WTF is happening in the UK?

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#61 Post by 4mastacker » Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:22 pm

I don't know why the BBC make such a fuss about the exam results and the students collecting their results at their school. My GCE results were delivered by the postman who shoved a brown envelope through the letterbox. The event didn't rate a mention in the local rag.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#62 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:59 pm

Since the proportion of qualified-in-subject maths, physics and chemistry teachers keeps dropping, and the results keep getting better and better, logically one should have all STEM lessons taught by supply teachers with PE and Sociology degrees.
Or the BBC and the Government are corrupt, fraudulent, incompetent propagandists.
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#63 Post by Smeagol » Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:17 pm

I took GCE 'O' level in 1968 and managed to pass seven subjects. Took eight but failed French! Even got a Grade 1 in Physics. (That was the top grade the 1 down to 6 was a pass and 7-9 were fails - I got a 9 in French)
Wonder what my Grade 1 would be worth now? A**********?
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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#64 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:22 pm

Grade inflation at A level started in about 1988 and had changed at about a tenth of a grade per year since up to 2011 (date of report).
I am unaware of any change in the trend, so that would inflate A level grades by about three grades to now from any pre-1988.

In terms of university entry, the utility of A levels has dropped even faster. Birmingham University (or it might be Coventry, memory fails) has kept the same entrance exam since 1990, and students with an E grade at A level in 1990 got the same score as a student with a B grade in 2007.

O levels, and later GCSEs, have not had grade inflation scientifically proven. However, this is largely because the format and content keeps changing so much. Many would argue that the content and formats are changed deliberately for this reason. Everyone I knew at the experienced Head of Department level, in all subjects, reckoned O level / GCSE grade inflation started in about 1980, and is at least three grades by now in STEM subjects. Linguists reckon about two grades, English between one and two grades. More importantly, the level of content and the level of interpretation required have dropped precipitously. Everyone in industry or business I have spoken to have said that modern students are far less capable and far less able to be left unsupervised when they enter the world of work than they were 30 years ago.

It needs to be noted that the best teachers / schools are still turning out fine students, but one is not able to pick them out from the rabble on the basis of grades. Indeed, due to the decreasing quality of the exam papers and the exam markers, plus grade concentrations at the top end, it is quite possible that the very brightest will get a grade below the top grade - correct, clever answers which don't fit the markscheme are too often marked wrong.

Another massive problem is teaching to the test. This is extremely common in state schools, but means the students leave school often only able to work a problem if it is presented in an identical manner to their exams. Indeed, the exams themselves are now written to be taught to, and kids who actually understand the subject may be unable to understand the badly written questions. In about 2003, GCSEs in science started having one question that none of the teachers could answer, and about 3 more which were either debatable or not even part of the subject, and that has gotten worse since. It was what precipitated the move of many Independent schools to sitting the International GCSEs. The time it took to teach a kid how to pass the exam actually detracted from the time it took to teach them the subject, until by 2007 one could no longer do both in the time available.


Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#65 Post by Sisemen » Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:01 pm

All I know is that in 1983 when I started as a flight commander on IOT at Cranwell we had serious reservations about the academic quality of some of the cadets that were presenting for training. It would be fair to say that their standard of English was appalling.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#66 Post by llondel » Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:01 pm

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:22 pm
It needs to be noted that the best teachers / schools are still turning out fine students, but one is not able to pick them out from the rabble on the basis of grades. Indeed, due to the decreasing quality of the exam papers and the exam markers, plus grade concentrations at the top end, it is quite possible that the very brightest will get a grade below the top grade - correct, clever answers which don't fit the markscheme are too often marked wrong.
I remember my further Maths A-level class, with five of us, and one day the teacher came in and set us a problem from a CSE (remember those?) paper he was marking. We all solved it using different methods, one of which was not covered by the mark scheme because CSE students weren't taught that one and so weren't expected to know it at that level.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#67 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:19 pm

Siseman - in what respects?
The biggest problems I have seen in recent years are a lack of large scale structure to written pieces, and lots of errors of logic (one could argue that isn't English language). That would be in addition to spelling and grammar errors, misquotes and contradictions from one paragraph to the, everything really ;)))... but that's The Grauniad for you =))
I could not really comment on early '80s English, as I went to one of the best schools in the country and left school for University in 1981. I am unaware of what was happening in the State sector at the time. I do know that in my first holding post as an ADC in 1985, I was used to proof-read, and correct grammar and structure for Groupies and 1*s, despite my highest qualification being 'O' Level English. That said, they didn't make many mistakes, and all could be attributed to pressure of work rather than lack of understanding.

The problem now with marking is that the exam boards can't get good, qualified markers (due to wage cuts, increased workrate demand, and 16 tons of d!cking around) so they use anybody. The individuals actually doing the marking only get a living wage by marking rapidly and awarding no marks to anything that doesn't match the markscheme. And, not being qualified in subject (or having modern A levels in subject = same thing ;))) ), they cannot spot a clever answer.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#68 Post by Pontius Navigator » Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:29 pm

I did the ISS number 7 course which had just been reduced to 7 modules over 18 months. The first phase was simple English. The course book was a a number of pages each with 3 'cards' you would read, answer and then jump to the next card if you got it right or back 3 if you got it wrong, something like that. We also had to write a thesis of X thousand words.

The course was well structured but a nightmare when it came to spacing, commas and full stops and so on with consistency being essential and all by hand. What pronoun to use for USA and USSR? Both he or he for one and she for the other?

Fifteen years later I had to 're-write the trigonometry notes for the Nav School as they had never used Trig tables of they had even done Trig.

Even simple maths logic was beyond many. Command wanted to raise the upper level of the danger areas to 50,000 feet to allow for ricochet of the 23mm Mauser until I pointed out it was unlikely to bounce 8 miles.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#69 Post by BenThere » Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:00 pm

Rigor, the concept of demanding performance and excellence in learning and mastering all the trades and endeavors we undertake, seems to have taken a back seat to inclusion and quotas in recent years.

Having grown up in the age of rigor and before the age of inclusion, I am in favor of the former, regardless of the topic or profession.

Seems to me those that can withstand and conquer the rigor turn out sterling, while those who can't find jobs in government.

I was an airline pilot, and took seriously my responsibility to be perfect every time. That's a result of the rigor of my training.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#70 Post by om15 » Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:45 pm

We are in despair at the slide into mediocracy and third world status, years of socialism, health and safety and pc in the main driven by Government departments and civil servants. The curtailing of civil liberties is their all consuming objectives.

Here is another example of their impertinent outrages,
The British public should not to drink too much alcohol this weekend, the Met Office has warned, as it issued a heatwave warning for the Bank Holiday.
I really can't wait for Nigel Farage to become Prime Minister.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#71 Post by OFSO » Fri Aug 23, 2019 8:02 pm

Don't worry, Spanish government spokesperson on TV News yesterday warned everyone 65 and older not to jump in the sea as they will get a heart attack. Oooohhhhh. Thump.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#72 Post by Pontius Navigator » Fri Aug 23, 2019 8:24 pm

I was on a university course 20 years ago. One of the students (a real one fresh out of school) asked the tutor what the pass mark was. "40%" Just so he didn't have to work too hard.

My first Nav course, marks for first test ranged from 65% to 90%. The 65% smiled that he had passed by a clear margin by 15%. I said 'no' it shows there is 35% of what you don't know.

We should use inverse marking. The smaller the number the better the mark. Strive for zero error.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#73 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Aug 23, 2019 9:30 pm

I have found it frightens the life out of people when you get 100% in tests these days. They think you are either a cheat or some kind of alien. Being able to do rapid mental math has a similar effect, even at University when teaching Engineering. At least our local kids working in shops can do some mental math still, like figure out why you've given them an amount that minimises the number of coins needed for the change, or be able to add on one extra item to the cash till total, which is both pleasing and convenient.


Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#74 Post by Sisemen » Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:53 am

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:19 pm
Siseman - in what respects?
You may remember when you went through IOT; the first task given to you, to be completed that evening and handed in the following morning, was an A4 sheet about you. It filled two purposes: firstly, it gave your flt cdr a bit of a handle on who you were, and secondly it gave an indication of your standard of written English. Some, but not all, were absolutely appalling; grammar, construction, spelling and style all failing to impress. One then tried one’s best with the cadet(s) to bring them up to speed during the remainder of the course. I’m not sure about our success rate!

When I was OC PMS at Wittering one of my junior officers had an appalling standard of written English. I initially tried the kind way to correct his stuff before it went out but he never took the hint so, exasperated, I then took to correcting his stuff in red ink and throwing it back to be re-written. One morning I came out of my office and saw my OC PSF and this other guy chatting in the entrance hall. The other guy had his back to me. Whilst OC PSF was desperately trying to signal him that I was approaching it was too late for me to un-hear “...and **** instant Shakespeare’s been at it again” 😂. He was extremely apologetic!

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#75 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sat Aug 24, 2019 7:22 am

Sise, as I was retiring my replacement was a first tourist graduate. She asked me to vet a letter she had written. It was ok and I said so. She was quite perceptive and said 'you wouldn't have written it like that would you.'

I did a quick redraft, pulled her main points in to sub paras, and reduced the word count. Had had the same from my earlier nav studes. Quite good actually that they thought to ask.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#76 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sat Aug 24, 2019 7:45 am

Brings to mind an incident many years ago. Wg Cdr tasks boss to draft a letter. Boss delegates task to me. I draft letter in Wg Cdr's style.

Boss 're-writes letter in his style while I stand in office as he does it.

Wg Cdr calls us both into his office and re-writes letter exactly as I originally drafted it while we stand in his office while he does it.

Lessons learnt:

1. Wg Cdr is supercilious bore.*
2. Sqn Ldr has no sense of humour.
3. Don't let Boss know what you think.
4. Don't pass on a task and pass on as your own.

*Of course nothing new there and also chauvinist pig and show off. I once drafted a letter for him. He then called in his prized acquisition, a short hand typist, and dictated my letter to her. She left, he returned my draft, I left and gave it to SHT, she resigned on the spot.

Sise, you may even have been aware of OC Ops at Waddo.


Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#77 Post by Capetonian » Sat Aug 24, 2019 8:03 am

When I was working we had interns working with us. They were students from British universities, admittedly not the top ones, but good ones nevertheless.

Every spoken sentence started with : "Well, so I was like, you know, I mean, sort of fing .......... and he went like *****, so I went 'wot!"

Their written communications were even worse. They had no idea of punctuation or grammar, spelling was either phonetic or even 'text' speak. It got to the point where I refused to let mine send any communications, even internally, unless I'd checked them.

There was one internal memo I'd asked her to draw up for the department which was something like this :

hi everybody i hope you all having a great day
I bin asked to get you all to be ware of some new changes to travel rekwests wot before it can be signed by a management it got to be aproved by your immediate superior if you need a clarification or got any doubt you can contact X (me!) on ext. 123.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#78 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Sat Aug 24, 2019 8:56 am

For my first post as Head of Science, I had to produce a handwritten letter to accompany my CV, for an old school Headmaster of an old school. I was fortunate in that my previous two schools still did many formal things by handwritten letters, so I was still in practice. Also, my previous school's computer report system was so awful I had reverted to handwritten end of term reports for my students.
It put me way ahead of the competition. I know this because a copy folder containing the applications of all the candidates, and notes thereon, intended for the Deputy Heads, turned up in my envelope containing the interview instructions. She was far too discrete to say so, but I'm pretty sure the Head's Secretary did this accidentally-on-purpose. Interviews are quite easy when you know what the doubts about yourself and the opposition are.
In terms of teaching well-structured English, I always used to take class time to have the students begin drafting their science investigation reports, so I could advise on structure. I would also do a full review of all my A level students' notes towards the end of the first term. Whilst it took a while, especially as they were and had to remain their notes, not a formal submission, it did save time in the long run as they were better organised. It also helped them discover their own tendencies to error, and I discovered there were certain places in lessons where I needed to slow down or insert pauses, so that notes could be taken accurately. As I always told the students, "If you all get something wrong, it's my fault."

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#79 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sat Aug 24, 2019 9:06 am

One Son in Law asked me to check his first essay. It needed some real panel beating to get it into academic format. He did quite well but his tutor did a bit more work as and his wife checked some more. He never got his masters and has good written work. Just completed his joined up writing course.

Other couple, daughter borrowed my ISS notes when she did her degree and subsequently rewrote much of her husband 's papers.

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Re: WTF is happening in the UK?

#80 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sat Aug 24, 2019 9:12 am

-structured English, I always used to take class time to have the students begin drafting their science investigation reports, so I could advise on structure
When I was doing a science degree one module question was best answered with a clear step by step logic. I fell back on my O-level physics structure setting out what the aim was, equip needed, process, results, conclusion, something like that. The OU had not covered process at all. I did well but I think we all missed "no changes required" or some such 😀

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