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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:11 am
by Woody

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:36 am
by barkingmad
Like a very bad toothache the pain goes on and on;

I’m sure I detected a palpable rise in my BP and heart rate at the behaviour of that awful po-faced Mairead McGuinness in the EUSSR parliament as she cut off the audio from Nigel on his last speech and demanded the flags be put away.

It is with relief I hope we’re moving away from the superstate of Europe and we can observe it’s decline and disintegration over the next few years. Like the perpetual motion machine the great project was a good idea initially but fatally flawed in it’s construction and execution.

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 9:44 am
by Pontius Navigator
I saw an article by Macron yesterday much along those lines. He hopes they learn.

It is really like a super civil service guiding the EU in one direction and thwarting any attempt to deviate by mere elected MEPs. I have met one of our MEP dined with him once, in a group the second time, and at a meeting the third. What he actually could do for his constituents remained nebulous.

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 3:30 pm
by barkingmad
Apparently 1,000 EU financial firms, including some of Varadkar’s lot, have applied for post-Brexit UK access. If so, what price Project Fear’s oft-quoted horror scenario of mass defections of companies from the Square Mile to the superstate mainland?

And also allegedly not only are THEY after our UK boundary fishing waters but they’re now afraid they’ll lose out on fishing for some exotic squid species off the Falkland Islands as well.

Pity the Vulcan isn’t still in service or we could wave the big stick at them again!

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:09 pm
Scene: Sunday roast beef etc at the café Diem in Santa Margarida. All the expats getting stuck in, mounds of beef, veggies, gravy, emerging from the kichen. Meine host Peter emerges to announce he's missing one vegetable: "Sorry, but we're out of Brussels !" Loud Cheers....

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:18 pm
by om15
Nigel is pretty irrepressible, today he was hosting his LBC show and enthusiastically championing Frexit with a French caller and Grexit with a Greek caller, the drab and inconsequential remainers seem to be stunned into silence, even Bliar says that we must "accept" it, we have won.

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:54 pm
by barkingmad
I suspect this guy probably voted LEAVE;

Some priceless comments follow the vid on scrolling down.

Do I detect a certain note of mild panic in the very recent utterances of the Verhofprat, Barnier, Macaroon and Van der Leyen set now that they’ve opened their eyes and got a whiff of the coffee?

Today week we should have some idea about the fate of Varadkar and how he’s impressed the Oirish voters. :-\

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:43 am
by Slasher
Some surprise the quid didn’t fall (as I expected) on Jan 31st but actually rose. Given the propagandic nonsense of the MSM about Brexit I thought it would drop. Was hoping USD1.15 to the £. I was all set to buy a palletted truckload of the sterling Sterling at that price.

My Brit stocks are up. Not enough to retire on, but up.

IIRC in 1940/41 the word was ‘Britain can take it’. Now it’s time Blighty dishes it out in droves and shoves it right up the EUSSR’s arse. It’ll be hard work as I mentioned before, but economically speaking England will succeed.

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:19 am
by barkingmad
Apparently, according to Jeff Taylor, because the UK economy has done so well over the last year and earnings are up, THEY want to up our tax bill payable to the Brussels elite by a mere 11%!! Anyone support that cheque writing? [-X

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:07 pm
by ian16th
I'm Confused.

When the UK joined the Common Market, part of our entry price was to let the rest of the members take fish from our territorial waters.

Now that the UK is leaving the EU, the EU want the right to take fish from the UK territorial waters, as part of the price for leaving.

Why am I confused?

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:18 pm
by Mrs Ex-Ascot
ian16th wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:07 pm
I'm Confused.

Why am I confused?
Because you are wrongly assuming that the EU are going to be fair. They are not. They will do their best to screw the UK as much as they can. I just hope that Boris really does have BIG BALLS ! :ymdevil:

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:41 pm
by Boac
Mrs ex-A wrote:I just hope that Boris really does have BIG BALLS !
- I understand there are several mothers you could approach for detail....

An unintended consequence of Brexit ... 16596.html

Interesting question - exactly WHERE will RyanAir recruit cabin-crew from? Do we assume all crew will be based now outside the UK?

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 6:09 pm
by AtomKraft
As I understand it, Boris is putting sovereignty a big FIRST.

Trade will be a distant second. Very wise too.

Trade deals can always be arrived at, but sovereignty once lost is a bitch to recover.

There's one of those Jeff Taylor videos on the subject. Look it up if interested.

I predict that 'fishing' is coming home, and will NOT be included in trade talks. Further, I sincerely hope negotiations break down completely, resulting in a No Deal BrExit- as voted for by, ermmmm, those who voted.

Enough of farting around.

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:18 am
by barkingmad
AK. +1. Further to that I sometimes wonder if Cummings & co are watching Jeff Taylor and Nigel’s LBC show as the noises emanating from Johnson often seem suspiciously like responses to those vids.

I’m finding it difficult to locate the full performance but this recent address by Johnson is probably one reason why the Eurocrats appear to be chewing wasps;

Boris in full flow, like a Spring tide. I just hope he can maintain it in the face of the EUSSR tsunami heading our way!

Obviously he’s too busy to visit a decent gents’ hairdresser but maybe that wild tousled image is deliberate?

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:17 pm
by Capetonian
This is real Alice in Wonderland stuff.

My son is a dual national, and has passports of, countries A and B. He lives in country C. He needs to get a certified copy of his passport (either of the two) and a proof of residence.
The local authority in country C, nor the police can do it. Nor can a lawyer unless he's a known client.

He went to the local authority, with whom he is registered as a resident. The woman took the passport, made a photocopy, and then said she didn't have the credentials to certify that it's a real copy.

In South Africa the police were so stupid (they are probably worse now) that you could go to them with a photocopy and they would certify it as true copy of the original without seeing the original.

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:57 pm
The more a country depends on paperwork (Germany, Spain) the more willing authorities are to accept stamps......although thirty years ago in Germany we used to roll a hard-boiled egg across an original and transfer certification stamps that way. Really good embossing used to be done using a five Deutschmark coin and a rubber hammer....

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 7:11 pm
by k3k3
In Germany the town hall copied an English language document of mine and then said they couldn't certify it was a true copy as they didn't know what it said...

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:10 pm
by Rwy in Sight
I am not sure if they are to put here or on the Friday joke thread


A paint over

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 3:13 pm
by Pontius Navigator
Make a fortune with adhesive England or Union flags.

Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 4:36 pm
by barkingmad

Not a very optimistic outlook, is it?

The 2-part TV show last week “Europe-Them & Us” was a fairly presented look back at the duplicity, lies and stupidity which got us into bed with a bad lot. I hope we’re not seeing a rerun of those awful times but I get that feeling we’re heading for the prison van preparing for the next long stretch inside...... [-X