War in Australia - Australian Politics

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#681 Post by Sisemen » Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:15 pm

We agree to disagree!

Pity that Jacqui Lambie has resigned. And Pat Dodson is being queried FFS!

Pat Dodson - possibly NOT Australian =)) =)) =))

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#682 Post by Slasher » Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:04 am

Oz apparently has a Child Abuse Enquiry going on (it just lerves doing enquiries) with a result calling for ending the mandatory celibacy of RC priests.

Not that I disagree with it much, but I wonder how they're gonna do that? Any secular authority has its job cut out when it tries to change ancient conventions of religious institutions.

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#683 Post by Alisoncc » Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:15 am

What a total wanker Turnbull is. Spouting on the morning news that the problem in Melbourne with gangs of African youths is a State problem and nothing to do with the Federal govt. For f*cks sake it's the Federal govt that has chosen to import hundreds of totally lawless Somali "refugees" and their young. A south-eastern suburb of Melbourne, Noble Park, is where they are all housed. A suburb that has been known for the better part of the last five years as unsafe after dark. I know I used to live not far from there.

Back in 2012 there were reports of gangs of kids in the area shop-lifting, and occasional instances of car-jacking of vehicles stopped at traffic lights. Well they've now grown up and with no action having been taken have become more violent and brazen - moving into the Melbourne CBD.

Rev Mother Bene Gesserit.

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#684 Post by Slasher » Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:40 am

I suggest all who reside in Oz here have a good bloody read of this:



Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#685 Post by Sisemen » Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:56 pm

Fecking Greens ~X( ~X(

Major stoush in Parliament as the Greens target Jim Molan, one time Army Commander in Iraq at the time of the Fallujah dust up. He’s a newly installed Senator for those not familiar with Oz politics. Led by the cretin Di Natale, they all joined in in trying to stick the boot in - prominent was Sarah Two Dads who probably thinks that combat is something to do with swatting mozzies at the barbie.

In commenting on the ABC story on farcebook this is an example of the kind of replies I got from the fellow travellers:

You are colluding in human rights crimes and siding with a FILTHY war criminal! You should be in prison with the butcher of Fallujah Jim Molan

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#686 Post by BenThere » Tue Feb 06, 2018 4:20 pm

I'm not more than generally familiar with the personalities of Australian politics, but I sense the same cluelessness in some quarters here where I live. The comment you got, Sisemen is so typical, and so ignorant. My take is that the comment you highlighted comes from an unworthy, misguided soul who isn't worthy of shining Jim Molan's boots.

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#687 Post by Alisoncc » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:15 pm

Ben I suggest just one who served is worth ten Cadet Bone Spurs. (You'll know who I mean)

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#688 Post by Cacophonix » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:54 pm

Alisoncc wrote:Ben I suggest just one who served is worth ten Cadet Bone Spurs. (You'll know who I mean)




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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#689 Post by BenThere » Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:59 pm

One who served is worth a bit. I served and I'm worth a bit. But I didn't suffer, I was in the air. And didn't see my friends in agony or witness their deaths, taken or given on behalf of all of us. So I consider myself unworthy to comment on the toll real combat takes. I can only stand in lifelong respect and gratitude for that.

I'm inferring, but I suppose your 'Bone Spurs' comment is in respect to President Trump's deferments. The reality is that he had deferment by virtue of being in college, as did I. Nobody wanted to be drafted back then, in the late 60's, including me. And no one in my circles disparaged anyone using the tools to avoid the draft at hand. That acceptance didn't extend to those who fled to Canada or Sweden for evasion. One of the greatest things about Mohamed Ali, at the height of his boxing career, conscientiously objected and took a prison sentence rather than be drafted. He walked the walk and paid the price, and I never heard him complain about it.

When I finished college, I did sign up to USAF in 1973, though Viet Nam was drawing down. By the time I got through USAF pilot training it was all over and I never had to go, until Gulf War I.

I did, as my small token, fight the Cold War by sitting on nuclear alert, living one out of every three weeks in an austere alert facility on a SAC base, ready to launch in just a few minutes on an odyssey, that if enacted, we saw as the end of the world.

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#690 Post by Cacophonix » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:05 pm

Cacophonix wrote:
Alisoncc wrote:Ben I suggest just one who served is worth ten Cadet Bone Spurs. (You'll know who I mean)




The Orange putz got well and truly owned by a legless, pregnant, Asian ex service woman!


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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#691 Post by BenThere » Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:14 pm

The Orange putz got well and truly owned by a legless, pregnant, Asian ex service woman!

There's no need to bring up Julia Gillard. Spare us.


Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#692 Post by Sisemen » Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:55 am

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[-X :D


Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#693 Post by Sisemen » Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:22 am

The Greens got feisty on the opening session of Parliament this week:

The Greens have launched an extraordinary attack on new Liberal senator and former military leader Jim Molan, accusing him of overseeing a "humanitarian catastrophe" while directing coalition forces in Iraq.

But the Greens intensified their criticisms of Senator Molan during Question Time, lambasting his record as chief of operations for coalition forces in Iraq almost 15 years ago.

American, British and Iraqi forces launched multiple assaults on Fallujah in 2004 as they tried to root out Sunni insurgents in the city.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale said the attack on Fallujah was a disaster for civilians, and Senator Molan had to bear responsibility.

"At the time of the assault on Fallujah under the command of now-Senator Molan, a UN special rapporteur said coalition forces used hunger and deprivation as a weapon of war against the civilian population — a flagrant violation of international law," Senator Di Natale said.

This was followed up by the snivelling piece of green garbage, Adam Bandt of the Lower House, who, when interviewed outside Parliament, said that Molan was a coward and inferred he was a war criminal. As it was said outside the protection of Parliament Molan demanded an apology or he would sue. After a limp-wristed first attempt (what else could be expected :)) ) Bandt finally came up with the goods today:

Liberal senator Jim Molan has accepted a second apology from Greens MP Adam Bandt, who has promised to make a donation to a veterans organisation “as an expression of my sincerity over this issue”.

Mr Bandt has caved into defamation threats and issued his second public apology to Senator Molan in as many days, after being told his initial “six-word apology” was insufficient.

The Melbourne MP has been widely criticised for calling Senator Molan a “coward” and suggesting he could have committed war crimes.

“On Wednesday, I made statements about Senator Jim Molan on Sky TV in relation to his service in Iraq,” Mr Bandt in a statement late today.

“I wish to publicly say that I was wrong to make such accusations and inferences against Senator Molan.

“I sincerely apologise and express my regret to Senator Molan and to those who have served in Australia’s operational theatres and to their families and friends who were offended by my comments.

“I propose to make a donation to a veterans organisation as an expression of my sincerity over this issue.”

Senator Molan said he was pleased with Mr Bandt’s apology and he would not pursue defamation proceedings.


Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#694 Post by Slasher » Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:43 am

I would've gone on and started defamation court proceedings against the bastard. Clean HIM out and let him starve to death. One less stinking Greenie less.

Speaking of the Green subspecie, I saw this in the local rag here yesterday. Here's an Oz ref...

https://m.dailymercury.com.au/news/geor ... o/3338899/
The post, captioned "You gotta ask yourself, do you feel lucky, greenie punks?", has been referred to the Australian Federal Police by Greens leader Richard Di Natale and an environmental activist.

More power to this Christensen bugger!

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#695 Post by Woody » Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:00 am

Not sure it’s the right thread, but

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-aust ... ng-lessons
When all else fails, read the instructions.


Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#696 Post by Sisemen » Fri Jun 29, 2018 6:52 am

So, the Leader of the Opposition goes out on a limb and makes a “captain’s call” to rescind any tax cuts to businesses if they get back into power. An almighty row breaks out with party members saying “bollocks”. Three days later Shorten does a complete back-flip and the various spokesmen trotted out to explain it all away are saying “Shorten wasn’t wrong; the rescinding of the tax cuts were agreed in the financial management group”, and trying to con everyone that they really are a “listening” party.

Anybody want to give this shower of scheissen a tick at the next election? Take a free pass to your local nut-house if you do.

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#697 Post by Alisoncc » Fri Jun 29, 2018 8:28 am

Sise, you are obviously unfamiliar with the concept of democracy. The fact that caucus are prepared to disagree publicly with their leader to the extent that he changes his mind is a good thing. Or do you prefer the likes of Pyne and Michaela sucking up to Turnbull like puppies waiting for a treat.

Turnbull knows he is on the skids and is trying hard to do all his mates a good turn in the hope they will reciprocate when he is looking for a job. Do you really think that Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. and the big banks deserve a handout?

Rev Mother Bene Gesserit.

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#698 Post by Sisemen » Fri Jun 29, 2018 12:30 pm

It’s the hypocritical attempt to persuade the public that all was sweetness and light over the decision and subsequent back flip that gets me.

Give me Turnbull over Shorten every day - even though Turnbull is a disaster!

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Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#699 Post by BenThere » Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:12 pm

Is there any chance John Howard could come back? Or is there anyone in the wings of his stature?


Re: War in Australia - Australian Politics

#700 Post by Sisemen » Fri Jun 29, 2018 4:05 pm

Unfortunately not. They’re all dead beats.

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