying true to her centre-left politics.

We shouldn’t dismiss Ardern as an ideologue, though. Take for example some of the comments made by Tourism Minister Stuart Nash regarding immigration: rapid demographic changes (migration has contributed to 30 per cent of New Zealand’s total population growth since the 1990s) means that “businesses have been able to rely on lower-skilled labour and suppress wages rather than investing capital in productivity-enhancing plant and machinery, or employing and upskilling New Zealanders into work”. This pattern can also be identified in Britain, where we have been trapped in a “productivity puzzle” since the early 2000’s.

Ardern’s meteoric rise to power is less impressive than her ability to maintain an iron grip on the Labour party. Rogue MPs who attempt to break from the party line are dismissed not after the expected public slanging-match, but with a terse smile and conclusive phrase from the PM. Indeed, all Labour party functionaries are expected to display rigorous discipline and loyalty. This is where Ardern’s true power lies: her ability to hide her ruthless nature under a carefully-maintained presentational façade.

New Zealand instituted one of the most draconian lockdowns in the world
It is vital to understand the context behind Ardern’s enduring success, and why exactly her latest round of softly-spoken scolding is so concerning for public liberties. Speaking at the UN General Assembly last month, the New Zealand premier promoted a passion project that has long driven her political project: the importance of restricting “dangerous” speech online. She urged her fellow leaders to take action against “misinformation and disinformation online”, comparing the sharing of “misinformation” to “weapons of war”. Her comparison continued: “A bullet takes a life. A bomb takes out a whole village. A lie online or from a podium does not. But what if that lie, told repeatedly, and across many platforms, prompts, inspires, or motivates others to take up arms. To threaten the security of others. To turn a blind eye to atrocities, or worse, to become complicit in them. What then?”

Her concern over online expression is not novel. Indeed, she (along with Emmanuel Macron) founded a NGO called the Christchurch Call to Action Summit two months after the New Zealand Mosque terror attacks. The group aims to “bring together countries and tech companies in an attempt to bring to an end the ability to use social media to organise and promote terrorism and violent extremism”, and enlisted social media giants like Facebook and Twitter along with over 120 governments. Even Roblox — a Minecraft-inspired online children’s videogame — has signed the petition to end online extremism.

One can easily identify the ramifications of such a policy being instituted, alongside the cynical political motivations that may lie behind Jacinda’s actions. After all, New Zealand instituted one of the most draconian lockdown policies in the world. The inevitable end of the “Zero Covid” strategy — maintained by stranding thousands of citizens abroad for years out of fear of infection — was followed by crackdowns on anti-vaccine-mandate protests. Nowhere is Ardern’s influence more clear than seen through the myriad street signs telling citizens to “stay home — be kind”. If you refused to “be kind”, expect the full force of the New Zealand state to come crashing down on you. The Labour government then attempted to paint Covid dissenters as “dangerous extremists”. The same sort of extremists, in other words, that Ardern rallied against in her UN address.

It comes from an ideological distrust of unregulated behaviour
There are other, less immediately obvious consequences to restricting free speech online — even if the targets appear to be indisputably unsympathetic. You can identify many questionable places on the internet as hotbeds of political radicalism and unkind speech. Take, for example, the notorious forum Kiwifarms, a site which contained the doxing information of the online world’s greatest laughing stocks. There is no denying that the website was cruel, and it could be used for bullying merely eccentric people. (The “Kiwi” in the name was not a reference to New Zealand — though the New Zealand police did demand information about its members after it hosted the livestream and manifesto of the Christchurch shooter.)

Following a relentless social media campaign, Cloudflare — the Internet hosting service — severed relations with the website’s founder Joshua Moon, forcing the closure of the website. Few people will mourn its disappearance. As well as hosting obnoxious material, it is notable that it hosted a great deal of unflattering information about public figures — public figures who also indulge in obnoxious behaviour but are not the target of mainstream condemnation, never mind censorship. The likes of Ardern love to imagine that “harassment” or “disinformation” have a few specific sources instead of being suffused throughout out culture. But don’t worry! They’re here to protect us. Aren’t we lucky?

I don’t believe that Ardern’s commitment to ending free expression online comes from a fundamental misunderstanding about the origins of terrorist radicalisation. She is much smarter than that. It comes from an ideological distrust of unregulated speech and behaviour, wherever it might show itself. She compared online safety restrictions to weapons controls at the UN not out of foolishness, or soppy sentimentalism, but from a coldly coherent understanding that her brand of politics cannot survive without external help. This was an appeal of a democratically-elected Western leader to an unaccountable supra-state to protect her from her own electorate. This is the true face of “civility politics” — a call to remove debate and disagreement from the public sphere for our own good. Make no mistake: Ardern is the face of the coming wave of soppy, sentimental authoritarianism."

The Great Reset project marches on and it's time the sheeple woke up and as in the drugs war, "Just Say No' and don't accept CBDC, keep using cash which infuriates the cabal. :))

Let us not forget her 1984 style declaration- "New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaking to members of the press about the COVID-19 pandemic. The two highlighted moments were that Ardern said, “We will continue to be your single source of truth,” and, “Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth.” [-X

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Re: New Zealand

#232 Post by John Hill » Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:03 am

barkingmad wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:51 am

Let us not forget her 1984 style declaration- "New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaking to members of the press about the COVID-19 pandemic. The two highlighted moments were that Ardern said, “We will continue to be your single source of truth,” and, “Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth.”
Everyone who promotes their beliefs is claiming that no one else is telling the truth so why do you think Jacinda should be different?

Perhaps you think she should recognize the existence of alternative facts!

Meanwhile if you do not want to accept the facts from Jacinda and her experts perhaps you should try a bleach enema.
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Re: New Zealand

#233 Post by TheGreenAnger » Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:07 am

John Hill wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:03 am
barkingmad wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:51 am

Let us not forget her 1984 style declaration- "New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaking to members of the press about the COVID-19 pandemic. The two highlighted moments were that Ardern said, “We will continue to be your single source of truth,” and, “Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth.”
Everyone who promotes their beliefs is claiming that no one else is telling the truth so why do you think Jacinda should be different?

Perhaps you think she should recognize the existence of alternative facts!

Meanwhile if you do not want to accept the facts from Jacinda and her experts perhaps you should try a bleach enema.

Let the scientific method and rational empiricism speak. All the rest, including bleach enemas, is a just a pain in the arse!
My necessaries are embark'd: farewell. Adieu! I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious leave.

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Re: New Zealand

#234 Post by John Hill » Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:19 am

TheGreenAnger wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:07 am
Let the scientific method and rational empiricism speak. All the rest, including bleach enemas, is a just a pain in the arse!
The bleach enemas came from a very highly respected source and surely could have been a valid alternative for those freedom lovers who did not want to listen to Jacinda?
Been in data comm since we formed the bits individually with a Morse key.

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Re: New Zealand

#235 Post by TheGreenAnger » Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:24 am

John Hill wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:19 am
TheGreenAnger wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:07 am
Let the scientific method and rational empiricism speak. All the rest, including bleach enemas, is a just a pain in the arse!
The bleach enemas came from a very highly respected source and surely could have been a valid alternative for those freedom lovers who did not want to listen to Jacinda?
True John. We must grant people the freedom to be idiots and also to ignore folks who have a great deal of knowledge, gained through hard study and experience, because as we all know, the so-called experts, are part of the great conspiracy du jour, and now that we can read any old garbage on the internet, we are also experts too and not part of any conspiracy, save that of the confederacy of dunces!
My necessaries are embark'd: farewell. Adieu! I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious leave.

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Re: New Zealand

#236 Post by prospector » Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:42 pm

Not the sort of news one would expect from R.T. ... aign=Email

"The measure aims to create a “more inclusive democracy” by ensuring those who speak English as a second language, who are marginally literate, or have disabilities can participate in government. Backed by the Labour, Green, and Maori parties, it has met with opposition from the National and ACT parties, with National MP Simeon Brown describing it as “a solution looking for a problem.” The legislation will create bureaucracy by adding an unnecessary layer of civil servants at a time when the state employs a record number of people, critics said, complaining about a lack of enforcement protocols and arguing that a law shouldn’t be needed to motivate officials to speak plainly."

"who are marginally literate," Seems to be many who would fit that description in this day and age.

Really are the star act for R.T. today ... st-greens/

Trying to send our farmers broke over less than 1 HALF OF 1% of the worlds carbon emissions.

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Re: New Zealand

#237 Post by prospector » Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:43 pm

You are obviously seriously lacking in geographical knowledge; it would be so easy to print exactly what I think of your parentage, but not worth the effort.

Just for your elucidation there are at least 250 different versions of Aboriginal languages.

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Re: New Zealand

#238 Post by TheGreenAnger » Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:19 am

Ok, Prospector, the joke is over. I do know are a New Zealander. Like Hansie Cronje said, it was the devil that made me do it...

My necessaries are embark'd: farewell. Adieu! I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious leave.

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Re: New Zealand

#239 Post by ExSp33db1rd » Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:42 am

#235...........we are also experts too..............
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Re: New Zealand

#240 Post by prospector » Sat Oct 22, 2022 3:08 am ... d=msedgdhp

Can it be that the Covid lockdowns are alone responsible for these appalling results?'Incredibly sad': "Assessment of literacy and numeracy competency in NZ schools paints grim picture"

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