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WTF is happening in the UK?

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WTF is happening in the UK?

#1 Post by AtomKraft »

People I speak to hold normal opinions- but feel unable to express them.
Folk shrug, they don't understand what's happening, but they are sure it's getting worse.
You can't turn on the radio or watch TV without a hint, or a blatant plug for homosexuality.
It's like the Country is being run by little girls.

Thankfully, as soon as you leave, it stops- but WTF is happening in the UK?
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#2 Post by 4mastacker »

For one thing, Political Correctness has taken over and anyone who doesn't conform is labelled fascist, racist, extremist, or any other bloody 'ist' or 'ism' that can be invented. The long slithering fingers of thought control are strangling the civil/public services and there is no career progression in that domain unless you conform to the indoctrination of such bodies as "Common Purpose". Then we have the trendies who try to outdo each other on who is 'right-on'.

Watch/listen to the BBC and see how far PC has infiltrated that organisation - and licence fee-payers are being used to fund the indoctrination.

The UK has long gone down the sh***er and isn't going to get better any time soon.

My tuppence worth.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#3 Post by Capetonian »

You may have seen my posting about my experience with 'Gay Pride Day' last Saturday in Woking.
I have nothing against what they do or say, but I do object to having it constantly pushed at me.
We had dinner earlier this week with a gay friend of mine. He is one of the most multi-talented, intelligent, and witty people I have ever been privileged to call a friend.
He is proud to be gay but he never talks about it unless you engage with him on the topic.

To be honest what worries me more about what's going on in the UK is the increasing and frightening level of violence, and the impression that some sections of the community (Pikeys for example) are above the law because nobody is prepared to speak out or take action.

I am referring specifically to the murder of PC Andrew Harper on Thursday. The killers were from a community of so-called 'travellers' who have lived in the same filthy festering 'camp' for 50 years. Travellers? They are pond-life who want all the benefits of society without putting anything into it. They refer to the police as 'pigs' and worse, but you can be sure that if they were under attack by a vigilante group, they would be calling for police protection and then for the judiciary to punish their attackers.

Pikeys - what napalm is for.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#4 Post by AtomKraft »

It's akin to seeing a friends' child after a few years. You immediately notice the change a few years have made, but for the parents it's less obvious.
I was visiting after a couple of years abroad.

It's turned into a wankers paradise.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#5 Post by AtomKraft »

I also heard about that Policemans murder on the radio this morning.

At no point was there any mention of the killers being Gypsies, or whatever. Also, when a black guy stabs another black guy, there's never a mention of the fact that they were two black guys.
And when gangs of Pakistani guys, exploit idiot white girls, there's never a mention of their ethnicity. Why not?

And this never ending thing about anti-semitism. The bloody Jews are horrible, as anyone who'se dealt with them knows all too well. Why are we constantly urged to say we like them? I can't stand the fcukers!

Whatever happened to the right to free speech?
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#6 Post by OFSO »

Tolerance is all very well, but I certainly don't want gay sex thrust down my throat twenty-four hours a day.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#7 Post by AtomKraft »

Or up your arse!
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#8 Post by AtomKraft »

I'm working in Kazakhstan, and before that, in India.

In both countries, if you're queer, its best to shut the fcuk right up about it. And believe me, they do.

I'm bloody fed up with all this 'gay this' and 'trans that'.

It makes us look like a right shower of fannies.

Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#9 Post by Capetonian »

Revealed: Police raided council-run travellers' campsite after Pc Andrew Harper was dragged to his death

The call came through on Pc Andrew Harper’s police radio just before midnight. Suspected burglars had been spotted breaking into a nearby farm. Minutes later, Pc Harper was dead; his body dragged down a country lane and left abandoned in a ditch.

Pc Harper was an experienced policeman who had performed hundreds of traffic stops. He got out of his car, approached the vehicle and challenged those inside. But something went wrong. The suspect car shot off, dragging Pc Harper behind. One source said the policeman may have been attempting to grab the driver’s keys. In a desperate effort to escape, the driver refused to stop even as Pc Harper was dragged for hundreds of yards along the tarmac. Behind, his colleague pursued in their vehicle.

Within an hour, officers descended on Four Houses Corner, a council-run travellers’ site around three miles away. “Everyone was ordered out of the caravans, including the women and children,” one source said.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#10 Post by om15 »

The wierdo lefties have a grip of the media, from long established soaps with their current cast of lesbians and shirt lifters to the established Channel 4 and BBC, they are everywhere and tend to give a distorted view of the UK to passing visitors.
London and other major cities are under pressure from the unchallenged underclass, although I am deeply distrustful of Johnson, (I find him to be a duplicitous blustering windbag), if he bows to public opinion and cracks down on this it can only be a good thing.

In the countryside there doesn't seem to be much change, old attitudes die hard, people still drink drive, have respect for the police, tend to look out for each other, the church still has an influence of sorts, school children wear uniforms and smoke fags in bus shelters much in the same way as always.

Drugs appear to be the root of most of the problems, various remedies being contemplated, such as allowing cannabis smoking, but where does this end, one of the local aircraft maintenance organisations has a drink drug policy, did a spot check and found a tech with traces of dope in his system and he was fired. If it was legal would his "rights" overrule this policy?

I am midway through reading A History of the Second World War by Churchill, the management of political situations and challenges is shown, I am amazed at the skills, leadership, dedication and long sightedness of the politicians of the day. I think that most of our ills stem from useless PC driven politicians, many of whom have not had exposure to work, people, problems that the rest of us have, this results in politicians that can't make decisions or look to the future. Look at the labour front bench, is there anyone there that could run a successful newsagents, the Tories have seriously lost their way and I don't think Johnson will change that.
Farage will attract votes simply because his potential candidates are being drawn from people with real life experience and track records, whether they are more competent or less trustworthy than what we have remains to be seen.

The jolly rag tag gypsies are in town for the GDSF, a trail of broken into sheds, nicked cars, fouled laybyes, and assaults will now follow, non confrontational police will only keep a lid on it until they go, no one wants to sort it out.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#11 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

Atomkraft - great analogy!
om15 - Have you read Masters and Commanders by Andrew Roberts? It's an excellent look at how major political and military problems were solved during WW2 when any one person could have screwed things up. The inability of current politicians to accept criticism or the ideas of others is at the root of the problem.

The simple fact is that neither justice nor welfare are the same for all. This inevitably breeds contempt for the law and greed with the advantaged, and anger among the disadvantaged. Furthermore, the gulf is getting wider yearly.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#12 Post by om15 »

Fox, no I haven't will put it on my Christmas wish list, thanks for the recommendation.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#13 Post by Rwy in Sight »

Capetonian wrote:
Sat Aug 17, 2019 10:53 am
Revealed: Police raided council-run travellers' campsite after Pc Andrew Harper was dragged to his death

The call came through on Pc Andrew Harper’s police radio just before midnight. Suspected burglars had been spotted breaking into a nearby farm. Minutes later, Pc Harper was dead; his body dragged down a country lane and left abandoned in a ditch.

Pc Harper was an experienced policeman who had performed hundreds of traffic stops. He got out of his car, approached the vehicle and challenged those inside. But something went wrong. The suspect car shot off, dragging Pc Harper behind. One source said the policeman may have been attempting to grab the driver’s keys. In a desperate effort to escape, the driver refused to stop even as Pc Harper was dragged for hundreds of yards along the tarmac. Behind, his colleague pursued in their vehicle.

Within an hour, officers descended on Four Houses Corner, a council-run travellers’ site around three miles away. “Everyone was ordered out of the caravans, including the women and children,” one source said.
At least in the UK police do something after an incident with travellers. Here police did nothing after two officers were attacked, and a police car destroyed, because a traveller they stopped recognised one of the officers as being responsible for the traveller's imprisonment.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#14 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

I noticed the Daily Fail ran with Tony Martin's "I visited the grave of the boy I killed – and I felt no remorse" yesterday. ... s-ago.html

Tantamount to incitement, I would say.

Over here, three years ago, a farmer shot dead a First Nations boy during a drunken robbery attempt on his farm, one of many similar crimes. The gang were armed. The farmer was acquitted.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#15 Post by bob2s »

Seems to me, that most of our problems of late (in Aus as well as Blighty)are directly linked to the Politicians that now make decisions contrary to the thoughts of the good folk that elected them They do not consult with their electorate. I was of the belief that we elected them to represent us,not to make some arbitrary decision to follow the party line,we could do without the bloody lot of them,especially those that lean left and try to saddle us with believing that minority's override the majority.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#16 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

They represent you, not your views.
It is quite deliberate, and MPs in no "democracy" or "republic" anywhere have ever had an obligation to respect the views of the people who elected them, nor in the vast majority of cases have they felt any duty to do so if it conflicted with their own or party views. I'm not being cynical, it's just the truth, and this was made clear to us at school. The simple questions are, as ever: Where are the rules saying they must? and How do I get rid of them? There are no rules requiring representation of anyone's views - MPs don't even have to follow the Party line, and remain MPs even if they get kicked out of their Party. One can only get rid of them at election time. Parliaments, Congresses, WHY, are elected dictatorships. The Ancient Greeks had these, but only in times of crisis, and they were renewable annually, not every 4 or 5 years.

As to why problems are more common, there are several reasons, mostly related to the growth of Government control, which in turn is related to the legal system. The basic problem is that Governments keep writing more laws and regulations, and specifically more than they repeal. This requires an increased bureaucracy to administer them, and therefore also increased taxes. Because it gets increasingly difficult for small businesses to operate among the maze of regulations, permits, etc, even assuming there isn't any corruption of politicians by large corporations, the population becomes more dependent on both Government and big business for jobs, and has a higher need for a job to pay the increased taxes. It therefore follows that the welfare state must expand in order to stop entire towns revolting when a big business shuts down, or there's an economic downturn. This is true whatever a Party's political attitude to welfare is. And the expansion of the welfare state in turn expands the Government even further. It's why the actions of the current Conservative Government look basically socialist, whatever the words coming out of their mouths. They can't cut welfare, there'd be riots. They can't encourage big business because it's gone offshore in labour terms. It's all very well talking about the knowledge economy, but half the population has an IQ under 100. We can't all be jet engine designers. The only way to expand genuine Conservative principles is to encourage small business, but to do that they'd have to get rid of entire sections of Government regulations that are strangling it. Not only are they incapable of repealing legislation, they are also now up against the wall in terms of laying off Government workers, because there are now so many of them and they all vote.

Is this fixable? Well, repealing legislation and cutting Government jobs to promote small business, and promoting indigenous big business by imposing tariffs on overseas labor firms, is what Trump is doing. It's arguable as to whether the UK could do this, as it's not Top Dog nation anymore, doesn't have the reserve currency or the military, and doesn't have the same political structure. The UK certainly can't do this as part of the EU. You can argue all you like about the way Trump is doing it, and everything else he's doing besides, but the only escape is less regulation and the promotion of indigenous labour. And by indigenous I am not making any comment about immigration policy one way or the other, I simply mean that the people who work in a country spend their money in the country, and make more money than they cost the welfare system. Neither of these is true for either the majority of EU workers, who ultimately save up and take their savings home, or mass migrants who are a burden on the welfare state.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#17 Post by AtomKraft »

I think is effectively too late/ impossible to fix.
The only effective thing to do, is leave- which is what I have done.
It's all a bit sad really, but rest assured that not all countries behave as the UK does these days.

Continuing to live in the UK, annoyed at how it's being run, but paying your taxes to HMRC is at best weak, at worst hypocrisy.

I won't go back to live until things change, and I don't expect that to happen in my lifetime.

Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#18 Post by Capetonian »

AK, that's a bit strong. Some people don't have a choice, for many reasons, in where they live. Ergo, they don't have a choice in where they pay their taxes.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#19 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

Whilst some genuinely are stuck, say for family medical reasons, a lot more people have a lot more choice than they care to admit. What they don't have is the willingness to take the chances and risks involved in upping sticks. Emigrating is not easy, even shifting between countries that speak the same language. Moving to different bits of the same country could make a lot of difference too, but many are reluctant to do even that. And the real problem is that as soon as one has fixed on a domicile, one is logically not going to put that at risk, which is why people then go along with all the ridiculous, insane b#llocks that Government, especially local government, keeps coming out with.
There would be a lot less rubbish from government if everyone lived in yurts, and literally upped sticks and moved as their veto.
Me, I've picked somewhere where there is no local government, the Provincial government just fixes the roads, and the Federal government never comes.
Very largely, the people who comment here have both changed their addresses, and chosen where they now live. Whatever our views, we are not the ones that governments primarily exploit.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#20 Post by AtomKraft »

True, Fox.
Most folk are just too lazy to move. In my own case inertia/ laziness would have definitely kept me in the UK, had not a boot been metaphorically applied to my arse.
Having left, wild horses wouldn't drag me back to work there, although it remains an option when I retire.
The state of the UK is wildly annoying, but it definitely becomes a bit less so when one succeeds in getting the robbing fingers of HMRC out of ones pocket!
Lord knows how UK residents put up with all that faeces though.
It's nice to be tolerant, but in the case of the British, is there a limit to that tolerance, or will they tolerate anything?
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