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Rant of the Day v2.

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Rant of the Day v2.

#1 Post by admin »

This one was getting a bit big too.

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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#2 Post by ian16th »

As part of this process, the new 767s being acquired by Air Canada were the first to be calibrated for metric units (litres and kilograms) instead of Imperial units (gallons and pounds).
As a matter of interest, did the Canadians use the Imperial Gallon or the miniature US Gallon?
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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#3 Post by John Hill »

It was my interesting experience some time ago to be involved with the installation of equipment in a country we do not talk about.

The job required a foundation block to be dug in the ground, the block was about the size of a domestic refrigerator. The drawings and workers were all metric except for the drawing of the foundation block that had been converted from decimal inches. When it came for the hole to be dug they sent for a work team and we went back to our hotel.

Next morning we found an army of guys had slaved through the freezing night digging a small swimming pool!
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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#4 Post by Magnus »

Why are gallons not bigger in Texas? Everything else allegedly is.
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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#5 Post by ian16th »

Magnus wrote:
Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:13 am
Why are gallons not bigger in Texas? Everything else allegedly is.
Looking back at all the pints of beer I've consumed, if I'd had more of them in 'Merica, I'd still be sober o:-)
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Expletive Deleted Eurostar

#6 Post by OFSO »

With every "update" their site becomes harder to use. Latest iteration is that "TRAIN AND HOTEL" is the default option, and trying to get train only is exceedingly difficult. IDIOTS !
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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#7 Post by Ex-Ascot »

Digging foundations for an extension in Oxfordshire the building inspector came around and told me that they had to be a metre deep and two feet across.
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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#8 Post by CharlieOneSix »

I've just got back from taking my car to Aberdeen Audi for its first service. On checking in I was told that the General Data Protection Racket Regulations which came into force in May meant that I had to either remove my two dashcams (1 fwd, 1 aft) or authorise them to deactivate them. Apparently this is to protect the privacy of customers and staff!!!!! They were unable to show me where the legislation demanded that. No doubt the work of some fluffy upstairs who hasn't got anything better to do.

This PC world has gone mad. How long will it be before they insist that I mustn't drive into their premises with dashcams in operation. I despair, I really do. ~X(
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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#9 Post by Capetonian »

A few years ago I photographed, from a front passenger seat, some bus drivers using mobile phones for texting and yammering whilst driving, both on motorways and twisting narrow roads.

I wrote to the two bus companies who naturally wrote bank and said that their drivers couldn't have been using mobile phones as it was against the law. That simple. So I wrote back and they said they'd spoken to the drivers of the services I'd mentioned who had, obviously, denied it. So I wrote back and said "who do you think is lying, them or me?" That invoked a weasel response.

My last salvo was to send them the photos, in which you could clearly see the drivers' faces and their phones.

After a while they wrote back to me and said I was breaking the law by photographing them as it was 'an invasion of their privacy'. Lowlife scum. So I went to the police.

Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#10 Post by Capetonian »

A shop manager has put up posters of suspected shoplifters in his window after becoming fed up with a lack of action to the petty crime by the police. John Keppie blew up CCTV images and placed home-made posters bearing the word 'thief' in his Bournemouth shop window after he says three girls spat in his face and stole drinks.

The Sweet Thoughts boss in Dorset said he took action after police failed to investigate, despite being offered the footage. But he claims officers have now warned him he could be fined for the posters.

John Keppie was shocked when police told him he could be fined for putting the pictures up in his window

Several members of the public have also given the names of the alleged offenders to staff.

But Mr Keppie said that since the three posters appeared he has received a telephone call from the police telling him he isn't allowed to have them up. He could be in breach of the Data Protection Act (2018) and liable to a fine.
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A French double-whammy

#11 Post by OFSO »

Firstly to the selfish and idiotic French farmers who put hay bales across the road to block the Tour de France today. They were protesting against threatened cuts to their subsidies which enable them to undercut other EU farm prices while working fewer hours. Secondly to the brave French police who came and sprayed not only the loutish farmers with pepper spray but also the racing cyclists and finally themselves. Vive le sport !

Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#12 Post by Capetonian »

Sounds like a French farce.
I hate selfish oafish loutish cyclists, drug-fuelled cheats, they don't get my sympathy.
I think I sympathise with the farmers, even if they are Frogs.
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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#13 Post by OFSO »

Please note this for the record: Cape has made a post not unfavourable to the French. Double gins and prozacs all round.


#14 Post by Capetonian »

Once upon a time I had a LinkedIn account which was associated to a specific email account. After realising it was completely useless to me as all the contacts I received were from people whom I neither knew, nor with whom I had any desire to have any form of intercourse, I closed the account, or at least I thought I had done so.

I regularly get emails such as this, mostly to an email address which was never even associated to LinkedIn.
Anuja Kishore wants to add you to their network - HR Advisor India · 421 connections
Now Anuja Kishore may be a very worthy person but she has no relevance nor use to me whatsoever. much as I like Indian people, since I am not remotely interested in getting a job (as in employment!) least of all in India.

I keep unsubscribing and blocking the emails, but it appears to be like the Hotel California, "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!"

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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#15 Post by Tall Bird »

A few years ago, I had a spate of LinkedIn emails from unknowns and folk I knew. The latter told me their accounts had been hacked or copied for scamming/spamming purposes. I've never had a LinkedIn account.
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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#16 Post by Wodrick »

+1, never had an account, endless e-mails some from those I knew, mostly at ex place of employ, others I didn't know from Adam. Touch Wood seem to have stopped.

Tour de Farce

#17 Post by Capetonian »

Four-time Tour de France champion Chris Froome was yesterday dragged off his bike by a French police officer who mistook him for a fan in the latest extraordinary incident which has seen the race dubbed the Tour de Farce. The gendarme knocked the 33-year-old Team Sky star over and grabbed him by the arm (left) shortly after he had finished stage 17 of the gruelling race. Froome shouted 'f**k you' at the officer, who appeared unapologetic.
It comes a day after Froome and his team mate, race leader Geraint Thomas, were temporarily blinded by pepper spray that drifted downwind when police tried to break up a protest by farmers. Froome has also been spat at and shoved by angry spectators amid simmering resentment towards Team Sky's domination of cycling's showpiece event. Fellow Briton Thomas yesterday survived an attempt by a fan to pull him from his bike.
Oh shame! Maybe they won't do the Tour De Farce any more. That will put a lot of drug dealers and manufacturers of garish plastic clothing out of business.
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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#18 Post by 4mastacker »

~X( n-Power!! ~X( Idiots!!

I may have mentioned this before. Senior daughter wrote to them authorising me to act on her behalf whilst she is away - I even have an acknowledgement from them.

Today, rang them about her lecky meter readings as there was a query. Told them who I was, why I was calling and that I had authorisation to do so if they checked their records only to be told "Can't deal with you, need to speak to the account holder first". Tried umpteen times to explain why I was calling as daughter wasn't available to speak only to be met with the same response. Asked several times to speak to their manager - same response. Altered my tack - asked if the call was being recorded; "Yes". "Right" sez I, "When I complain to your CEO he'll be able to hear how you refused to listen to me at the start of the conversation and why you failed even to do a basic check of your records". "Wait a moment, I need to speak to some one" followed within a minute " Ah! yes! We do have you on the system as authorised to act on your daughter's behalf. How can I help you?". The query took less than a minute to resolve. "Anything else I can help you with?" "Yes. Try listening to folk." Ten feckin minutes for a one minute query. ~X(

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Re: Rant of the Day v2.

#19 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

C16, the reason dealers are banning dashcams is because numerous dealers have been caught out not doing the servicing they charged for/taking customer cars on joyrides. Audi included, e.g. ... omers-car/

The privacy thing is the excuse.
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Re: LinkedIn

#20 Post by Cacophonix »

Capetonian wrote:
Thu Jul 26, 2018 7:37 am
Once upon a time I had a LinkedIn account which was associated to a specific email account. After realising it was completely useless to me as all the contacts I received were from people whom I neither knew, nor with whom I had any desire to have any form of intercourse, I closed the account, or at least I thought I had done so.

I regularly get emails such as this, mostly to an email address which was never even associated to LinkedIn.
Anuja Kishore wants to add you to their network - HR Advisor India · 421 connections
Now Anuja Kishore may be a very worthy person but she has no relevance nor use to me whatsoever. much as I like Indian people, since I am not remotely interested in getting a job (as in employment!) least of all in India.

I keep unsubscribing and blocking the emails, but it appears to be like the Hotel California, "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!"

I assume you meant social intercourse! =))

I can send you the link to Madame Wong's House of a 1000 + 1 Pleasures if you would prefer the other sort! ;))) There the pleasures are most visceral and recherche indeed!

Seriously though, I agree entirely with your comments about LinkedIn. A complete waste of time and a privacy risk.

Good quality music video as well and very apt.

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