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Re: Safe and Effective and Very Necessary...

#6181 Post by barkingmad » Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:22 am

Karearea, + 10 for posting that Dr Campbell vid, though caution be advised you may find yourself classified as a swivel-eyed lunatic conspiracy theorist poster for so doing.

As a direct result you may be subject to the denigration and massive pile-ons by the usual O-N crew, as has been endured by some of us, though as the evidence of the scamdemic oozes out from under the door we seem to be hearing less from the “mass formation” team in recent weeks...*

* Cue the usual onslaught of fearporn from the the ardent Covidiots..... :-bd

I appreciate there are some here who are unable or unwilling to watch vids and prefer to read print, so here is a brief snippet of the so-called Lockdown Tapes scandal currently spewing out pyroclastic flow in the UK and threatening to seal the fate of the ruling “Conservative” Party for years to come; ... democracy/

Lurking at the backs of the minds of the mass formation in O-N is the awful and unacceptable prospect that my postings here actually had an element of prescience but their criticism of me remains in electronic hard copy, thereby making it difficult if not impossible to roll back on their BM-critical utterances without looking foolish at the very least.

But at least the silver bullet of the experimental revolutionary mRNA injection, still in Phase 3 trials until May of this year 2023, will bring some comfort to those who were incapable of critical thought and trusted in their governments and medical gurus that rescue is at hand.

And then one could hear a pin drop..... :-w

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6182 Post by Woody » Tue Mar 07, 2023 2:06 pm

When all else fails, read the instructions.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6183 Post by barkingmad » Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:47 pm

As a follow-up to my # 6185, try this from the frontline in the US and if you can bear to watch and listen closely, then maybe you might like to refrain from posting flippant and frivolous trivia such as the preceding offering which belongs in the' WTF in UK' thread and NOT in something as serious as the "plandemic" tragedy;

"Part 23: Covid-19: Part 6 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
Health Care Worker Whistleblowers about Money & Murder in Hospitals. Covid-19: Part 6 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times." ... al-23.html


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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6184 Post by Mrs Ex-Ascot » Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:27 am

Good that these two experts have finally spoken out; ... ERSON.html
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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6185 Post by barkingmad » Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:33 am

Mrs Ex-Ascot wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:27 am
Good that these two experts have finally spoken out; ... ERSON.html
Not FINALLY spoken out, they’ve been openly critical of the plandemic handling since the beginning of the scam.

There are numerous videos and articles in places classified as ‘rabbit holes’ where their expert opinions could be accessed and assessed by the critical thinking minority.

But thanks to the Trusted News Initiative their communications have been severely limited until now, when organs such as the DM and others are rapidly reverse-ferreting as they watch the tide of opinion finally turning... X(

BigPharma = BigDosh ensured that opposing voices such as the Great Barrington Declaration were suppressed, in some cases by ruining the careers and lives of those brave enough to speak out and folks such as Dr J B in this clip were effectively sidelined;

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6186 Post by Mrs Ex-Ascot » Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:57 am

^ Sorry BM, I posted just before going out. I meant finally spoken out in the context that I haven't seen any articles or comments from them in a loooong time. :-*
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Re: Medevac PC-12 Down Near Reno, 5 Dead

#6187 Post by barkingmad » Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:27 am

Amongst the possible causes the authorities will have to consider the possibility of a medical impediment affecting the single pilot.

However, if it involves this amendment to EKG requirements then the cat really will be loose in the pigeon loft and the lawyers will be circling; ... al/5806704

If a cardiac event is discovered post-mortem with any injected pilot then how likely is it that this would be acknowledged as a factor in view of the massive amounts of money resting on the issue? :-?

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6188 Post by barkingmad » Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:37 am

Mrs Ex-Ascot wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:57 am
^ Sorry BM, I posted just before going out. I meant finally spoken out in the context that I haven't seen any articles or comments from them in a loooong time. :-*
As they say in Glasgow “dinna fash yersel’”, with the current censorship of dissenters it’s too easy to miss the alternative view! :O3

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Re: Safe and Effective...& Now Deadly Enough...

#6189 Post by barkingmad » Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:45 am

The only reason the injections were produced and rolled out at “The Speed of Science” was the alleged ‘emergency’ of the plague threatening mankind with extinction, with it’s zero point something Infection Fatality Rate.

So now that the bodies dropping in the streets story has been thoroughly debunked and the care homes and hospitals Fatality Rate is partially explained by the judicious use of Remdesivir and Midazolam, why aren’t the perpetrators being arrested and charged with mass murder, malfeasance in public office, corruption and a toilet roll long list of other criminal charges?

Poor old Whitty and Vallance apparently had their doubts but mysteriously changed their minds for whatever reason and zipped their lips and went along with the WEF & BigPharma-friendly “narratives”; ... overnment/

Just remember that the hastily rolled out injections’ trials have and are currently being trialled on humans as the animals, no proper pregnancy trials (except a brief one on 44 rats) have been conducted nor is there any properly measured data available on the medium to long-term effects of the various ‘brews’. Anyone seen an Astra Zeneca recently? Reward offered... ~X(

But heyho, once they get rolled out for the infants, they then get carte blanche for use on everyone with Emergency Use Authorisation no longer the ‘permission’ needed.

So the “league football” results continue to increase but apparently nobody notices;

But if you are curious about the UK figures for Yellow Card injection adverse events, you can go whistle Dixie as the UK system remains as tight as a duck’s arse; ... fety-data/


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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6190 Post by Boac » Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:08 pm

Uncle John's latest video is well worth watching

I have been impressed with him for several years and have, lately, dropped my 'instinctive' reaction to Russell Brand who now produces some very thought provoking stuff.

Watching these two apparently diametric personalities coalesce has been educational.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6191 Post by Pinky the pilot » Sat Mar 11, 2023 6:46 am

So now that the bodies dropping in the streets story has been thoroughly debunked
Quite so, BM. I forget the actual figure quoted now, but way back at the start of the Covid hysteria, some 'medico' here in Australia claimed that over 100,000 deaths would result from the virus and urgent measures needed to be taken.

The last I heard was that just over 1,000 deaths could be attributed to Covid and over 90% of those had 'underlying health problems.' In other words, they died 'with' covid, not neccessarily 'from' it!

Despite that, the authorities seemingly continue to imply that covid was the sole cause of the deaths. :-?
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Re: Coronabollocks & face-nappies ‘factchecking’..

#6192 Post by barkingmad » Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:53 am

Thanks Pinky and some authorities are still insisting that face-nappies are effective in stopping the infamous multi-pronged spacehopper from invading our gobs, snouts and eyeball tear ducts, an entry point which never gets mentioned in the context of community precautions.

So despite the much hailed Cochrane review of RCTs on this insane practice, the mass formation persists to the detriment of the wearers; ... ere-r.html

However, this is the O-N crewroom and there’s nothing warms the cockles of the head prefect’s heart more than a damn good “factchecking” article so here’s a classic example to start the week; ... ent-danger

And for those who may not have the time nor inclination to peruse the article, then one of the comments following it summarise the greatest con perpetrated on mankind in these high-tech days of enlightenment;

“These "fact checks" are an arm of the "disinformation" calvary that was seeded, funded, organized and weaponized to spring into action when needed - which was about 3 years ago. These fact-checkers and disinformation chairs at colleges and think thanks had to exist to fight any dissent that was coming ... and not just about Covid topics. For example, digital currency or climate change initiatives. This all reeks of complex or elaborate pre-planning to me. So if installing these people and organizations was so important to the Establishment, we've got to figure they have bigger fish to fry in the future. In other words, we haven't seen anything yet when it comes to audacious and nefarious agendas of the Statists and totalitarians. Buckle up.”

Time for the creme-brûléeing of the injections to be given a brief respite but rest assured the little ramekins are lined up ready for toasting and serving... =p~

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6193 Post by barkingmad » Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:21 pm

Latest from the Brownstone site which sums up the worst of the mass formation to which so many, including some of us in this forum, have fallen victim;

"The Covid regime was replete with rot, from taped-up basketball nets and masked toddlers to vaccine passports and… slogans. Some of the slogans were carefully crafted by governments, while others sprang from the weeds of social media. They all drew from the same playbook, capitalizing on fear and using emotional manipulation to activate people’s guilt circuits. They served as thought-stopping mantras that precluded honest communication about the pandemic. To anyone with even a slightly nuanced worldview, their plodding earnestness grated like an earworm.

A baker’s dozen of the slogans that have dogged us for the past three years, and explain why they deserve to be torched and thrown into an unmarked grave.

Two weeks to flatten the curve. Here’s a case where a big fat laugh emoji would do the job of a thousand words. Anyone remember what happened when the two weeks were up? Yeah, so do I. The “experts” decided that we need to keep doing something. And that something was more lockdowns.

Stay home, save lives. This sanctimonious and bossy slogan sent the message that mental health didn’t count, livelihoods didn’t count, arts and culture didn’t count, religious communion didn’t count, and the dreams people had spent years pursuing didn’t count. The only thing that counted was preserving metabolic life—or at least, pretending we were doing that.

Follow the science. I’m not the first person to note that the only constant in science is change. Questioning science is science. But that’s not even the main reason “Follow the science” makes no sense. Science is information. It tells you what is, not what to do about it. That depends on our values: How important do we consider attendance at school? Live music and theater? Comforting people at the end of life? There are no mathematical coefficients for weighting these parameters. Health policy professor Leana Wen put it well in a recent Washington Post article: “Underneath it all is values: Whose rights are paramount? The individual who must give up freedoms, or those around them who want to lower infection risk? Yes, science should guide such debates, but it cannot lead all the way to the answer.”

We’re all in this together. Is that so? Was the worker delivering DoorDash orders in the same boat as the Netflix-and-chill couples perfecting new sourdough recipes during lockdown? Was the event planner who lost a 10-year business in the same boat as the Amazon shareholders? Was the foreign student stuck in a low-ceilinged apartment in the same boat as the well-connected mom who hired a power tutor for her kids?

Muh freedumb. During Covid, safety became the all-consuming preoccupation and freedom got branded as right-wing stupidity. Freedom to take a walk on the beach? Stop killing the vulnerable! Freedom to earn a living? The economy will recover! The demotion of freedom—that noble ideal of liberal democracy—to a caricature has been painful to observe. Without freedom, we have nothing resembling a life. Pandemic or not, freedom needs a place at the discussion table.

Mask it or casket. Hyperbole much? The glib phrase was designed to frighten, rather than inform, its cuteness making it all the more irritating. When a statement deviates so sharply from reality, it loses its power. People don’t take it seriously, even if they insist on Twitter that they do.

The virus doesn’t discriminate. This one was especially weaselly because it contained a grain of truth that people could latch onto. Young or old, healthy or frail, anyone could catch the virus. But the risk of serious harm from the virus was orders of magnitude higher in certain groups, especially the old and frail. Experts downplayed this sharp risk gradient, plunging everyone into an abyss of fear. Not cool.

Can’t do X if you’re dead. We heard this a lot in the early months, as a justification for maintaining this or that restriction. You can’t attend a jazz concert if you’re dead. You can’t go backpacking in Nepal if you’re dead. For all its slickness, the slogan doesn’t stand up to logical scrutiny. It sets an actual scenario (restriction on an activity) against an improbable counterfactual (dying if the restriction is lifted). It’s like warning someone who’s about to drive across country, which is riskier than taking a bus, that “you can’t enjoy the coastal cities if you’re dead.” Said nobody ever.

Listen to the experts. OK, but which experts? The scientists that governments allowed to speak? What about the scientists with hundreds of citations in prestigious journals but divergent views? Can we listen to them, too? And what about mental health experts? Or economists? Historians? Bioethicists and philosophers? A pandemic isn’t just a scientific problem to solve, but a human one. Scientists do not get to decide what gives meaning to life and what trade-offs are worth making when steering the human family through a pandemic. Some of the sharpest insights about Covid have come from people outside of science. We ignore them at our own peril.

My mask protects you, your mask protects me. More naked emotional manipulation. The message was clear: if you don’t mask, you’re a bad person (presumably a fate worse than death). In fact, the mask is more of a cultural signifier than a viral transmission blocker. As the recent Cochrane review of physical interventions to slow viral transmission has made clear, whatever evidence exists for community masking is underwhelming at best.

Pandemic of the unvaccinated. That one aged rather poorly. A February 2023 Lancet article concluded that the “SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are insufficiently efficacious in preventing infections.” We can debate the fine points, but by now we all know that vaccinated people both catch and transmit Covid. What’s more, a Danish meta-analysis was unable to find credible evidence that mRNA vaccines reduced mortality, leaving statisticians with the unenviable job of torturing the data in subgroup analyses. (Perhaps six-toed people born on a Tuesday have lower hospitalization rates during the month after getting their boosters.) I started out with a lot of hope in the vaccines. I got vaxxed up and boosted myself. But let’s call a spade a spade: the vaccine purveyors overpromised and underdelivered.

You may be done with Covid, but Covid isn’t done with you. The statement isn’t the gotcha that people think it is. Of course Covid isn’t done with us. Neither is the common cold or the flu. Neither are thunderstorms and volcanoes and earthquakes and a thousand other forces of nature. When people say they’re done with Covid, they simply mean they’re done turning the world into an infection control zone. “I believe that pandemics end partially because humans declare them at an end,” says University of New Hampshire history professor Marion Dorsey, quoted from a Scientific American article titled “People, not science, decide when a pandemic is over.” Spanish flu chronicler John Barry concurs: a pandemic ends “when people stop paying attention to it.” And there’s nothing the shrinking cast of Covidians can do about it.

Stay safe. These words, generally used at the end of a social interaction, became the verbal equivalent of touching wood—a knee-jerk utterance to ward off the evil eye. It always reminded me of the “praise be” muttered by the handmaids in Margaret Atwood’s iconic novel: mechanical and dystopian. One of my friends responds to the words with “Stay dangerous.” Stay alert, stay curious, stay ready to think for yourself. If there’s anything I wish for us all in year four of the Covid era, it’s this."

And lastly from yours truly, when it came to the experimental emergency use authorised mRNA injections, never trialled on animals except humans, where was the "precautionary principle" about which I was chided in the early days when I questioned the validity of the entire con? X(

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6194 Post by flyboy22 » Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:04 pm

An excellent post BM...Covers all the salient points that we've been alluding to on this forum for some time, as you mention. And a reminder of all the total nonsense and lies that people fell for over the last 3 years.

Nonsense and lies that if offered to the 'believers' 4 years ago (before the 'plandemic'), they would most certainly have easily realised that it was all BS. Why? Because back then they were not frightened by the constant supply of psychological gaslighting from our Gov, Gov-paid 'scientists' and the MSM.

And (hopefully) they should have been able to think logically and carefully about what they were being told, and realised the majority of it was indeed BS and lies, as we now know it to be.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6195 Post by Boac » Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:43 am

Uncle John's latest video - the net appears to be tightening around several 'experts'. I suspect a lot of 5th amendments will be aired during this enquiry.

Forbes also have video cover of some of the enquiry, but Forbes does have a paywall.

Hopefully some truth will devolve from all this and any wrong-doings punished.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6196 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:58 pm

Fat chance.
My money has always been on (illegal, by US Congress directives and statements) US Government sponsorship of Gain-of-Function research at the Wuhan Institute, through proxies.
It's the only logical explanation for the US suppressing the Wuhan Leak theory, and also not even attempting any form of sanction or demand for compensation from China for the pandemic.
The US Government has previous on this, cf. Extraordinary Rendition, Echelon, etc.
There's clear evidence that the Chinese knew from the start it wasn't zoonotic, because they destroyed all the animals from the wet market outside the Institute immediately. In contrast, as they should, they kept all the ones associated with the SARS outbreak for investigation, which did turn out to be zoonotic.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6197 Post by Boac » Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:02 pm

Yes, sadly you may be right. but it will be very interesting to see what falls out of the refuse sack in the process.

Waiting now for the enquiry to be canned on 'National Security' grounds..................

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6198 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:12 pm

The research started under St Obama, after Congress specifically stopped it, so one way or another it will be canned.
Let's not even mention how many members of Congress have offspring being paid huge amounts by Ukrainian companies for 'consultation and expertise'.
And of course the denial-that-wasn't-a-denial that Wuhan wasn't the only lab doing research for the US Government.
Worth mentioning that the research is only in breach of US Congress rules, not international law, and as far as I can tell is nothing to do with bioweapons. Oh, and it's bloody stupid given the known safety breaches at these labs, but that's a personal opinion.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6199 Post by Boac » Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:05 pm

In the UK parliament MP Andrew Bridgen has, today, thrown a Molotov cocktail into the arena making full use of parliamentary privilege.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6200 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:51 pm

Better book the Maracanã stadium for all the politicians, media, and medical advisors who need to be tried under the Nuremberg Code.
Including, of course, all those who walked out on Andrew Bridgen.

There have been several 'feeler' articles in the left wing media over the last few months attempting the 'let bygones be bygones' approach to Covid "mistakes". The level of reaction has left no doubt as to the public mood.
I expect there's an awful lot in power and influence deeply worried at this point.

Less than 0.3% of the US population now buy a newspaper, and that's assuming that everyone who buys one only gets one paper, yet we know an awful lot buy all of them (e.g. public libraries and PR types). ... ions-2022/

They claim a huge increase in online readership, of course, but the average time per visit is now less than 2 minutes. That isn't time to read a single proper article. It's probably just people getting the baseball scores and the weather. ... ewspapers/

When my Province held a vaccine mandate protest convoy, it was bigger than the annual summer parade, and not one member of the general public was prepared to talk to the media (and they asked a lot).
By comparison, 5 years before, in my personal experience at events, everyone was happy to talk to the media. Everyone to no one in 5 years.

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