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For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:29 am
by Alisoncc
Seem to have many members who have been adopted by "pets", of which I am one. So a new topic category to chat about same. This is Myf. Who has totally disrupted my previously well organised life. Yet to decide whether for the better or not.

Myf4.jpg (126.93 KiB) Viewed 2560 times

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:54 am
by probes
:) yeah, they DO get under your skin... still missing our dachs who died 2 autumns ago, a week before her 17th birthday.
dachs.jpg (13.15 KiB) Viewed 2553 times

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:02 am
by Pontius Navigator
Alison, my uncle who lived in Ferney Grove outside Brisbane (well it used to be outside) always attracted strays. When he died his sister imported his last dog to UK. It was a gorgeous Red Setter, strength and size of a small pony. It stood a good 9 inches taller than English ones. How she controlled him I don't know. Probably never walked him.

We yoked him with two Scotties, 40lbs, poor things he just dragged them.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:34 pm
by CharlieOneSix
Red Setters - absolutely bonkers dogs! Here's mine from about 1979. She was the most scatterbrained dog I've ever had.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:39 pm
by CharlieOneSix
On the other hand this full size Rough Collie was a gorgeous and intelligent dog. Taken in 1970, a couple of years later at the age of 5 she jumped up at me to play and collapsed and died at my feet - the Vet thought it was a heart attack.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 3:32 pm
by llondel
We had a dog for about nine months once. His person had died, person's son wasn't in a position to properly care for the dog (spent his time couch surfing with friends due to lack of place to live) so we acquired a 16 yr old dog.

We also acquired an extra cat. We already had three, another one was not part of the plans, but the dogs insisted we adopt this tiny kitten. I think he's more their pet (or overlord) than ours.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:27 pm
by Pontius Navigator
Now a question sometimes thought of a dog, do they see and remember or do they remember and ask?

Well yesterday she was given her football to play with and then it was put away. This morning she went to the door of the utility room where the ball had been put and barked (well vocalised) until she got it.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:21 pm
by Alisoncc
I am quite sure my dog remembers. I buy her liver and beef treats. These have the appearance of dried meat and come in a zip-lock bag which crackles when opened. She can be fast asleep in a different room, and the sound of the bag will see her sitting at my feet looking at me expectantly, almost instantaneously.

Severe heatwave forecast for later today and tomorrow - mid/upper forties degC. Will take doggy to the beach. See if I can persuade her to go in the water. Light hosing down after to remove salt. Her not me.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:07 am
by Hydromet
I'm sure dogs have a good memory of the things that are important to them. Our old dog had a friend down the street. Every Saturday the friend used to walk past with her people, and while we had a chat, the two dogs used to play together, play fighting.
We moved away for 8 years, during which time our dog died. One day after we returned, the friend dog, now quite old herself, walked past and came in, and looked all around for our dog. She knew all the places where our dog used to be.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:11 am
by Slasher
You mean even in death she’s still trying to nag him mate? :))

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:41 pm
by Pontius Navigator
We live in a doggy village. Our dog know most of the others and nose whose up for play and who isn't. Some also go straight for my right hand and treat pocket even if we don't meet for weeks.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:48 am
by ExSp33db1rd
Love dogs, 'specially Boxers, owned two in the UK when the children were young. Youngest child came home with a kitten " can we keep it ? " The kitten had been born into a Boxer dog household and went straight up to it, but our Boxer wasn't so sure and mayhem ensued. Eventually I declared that both dog and cat would be shut in the kitchen overnight and tomorrow we would either have a kitten friendly Boxer or a dead kitten. I wasn't popular. Next morning I found the kitten asleep between the Boxers front paws, after which they were firm friends. The Boxer would still chase stray cats, but fiercely defend ours.

Mrs. ExS is a cat person. Moved into a house in Singapore previously occupied by a dog. Day we moved in a mother cat left us 3 kittens, then disappeared herself. We lived in a road called Woo Mon Chew Rd. ( Slasher will recall ? ) so we called them Woo, Mon and Chew. Chew (ginger) was demanded by our then Woman Wot Did, so he was given to her, Woo died of suspected rat poison, ( or cat poison ? Singaporeans were not cat people ) and Mon became a New Zealander when we moved here, but suspect shot by a local neighbour, as was another cat we also brought here, as mentioned on another thread.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:14 am
by Slasher
parsing prob.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:19 am
by Slasher
ExSp33db1rd wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:48 am
( Slasher will recall ? )
Yep. That’s where you stayed at G. Court ExSp33d IIRC. I don’t think you were in that nursing home in the next block south!

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:18 am
by ExSp33db1rd
Slasher, maybe some memory fade ? WMC Rd. was off East Coast Rd, to the left, just before Bedok Ave. We had a private house.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:42 am
by Slasher
Ok I’m with you now mate sorry. But someone did stay in Grace Court. I don’t think it was Blackjack as he was an Aquamarine boy.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:53 am
by ExSp33db1rd
Sorry, can't help.

I started life in Hawaii Towers, nearer the city, just past Siglap, then moved to WMC Rd. after re-marriage !

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:46 am
I visit the log man once a year. Tom Guarddog has never forgotten he gets a biscuit if I remember and that it's in my trouser pocket.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:28 pm
I went to collect firewood today but found the log yard gates shut and bolted. However guard dogs Tom and his friend were inside. They assaulted me by thrusting their heads thru the bars and licking my hand, tails wagging, grinning at me. So much for dogs' personality changing when on duty in a closed premises.

Re: For doggy people, of whom there are many here.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:01 pm
by Capetonian
Mr and Mrs Ex-Ascot will remember how when we took my rented Toyota Hi-Lux back to the depot in Maun after driving from Chobe, the depot was closed and was guarded by several very large and vicious dogs. We had been told to open the gate and drive and leave the Hi-Lux with the keys in the ignition, like all the other vehicles there.

The dogs had clearly been trained to guard against Non-Reflective folk, as we were licked and jumped up at!