Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#341 Post by Undried Plum » Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:27 pm

That's not how the Chinese succeeded.

They succeeded by testing testing testing and enforcing a meaningful lockdown.

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#342 Post by larsssnowpharter » Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:40 pm

I know that, UP. They started from a very different position in a very different culture with all the experience SARS and other diseases gave them.

In any case, I was writing with tongue firmly in cheek.

Last year, according to government figures, some 29000 people died as a result of air pollution.

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#343 Post by OFSO » Tue Nov 03, 2020 1:48 pm

A meaningful lockdown? Define, please.

Sure, impose a stay-indoors lockdown for, say, twelve months and close the borders completely (and keep them closed afterwards) and at the end of that period Covid will no longer be a problem. Plenty of other things will, though.
So make the lockdown six months, or three, or two... Balance the "deaths from other causes", and the impact on the economy.....

I've said before, it's simple. (1) Define what you are trying to achieve and (2) implement measures to achieve it. Trouble with BoJo is, he's not done (1) yet. No idea. Scrambling round in the dark looking for solutions to he knows not what...

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#344 Post by AtomKraft » Tue Nov 03, 2020 1:53 pm

When all this Coronabollocks is over, they are going to hold an enquiry about how they coped.

With the benefit of hindsight, the only sort of sight they seem to have, it will be plain that they made a giant cock of it.

"Lessons have been learned", they will say.

What a shame they cannot ever get it right at the time....

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#345 Post by Boac » Tue Nov 03, 2020 2:29 pm

Well, AK - if you have the foresight do let us know. You will be much in demand. Do you have the winning lottery numbers by chance?

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#346 Post by Undried Plum » Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:22 pm

It's already plain that they (the Brits and some other countries) have made a giant cock of it.

They failed to prepare. They failed to react until it was too late, and then the idiots of HMG actually paid people to go out and infect eachother in pub-restaurants.

Negligence, certainly. Borderline criminal negligence, at best.

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#347 Post by G-CPTN » Tue Nov 03, 2020 5:15 pm

Undried Plum wrote:
Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:22 pm
the idiots of HMG actually paid people to go out and infect eachother in pub-restaurants.
That would seem a reasonable assumption which an effective track and trace would have conirmed or disproven.
What has been the effect of pubs? Logic would suggest it would spread the virus, especially when you consider the incubation period.

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#348 Post by AtomKraft » Tue Nov 03, 2020 7:02 pm

Lockdowns do not work.
I was in India in March when they closed the borders.
They are still closed.
Cases were low and deaths in the low hundreds for ages.
It started building up in May, now it's 100,000 new cases a day.
Nobody was let in to the Country without a Covid test- and it was only repatriated Nationals.

You cannot, you just can not, protect a population from a bug where 80% of sufferers don't even know they have it.

It's just not possible.

There are things on Earth that we have to accept. Earthquakes, Volcanoes and diseases, the gradual change in the temp are all outwith our control.

It comes with the territory.

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#349 Post by Undried Plum » Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:21 pm

China proved that lockdowns, in conjunction with testing, really do work.

So did Taiwan.

The reason why the rather insipid UK attempt at a lockdown didn't work was because it was at least three weeks too late and was ended too early and was never combined by a proper testing regime.

The second wave attempt at a quasi-lockdown will fail for exactly the same reasons.

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#350 Post by OFSO » Tue Nov 03, 2020 9:12 pm

I will quote the expert in dealing with this sort of problem.

"Death solves all problems - no man, no problem. "

Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, 1918

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#351 Post by AtomKraft » Tue Nov 03, 2020 10:52 pm

Another worthwhile quote from uncle joe.

"He who votes changes nothing. He who counts the votes changes everything".

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#352 Post by AtomKraft » Tue Nov 03, 2020 10:58 pm


Lockdown is just hiding......

You old nugget.

Sooner or later.......one has to come out.

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#353 Post by OFSO » Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:11 pm

Indeed. Nuggets, by the way, are often precious metal; and so it is here.

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#354 Post by barkingmad » Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:21 pm

For the stats and graphs fanatics in O-N, here is a gently paced critique of the current madness, posted on the web within the last 24 hours;

I love the soft Dublin accent pointing out ab-initio, "it's November the turd"! How very appropriate... =))

It lasts just over 20 minutes, enough to get you through lunch without having to watch or listen to the standard MSM sh1tshow! X(

Edited to add: His final comment "There's blood on a lot of lockdown hands right now...the 2 characters that are talking and trying to ruin the UK should probably be brought into court with proper data and maybe serve a custodial sentence because what's the punishment for destroying your country?"

The answer to this question will be found in "Friday Jokes" post # 5970 for which we must thank boac! =))

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#355 Post by barkingmad » Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:28 am

It’s good to realise that those previously viewed as snowflakes have finally bared their fangs and displayed the righteous anger which is overdue in the rest of the population;

“That’s a bit more like it. Students at Manchester University last night tore down a nasty metal fence that had been erected to confine them to their halls of residence. MailOnline has more.

Furious students last night ripped down a metal fence erected around their halls on the first day of England’s new coronavirus lockdown.

Crowds of undergraduates at Manchester University trampled on the barrier and set off flares in the Fallowfield area of the city.

Pictures showed tradesmen putting up the huge blockade for the four-week shutdown as scores of residents claimed it would have had a “devastating” impact on their mental health.

Joe Hindley, 19, a first-year maths student, said: “We’ve just been really frustrated. There’s no benefit we can see to them being up.”

He added: “They’ve said something about it increasing our safety but from what we can see it’s a complete waste of money.”

One student, who asked to remain unnamed, told MailOnline: “The consensus amongst the student population is that this is incredibly dehumanising.”

Another added the university had relayed “absolutely no information” about the fencing and that they only told students at 3pm Thursday.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell last night apologised for the “concern and distress” and said it was meant to protect students from non-university visitors but would be removed today.
Okay, it’s not exactly a Berlin Wall moment. But still. Glad to see that some people in Britain are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it any more.”

Having just watched the repeat of the TV prog “Behind the Berlin Wall”, the Leipzig protests in 1989 which started with a few hundred, swelled following the church services to several thousand then 70,000, might be a lesson for western ‘democracies’ to learn before it gets out of control.

Does the British guvvment realise that thanks to ditching 10s of thousands UK Plod during the “austerity period”, UK Plod no longer have the resources to maintain control of the streets and housing estates??!

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#356 Post by barkingmad » Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:29 pm

So is this the REAL reason for Lockdown 2.0?

"An NHS worker wrote in to Planet Normal to highlight the fact that the organisation has implemented a Covid risk profile tier system across its 1.4 million strong workforce whereby for instance an obese worker is classed as being in a high risk tier and is being allowed to stay at home on full pay (why not 80% as per furlough?). This policy puts pressure on the workers who are deemed low risk to carry the extra load as well as leading to lots of additional agency staff being employed at higher cost.

Furthermore, the implications of this policy are staggering – we have been locked down to protect the NHS again yet it seems privately the NHS is doing a very good job of protecting itself.

In terms of transparency, is the real reason for Lockdown 2.0 not the familiar bed capacity measure but rather the sheer number of staff classed as being too at risk on the NHS internal tier system? Do we have a Human Resources problem not a medical problem? Why is this not big news?

In addition, isn’t the NHS the perfect model to test the hypothesis of Dr Mike Yeadon on community immunity thresholds?

Given nurses and doctors have continued to provide care in the first instance with a highly publicised lack of PPE, shouldn’t we be allowed to see a detailed statistical analysis of outcomes? Under the notorious Ferguson model we would expect to have seen 12,600 deaths (1.4 million x an IFR of 0.9%) among health care workers since March. What are the actual figures for Covid deaths on the NHS payroll? (As of August 11th, 620 NHS staff and social care worker deaths had been linked to coronavirus.) How do Covid deaths of NHS workers compare with the wider working community, e.g. versus frontline workers in food supply chains and civil servants who have been able to work from the comfortable isolation of their own homes since March? Is this data even available and if so why not when so much of our tax money is swallowed by this institution, and once more we are all being asked to make the sacrifice of lockdown in the name of protecting this national treasure/religion! Clap for data?

I’m sure brighter minds are aware of these issues and asking the right questions. But having mentioned these ideas to a few friends, coworkers and family in the past 24 hours this seems to be a potential light bulb set of arguments".

'The Lockdown Archipelago

To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good, or else that it’s a well-considered act in conformity with natural law. Fortunately, it is in the nature of the human being to seek a justification for his actions…

Ideology – that is what gives the evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago'

Answers as usual, aaw don't bother, nobody gives a toss any more... X(

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#357 Post by barkingmad » Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:56 am

From the deafening silence on this thread I have to assume that the members of O-N are perfectly happy with the lockdowns Mark 1 (understandable at the time), Mark 2 (totally un-necessary) and the proposed Mark 3 before/during/after Christmas into March.

So another contribution from the Branch Covidians to see if everyone is still totally at ease with this Stalinist behaviour;

“The Government’s fetish for incarcerating its own citizens is growing stronger by the day. Britain has become a giant Guantanamo Bay of Covid control, maintained by invisible fences of call centres and fines. Worse, the creeping nature of it has meant that we never get any proper debate as to what price we really want to pay to suppress the virus.

We are fed daily with graphs and charts showing the numbers of new infections, hospitalisations and deaths. But we never get the other side of the ledger (not from the Government or its scientists anyway): the impact on our mental health, on other medical conditions and deaths caused by seriously ill people failing to seek timely medical attention, or the price we are going to pay through deprivation caused by economic decline.

We get dribs and drabs – such as the figures put out by the ONS this morning, revealing a huge rise in people admitting to feeling lonely – but they never make it to Downing Street briefings, and still less do ministers allow them to be used in a public debate as to what lockdown is actually achieving. All public policy has been reduced to this one, narrow aim of reducing Covid numbers.

But whatever happens, it seems to mean more lockdown. Like the poor wretches dragged off to medieval ducking stools – who were judged innocent if they drowned, found guilty of witchcraft and burned alive if they survived the ducking – we can’t win. If Covid numbers fall it is taken as a sign that lockdown is working, and must therefore be prolonged. If Covid numbers rise, it is taken as a sign we must have even tougher lockdown. Never mind that Covid numbers were already levelling off before the second lockdown was called, very sharply so in Tier 3 areas such as Liverpool and Nottingham”.

And now, forgive me, I will have to rush off and receive treatment for my “truth decay”!

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#358 Post by TheGreenGoblin » Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:16 am

barkingmad wrote:
Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:56 am
From the deafening silence on this thread I have to assume that the members of O-N are perfectly happy with the lockdowns Mark 1 (understandable at the time), Mark 2 (totally un-necessary) and the proposed Mark 3 before/during/after Christmas into March.
We have become inured to bondage and now realise that without pain there cannot be pleasure, and besides lockdowns are far cheaper than the Karl Lagerfeld Bondage Dungeons in Bremerhaven! =))
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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#359 Post by barkingmad » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:58 pm

TGG sez; "We have become inured to bondage and now realise that without pain there cannot be pleasure". :-o

The mind truly doth boggle, what HAVE you been up to, is this one of the symptoms of lockdown syndrome?

Possibly connected with recent UK Channels 4 and 5 shows transmitted after the watershed?

I think we should be told. =))

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Re: Lockup/ lockdown. How to end it?

#360 Post by TheGreenGoblin » Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:06 pm

barkingmad wrote:
Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:58 pm
TGG sez; "We have become inured to bondage and now realise that without pain there cannot be pleasure". :-o

The mind truly dot boggle, what HAVE you been up to, is this one of the symptoms of lockdown syndrome?

Possibly connected with recent UK Channels 4 and 5 shows transmitted after the watershed?

I think we should be told. =))
I should have added allegedly! :ymblushing:
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