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Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:17 pm
by AtomKraft
The wankerishness of the Brits is limitless.

I've left- and this week the last of my posessions are leaving too.

Fcuking place was driving me nuts when I first went expat in 2013. It's ten times worse now- I'd be a-climbing the walls with the screaming abdabs.

I don't know how you guys put up with it- although the thread title gives a hint!


Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:30 am
by barkingmad
How to make polls work for you:

Get some coffee beans that have come out of a Civets backside. Tell them the coffee made from these beans is the best in the world. Have them pay silly money for it.

Once they realise it’s actually not that good and they’re embarrassed about paying so much, ask them if they’d tell their friends and peers that they were duped or if they’d agree it’s the best coffee in the world.

If you can get enough people to do something, e.g. wear a mask or get a jab, then they’ll sell the idea for you because they’re unlikely to admit they did something that makes them look stupid. :)) =))

Anyone here feel as if they're in a cage?

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 11:00 am
by AtomKraft

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:08 pm
Why does being vaccinated make a person look foolish? The reason our Covid didn't progress to the bacterial pneumonia stage is that we'd already been vaccinated against bacterial pneumonia. Would we have looked less foolish if we'd not been vaccinated, and died?

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:18 pm
by AtomKraft
Perhaps I should explain, since I'm the OP.
Being vaccinated does not make you look silly.

Letting the government control your movements, your thoughts and relying on Government for your very bread, on the other hand.
Dictating what you can say...
Who you must approve of...
Ignoring you, while taxing you...
Putting up with all this, and without even a murder of dissent...
Sitting quietly as your own country and countryfolk is irretrievably diluted by mass immigration, and paying for it...but keeping quiet because you are afraid of being called a racist.
Giving your tacit approval for sodomy, but letting them teach your kids how normal it is....and being too frightened to speak out, lest they call you a homophobe.
Bursting your buns to pay for the solution to made up 'problems' like the climate emergency, without understanding the first thing about it...

That makes you look silly.

By 'you' of course, I mean all the tolerant British- who sit quietly tolerant while the rest of the World sucks the place dry, or at least until it's at the same level as the shithole they abandoned to suck the life out of Britain. And those who watch from behind the net curtains as the country goes down the ****, too frightened to utter a fcuking murmer of dissent.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:42 pm
Whilst still watching the news I now take no note of it - it's entertainment only - and obey only those edicts which are enforced - for example wearing a mask in a supermarket where NOT wearing one would get me ejected. The reason I no longer believe the news is that is not credible. Four weeks ago, where I am currently marooned, the R number was 0.9. In the next two weeks it rose to 3.3. Today it is 0.7. Social rules have not changed. The number of vaccinations has not increased or decreased. The curfew, from 00.30 to 06:00 has not changed. Either the rate of infections went up and down for no reason, or the "science" behind the number is bullsh*t. I believe the latter. We are being lied to, meaningless rules are devised by incompetent and arrogant idiots, and as a Rational Anarchist I choose to go my own way and do my own thing.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:45 pm
by barkingmad
OFSO sez: “we'd already been vaccinated against bacterial pneumonia“.

Oh really? I wish I’d noticed the needle entering my body and had recalled going through the full informed consent procedure, something which is being skimmed or glossed over with this particular experimental emergency use authorisation cocktail.

When in human history have people had to be bribed, cajoled and pressurised to take a medical procedure?

We all know when “jabs” were compulsory and where that episode ended up, at Nuremberg... ... 1133372006

However, I’m glad the sheeple in O-N are completely happy and fully satisfied that the ‘clotshot’ is reliable enough to be worth the risk.

Although the figures oozing out of the various adverse event reporting schemes are causing concern to those tracking that data, admittedly a difficult task as THEY are for whatever reason making the information hard to collate and display.

Would our mostly male contributors on this forum be 100% comfortable with their pregnant wife/partner/mistress going for this revolutionary treatment if the time machine put them in that quandary?!

Some of us are old enough to remember the Thalidomide scandal and the attempts back then by the Establishment and BigPharma to silence the whistleblowers. :-$

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 4:11 pm
by AtomKraft
My wife is preg, and no vaccine for her.

My Mum was offered Thalidomyde for morning sickness, but luckily for me, she declined.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 4:54 pm
Actually it was the pneumocci vaccination. Vital for a chronic asthmatic.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:48 pm
by barkingmad
Aaaah, at last now I know why I am, well, barking mad and how I arrived at my current mental state;

I'm sooh relieved that this problem has not affected anyone else in O-N, otherwise we're all doomed! :O3 :-w :-?

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:47 pm
by PHXPhlyer
Undried Plum wrote:
Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:21 pm
Do you mean Nathaniel Bowditch, he of American Practical Navigator? A truly brilliant man. ^:)^ His book of 1802 is still in print and is still updated regularly.

He's one of my heroes, most of whom, for some reason, are Brits.
Just received my copy of the Bicentennial edition. :YMAPPLAUSE:
It is quite the tome. :-bd


Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:20 pm
by prospector
That was an intriguing video you posted, amazing how much can be read into present times.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:39 am
by barkingmad
Thanks prospector for actually watching the vid, apparently those who are prepared to discuss mental problems or even to admit their difficulties are those who are LEAST MAD of us all. ... s-1.892080

Now that populations worldwide have been adversely affected, to varying degrees, by the NPIs imposed by this manufactured ‘plague’, unfortunately the mental effects of those crass actions will soon manifest themselves by an increase in physical illnesses which will drive up the treatment waiting lists to even more astronomical levels.

By way of illustration I offer a 2012 paper on the topic which, to the relief of my opposers in O-N, has not been dragged out of some smelly rabbit hole of looney fruitcake conspiracy theorists but actually has some sort of pedigree; ... -feb12.pdf

Because of the inbuilt bias of too many of our members here in O-N, I doubt many will actually pay any attention to the video nor peruse the Kingsfund document but that is their loss, preferring as they do to avoid the discomfort of query/conflict and to remain comfortably conforming to the standard guvvment line. ~X(

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 9:10 am
by Boac

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:57 pm
by boing

To anyone left with a working brain cell the video in #50 is clearly an accurate representation. As the video mentions numerous respected individuals have, over the years, reached the same conclusions based on independent research but our brainwashed, media hypnotised, glassy eyed pussies masses fail to see the truth that a few minutes logical thought would make clear.

Crisis itself can strangely bring out the strength in people but the fear of crisis turns many of them into jelly. The reactions of the British people in WW2 are a clear and well documented recent example of how facing a crisis head on overcomes panic.


Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:36 pm
by barkingmad
Thanks for that boac, I think that article explains the obsession with face-nappies, walking around other people on the pavement to the extent of stepping into the road (enter stage left one fast-moving double-decker bus!) leaving parcels for 72 hours then washing them down with dilute bleach, then turning to the latest ‘R’ figure for comfort before allowing oneself a tincture of alcohol before dinner.

Then the ultimate OCD is willingly volunteering for a mass medical emergency use authorisation trial for which the required consent has clearly not been given under the Nuremberg 1948 protocol which is still valid and neither been revised nor revoked.

As for my own OCD, I believe I finally have it under control since my treatment for the ‘plague’ earlier this year, but I don’t assume it will never return. =))

I think the psy-ops aspect of the current shitshow has been deliberately overlooked by MSM, naturally as they’re the ones peddling the panic on behalf of HMG, who has recently set aside £320,000,000 for ‘plague’ propaganda purposes for the next coupla year’s in addition to the squillions sprayed around on other contracts of dubious value.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:49 pm
by Boac

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 7:15 pm
by barkingmad
Boac wrote:
Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:49 pm
boac, you’ve got me ’worrit’ now, I had to sit down and be fanned by one of the resident slaves whilst the other one wrestled the cap off the smelling salts bottle!

Do I take it there is an element of agreement ‘twixt us or is it more likely I have misinterpreted your post and as usual we are diametrically opposite in our outlook on the ‘plague’? :O3

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 7:17 pm
Having reached the age at which my frequent expressions of disgust and loathing appear on my lips instead of being voiced silently in my frontal lobes, I chose to wear a mask in public to conceal my feelings of contempt for 99% of humanity being read by lip readers.

Re: A Nation of supine, rule enslaved, bedwetting wankers.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:55 pm
by Boac
"Do I take it there is an element of agreement ‘twixt us or is it more likely I have misinterpreted your post and as usual we are diametrically opposite in our outlook on the ‘plague’?"
