BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

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Do you think the UK leaving the European Union would be a good thing?

Poll ended at Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:51 pm

Total votes: 50

Krystal n Chips
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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3781 Post by Krystal n Chips » Sun May 12, 2019 3:40 pm

FD2 wrote:
Sun May 12, 2019 10:20 am
Just trying a very obvious smear job. What a pathetic specimen Marr is.
Now what makes you say he's a "pathetic specimen " ?

I ask because Nige showed a flaw and a very obvious one. When somebody who is emphatic about his views, and doesn't take kindly to criticism or probing questions, resorts to bluster and self righteous "indignation " then at that point you know the questions are hitting home and in such a manner the only defence is as I say.

Seen, and practiced it, a few times over the years when confronted with the arrogant and pretentious ...also favoured by some in the military when they "remind " the questioner of their rank...always helps when you know you've lost the argument. Also used by a contributor on TOP whom I was, allegedly, "stalking " but who was, and is, a pure self aggrandizing BS merchant ( see his intro ) and who was exposed as such. Strangely, I'm on his "ignore"list and even more strangely, he's been remarkably reticent to post on here.

This transcript probably won't meet with your own, and other, Nige supporters approval , but illustrates my point.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3782 Post by boing » Sun May 12, 2019 8:19 pm

In his first major interview since talks with the government began almost five weeks ago, Starmer:

Suggested a referendum must be part of any package agreed with the government.
How long would it take to prepare for the referendum? We are led to believe that the EU Elections, in 11 days, will go quite well for the Brexit Party. If Peterborough also goes badly for the once major parties they might as well pack their bags and go home and the idea of a new referendum will be moot. Shortly the focus of the media will swing from the EU Elections to the Peterborough election.

Said Labour could call time on the cross-party talks within days if it became clear no new offer was forthcoming.
Which would lead to even greater damage to TM and make her removal more likely. The indication would be that Labour favours remaining which would most likely alienate previous Labour Party Brexiteer voters.

Warned Theresa May would further damage the prospect of any deal if she set an imminent departure date from No 10.
See above.

Said the option was “on the table” to face Nigel Farage or Tommy Robinson in an EU elections debate.
A pure fantasy. No one is going to face Farage on a public forum and risk being marmalized. (I believe we thank Ken Dodd for the expression :) )

You know, the present situation makes me think of a bunch of penguins huddling together on a steadily melting free iceberg. Any one of them could point out the inevitable problem and, at a push, they could even swim to safety if they acted immediately -- but no, they prefer to hold committee meetings while the ice melts and their doom approaches.

And in case anyone is wondering the quotes are from; ... -interview
the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3783 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Sun May 12, 2019 8:28 pm

A "confirmatory referendum" which includes Remain as an option is a straight rejection of the first referendum, and renders both main parties' manifestos at the last election, and over a hundred statements by both party leaders in Parliament since, straight lies.
This is not complicated. The man on the Clapham omnibus, or in the public bar in a Sheffield boozer, can and has worked this one out.
I would lay odds that at least 2/3 of everyone who will vote on the 23rd is no longer listening to anything coming from MPs or the MSM. Most of the rest will be even more likely to vote for the Brexit Party the longer this BS continues. MPs and the MSM are talking to each other in their own Westminster bubble. Precious few others could give a f#ck. And I think this applies whichever way people think on membership of the EU.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3784 Post by G-CPTN » Sun May 12, 2019 8:51 pm

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Sun May 12, 2019 8:28 pm
A "confirmatory referendum"
Is trade-union speak for 'putting it to the members' . . .

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3785 Post by FD2 » Sun May 12, 2019 9:02 pm

Krystal n Chips wrote:
Sun May 12, 2019 3:40 pm
FD2 wrote:
Sun May 12, 2019 10:20 am
Just trying a very obvious smear job. What a pathetic specimen Marr is.
Now what makes you say he's a "pathetic specimen " ?

I ask because Nige showed a flaw and a very obvious one. When somebody who is emphatic about his views, and doesn't take kindly to criticism or probing questions, resorts to bluster and self righteous "indignation " then at that point you know the questions are hitting home and in such a manner the only defence is as I say.

Seen, and practiced it, a few times over the years when confronted with the arrogant and pretentious ...also favoured by some in the military when they "remind " the questioner of their rank...always helps when you know you've lost the argument. Also used by a contributor on TOP whom I was, allegedly, "stalking " but who was, and is, a pure self aggrandizing BS merchant ( see his intro ) and who was exposed as such. Strangely, I'm on his "ignore"list and even more strangely, he's been remarkably reticent to post on here.

This transcript probably won't meet with your own, and other, Nige supporters approval , but illustrates my point.
Well, where do I begin? Marr is pathetic because he has the man at the centre of the biggest political upheaval of modern times sitting next to him in the studio and instead of addressing the issues that most of the country wants to hear about, he attempts to rile him with old quotes and matters unrelated to the matters at hand. If that's not a pathetic grovelling attitude towards his BBC masters I don't know what is. If he had Steptoe, Abbotopotamus and Mac the Knife in the studio singly or as a troop, would he have pitched in and tried to discredit them with anything he could drag up from their past? And don't try and tell me they are all whiter than white (morally that is, not physically of course).

Further, Marr is a stinking hypocrite and should maybe feel a touch of embarrassment about moral issues, it being him who took out a 'super injunction' to try and hide his affair with a GUARDIAN journalist (another moral hypocrite perhaps), thinking the child she had was his. When it all fell down around his feet, DNA revealed that the child was not his so who else was Jackie Ashley shagging at the same time? Who knows or cares about their grubby doings? It just reinforces my opinion of Marr as a pathetic individual. ... 75149.html

I try to read a cross section of papers, left and right in order to try and get the most accurate and unbiased knowledge of what is really happening. I don't stick my fingers in my ears and with wilful stupidity shout 'La, La, La, I can't hear you!'

The Stables in the Houses of Commons and Lords need all the ***** sweeping out and at the moment Farage is the next best thing we have to a Cromwell, like it or not. Make MPs have real work experience, no one younger than 30 perhaps, etc etc. I can't think of many Governments of the last 50 years who have actually made a good job of running the Country, left or right wingers. Car industry gone, manufacturing industry gone, Treasury money plundered and 'none left' etc etc.

I suggest you see a psychiatrist about your obsession with Capetonian - it's definitely unhealthy. As is your obsession with 'military' types - it just marks you out as the worst sort of barrack room or lower deck lawyer that many of us experienced in the Services. Just get over it and you may feel a happier person putting it even further behind you and out of your mind. Ever tried hypno-therapy?

Finally anyone who watches TV in New Zealand would not be keen on the abolition of the BBC unless they enjoy the wall-to-wall commercial TV like the 'free' service here. Make the BBC impartial by law and have an agreed committee of left and right wingers to enforce it. It's the TV equivalent of a left biased rag newspaper at present.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3786 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sun May 12, 2019 9:20 pm

FD2 - you owe us a beer!


Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3787 Post by Capetonian » Sun May 12, 2019 9:39 pm

FD2 : I'm not sure why you bother responding to the Manchurian Marxist with a chip on both shoulders. However :

It is interesting that you, and others, can write a lengthy reply which is is succinct, makes its points, and is coherent, whereas his are just rambling diatribes of sneering meaningless drivel and he has to back up his 'points' with links to the Grauniad.

I agree that Marr is pathetic, albeit a perceptive and quick witted interviewer, but he's not going to bite the hand that feeds him so he has to toe the BBC line - a hypocrite as you said. His performance merely showed Nigel Farage for the courageous and farseeing political personality he is, whilst Marr demeaned himself.

KaknCrap is not on my ignore list, I just choose not to read his ramblings, unless they are less than a few lines, which is rarely the case, and tend to see them only when quoted, as by yourself above.

I'm not sure if I am the TOP contributor to whom he refers, if he is referring to me then he really has lost the plot as nothing he says is applicable to me, but perhaps if he is referring to me he can quote his reference for describing me as 'a pure self aggrandizing BS merchant'. I suspect he means someone else but who knows. He is so full of bile and envy that he has lost the ability to communicate cogently.

He is unhealthily obsessed by my place of birth and nationality, for some reason, but I'm ignoring the remarks, as one ignores a guttersnipe.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3788 Post by Krystal n Chips » Mon May 13, 2019 5:25 am

FD2 wrote:
Sun May 12, 2019 9:02 pm
Krystal n Chips wrote:
Sun May 12, 2019 3:40 pm
FD2 wrote:
Sun May 12, 2019 10:20 am
Just trying a very obvious smear job. What a pathetic specimen Marr is.
I try to read a cross section of papers, left and right in order to try and get the most accurate and unbiased knowledge of what is really happening. I don't stick my fingers in my ears and with wilful stupidity shout 'La, La, La, I can't hear you!'


I suggest you see a psychiatrist about your obsession with Capetonian - it's definitely unhealthy. As is your obsession with 'military' types - it just marks you out as the worst sort of barrack room or lower deck lawyer that many of us experienced in the Services. Just get over it and you may feel a happier person putting it even further behind you and out of your mind. Ever tried hypno-therapy?

Finally anyone who watches TV in New Zealand would not be keen on the abolition of the BBC unless they enjoy the wall-to-wall commercial TV like the 'free' service here. Make the BBC impartial by law and have an agreed committee of left and right wingers to enforce it. It's the TV equivalent of a left biased rag newspaper at present.
Well that was an interesting polemical diatribe . Possibly induced by you seated in a facsimile of the Wardroom, fully attired in Mess dress, with tracks of the R.M Band alternating between "Heart of Oak " and "Rule Britannia " in the background, and a steady supply of pink gins for inspiration . ?

For somebody who professes to read a selection of media, your comments would suggest otherwise. And thank you for reminding me, yet again, why I left the RAF at the first opportunity.

With regard to Marr, and his questions to Farage, you may recall Marr is a political interviewer and commentator. Part of his remit is to ask questions that are intended to make the recipient uncomfortable and thus prone to making statements that contradict the public image the recipient wishes to present.

In the case of Farage, despite a very well crafted public persona, he's far from being the epitome of sincerity he purports to be.

He's a very dangerous man in every respect. His style endears him to many, but, underneath the façade, there's a far more repellent nature. ... cise-soros

And it may be worth remembering, that, a seat in the H.o .C has eluded him no less than seven times. For Farage, this would represent his ultimate ambition and even more if, as he proposes, his party, and note, just like UKIP it's his party, and hence principally himself would, finally , be in a limited position to make policy inputs.

Consequently, the more this façade can be exposed for what it is, the more hope there is for this ambition to remain thwarted.

" is interesting that you, and others, can write a lengthy reply which is is succinct, makes its points, and is coherent, whereas his are just rambling diatribes of sneering meaningless drivel and he has to back up his 'points' with links to the Grauniad.

Ah, that subtle blend of sycophancy and ingratiation ! Difficult to say which is the more prominent here..... Heep or Quilp

I agree that Marr is pathetic, albeit a perceptive and quick witted interviewer, but he's not going to bite the hand that feeds him so he has to toe the BBC line - a hypocrite as you said. His performance merely showed Nigel Farage for the courageous and farseeing political personality he is, whilst Marr demeaned himself

That's the spirit of unity for you !

KaknCrap is not on my ignore list, I just choose not to read his ramblings, unless they are less than a few lines, which is rarely the case, and tend to see them only when quoted, as by yourself above.

I'm not sure if I am the TOP contributor to whom he refers, if he is referring to me then he really has lost the plot as nothing he says is applicable to me, but perhaps if he is referring to me he can quote his reference for describing me as 'a pure self aggrandizing BS merchant'. I suspect he means someone else but who knows. He is so full of bile and envy that he has lost the ability to communicate cogently

I kindly refer you to your own impeccably crafted exemplification in your first, and subsequent paragraphs, in conjunction with numerous other posts in this respect

However, despite the fact you are over qualified for the criteria I outline, and have always been prone to being so, alas, as you no longer post on TOP, then sadly, much as your vanity would wish this to be the case, I am not referring to yourself.

He is unhealthily obsessed by my place of birth and nationality, for some reason, but I'm ignoring the remarks, as one ignores a guttersnipe

This is where yourself, and he, have another similarity. Said contributor claims to have some 43 types in his logbook, and, like a birth certificate for example which provides equally relevant information, you would think a perfectly reasonable question as to what they are could be answered immediately. Strangely, however, there's always been a deafening silence when this question has been posed.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3789 Post by FD2 » Mon May 13, 2019 6:16 am

Well that was an interesting polemical diatribe . Possibly induced by you seated in a facsimile of the Wardroom, fully attired in Mess dress, with tracks of the R.M Band alternating between "Heart of Oak " and "Rule Britannia " in the background, and a steady supply of pink gins for inspiration . ?

Yes - that's me sitting in my facsimile Wardroom! I dare say some of your chums must have been sad you left the RAF early though - you must have been really good company, a real laugh a minute in the crewroom!


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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3790 Post by Krystal n Chips » Mon May 13, 2019 6:59 am

FD2 wrote:
Mon May 13, 2019 6:16 am
Well that was an interesting polemical diatribe . Possibly induced by you seated in a facsimile of the Wardroom, fully attired in Mess dress, with tracks of the R.M Band alternating between "Heart of Oak " and "Rule Britannia " in the background, and a steady supply of pink gins for inspiration . ?

Yes - that's me sitting in my facsimile Wardroom! I dare say some of your chums must have been sad you left the RAF early though - you must have been really good company, a real laugh a minute in the crewroom!

Quite possibly they were, but, there again, I've never been overly concerned as to whether people appreciate my sense of humour or not.

However, your post offers the opportunity to provide another helpful link.

Have a scroll down and click on the internal link about policy, and control, allied to more than a hint of autocracy .....probably why he appeals to those of similar inclination on here and in the real world... ... den-on-nhs

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3791 Post by Pontius Navigator » Mon May 13, 2019 7:02 am

Capetonian, obscurantist is apt.


Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3792 Post by Capetonian » Mon May 13, 2019 7:37 am

KaknCrap, I hope you didn't expect me to read those paragraphs of rubbish, however should you care to reply in less than 5 lines, making your point (if any) I may read it.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3793 Post by Krystal n Chips » Mon May 13, 2019 8:37 am

Capetonian wrote:
Mon May 13, 2019 7:37 am
KaknCrap, I hope you didn't expect me to read those paragraphs of rubbish, however should you care to reply in less than 5 lines, making your point (if any) I may read it.
Ah, my apologies for stretching the bounds of credulity here.....but thanks for availing yourself of the condescending option to do so as they contain several points that are pertinent .

But, since you asked.....

And to save your sensibilities, this is me.....Oddball and me have a lot in common..


Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3794 Post by Capetonian » Mon May 13, 2019 8:59 am

Perhaps you could explain exactly what you're yammering on about. Otherwise do us all a favour and Foxtrot Oscar.


Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3795 Post by Sisemen » Mon May 13, 2019 9:20 am

And thank you for reminding me, yet again, why I left the RAF at the first opportunity.

Probably jumped before he was pushed. At least this was probably a win-win situation.

Hopefully the square peg found his round hole.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3796 Post by Krystal n Chips » Mon May 13, 2019 9:50 am

Sisemen wrote:
Mon May 13, 2019 9:20 am
And thank you for reminding me, yet again, why I left the RAF at the first opportunity.

Probably jumped before he was pushed. At least this was probably a win-win situation.

Hopefully the square peg found his round hole.
I had, believe it or not, just signed for 22 sooner had I done so, and exercised my right to escape from Gulag St.Athan, first, I was "advised " this was not a good idea as I'd only been there a few months...Ignoring this helpful advice, I duly proceeded and then came your "x" annotation was suddenly brought to my attention, never heard of it until then and so off to 71 MU I went because I'd done a tour on gets better.

You may recall one criteria for 22 years was "fit for further promotion " ?.....hence my surprise when, on arrival at Abingdon, my assessments had mysteriously been dropped between my acceptance for 22 and the posting...a matter of weeks. Also applied to two other people, one with a "Q " on Wessex and another "Q " on Hercs..common denominator ?..Bucc majors "management " and the idea we would only be released once we had completed our sentences. And please don't say this couldn't happen, because it did.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3797 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Mon May 13, 2019 10:06 am


Latest YouGov poll

18 point lead for Brexit Party. Some bunch no one's ever heard of in sixth..

.. and fifth ;)))

..and remember, the Brexit party voters will turn out on election day, the rest not so much.

BBC ignoring both the latest polls..this is ridiculous.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3798 Post by probes » Mon May 13, 2019 11:11 am

Btw, reportedly English (language) has already lost some of its weight, with French gaining some. In the Halls of Bureaucrats.


Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3799 Post by Capetonian » Mon May 13, 2019 11:15 am

Ha ha! I can see Finns and Greeks trying to converse in Frog!

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3800 Post by OFSO » Mon May 13, 2019 11:39 am

And Dutch and Germans. At the international meetings I attend, these two nationalities, and the Flemish, refuse to speak French and insist on English.

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