Jaden Moodie murder

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Jaden Moodie murder

#1 Post by Boac » Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:44 pm

A tragedy for the parents indeed. However, they 'claim' they knew nothing of his alleged association with drug dealing and presumably did not 'know' he was riding an expensive moped around the streets of London - at age 14??

I would not wish anyone to die the way he did but the boy, described as "Jayden was described as a 'kind' and 'sweet' boy who dreamed of being a boxer and emulating his hero Anthony Joshua, who had posed in a recent picture with him." had posted pictures on social media of himself on his scooter, him clutching a big bundle of notes and also claiming to be "a ‘trapper boy’ - street slang for a drug courier." - all this according to the Daily Mail in this article.

Anyone else feel parental responsibilities may have been a touch neglected?

I should mention he was black.

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#2 Post by G-CPTN » Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:51 pm

Youth leader Mr Baz said he met Jaden briefly after spotting him and his friends on a street in Nottingham regarded as a "hotspot for antisocial behaviour and knife crime".
Thereafter, the deceased, who lived with his mother, moved to London to 'make a new start'.


Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#3 Post by Capetonian » Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:05 pm

Parents, or more likely parent as it's probably father unknown, are responsible for their children's upbringing or lack of. If they did know what he was up to, they are negligent. If they did know, they are even more negligent.

They are always 'lovely kids and always had a smile on their face and brightened up the room and bla bloody bla."

Hitler was a vegetarian and hated cruelty to animals. Robert Mugape is a practising Christian. They were both mass murderers.

If you deal in illegal substances and mix with the scum of the earth sooner or later it will pay you back. Sadly, he got the ultimate payback.


Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#4 Post by Slasher » Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:21 pm

"He had a huge heart and would do anything for anyone, especially his family. He will be sincerely missed."
Bringing in 26,000 quid in cash each year for the fam (tax free I might add) I'm sure he will be.

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#5 Post by OFSO » Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:37 pm

One of six children from the same mother, he was sent to Nottingham to be with his Grandmother as he was out of control in London. She could not deal with him so sent him back a few months ago. When he was murdered, everyone I know familiar with the London scene came to the same conclusion: he was running drugs. Forget all the crap about him being an innocent victim (Steve Allan on LBC London) and it being the fault of society or government or teachers. One drug runner, terminated, nothing to see here, move on.


Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#6 Post by Capetonian » Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:41 pm

I think the tragedy here is that whilst the streets have been rid of a drug runner and criminal, the 'Mr Bigs' behind the drug operations remain at large to ply their evil and murderous trade.

I am in favour of the death penalty for high level drug dealing.


Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#7 Post by Capetonian » Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:10 pm

Just a few of the comments from readers of the DT article:

Another black drug dealing thug is dead. I just don't care anymore. Blacks are ruining London as they have in many American cities - Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore etc. All coming to you town.

1) why did he move from Nottingham to London?
2) was the scooter his, (unlikely as he was 14)? If so where did he get the money from?
3) why was he posting on social media bragging with lots of cash and a gun?
4) what was he doing out on the scooter?
5) how can the family be sure he had no gang association?
6) how likely is it that he was killed at random?


Multiculturalism is a disaster. Our children will be paying for this absolute catastrophe for decades as our once stable, peaceful country descends into an ethnic infested violent chaos. All thanks to idiots like yourself. Thanks for that.
Some facts.
He was murdered. He was involved in drug sales and gang culture. His father was a Drug dealer.
He was illegally driving a moped.
The media is trying to spin him an innocent. He was a troublemaker and drug dealer murdered by others of his ilk.
I’m sick and tired of feeling fearful in the Capital. All these murders are ethnic minorities ( or actually, now, ethnic majorities) killing ethnics
Liberals should hold their heads in shame: “ multiculturalism is good for us” my backside

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#8 Post by OFSO » Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:22 pm

I don't feel fearful in London, at least no more so than in Figueras or Barcelona. Especially the latter. However we both avoid noted trouble spots, walk smartly, keep eyes open and never pause to take phone out of the pocket ! Feel safe in Paris city centre but never take Metro at night, whereas no problem on the Underground. Who knows ? Perception rather than reality ?

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#9 Post by jimtherev » Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:51 pm

OFSO wrote:
Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:22 pm
I don't feel fearful in London, at least no more so than in Figueras or Barcelona. Especially the latter. However we both avoid noted trouble spots, walk smartly, keep eyes open and never pause to take phone out of the pocket ! Feel safe in Paris city centre but never take Metro at night, whereas no problem on the Underground. Who knows ? Perception rather than reality ?
I agree. Ten years at the Elephant - highrise council stuff; never felt unsafe even tho a minority white and minority Christian. But felt most unsure in the outer 'respectable' suburbs, e.g. Orpington, Bromley late at night. Fewer people about; much less street lighting.

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#10 Post by Hydromet » Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:01 am

Recently stayed in Paris 18th Arrondissement, African Quarter, and felt quite safe at all hours. Never any problems. Likewise on the Metro. However, the spivs, pickpockets, 'gypsies' and pea & thimble sharpsters around the tourist areas made me decidedly uncomfortable.

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#11 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:52 am

Yeah, daddy is now out of jail and back in Caribbean. Wonder how many of the 6 children were his. I wonder how many he helped produce in total.

Right to family life, why doesn't mum go home?

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#12 Post by om15 » Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:00 am

The rot is at the top, those whose responsibility it is to confront this violent take over in our society are not only ducking the issue, but by pushing the racist card at every opportunity are helping the violent, knife wielding, drug dealing gangs to operate.
Sadiq Khan is today writing self important articles in the Guardian about how he intends to challenge Brexit and keep us in the EU, not a mention of the mess that he is creating by his negligence in London.
Many of those that came to this country from Jamaica, Africa, Pakistan, India came here because their own countries were failing economically, politically and culturally, their countries were riven with corruption, violence, crime and despotism.
We have allowed, encouraged even, them to lower our standards to that from where they came, any attempt to address this is met by a barrage of criticism from those leftie liberals that don't have to live amongst the mess they are allowing.
The Labour Party has done much to create this mess, unctuously braying about political correctness and racism at every opportunity, encouraging people like Khan, we now have a second generation Pakistani intent on challenging our democracy and everyone is fearful of mentioning it because of the wave of righteous indignation from the Labour Party.
The only way this can change is if the people in London change it, but as they are rapidly becoming outnumbered it isn't going to happen.

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#13 Post by OFSO » Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:31 am

Nobel prize-winning genetic researcher James Watson stripped of his honours for telling the truth. Er, whoops, not PC so he deserved it.


Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#14 Post by Capetonian » Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:59 am

I have walked round some of the bad areas of Paris, where I was the only white person, and strange as it may seem, felt perfectly safe. I feel distinctly uneasy in or near any of the large rail termini in the European cities I travel to regularly, Milano Centrale being the worst, although I understand that there is now a barrier, recently installed, to separate those travelling from the dross hanging around looking for easy prey.

om15 is correct, although I'd make one small amendment, I would remove the reference to people from India from his otherwise accurate summary of so much of what besets the UK. The huge majority of Indians are hardworking and are not involved in crime.

As for Khan, I rather thought that the Mayor of London was supposed to distance himself from politics to concentrate on making the capital a better place for all. In that he has failed miserably, having achieved the opposite.
At least their kids aren't being stabbed to death': Iain Duncan Smith says the punishment handed down to British public schoolboy in Singapore is reprehensible - but people are safer on the streets there than in Britain

Singapore's brutal flogging punishments might seem arhcaic to Britons
But teenagers are not stabbed to death on the streets of Singapore
The murder of Jayden Moodie last week highlights the crisis we face in London
The 14-year-old was stabbed multiple times after being rammed off his moped
Now is the time to act to take back control of our streets to save more young lives
I'm not particularly concerned about the Jaden Moodies, they are criminals living on the edge of the underworld, I'm concerned about the safety of innocent decent people going about their daily lives. They should be able to do so without fear. This simple right appears to have been eroded.

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#15 Post by ian16th » Sun Jan 13, 2019 10:40 am

Times change.

I can remember being the only white person walking on the Bunda Rd in Karachi, and not being worried for my safety.

Today, I wouldn't go near Pakistan.
Cynicism improves with age


Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#16 Post by Capetonian » Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:17 am

In the late 70s/early 80s I used to walk up, late at night, from the SAA City Terminal (Rotunda) in JNB to Hillbrow, where I stayed. I was often the only white person on the street and if an African approached me it would be to offer to carry my bag in exchange for a Rand or less (the price of a beer).

These days ...... I doubt if it would be safe in broad daylight.

That toerag Khan is being interviewed on The Sunday Politics Show on BBC1 as I write this.

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#17 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:40 am

Om15, I don't think Indian Christians and Hindu are a problem. Many Indians were actually expelled from Uganda and integrate well. Many are doctors or health care workers. Others provide the ubiquitous restaurant trade.

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#18 Post by om15 » Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:41 pm

PN, yes of course I agree with you, the point I was making is that people from India came here because it was a better place to live, and now increasingly it isn't. The Indians certainly haven't contributed to the violence that we are experiencing.
However, I don't think that many could claim that this chap has particularly added to the political integrity of the UK,
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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#19 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:47 pm

Om15, as it happens, the last family I stayed with had repatriated from Portsmouth where he had been a GP. She was a yoga master. They had returned to India so that their sons could be brought up to the Indian culture.

The last consultant after my cancer op was also returning to India.

At a teaching hospital in India most of the trainee doctors wanted to come to the UK. I think a common thread is come to UK, make money, return to India for a better standard of living.

As an example, a 5*+ tourist hotel cost $225 per day, in contrast a select gated beach resort with a large end suite, pool, fitness suite etc is around £20.day.

A 'poor' family living in a small pension had a live in maid and a chauffeur. A retired factory owner (don't know what) had a cook, maid, chauffeur, gardener, security man and a cleaner. One or two were employees of the factory who were rostered to work for him.

Now that is a standard of living :)

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Re: Jaden Moodie murder

#20 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:51 pm

OM, of course on your last, some Indians are in it for themselves.

However two groups I met were building and staffing hospitals. And one of them was also building and staffing a school.

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