Chaos in Germany

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#61 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:21 pm

If they will lie about a serious illness, what won't they lie about?

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#62 Post by OFSO » Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:06 pm

Ein Volk, ein Reich, eine shakey Fuhrerin. Reminds me of what I heard more than once when I went to live in Germany in 1968, "We weren't told, we knew nothing."

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#63 Post by 4mastacker » Sat Jul 13, 2019 5:47 pm

Just watched a video of her meeting the Danish Prime Minister :x recently . Chairs were provided on the dais and they both remained seated during the playing of the national anthems. Solves the problem of her shaking when she's standing.

As for the dehydration excuse, perhaps she can't drink too much water beforehand in case of an embarrassing "bladder malfunction" - now that would get the media in a tizz.
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Re: Chaos in Germany

#64 Post by OFSO » Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:38 am

The German Social Democrats have put out a multi-page document justifying why Ursula von der Leyen should not be the new EU Commission President. An almost endless list of her corruption and ineffeciency. If only she was an alcoholic as well, she'd be the perfect choice.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#65 Post by OFSO » Mon Jul 15, 2019 5:01 pm

A long and rambling letter is doing the rounds in the German Press and on-line. Here's my translation of it - pardon lapses and inadequacies !

Good day, Mrs. Chancellor Angela Merkel.

My name is Helmut Markus and I'm a tire dealer. I have worked all my life, - diligent, punctual, disciplined. I am a typically German worker, even an "excellent": In 2004, I was decorated with the Hessian Founder Award, for "Most Created Jobs".

I have paid taxes and have even been involved in politics, 38 years in the CDU. He will not like to read it, but I'll say it anyway: today's Hesse Finance Minister Thomas Schäfer was once my deputy, at that time, in the late seventies, when I was still chairman of the Junge Union in Biedenkopf. That was the time when green was still called DKP. At that time we fought against their socialist-communist ideology and explained why I can not and will not support the politics of the Rauten-Union!

For over 30 years, I have set up my business to enable my family and my staff to live a safe and secure life. I try to be a decent, solidary citizen. But as a medium-sized entrepreneur in Germany we are getting the Big Shaking now at the latest.

Because there comes the woman Merkel, acting like crazy, jumping over every climate-populist stick and ruthlessly destroying my livelihood - and those of my industry. Since my customers should know why they will eventually stand in front of a locked door, this letter to you is public.

I am 100% dependent on customers of private transport, i. People with cars. So, what you, Mrs. Merkel and the Greens want to abolish. Because what did you say in 2017: "In 20 years, we will only be allowed to drive autonomously with special permission." Of course that does not sound so bad in your words, you like to call it "disembark", that sounds nicer than " abolish "," destroy "or" ruin ".

If you can do it, it's "getting out" ! You are forcing Germany to abandon nuclear power, coal, diesel, air traffic, the Bundeswehr (army), education, negotiations and, above all, democracy. Also, internationally, "getting out" is your thing: Germany is unpopular in the world as never before and internationally is considered the example of a completely failed, exclusively by German morality-and-emotions-led migration policy! The balance of negating, denying, losing and keeping still is devastating after 14 years of chancellorship, Ms Merkel!

And now comes the abondonment of the internal combustion engine and thus the exit from private transport. And of course, the Greens, the media, Soros-funded NGOs, and last but not least, the "German Environmental Aid" will see us catch up with the Irish and Scandinavians. These countries have committed themselves to ban petrol and diesel cars as early as 2030.

You, Mrs Merkel, have never prevailed when it came to the welfare of Germany. It does not seem to be really in the foreground with you. They will fall over again like the ugly, scrubby fir tree you used to address your Christmas message - and reminded me of Kim Jong Un.

It's not like I want everyone to drive one, two or three cars that I can sell tires for. No, unlike you, I have children and I am very aware of our responsibility for future generations. And no, not everyone has to drive a car - if there were alternative mobility concepts. But where are these new concepts ? There is nothing! And now you present your ideas of metro, bus, tram, bicycle, electric scooter, car, taxi, Uber or something like "Ridesharing": These are all urban mobility models that you see in Berlin from your limousine window.

Here in rural areas, these simply do not exist. Trains and buses in the area? Where I live in Biedenkopf in Hesse? Wrong! Totally false! The "Green Donkey Taxi" seems to be the most feasible proposal for mobility.

By the way this electric scooter, this highly dangerous means of transportation, is acclaimed by you - it can be seen that you have no new concepts. That's why you and your economics minister are so keen to refer to "autonomous driving" because it's so unobjective, smart, and you know that these plans are in the distant future, so they'll be realized long after your term in office. Not to mention that with this outlook, you are completely abandoning the idea of individual freedom: something like "Free Ride for Free Citizens" simply does not occur in your thinking of paternalism.

No, there is no nationwide, environmentally friendly mobility concept! That too has gone completely mad in your term of office Mrs. Merkel! The rail network is rotting like never before and we literally celebrate when a long-distance train arrives on time. Speaking of our trains! What is completely absurd, almost misleading: you ask children to "Klimahopsen on the train" (hop on the train to save the climate, German slogan) , in each of your sentences appears the word "climate". Climate here, climate there, the climate rescue must serve everything.

To relieve the overburdened roads, Italy and Austria have been building the world's longest railway tunnel, the Brenner Base Tunnel, for ten years. It will be open in 2028, when the heavy road traffic should run underground through Tyrol by rail. It's a billion dollar project and Italy and Austria are on schedule. But there is still the Germany of Mrs. Merkel, where billions of projects now flop one after another. And lo and behold, the environmentally friendly tunnel project is threatened again by the failure of Germany to achieve anything. Because the "for the climate hopping" Germany has not even begun to plan the necessary railway inflow routes and terminals on the German side of the tunnel in the Inn Valley! Maybe you should let your "Friday for Future" (German slogan) children hop for a plan approval procedure, Mrs. Merkel, then that will surely be as fast as climate crises in Germany are called.

But you say you have a plan - Frau Merkel, what does it look like? Again and again, you boldly proclaim goals without giving any concrete indication of how you want to achieve those goals. Germany should be "climate-neutral" by 2050, you just promised at the European Council and again at the Kirchentag. Yes fine, and how should that happen exactly? By CO2-discharge payments, by which the citizens are purposely impoverished, so they simply can not afford to drive a car anymore? Is that your plan, Madam Chancellor? Although - you have already destroyed a lot of jobs and then no one has to be mobile to be on time for duty.

Germany has not even managed to comply with moderate climate goals in the past. So what is it but utopian ramblings if you announce that you want to cut emissions by 55 percent by 2030? Or it is - in the meantime I think that is possible - simply gone mentally disturbed?

For a long time I have been wondering if your psyche and your state of health still allow good governance. Ever since your shaking attacks and looking into your swollen face I feel confirmed in my doubts. I am thinking in particular of your utterly hasty, haphazard 180 degree turnabout of the nuclear phase-out, which you transfigured into the green energy transition, and of the completely irresponsible, highly dangerous opening of the border on 4 September 2015.

Whether nuclear phase-out, euro, refugee or now the rescue of the climate: you shirk the detail about economically viable solutions, you speak opportunistically, following the alleged mainstream. This is the way someone acts who, out of deep mental distress, longs for recognition and love. The adoration of your submissive cheerers, who watch you on the open stage with the German flag from the hand and who reject criticism of your policy again and again, seems to you no longer enough. Your new playground is now called "the planet", which you orbit endlessly. Visits to Africa, supposedly to eliminate "causes of flight". The biggest cause of flight is our open social system, Ms. Merkel! To close that for the planet's population, you do not have to fly in two planes around the world and emit CO2!

To prevent worse, I will consider whether I make a request for judicial support for you at the district court Berlin-Mitte. I insist on having a specialist check to see if you are still able to properly assess the realities. What explanatory patterns are there otherwise for your irresponsible policy against Germany? Are you acting in an order? Or live recklessly and like a narcissist, showing your destructive side and telling yourself: I have no children, after me the deluge ?!

No matter how, it's enough for me now! You, Ms Merkel, are destroying my livelihood and the future of my children in Germany and I will not let myself be squeezed out further for your fatal, political "Harakiri" course as a tax slave. On the contrary, I'm on the verge of quitting my own life here, as dozens of experts and performers have already done. I am by no means the only one who now seriously considers throwing everything here and saying goodbye to Germany.

However, this step is often not easy: My generation can still do that, and many of us have the necessary financial freedom to escape your destructive policies. But we are not concerned about the superficial issue - I take the risk of this public letter because I am concerned about the future for German children.

You still have a chance, Madam Chancellor: Explain yourself! And not with your usual, soporific phrases: Say what measures you plan to save Germany from the recession! Explain what you will do to counter the catastrophic effects of your sentimental open-border policy! Name concrete dates: When is trading done?

And if you only have phrasal promises in stock again - then finally take your hat and resign, Mrs. Merkel!

With sincere greetings,

Helmut Markus

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#66 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Mon Jul 15, 2019 5:33 pm

A similar letter could be written in any European country. Me, I upped sticks 10 years ago. As for the profession I left, it's at the bottom of a deep hole and still digging. ... 26276.html
Germany is in the same boat ... /a-2183691
In fact, every country on the Planet is in the same boat.
The UK Government has failed to recruit by pretending the job's attractive, either to newcomers or career changers. It's tried bribing them, it's tried recruiting abroad and bribing them, it's tried recruiting in the European countries with the worst unemployment and bribing them. Now it's trying to bribe the few who are left to stay. That will fail too.
And if you destroy the entrepreneurs like the letter writer, and destroy the technical education, then pretty soon you don't have a country. And I do mean soon; this won't last another decade, and any major calamity could see it lasting less than 5 more.
Socialist principles rely on some people doing all the work for the others, and they don't get to choose the work either. They aren't even allowed to do it properly. There aren't enough Boxers* who are prepared to put up with it.

*Animal Farm, not Porsche ;)))

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#67 Post by llondel » Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:03 pm

Germany is unpopular in the world as never before
Not sure he's quite correct on this one. For different reasons, yes, but I'm not sure they've plumbed the lowest this time.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#68 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:08 pm

I mean, they haven't even invaded Poland yet, and Holland has hardly been bombed at all! ;)))

On the other hand, the German Defence Minister is likely about to take over the whole of the EU, so does that count?

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#69 Post by OFSO » Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:11 pm

Had lunch with German friends yesterday. One topic as ever was Germany's policy of encouraging everything electric and looking in the other direction when possible problems occur. My friend said an event for electric motorbikes was due to be held on the island of Sylt this month. 12 bikes were destroyed by fire when one or more suffered a battery explosion when all were left on fast chargers in a garage overnight. What annoyed my friend is that this has not been reported by any media. He owns a block of flats and has prohibited anyone from using fast chargers in his underground garage or fast bike chargers in the flats. There has been no mention of his prohibition in his local newspaper.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#70 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Jul 30, 2019 4:53 pm

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A 40-year-old Eritrean man killed an eight-year-old boy on Monday by pushing him in front of an oncoming train at Frankfurt's main train station in Germany, police said. ... im-338005/

Mutti's Grand Plan kills another innocent.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#71 Post by OFSO » Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:21 pm

Probably as frightening as the acts themselves are that the media isn't reporting them. A stable, non-violent society (oh yes ? see post above) based on sound ecological principles (really ? Germany has turned to massive open-cast mining of lignite as fuel after Mutti decided to close the nuclear power stations) and 'clean' electric scooters as the answer to all mobility problems (police have been told unofficially not to penalise legal infractions) bursting into flame when used on fast chargers......and the press gives the impression all is well.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#72 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:44 pm

What's the reaction in Germany to the media then?
The worst offenders elsewhere have plummeting audiences:
BBC news viewership has dropped 25% in the last 3 years, and only one in every 400 now buys the Guardian. My own mum told me she now cannot stand the BBC, and she still sees listening to the news as a public duty.
CNN might as well be broadcasting to their own relatives and friend.
The CBC The National evening news review has seen audiences halve in 2 years.

Naturally they are all pretending it's due to the conveniently-difficult-to-measure digital shift, but anecdotally it's because it's boring, preachy, and wrong.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#73 Post by Woody » Tue Jul 30, 2019 9:38 pm

As a matter of interest, how are Fox News viewing figures holding up?
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Re: Chaos in Germany

#74 Post by Stoneboat » Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:03 pm

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Tue Jul 30, 2019 4:53 pm
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A 40-year-old Eritrean man killed an eight-year-old boy on Monday by pushing him in front of an oncoming train at Frankfurt's main train station in Germany, police said. ... im-338005/

Mutti's Grand Plan kills another innocent.
Correction, Fox. He's a SWISS-Eritrean. Big difference there. ;))) ... a-49805002


Re: Chaos in Germany

#75 Post by Capetonian » Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:20 pm

Sadly, the Swiss have also lost their marbles in accepting these savages from the third world. Meanwhile, a white South African friend, Swiss national by marriage, is having difficulty in obtaining the type of of help and support that they give to these savages.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#76 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:21 pm

Fox dropped a bit after Trump took office and Megan Kelly left, mostly to MSNBC. Seem to have stabilised now.

CNN are doing a good impression of a guy walking south from Beachy Head, and have lost most of all in the crucial 25-54 age group, which is who the advertisers love.

Remember that CNN claims 323 million airport viewers per year. Last time I went through Toronto airport, I took a sample. The number of people actually looking up at the screen with interest during an hour was ....3
Approximate passing and seated audience 1,000. I think CNN uses a 25% figure for the ratings.

Also bear in mind that an internet viewer on their phone when the phone switches to another tower is counted as a new viewer, so someone on a typical commute watching on the train or subway counts as 50+ viewers per day, even if they are reading something else on another tab.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#77 Post by OFSO » Sun Sep 01, 2019 11:23 am

German government has just announced they are raising the monthly cash allowance for asylum seekers from €135 to €150.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#78 Post by ian16th » Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:29 pm

OFSO wrote:
Sun Sep 01, 2019 11:23 am
German government has just announced they are raising the monthly cash allowance for asylum seekers from €135 to €150.
That will discourage them!
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Re: Chaos in Germany

#79 Post by OFSO » Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:34 pm

In the same broadcast news, German government announced they are raising the per-patient subsidy for German doctors to €5 a visit.

Elections in two German Landes today, Sachsen and Brandenburg. 5.4 million voters. Pure coincidence, these announcements yesterday, of course.

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Re: Chaos in Germany

#80 Post by OFSO » Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:18 pm

Tante Merkel has gone very quiet, hasn't she ? I know she's furious with the lady who took over from her as Party Leader (name escapes me - FKK ?) but she is still the ruler of Germany. Perhaps she's now having the shakes in private and is only let out during remission, like Diane Abbott.

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