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WTF is happening in the UK?

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6241 Post by tango15 »

There is an article in the Sunday Telegraph today that suggests the CofE is converting asylum-seekers by the busload. This character who was throwing corrosive substances around was an example, apparently, although he continued to eat halal meat and follow other Islamic rituals after 'conversion'. The whole thing is a sham of course, because any fule no that anyone who converts from Islam to Christianity is under an immediate death sentence, a Mulsim law that has never been revoked. Thus they cannot be sent back to their point of origin. Hence the choice, by the government, of Rwanda where more than 90% are Christian.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6242 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

Welcome to 1984.

The recently signed “Online Safety Act” brands the publication of “false information” a criminal offence punishable by up to a year in prison…

…unless you’re an MSM outlet, when it’s totally fine. ... lish-lies/

Of course, now that pretty much everyone has given up actually consuming the MSM, they will next have to find a way to force you to do so.
That's in '1984' also.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6243 Post by tango15 »

Not sure whether to put this under this heading, or 'The Disgraceful BBC' - maybe both, but here goes. Disclaimer that it's the Daily Fail, but at least some of it may be true. ... expos.html
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6244 Post by OFSO »

Truss herself was something of an anti-climax. Dressed in evangelical white trousers and blouse with a jacket of suffragette-purple, she looked the part of saviour-across-the-water. (She is, of course, due to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference, aka CPAC, in Washington DC later this month.) Having spent a year working on her intonation and determined to impress by speaking without notes, more than once she lost her train of argument – and as she stared blankly into the room, the audience caught a glimpse of that panicked expression impossible not to associate with the words “pork markets”.

Truss got the biggest laugh when she derided her Westminster colleagues for indulging in progressive causes like net zero and LGBT rights because they want to be popular at London dinner parties, saying this wasn’t an issue for her because “I never get invited to dinner parties”. It was an odd thing to admit, at the launch of a movement that has “popular” in the name.

As for the substance, the PopCon narrative has been set. The downfall of the Truss government and the failures of Conservatives over the past 14 years are not to be blamed on any of the people involved, but on the system. The civil service, the judiciary, NGOs, international organisations, charities, civil society – all have been “actively working against” Conservative leaders trying to pursue Conservative policies. The PopCon mission is to smash the system – starting with the fire regulations, Littlewood joked, given how many people had been crammed into the room.

While Littlewood made his closing remarks and the background music struck up again (a jazz rendition of “Maria” from West Side Story), there was a mad scramble: Truss fans to the front to mob the former PM for selfies, everyone else to the cloakroom where we had been forced to relinquish our bags even after they had been de-combed. But the biggest crowd surrounded Nigel Farage, there in his GB News capacity rather than as a Conservative, yet still catnip to Tory party members. A month ago his Reform party launched its own set of missions – missions that look suspiciously similar to the “what we stand for” bullet points on the Union-Jack-themed leaflets handed out to PopCon attendees.

If this is the path the Conservative Party chooses to go down, it has competition.

[See also: Glossy PR created Brand Rishi but it won’t save him now]
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6245 Post by Boac »

The house where the Essex grandmother called to visit 'family' and she was killed by two adult XL Bullies also had 6 XL puppies living there. Sad, but a shame she didn't decline the invitation knowing the risks! You don't think for a moment the people were breeding the illegal dogs................?
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6246 Post by G-CPTN »

I read that one of the recent fatal events was triggered by a disturbance among puppies which was broken up using a broom (designated for the purpose) although possibly not effected by the human alpha male but by the human female.
The adult dogs resented this intrusion and turned on the human female.

Understandable when you review the event.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6247 Post by Woody »

I know that he’s not everyone’s cup of tea, it’s Dennis Skinner’s 92nd Birthday today :YMPARTY:

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6248 Post by FD2 »

It is reported that some deranged MPs are keen to get Boris Johnson back. Not many more months to their self destruction.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6249 Post by OFSO »

And incredible as it may seem, Liz Truss also has her supporters....
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6250 Post by CharlieOneSix »

I completed a DVLA online application for my driving licence renewal at 1500 Thursday and it arrived in the post this morning, Monday. Impressive!
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6251 Post by G-CPTN »

I am in the process of renewing my licence so I might just follow your lead.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6252 Post by CharlieOneSix »

G-CPTN wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:18 pm
I am in the process of renewing my licence so I might just follow your lead.
DVLA don't wait to see if you have actually sent back your old licence cut in half - I only posted that to them late afternoon on Friday.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6253 Post by OFSO »

""Rishi Sunak has insisted that his government’s “plan is working” as he urged voters to stick with the Conservatives in the wake of a devastating double by-election defeat."" (Independent, today).

If he thinks yesterday's results confirm his plan is working he's even more divorced from reality than I thought.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6254 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

To continue the divorce analogy, I believe he's under a Protection Order*, and not allowed to be within 5 miles of reality, or anyone who associates with reality.

*or whatever they now call them in these 'enlightened' times.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6255 Post by tango15 »

OFSO wrote:
Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:03 pm
""Rishi Sunak has insisted that his government’s “plan is working” as he urged voters to stick with the Conservatives in the wake of a devastating double by-election defeat."" (Independent, today).

If he thinks yesterday's results confirm his plan is working he's even more divorced from reality than I thought.
As one who lives in the Wellingborough area, (but not in the electoral ward that voted yesterday), I cannot help wondering why the Conservatives chose Mr Bone's 'companion' as their candidate. There was quite a lot of bad feeling locally about the way he had behaved, although he had previously been regarded as a good constituency MP.
Vox Pop locally suggested that she was seen as a makeweight, and you might wonder what the party moguls were thinking when they allowed this to happen. Hundreds of new houses have been and continue to be built in the area and with the right candidate, it should have been a shoo-in. It is perhaps a classic example of how inept this current bunch of clowns really are, especially when you consider that Bone was re-elected with a majority of 18,540 in 2019.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6256 Post by llondel »

OFSO wrote:
Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:03 pm
""Rishi Sunak has insisted that his government’s “plan is working” as he urged voters to stick with the Conservatives in the wake of a devastating double by-election defeat."" (Independent, today).

If he thinks yesterday's results confirm his plan is working he's even more divorced from reality than I thought.
Do you know what his plan is? It's quite possible that it's working spectacularly if the plan was to get hammered at the next election.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6257 Post by FD2 »

llondel wrote:
Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:58 pm
OFSO wrote:
Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:03 pm
""Rishi Sunak has insisted that his government’s “plan is working” as he urged voters to stick with the Conservatives in the wake of a devastating double by-election defeat."" (Independent, today).

If he thinks yesterday's results confirm his plan is working he's even more divorced from reality than I thought.
Do you know what his plan is? It's quite possible that it's working spectacularly if the plan was to get hammered at the next election.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6258 Post by 1DC »

The plan probably is that the Conservatives may win the election in about ten years time, could be fifteen. Depends how long it takes the people to get fed up or wether we are being run by a Mullah by then..
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6259 Post by llondel »

Shades of 1997, I guess. there comes a time when you've f**ked up so badly that you know there's no chance in hell of getting re-elected. The problem is that I'm not convinced the alternative is going to be much better.

It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6260 Post by OFSO »

Who would have thought that the UK is a net exporter of electricity.... ... -net-zero/
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