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Re: Impact of coronavirus on aviation industry.

#5741 Post by barkingmad » Tue May 10, 2022 8:31 am

Once again civil aviation sits back and awaits the arrival of “The Tombstone Imperative” before finally taking action.

Boeing needed 2 fatal accidents before sorting the Max fiasco, at unbelievable financial and reputational damage to themselves and the regulators, both ending up indistinguishable from each other.

Now it looks as if the medical side of the FAA, the CAA, EASA and all the other xAAs around the world have dropped the ball by forcing, then permitting airline crews to operate under the influence of an inadequately trialled medical intervention. ... 52922.html

Never forget, the proposed Phase3 trials are not scheduled to complete until 2023!

At least the compensation lawyers will have a field day if/when the truth gets out but that event is being delayed and possibly prevented by the latest moves to suppress free speech. X(

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Re: Is WHO fit for purpose?

#5742 Post by OFSO » Tue May 10, 2022 3:26 pm

On the other hand, one might chose to ignore ranters and ravers and dubious sources and to believe qualified people:

"Fourth Covid-19 jabs give people protection “over and above” that afforded to people who have had three jabs, a new study suggests." (University of Southampton.)

Or from the USA Food and Drug Administration:

"Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection."

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Re: Is WHO fit for purpose?

#5743 Post by barkingmad » Tue May 10, 2022 4:58 pm

OFSO wrote:
Tue May 10, 2022 3:26 pm
On the other hand, one might chose to ignore ranters and ravers and dubious sources and to believe qualified people:

"Fourth Covid-19 jabs give people protection “over and above” that afforded to people who have had three jabs, a new study suggests." (University of Southampton.)

Or from the USA Food and Drug Administration:

"Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection."
Well OFSO and any others here who might be interested in the principle of “Follow the Money?”, the Southampton Uni would say that, wouldn’t they? ...

Any other statement which is ‘not on message’ might see the source of ready dosh drying up pronto.

As for the FDA, I would not believe them if they stated that the sun rose this morning over this fragile planet.

You live a very sheltered life if you believe they are the fount of truth and knowledge regarding Covid1984 and how wonderful are the Vak Scenes. ~X(

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Re: Impact of coronavirus on aviation industry.

#5744 Post by barkingmad » Tue May 10, 2022 5:52 pm

Some more info on the ‘plague’ and the lasting and drastic effects of the miracle “cure” on aircrew; ... ts-and?s=w

Elsewhere in O-N I have compared the tangled web of the relationship between the aircraft manufacturer and the regulator.

“Regulatory capture is an economic theory that regulatory agencies may come to be dominated by the interests they regulate and not by the public interest.
The result is that the agency instead acts in ways that benefit the interests it is supposed to be regulating.
Industries devote large budgets to influencing regulators, while individual citizens spend only limited resources to advocate for their own rights.”

Now we have to look hard at the connections between BigPharma and the FDA, the EMA, the UK MHRA and their civil aviation authorities response to an unapproved experimental mRNA injection taken by aircrew, some accepting it under the duress of “No jab, no job”.

The principle of informed consent is covered adequately in the agreement signed following the Nuremberg trials but less said about that the better, it only makes it all more messy than it is already.

In case you have not yet seen the light, or should I say the awful darkness, which will envelop some, hopefully the xAA medical supervisory chains, another article you won’t see featured on MSM; ... 52922.html

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#5745 Post by barkingmad » Thu May 12, 2022 8:12 am

A summary of how well we did in the UK when the ‘plague’ struck and folks were falling over in the street using the same stunt manoeuvres as displayed in the fake videos out of China designed to scare the crap out of us by the Behavioural Insights Team;

The U.K. relied too much on “very scary” SAGE models to decide on lockdowns, according to the man behind some of those very projections who repeatedly called for longer lockdowns.

Edited to add link:-MailOnline has more—- ... -them.html

“Just months after SAGE predicted 6,000 deaths per day and called for a Christmas lockdown in response to Omicron, Professor John Edmunds said the models were only supposed to be “one component” of decision-making but were leaned on too much by ministers.

He accepted the models failed to account for the economic harm and the knock-on health effects that lockdowns caused.

Professor Edmunds admitted that these harms “in principle” could have been factored into models “but in practice they were not”.

His remarks come as Britons face the harsh reality of two years’ of shutting down the economy and health service, with the NHS grappling a backlog crisis that has seen one in nine people in England stuck on an NHS waiting list for treatment and inflation at its highest point in 30 years.

The epidemiologist, who was among the most outspoken members of SAGE, said some of the death projections in the model were “truly eye-watering”.

Speaking at a medical conference on Tuesday, he said: “The epidemiological model is only one component [of decision-making] and I wondered and I worried that we’d had too much weight.”

He added: “There is of course an enormous economic impact from many of the interventions and other indirect impacts on psychological health and so on. Now these in principle could be included but in practice they were not.”

Professor Edmunds called for the first lockdown to be extended in summer 2021, warning Britain was “taking a risk” by unlocking while still logging 8,000 cases per day and that the decision was “clearly” political.

And he warned against easing the third national lockdown in early 2021, warning it would be a ‘”disaster” and put “enormous pressure” on the health service.”

Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth and all that – but you can’t help feel the recantation is very convenient as we move on from the pandemic and people start to look back with more objectivity at all the crazy, costly things that were done in the name of ‘science’ and at the behest of modellers. ~X(

The article implies that Johnson didn’t want to go down the SAGE route but was frightened into so doing, (aided and abetted by the threat from Micron to close off the Channel if we didn’t follow the Global Young Leaders’ examples).

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Re: Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV

#5746 Post by barkingmad » Sat May 14, 2022 8:44 pm

OFSO wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 7:19 am
Don't worry. Barking will be along soon to tell 'em it's all in their imagination, no need for vaccinations or masks, lie down and think of the Great Leader and it'll pass off.
Here's the first instalment on your second "need";

"Wearing a face mask results in exposure to dangerous concentrations of carbon dioxide in inhaled air, even when the mask is worn for just five minutes when sitting still, a study has found.

With surgical masks, the CO2 concentration of inhaled air exceeded the danger zone of 5,000 ppm in 40% of cases. With FFP2 respirators it exceeded it in 99% of cases. The CO2 concentrations were higher for children and for those who breathed more frequently.

The study, a pre-print (not yet peer-reviewed) from a team in Italy, used a technique called capnography to take the measurements of CO2 in inhaled air over the course of five minutes, following a ten minute period of rest, with participants seated, silent and breathing only through the nose. A medic took measurements at minutes three, four and five, with an average of the three measurements being used in the analysis.

The study found the mean CO2 concentration of inhaled air without masks was 458 ppm. While wearing a surgical mask, the mean CO2 was over 10 times higher at 4,965 ppm, exceeding 5,000 ppm in 40.2% of the measurements. While wearing an FFP2 respirator, the average CO2 was nearly double again at 9,396 ppm, with 99.0% of participants showing values higher than 5,000 ppm. Among children under 18, the mean CO2 concentration while wearing a surgical mask was well above the safe limit at 6,439 ppm; for an FFP2 respirator it was nearly double again at 12,847 ppm. The researchers found that breaths per minute only had to increase by three, to 18, for the mean concentration to reach 5,271 ppm in a surgical mask and breach the safe limit.


And don't get me started on Vak Scenes, that merits a new thread from which I have held back so far and doubtless would be aborted at birth in this forum of free speech!! X(


1) You are walking a very narrow plank with your current outbreak of mad woman's excrement and have AGAIN posted in the wrong topic in a few places. This one stays as it has a sort of relevance to the topic.

2) Our 'group' is unanimous that you should receive a significant ban for your behaviour. However, I have tried to be reasonable and corrected your wild 'spreading' today. My patience is limited. Continue at your peril.

3) What is the problem with starting a new topic? Is it likely to breach the site rules?

4) NB: I have posted this in a more liberal/lefty pinky hue in case the red upsets you again.

Well, you could knock me down wiv a fevver! I've done a U-turn. In anticipation of yet another 'issue' by BM in response to Mrs Ex-A I have decided to move these last two topics here as well (and posted this in red, hoping not to alarm BM more than necessary.) Hoping he is brave enough I have also reverted my previous to 'headmasters ink' for the school children.

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Re: Australia kicks out Novak Djokovic

#5747 Post by barkingmad » Sat May 14, 2022 9:08 pm

Seems like medicine worldwide is suffering from this top down method of healthcare, not just in Oz;
There follows a guest post by a doctor in Australia, who prefers to remain anonymous, about his experience of the pandemic Down Under.

"I entered General Practice 34 years ago in rural New South Wales. Needless to say, the changes since then have been immense.

In 1988, most GP’s admitted and cared for patients in hospitals, did regular house calls, delivered babies, performed surgery and practiced anaesthetics. Now, other than in remote rural locations, very few provide any of these services. As many patients inform me, most GPs seem to want to only look at their computers, order tests, prescribe drugs, give immunisations and refer to the specialists.

Twenty years ago, I underwent specialist training in Sports and Exercise Medicine, and now work purely in that area. I remain, however, registered as a General Practitioner. The Australian health system has plenty of similarities with the British system, though has a number of features which differentiate the two. In Australia, the vast majority of GPs work in the private system, working as contractors to health centres, being employed by private practices, running practices themselves, or in a dwindling number of cases working as solo GPs. Very few work as employees of the public sector or NGOs.

Each state has a Health Department, which can impose different regulations on GPs, such as Covid vaccination requirements, and runs the public hospitals in that state; the Federal Government also has a Health Department which oversees the registration of doctors, pharmaceutical benefits scheme and health budgets. Registration is governed by the Australian Health Professional Regulation Agency (AHPRA) via the Medical Boards. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) controls drug and device availability. There are both Federal and State Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) dictating policy settings. The Australian Medical Association (AMA) is a lobby group representing less than 15% of doctors, but has political sway. Continuing education and training is provided by the Colleges – in the case of General Practice, this is both the Royal Australian College of General Practice (RACGP) and Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACCRM).

Early on after the advent of the Covid vaccination program, the TGA banned prescription of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for Covid infections, partly as they were seen as possible threats to vaccine uptake. Recently, the prescription of hydroxychloroquine for Covid infections again became legal, though only in Queensland."

Would this major change in "healthcare" be in any way connected with the efforts of BigPharma to stifle real science and medicine in favour of a 'Big Brother" protocol which would suit the drug pushers very nicely indeed?

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#5748 Post by barkingmad » Sat May 14, 2022 9:22 pm

So what went wrong?
Don't hold yer breath for the result of the much-promised inquiry into the Plandemic handling, they can't possibly admit to making such a dog's dinner of the scam;

"Of the many myths that have taken hold during the pandemic, perhaps none is more central than that the Government was caught out by Covid with no idea about how it ought to respond. Thus the extreme and unprecedented response of lockdown appears to many to be justified by this notion that ministers had little choice but to ‘play it safe’, and the subsequent experiments in social restrictions as we awaited and delivered a rushed vaccine and beyond are imagined as a heroic voyage into the unknown of how a government ought to respond to an ‘unprecedented’ disease.

In fact, though, the Government had a plan for what it should do, the U.K. Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy 2011, and COVID-19 was well within the bounds of what the plan anticipated. As Dr. Noah Carl has noted, this was the plan the Government was following until mid-March 2020, with SAGE re-affirming at a meeting on February 4th 2020 that officials “should continue to plan using current influenza pandemic assumptions”.

While the strategy was focused on influenza, it expressly anticipated the possibility of a new SARS virus:

A pandemic is most likely to be caused by a new subtype of the Influenza A virus but the plans could be adapted and deployed for scenarios such as an outbreak of another infectious disease, e.g. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in health care settings, with an altogether different pattern of infectivity."

If you can be bothered to find out what the UK had planned 'in the event of', here is the link whose contents bear little relationship to the modus operandi adopted the "novel" batflu finally hit the shores of Blighty; ... 131040.pdf

Looking at that document, remember what the UK Prime Minister said about the Vak Scene which (originally) was "A substance that is administered in order to generate an immune response, thereby inducing acquired immunological memory that protects against a specific disease." :)) =))

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5749 Post by Boac » Sun May 15, 2022 7:29 am

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Re: Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV

#5750 Post by Mrs Ex-Ascot » Sun May 15, 2022 12:38 pm

BM OMG :-o you mean to tell me that for the number of years that I worked as an anaesthetic nurse wearing a face mask for hours on end preventing wound infections etc..... I was inhaling illegal levels of CO2!!!! :-o =)) =)) =))
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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5751 Post by barkingmad » Mon May 16, 2022 7:44 am

And doesn’t it look childish, silly and totally irrational being practised by “Homo sapiens”? ~X(

"There has been a world-wide, societal, acute, sudden loss of rationality in the pursuit of, clinically speaking, a delusion, which is a fixed, false belief contrary to reality. An example of that would be - if I drive in a car by myself, I need to wear a mask to stay safe. That's a delusion, that's not being over protective, that's not being emotional, that is a trait of a mental illness, it's a sign of something gone awry in the code, a glitch in the head really, is what's going on."

~ Dr. Mark McDonald, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist,

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5752 Post by Boac » Mon May 16, 2022 8:15 am

Yes, quite illogical. Almost as illogical as your source? You DO have a knack in finding them! Try Dr. Mark McDonald (aka a quack) in Google and be impressed. Do buy some of his quack medicine while you are there, and he probably sells T-shirts or coffee mugs too. A friend of the Chump and one of the stellar 'America’s Frontline Doctors' in the good old days.

From the Washington Spectator in 2020:

On July 27, a dozen physicians posed in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., dressed in white lab coats with “America’s Frontline Doctors” stitched over the pocket. The group’s chief spokesperson was Dr. Simone Gold, an emergency physician from Los Angeles. They were introduced by Jenny Beth Martin, the founding CEO of Tea Party Patriots, as participants in the “White Coat Summit.” The doctors made spirited arguments for the use of hydroxychloroquine as a “cure” for Covid-19 and against wearing masks and imposing lockdowns......

Worth seeing this buffoon's promoted daily self-medication in his video from 2021 (you only need to start at 0:13 and I suggest stop soon after....)
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Re: New Zealand

#5753 Post by barkingmad » Mon May 16, 2022 8:21 am

“WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has tested positive for COVID-19 but said she still plans to travel to the U.S. later this month for a trade trip and to give the commencement speech at Harvard University.

Ardern on Saturday posted a photo of her positive test result on Instagram and said she was disappointed to miss several important political announcements over the coming week, including the release of the government’s annual budget and a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“I’m gutted to miss being there in person, but will be staying in close touch with the team and sharing some reckons from here,” she wrote.

Ardern, who is fully vaccinated, had been isolating at her Wellington residence since Sunday after her fiancé Clarke Gayford tested positive for the virus. Under New Zealand’s health rules, people must isolate for seven days if somebody in their household tests positive.

Ardern said she returned a weak positive rapid antigen test on Friday night and then a strong positive test on Saturday morning.

She also disclosed that the couple’s 3-year-old daughter, Neve, had tested positive for the virus on Wednesday.”

So howgozit down under in the futile effort to “conquer” the Covid plague?

And she’s been multiple ‘stabbed’ as well, so hardly a glowing example of pand(dem)ic handling and a lousy sales pitch for whichever ‘brew’ has been injected?

Hopefully the new improved LFTs being developed, which display on the results strip the message “It’s a Cold”, will soon be widely available? :)) =))

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5754 Post by FD2 » Mon May 16, 2022 10:34 am

Very interesting BM but I think the New Zealand thread would be a better place for it. As usual it's wrong in the usual ways you spout. Try reading the online newspapers - it's always good to know more about what you're ranting about. The world has known for quite a while that the vaccinations don't stop people contracting Covid altogether. Then if you had read up on the matter you'd know that the country is already opening its borders and will be completely open by the beginning of July. Now how many deaths has the UK had since the start of the pandemic again? You'll also have gleaned the fact that since those who have been 'stabbed' as often as any of the population would agree to some months ago, there have only been second or third 'stabs' by request and no further 'war' has taken place but don't let any of these things get in the way of one of your favourite little rants. ;)))

Admin2: FD - I moved this little anti-vax rant. He had ACTUALLY placed it in the NZ topic.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5755 Post by barkingmad » Mon May 16, 2022 11:08 am

FD2 sez:- "Very interesting BM but I think the New Zealand thread would be a better place for it."

And so it was in that thread until admin2, upon hearing the alarm klaxons and bells which automatically sound in O-N Towers when detecting a barkingmad post, clocked my post and decided it belonged here.

Yet another example of the egregious crime of which I am frequently accused, viz; the deliberate and malicious posting of articles and/or comment in the wrong thread, for which I will always suffer.

But, heyho, lots of others in this forum have done exactly the same, some have "had drink taken" and others who just happened to hit the wrong key or due to late night tiredness.

But yours truly will be held up as an example of the worst behaviour here, admonished and maybe banned but that's the new regime, and like the CCP we'd better suck it up and get used to it.

Yes I know that NZ has finally reopened, but Blessed Jacinda in keeping with her Global Young Leader qualification, was one of the most ardent (NPI !) advocates of the useless measures and the fruitless and futile quest for the Holy Grail of Zero-Covid.

Maybe she has publicly repented and acknowledged the error of her ways but any grovelling apology for ruining that wonderful country by zealotry has not yet drifted across my smoke detector.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5756 Post by admin2 » Mon May 16, 2022 11:15 am

but that's the new regime, and like the CCP we'd better suck it up and get used to it.
And the last regime, you recall. However, we look forward to that sucking.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5757 Post by barkingmad » Mon May 16, 2022 2:56 pm

Temporarily putting aside 'tests', anti-social distancing, face nappies, fomite transmission, lockdowns, tiers various, the 'stabbing' program and beer and cake parties, maybe it's a good idea to once again focus on the money, from where is it sourced and who are the lucky recipients.

Even the 'vampire squid', Goldman Sachs is beginning to wonder at the transactions which have taken place in the higher echelons of taxpayers' dosh; ... model.html

And here is an illustration of the circular path of those funds once the gullible public has signed the cheques; ... en-by-nih/

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5758 Post by OFSO » Mon May 16, 2022 3:19 pm

I had to enter a public health clinic today, the sort where lines of elderly sit waiting to die, if they are lucky before they get treated. A mask was mandatory so I crossed the street to a pharmacy and spent 75 cents on one. Asked the lady what the CV rate was in Figueras. Shrug. Said anyone publishing figures ? No idea. Said everyone turning a blind eye? Acquiesce. Back to clinic. Asked if the doctor (famous, published papers) on my insurer's website was available. They'd never heard of her.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5759 Post by Dushan » Mon May 16, 2022 3:51 pm

barkingmad wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 7:44 am

And doesn’t it look childish, silly and totally irrational being practised by “Homo sapiens”? ~X(

"There has been a world-wide, societal, acute, sudden loss of rationality in the pursuit of, clinically speaking, a delusion, which is a fixed, false belief contrary to reality. An example of that would be - if I drive in a car by myself, I need to wear a mask to stay safe. That's a delusion, that's not being over protective, that's not being emotional, that is a trait of a mental illness, it's a sign of something gone awry in the code, a glitch in the head really, is what's going on."

~ Dr. Mark McDonald, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist,
Maybe BM's source is not the most credible; who knows.

I can tell you that I have personally witnessed one person in my neighbourhood who is riding a bicycle and wearing a mask.
I also see people in cars, alone, wearing a mask.
Because they stand on the wall and say "nothing's gonna hurt you tonight, not on my watch".

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5760 Post by barkingmad » Tue May 17, 2022 8:33 am

Now this really IS Coronabollocks; ... mments?s=r

Be patient, it takes a while to load the multiple images.

“For the 1st time ever, a medicine’s ineffectiveness is being blamed on those who haven’t taken it”! ! ~X(

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