Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

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Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#1 Post by FD2 » Thu May 16, 2019 4:41 am

There was a publication set up after the 2016 Brexit vote called the 'New European'. Its sole aim seems to be to stir up as much hatred and bile amongst the Remain contingent as possible. Here is a Tweet from the editor of the New European:

Screen-Shot-2019-05-15-at-10.21.11.jpg (89.65 KiB) Viewed 709 times

During the Scruton affair there was another striking example of the malicious way in which the old can now be dismissed. This came from the self-described ‘literally a communist’ blogger Ash Sarkar. The ‘media company’ of which she is a part was the only entity still willing to defend the disgraced journalist George Eaton. But in one of their splenetic – and futile – attempts to defend Eaton here is what Sarkar wrote:

source: ... n-hit-job/
(The Spectator should allow one article without registering).

Here is what the woman said:
Screen-Shot-2019-05-15-at-10.31.49.jpg (107.78 KiB) Viewed 709 times

George Eaton was the so called journalist from the New Statesman who selectively quoted from an interview he did with Sir Roger Scruton, which led the cowardly James Brokenshire to cave in without checking any of the facts and sack Scruton. The still smarting George Osborne also chipped in from his new position as editor of the Evening Standard and backed calls for Scruton's sacking.

Can we respect any of our politicians these days and does anyone here think that these nice people have made any valid points and not merely illustrated the depths of hatred that sections of the British population have descended to?

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#2 Post by FD2 » Thu May 16, 2019 4:54 am

I forgot, I have a screen grab of Eaton celebrating:

Eaton celebrates.jpg
Eaton celebrates.jpg (17.86 KiB) Viewed 704 times

He didn't have the nerve to leave in on Twitter and deleted it soon afterwards.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#3 Post by Krystal n Chips » Thu May 16, 2019 7:57 am

The title of this thread is an easy question to answer.......No, it isn't.

I liked the clips about the UKIP demographic and the one about dinosaur racists.....but that's just me and my preference for accurate reporting you understand.

as for Eaton, well the way he expressed his sentiments has attracted justified condemnation, but, you missed out the bit about an apology subsequently being offered.

Given the title it's only a matter of time before the chums on here will leap to your defence and support your hypothetical question....which may be comforting for you to read.


Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#4 Post by Capetonian » Thu May 16, 2019 8:47 am

Just the name is a pretty good indication it's contemptible rubbish

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#5 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Thu May 16, 2019 9:17 am

More bubble-dwellers, preaching to the converted. They are part of the reason a complete collapse of the Tory Party is not leading to a clear victory for Labour, and for that we can be grateful.
In practice, UK political parties have taken a step left, and Labour is now mainly the Socialist Workers' Party, except it's the champagne socialists, as the gloating creep in the jacket shows.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#6 Post by FD2 » Thu May 16, 2019 11:11 am

Like a fish to the fly, K&2Chips!

I can't understand how anyone can be so blind (metaphorically) as to support vermin like these so called 'journalists', but there's none so strange as folk. Farage's audience obviously not young and sufficiently mixed race in the photo, and bound to be incontinent eh? You really think that's funny do you? If so then perhaps you need some help with your class hatred issues. A classic case of an inverted snob I think. Farage's supporters come from all parts of British society but the truth just can't be seen by some people.

Corbin doesn't appeal to many Labour supporters because they think he and his coterie of grotesques are useless - they've seen through them. There's no one on the opposition benches worth their salt and I've come to the conclusion that applies on the Conservative side too, but then I try and see past the end of my nose where politicians are concerned.

Eaton selectively quoted someone he had begged an interview with and got the man sacked. 'Apology' my a*se..."sorrrrry". I've got my fingers crossed behind my back and all I'm really worried about is my job because I might have gone too far, but I'll just pretend to be sorry. What a prick.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#7 Post by Krystal n Chips » Thu May 16, 2019 11:37 am

FD2 wrote:
Thu May 16, 2019 11:11 am
Like a fish to the fly, K&2Chips!

I can't understand how anyone can be so blind (metaphorically) as to support vermin like these so called 'journalists', but there's none so strange as folk. Farage's audience obviously not young and sufficiently mixed race in the photo, and bound to be incontinent eh? You really think that's funny do you? If so then perhaps you need some help with your class hatred issues. A classic case of an inverted snob I think. Farage's supporters come from all parts of British society but the truth just can't be seen by some people.

Corbin doesn't appeal to many Labour supporters because they think he and his coterie of grotesques are useless - they've seen through them. There's no one on the opposition benches worth their salt and I've come to the conclusion that applies on the Conservative side too, but then I try and see past the end of my nose where politicians are concerned.

Eaton selectively quoted someone he had begged an interview with and got the man sacked. 'Apology' my a*se..."sorrrrry". I've got my fingers crossed behind my back and all I'm really worried about is my job because I might have gone too far, but I'll just pretend to be sorry. What a prick.
Nice of you to be so effusive in your enthusiasm to ridicule the "vermin ", ( taking of which, one Mr Bevan comes to mind with his immortal comment about the Tories as "being lower than vermin " ) so that's myself and others in considerably higher esteem then.

Here's a list you may have missed containing similar "vermin " .....who have contributed to the paper and it's ethos.

On the subject of Farage's supporters however, well true, that wasn't an entirely representative demographic from his UKIP lets mention, again, the NF / BNP for starters And then there are those who tend towards autocracy, hence the appeal of Farage.

The journalist involved wasn't the most erudite with his celebratory post.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#8 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Thu May 16, 2019 12:05 pm

I can't understand how anyone can be so blind (metaphorically)
Based on this model, predictions can be made about the neural systems that govern resistance to belief change.
First, resistance to evidence may entail disengagement from external reality and increased inward focus. The
brain’s default mode network (DMN), including posterior and anterior midline structures and the lateral inferior
parietal lobes, appears to support these psychological processes. Identity-related beliefs might also invoke
internal models of the self, a form of cognition that is associated with increased activity within the DMN.
Second, if resistance to belief change is partly motivated by negative emotion, having one’s beliefs contradicted
may produce activity in associated regions of the brain, such as the amygdala, the insular cortex, and other structures involved in emotion regulation.

In short, counterarguments cause mental pain to those with strongly held views, and withdrawal to their 'bubble'.
The experiment was done on a bunch of Californian left-wingers using fMRI scans, so very relevant to this situation.

As to why people should exhibit confirmation bias, there's no strong argument in evolutionary terms, yet.

Personally, I am not at all sure that abstract or long term reasoning is something that has evolved in humans (or any other animal). I think our increased brain sizes from switching to a diet including meat allowed larger brains and more use of it. The evolutionary advantages are the ability to plan and conduct group hunts, to exploit diverse flora, and language to enhance the first two. This, however, is what Piaget called the Concrete Operational level of intellectual development. It is the limit mode for most children in the age range 7-11. It is also arguably the form of reasoning which gives the most pleasure. Just think about how often men drift into talking about driving routes (hunting), and women about shopping (gathering)*. Our brains did not evolve to be good at abstract reasoning - Formal Operational in Piaget's theory - as in almost all of our evolutionary life it was not a priority. Perhaps the most common example of trying to move from Concrete Operational to Formal Operational reasoning begins around age 12 in school physics classes, and with 11 years experience there I can assure you that not only is it very difficult for most, but all the same problems exist as in political argument, and most never manage it.

*I generalise - e.g. female fighter aircrew talk about routes not shopping, in my experience.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#9 Post by Krystal n Chips » Thu May 16, 2019 1:11 pm

Ah, you've neatly summated the reason, and demographic, that cannot respond to counter arguments on here.....the chaps will doubtless be delighted to learn !

" In short, counterarguments cause mental pain to those with strongly held views, and withdrawal to their bubble "

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#10 Post by FD2 » Thu May 16, 2019 8:13 pm

And you perfectly illustrate to point as well. You plainly can't see out of your particular bubble either. Occasionally you have made the attempt to make something of an argument to support your enthusiasm for the extreme left wing Labour Party, bu merely quoting articles from a left wing paper isn't an argument is it? All it does is turn the thread into a version of the 'Itchy and Scratchy Show' seen in The Simpsons. It illustrates perfectly why the UK, with all its advantages, hasn't prospered since WW2 because all the politicians do is move the country from one extreme to another, never giving policies any time to produce any fruit before the next government scraps them. Adversarial politics is fine to counter a real threat but there is never a thought of trying to do what's right for their country, only their inflated egos in the Monkey House known as the House of Commons.

BTW, do you think that any Corbin led government would be any less 'autocratic' than the present one? Not if the nice folk from Momentum are calling the shots comrade!

The attack dogs are out to smear Farage because he is a threat to the established order and the incompetent tossers on both sides of the House realise they may have to find real jobs before too long.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#11 Post by om15 » Thu May 16, 2019 8:56 pm

The attack dogs are out to smear Farage because he is a threat to the established order
Nigel Farage was attending a rally meeting in Merthyr Tydfil and walking down the street, a Channel 4 hit team had created a carefully made feature on the money that Aaron Banks had put into UKIP and were obviously intent on trying to smear Nigel and the Brexit Party, after several inane and loaded questions a very bored Farage just ignored them, a parting question as he entered a doorway,
"You have four bodyguards here, who is paying for them?"
"Russia" was the answer in a bored voice.

The BBC are in a quandary, after Farage made such a fool out of Andrew Marr and his producers last week they don't really know how to handle him other than sly innuendo regarding funding, this is not coming off as the Brexit party is being funded by voluntary contributions from the public, not vested interests like to two main Parties.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#12 Post by FD2 » Thu May 16, 2019 9:26 pm

Great answer Nigel!

Today in Parliament:

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#13 Post by Krystal n Chips » Fri May 17, 2019 6:34 am

om15 wrote:
Thu May 16, 2019 8:56 pm
The attack dogs are out to smear Farage because he is a threat to the established order
Nigel Farage was attending a rally meeting in Merthyr Tydfil and walking down the street, a Channel 4 hit team had created a carefully made feature on the money that Aaron Banks had put into UKIP and were obviously intent on trying to smear Nigel and the Brexit Party, after several inane and loaded questions a very bored Farage just ignored them, a parting question as he entered a doorway,
"You have four bodyguards here, who is paying for them?"
"Russia" was the answer in a bored voice.

The BBC are in a quandary, after Farage made such a fool out of Andrew Marr and his producers last week they don't really know how to handle him other than sly innuendo regarding funding, this is not coming off as the Brexit party is being funded by voluntary contributions from the public, not vested interests like to two main Parties.
First, I have so say I don't watch "The Simpsons " so I was unaware of the sketch you mention. Plus, I had no idea Labour were / are an extremist party. I will refrain from including pricks, and bubbles, less you misconstrue the comment and feel it has a personal relevance. Here's one politician, there have been others, who did put the national interest first...

However, lets move on to the adulatory post above. Now, unfortunately, I also watched C4 News last night and thus viewed the whole piece, not simply the very selective moment you chose to support Nige. It was interesting to watch the usually rapacious gob being so reticent to answer really. I wonder why that could be ?. Equally, Nige, you may recall uttered the immortal words " I'm skint ! "...possibly destitution takes more forms than we know, and Nige encountered just one such. Also mentioned, one Mr Banks as you say. Of course, the National Crime Agency are noted for wasting time and resources on cases where the alleged offender is clearly a paragon of society and completely innocent.

As you, and many others, merrily donated £25 to support Nige, I would suggest you've all be well and truly conned.....again, but , as the chances of getting a refund are zero anyway so there would be no point in asking .

Here's the full interview. Please feel free to negate any of the allegations and justify, as the programme mentions, why Nige, so fervently "anti -establishment "..ostensibly, doesn't seem to be averse to over indulging himself with the materialism associated with such. ... s-revealed


Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#14 Post by Capetonian » Fri May 17, 2019 6:47 am

Does anyone know what KaknCrap is wittering on about?
Does anyone care?
Nope, thought not.

Two line précis perhaps?

It takes far more skill to write concisely than to spew out a long diatribe.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#15 Post by AtomKraft » Fri May 17, 2019 8:22 am

Trying 'to Change British politics for good'.

Whether you are a Tory, or an idiot lefty like you Krystal, I think most people have begun to realise what I have been saying for many years: Democracy barely functions in the UK these days.

Whoever's backing Nigel is doing us all a big favour.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#16 Post by AtomKraft » Fri May 17, 2019 8:30 am

Btw, I noticed the line "speaks for the millions ignored by Westminster", in that clip.

It's not "millions" that Westminster ignores, it's all of us.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#17 Post by om15 » Fri May 17, 2019 8:40 am

What a scope for Channel 4, researching a few drab facts that are already in the public domain and hashing them into a news clip that serves no purpose other than to demonstrate that Nigel lives in a house, drives a car and has security assistants.

I haven't been conned, I think that £25 is a small price to pay for the reintroduction of democracy into this country, it is certainly less than the union fees that I was forced to pay under the closed shop to support Labour, Mrs Thatcher had much to be proud of that earns her undying gratitude, but the sweeping away of the closed shop and union powers is top of the list.
If twenty five quid is a bit much for your pocket don't pay it, but don't begrudge others the value for money that this represents.


Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#18 Post by Capetonian » Fri May 17, 2019 8:42 am

I've happily paid my £25, knowing it's a good cause and shows support, even if it ultimately achieves nothing.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#19 Post by FD2 » Fri May 17, 2019 8:47 am

You have to go back a long way to find a Labour politician who put the country first didn't you K&2Cs?

Extreme left Labour Party - yes. The policies they are talking about implementing are certainly extreme and merely go to reinforce my point that politics in the Commons is conducted like the Itchy and Scratchy Show, and you don't need to have watched The Simpsons to get the point do you? It's an annoying mannerism which Momentum and their cronies like the a*ses on the two papers in question use to try and paint Farage as a fascist - just so annoying to have it turned around isn't it?

Tip - try spending a few minutes longer on your efforts. It's much better to be succinct and easier for us to read - it takes just that little more time to get your points in order so that people can understand them.

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Re: Is the 'New European' a contemptible rag?

#20 Post by Krystal n Chips » Sat May 18, 2019 5:48 am

om15 wrote:
Fri May 17, 2019 8:40 am
What a scope for Channel 4, researching a few drab facts that are already in the public domain and hashing them into a news clip that serves no purpose other than to demonstrate that Nigel lives in a house, drives a car and has security assistants.

I haven't been conned, I think that £25 is a small price to pay for the reintroduction of democracy into this country, it is certainly less than the union fees that I was forced to pay under the closed shop to support Labour, Mrs Thatcher had much to be proud of that earns her undying gratitude, but the sweeping away of the closed shop and union powers is top of the list.
If twenty five quid is a bit much for your pocket don't pay it, but don't begrudge others the value for money that this represents.
Couldn't agree more about the £25 being a small price to pay, in comparison to say a mere £450k for example.

Still, that's what friends are for in times of strife and need, "every little helps " as the well known strapline reminds us does it not, but, it's the thought that really counts. Commendable though the help was to enable Nige to leave politics.....presumably the little junkets ( sorry, remedial excursions ) to see Donald, yap forth on Faux News, and hold a cheese n wine party..crisps included !....were all intended to help Nige rehabilitate himself.

He was in Scotland yesterday, playing to a packed audience of 400 ! an aside, I would be very much against a hard border which you proposed because I happen to like Scotland, the people, the scenery, the food, the hospitality ....and in many cases, their accurate opinion of the English, those located in the Home Counties, the South East and London in particular.

Here's another offering from the "smear campaign " although why anybody would wish to besmirch the good name of Nige is beyond me....well, apart from the glaringly obvious facts about him that is......

" Extreme left Labour Party - yes. The policies they are talking about implementing are certainly extreme and merely go to reinforce my point

As you've attempted to make several points recently, albeit, sadly, non have really been coherent ( but this can, of course, change and I will be the first to congratulate you when this transpires, us Guardian readers are never churls ) feel free to exemplify what you consider to be "extremist policies ".....

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