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Climate Crisis!!!!

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#421 Post by Undried Plum »

Heat pumps are always very much more expensive to run than mains gas.
You’d be better off using electric fires.
Oh good grief! What garbage.

We don't have mains gas here, but I'm aware of gas pricing. My 222m deep heat well produces a gross heat output of 9kW for an electric input of 2kW. 7kW of 'free' heat. The going rate for mains electricity here is £0.276 per kWhr and in the nearest town the rate for gas is £0.07334 per kWhr. So an expenditure of 2 times £0.276 = £0.552 buys me that much energy plus the 7kW of 'free' energy which would cost £0.51338 if purchased.

Therefore the 9kW costs £0.552 which would cost £0.660 if powered by gas. It's therefore untrue to say that it costs more than it would if powered by gas.

the cacophony of tired heat pumps and their clapped out forced circulation fans
More crap. The circulation pumps are no noisier than any other central heating system and the overall noise level is lower than a gas combi boiler because you don't have the noise of the gas burners and the whirring of a combustion fan.

even tiny installation errors turn heat pumps into nightmares
Now that bit is true. The local village had all its council houses retrofitted with air source heat pumps and the result was disastrous. The first winter after installation was a cold one. -13°C at night rising to -7°C by day. At -5° the system stopped producing any heat whatsoever. One elderly woman was hospitalised in deep hypothermia and died a week or two later from pneumonia.

The Council gave each household two Super SER gas heaters and unlimited supplies of Calor gas bottles. They produce a lot of heat but also emit vast quantities of water vapour. That vapour instantly condensed and froze on all windows and the insides of external walls and soaked its way through the timber frame and cladding of the 1940s prefab houses. Rot ensued and within a decade a couple of dozen of them had to be demolished. Scurrilous local gossip holds that the Council official who signed the purchase order enjoys luxury holidays in the Canary Islands at the contractor's expense.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#422 Post by barkingmad »

Having reread post #1 on this thread, we are lambasted with the “something must be done” mantra of politicians Worldwide who keep harping on at us peasants, but the story so far is abysmal.

This look at the last 10 years of executive jets dropping in on various COPS in diverse locations shows that progress is painfully slow; ... -10-years/

But then as the ‘plague’ Project Fear Mk 1 seems to be abating, Project Fear Mk 2 must be ramped up by MSM at warp speed in order to frighten the crap out of the peasants.

Curious innit that the whole sequence is closely following the Gates Schwab Johnson Senior and Kissinger plans for the future of us earthlings and the proposed culling?

Presumably you’ve all seen where Gates says; "The world today has 6.8 billion people," reads the quote. "That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

Freudian slip or what but the ‘fact’ checkers have piled in to infer that’s not what he meant, but as he’s the World Vak Scene Tsar by means of being a founding and funding partner of GAVI, it’s difficult to take away any other intention than depopulation. :-?
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#423 Post by barkingmad »

"I guess it is a bit like 'the war'?" Whatever you do, don't mention that!!

However, the benefits which accrued to us westerners are well covered in this little history lesson;

The same 'levelling up' is expected to happen to the third world countries, over whom we hold no sway and having denied them that privilege until now we are hurtling down the road towards a primitive existence, in a futile gesture to reduce our 1% emissions to save the planet and to march to the sunlit uplands without the bonus of 'black gold' to help us.

Never mind, BoJo wants to go to Copout 27 where no doubt he will make the right noises in the hope that Carrie will relent and 'put out' for him*... :ymsick: ... =put%20out
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#424 Post by barkingmad »

Ooh dear, Project Fear Mk2 is running into opposition and not before time; ... rofessors/

As I choked on the muesli this morning there was heavy rain outside so I concluded that my parish would be flooded and I’d have to take refuge upstairs with all the valuables to minimise the damage.

Now the front has cleared the parish, the sun is blazing so I must keep a watch out for temperature reports from Heathrow, Coningsby (RAF), Charlwood (Gatwick over their back fence) and any other weather station which is subject to UHI.

That will convince me that high temperatures are on the way and I must stay indoors at my age just in case.

But now the UK Met Office are saying this winter there’s a good chance it will be colder, just in time for the rolling electricity outages, so I must brace myself for the possibility of dying from the cold.

The official stats say that 75-80 times more folks perish in the UK from hypothermia in winter than from excess heat in summer so once again I’m confused at the mixed messages from my trusted leaders and meeja.

Is it possible someone somewhere is trying to frighten me? ~X( =))
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#425 Post by barkingmad »

Now we in the UK see just what a straw man we have as a Prime Minister, or as he is described by the leader of the Opposition party Steer Calmer, “The Primister”, as in demister.

First declaration was he wouldn’t go to Egypt as there was too much application of sticking plaster to be done at home.

Then, on hearing the blonde bombshell, a k a the Greased Piglet was going, now Rushid Sunuk (copyright President Joe Biden) has decided he will after all leave Messrs *unt and the rest of the shambolic Cabinet to apply micropore tape to the UK economy whilst he jets off, with the assembled crowd of press hacks, to the waste of time and resources which will be Copout27. ~X(

And so the climate circus trundles onwards, ably assisted by some of the most biased reporting on the issue since the Brexit and plandemic issues faded from public attention. ... ecologist/

Even the recent climate heroine Greta Thumb is not attending as she regards it as a waste of time and JetA-1, perhaps maturity is finally beginning to affect her utterings.

I can’t see the once proud “conservative” party lasting until the ‘24 election, before which the electorate might finally wake up and start asking WTF?!

Nor are they helped by the scandalous behaviour of Matt Handycock as he jets off to become indistinguishable from the creepy crawlers and reptiles, with whom he will have to keep close company, for the paltry sum of £400,000.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#426 Post by AtomKraft »

I thought I'd try and find out how much the planet has warmed since 2000. I couldn't find an actual number, but perhaps someone on here has the info?

Best I could find was a statement that 'warming since the turn of the Century is close to zero'.

Can it be true?

It's easy to find all sorts of alamist data, but boiling it down, it seems nearly all the observed rise happened between 1975 and 2000- about 0.5C out of the total observed change which remains 0.6- 0.8C, despite efforts to exaggerate it.

Googling 'How much has the Earth warmed since 2000' brings the following;

People also ask
How much has the earth's temperature increased since 2000?
The “pause” in global warming observed since 2000 followed a period of rapid acceleration in the late 20th century. Starting in the mid-1970s, global temperatures rose 0.5 °C over a period of 25 years. Since the turn of the century, however, the change in Earth's global mean surface temperature has been close to zero.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#427 Post by G-CPTN »

I have seen a very recent report (COP27?) that the last eight years were the 'warmest ever' - unspecified as to where.
The global average temperature in 2022 is estimated to be about 1.15 [1.02 to 1.28] °C above the 1850-1900 average. 2015 to 2022 are likely to be the eight warmest years on record.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#428 Post by AtomKraft »

So what's the number then?

What you quoted is the sort of waffle that is everywhere.

There hasn't been any increase in 'Global mean surface temperature' since 2000 (actually since a hot 1998) that I can find- despite CO2 emissions continuing to rise.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#429 Post by barkingmad »

AK, you're treading on dangerous ground again when you question what everyone here knows, viz a few events of bad weather means the world is about to be roasted and we're all going to die. :-ss

As witnessed by the recent UK heatwave where the temperature measurements were taken at locations where there existed the maximum UHI*.

* ... hi-effect/

Maybe these 2 articles might cool the the debate temperature, pun intended, and put the case for the other view of the alleged "Climate Warming" propaganda which is shouted every day by MSM and is now worse with the virtue-signalling gutfest in Egypt; ... nce-shows/

This next article, referenced in the sceptics' piece, is quite a detailed takedown of the hysteria and panic now being promulgated in a suspiciously similar campaign to that which drove Project Fear Mk 1, the 'plague scamdemic'; ... Report.pdf

This latter report is very detailed and looks at the obvious effect of UHI on the measuring stations which serves to corrupt the 'data' being used to scare the crap out of TPTB and thence to the rest of us peasants who don't normally have easy access to the counter argument.

Rule # 1-FOLLOW THE MONEY! There are sooh many academics of dubious overall competency who can acquire generous grants to their faculties by just quoting "Climate Warming Research", thereby making a passable living.....

The heartland doc does take a while to load into whichever device one uses to view it but well worth the wait....... :-w
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#430 Post by barkingmad »

As the celebrations continue in Sharm-El-Sheikh, in case anyone had difficulty downloading the heartland doc yesterday and lost the will to live, here is the 'conclusions' paragraph so's you won't need to plough through the numerous photos of badly sited weather reporting stations perusing the report;

"The findings of both the 2009 and the 2022 Surface Stations studies clearly demonstrate the COOP
network’s temperature records—at both USCHN and GHCN stations—have been substantially corrupted. After surveying
a comprehensive and representative sample of stations, 96 percent were found to be biased in some way by the
heat sink effect, or other heat sources.
Claims by NOAA, NCDC, and NCEI that this data contamination can be statistically adjusted are disingenuous,
especially considering the widescale homogenization of good and bad data. Good data exists in the unperturbed
stations demonstrated by Watts et al, in 2015, but the amount of bad data from poorly sited stations overwhelms
the accurate data from well-sited stations.
It is important to note Watts and his fellow authors found a slight warming trend when examining temperature
data from unperturbed stations, which cleaved closely to the findings of the University of Alabama-Huntsville’s
satellite-derived temperature record.
This warming trend, however, is approximately half the claimed rate of increase promoted by many in the climate science community.
USCRN was created for the purpose of accurately measuring climatic temperature trends, yet is not being utilized
as such. While the state-of-the-art and professionally operated network has only 17 years of data, it represents
an uncontaminated climatic record, and should therefore be given preeminence in official reports.
The currently utilized ClimDiv data, however, has been adjusted to USCRN data post-2005, but contains no adjustments
prior to 2005. This may very well be why warming trends are present in the ClimDiv data. Despite NOAA’s
assertions to the contrary, climatic temperature increases as measured by ClimDiv cannot be effectively isolated
from potential confounds such as heat sinks, urbanization, WWTPs, population growth, and other factors.
In conclusion, the rate of warming as measured by unperturbed surface stations, USCRN, and UAH does not
represent a climate crisis."

So whilst we look at how inaccurate are the reporting sites, I thought I'd take a look at the Neil Ferguson crystal ball forecast for this winter in the UK;

" This winter, the forecast calls for temperatures generally near normal, with cold bursts that can coincide with periods of snowy weather.

The overall pattern this winter in cities such as Dublin and Edinburgh will favor fewer snow days than in typical years. However, any cold and unsettled periods that may grip the region this year could have substantial repercussions given the state of energy demand and costs associated with heating homes.

“There can be stretches of mild weather with near-normal temperatures. However, an outbreak of colder weather can settle across the region for a period of two to three weeks."

During these cold spells, the likelihood of residents observing snowfall outside the higher terrain areas will increase. Spots such as the Pennines Mountains, Southern Uplands and the Grampian Mountains will be areas forecasters say should have the greatest chance of normal snowfall this year.

January and February may bring a more active period in terms of snowfall for portions of Scotland and the highlands with the chances of storms to sideswipe northern spots. Meanwhile, areas of the southern United Kingdom could record near-normal winter precipitation totals during the first half of winter and less snowfall than typical by February.

While the frequency of storms may not change much this winter compared to last year, forecasters say there might be fewer impacts and the storms' intensities may be lower as well."

So it looks like I will have to chuck another (borrowed) dog on the bed if I am to survive oop north east of the Pennines... :)) =))
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#431 Post by barkingmad »

Listening to the virtue-signalling tosh emanating from the latest Cop## from Egypt, I could not help pondering the choice of home location by such as Al Gore, Bill Gates and others in the 'Climate Crisis' industry who choose to live uncomfortably close to the rising waters about which they are so stridently concerned; ... e-sea-rise

Yet despite all the overt hand-wringing and posturing from TPTB and their journalist groupies there are still the quiet small voices of learned folks trying to puncture the sanctimonious bubbles of righteousness by analysing facts and figures, NOT 'modelling', which have been conveniently overlooked by MSM paid by their global puppet-masters.

I will wager that reports such as this will never make the pages and broadcasts of the said MSM, as such studies detract from the 'Climate Change' mantra being chanted by anyone with an 'ology in some subject which might remotely be acquainted with short-term meteorology which is NOT climate science; ... rise-3.pdf

As an aside into politics I suspect the promises by a Conservative UK prime minister, of loadsa dosh being sprayed at the 3rd World countries as reparations for the Industrial Revolution which lifted all countries into a better standard of living, will go down with all of the UK electorate, regardless of party affiliation, as a bucket of sick thereby guaranteeing that party electoral defeat and exile into opposition for decades.

What an own goal to score just as the financially broke UK faces some possibly very cold spells, hanging onto the end of an electricity supply system which will be struggling to maintain continuity of supply as a high pressure weather system blankets the country in fog and slack winds which rule out solar and wind sources? :-?
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#432 Post by AtomKraft »

Thanks Barkers.
Your #430 is interesting and I hope not a total wind up!
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#433 Post by barkingmad »

AtomKraft wrote:
Wed Nov 09, 2022 11:52 am
Thanks Barkers.
Your #430 is interesting and I hope not a total wind up!
Correct AK, no way is it a wind up-I don't joke about stuff as serious as this.

But TPTB must be winding us up about the "Climate Crisis", flying in from great distances in private jets whilst exhorting the peasants to shiver in the bright 'new normal' as the planet begins to smoke at the edges like overdone toast.

Al Gore, that famous wealthy eco-warrior, certainly suffers from Inconvenient Energy Usage; ... erage.html

Precisely the same type of hypocrisy as they demonstrated during the 'plague' scare, insisting on the peasants wearing face nappies whilst they schmoozed en masse and removed their own chin diapers and cuddled when they thought the cameras were not catching them in flagrante?! X(

I repeat the reference in post #429 so's you may enjoy viewing the pretty pics of a multitude of weather monitoring stations, conveniently located so as to make the optimum use of UHI; ... Report.pdf :-\
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#434 Post by barkingmad »

Maybe it’s only 42% of Climate Scientists but it represents a significant difference of opinion to provoke some open discussion as opposed to the continuous blaring of MSM promising we’re all going to be toast.

Remember the Great Barrington Declaration as the dreadful NOVEL (not!) ‘plague’ swept the planet carrying away undue numbers of casualties based on a flawed and rigged ‘test’, causing the collapse of the World economies though some surviving individual players managed to reach the serried ranks of new billionaires?

The GBD was either ignored or was subjected to a pile-on by so-called factcheckers and legal action was threatened against the authors in order to keep the “narrative” unchallenged.

Science is supposed to be built on the solid foundations of challenge, debate and ultimate proof with evidence and not Ferguson-style ‘modelling’ and crystal ball gazing. ... oll-finds/

Anyone who trawled through the numerous photos of Stephenson Screens in my previous post #429 might recognise this snippet which covers the siting of measurement installations;

What part of “The sensor should also be positioned away from any nearby potential sources of heat such as buildings and brick walls, in a position where free circulation of air can occur, and over a natural surface – grass is recommended (other surfaces such as concrete can cause significant error)” do the climate fearmongers not understand?

Remember when we were all dying in droves in the UK as the max temperature recorded and reported in order to stoke the flames of fear was above 40 degrees Centigrade in a sleepy village location in rural Lincolnshire.

Yes, the location was Coningsby (where’s that, asked the innocent duped peasants?) but the news failed to add the vital info that it was RAF Coningsby, an active QRA military airfield with the usual UHI effects on the data quoted.

In similar fashion my local Beeb news in the north east of UK mentioned that day’s recorded temperatures at such rural Happy Hollows as Leeming and Topcliffe, conveniently omitting the prefix ‘RAF’ applicable to both locations!

Now Project Fear Mk2 is following the same statistical reporting scams used by the Covidiots who were determined to report as many deaths as possible as being caused BY the ‘plague’, if the unfortunate deceased had ‘tested’ positive within 28 days before.

The inescapable fact that they might have been crushed under a bus (UK) or were in receipt of a slug of copper-coated lead travelling at high velocity (US) was certified as irrelevant.

Now that El Nina is out and about this year is not well reported and because CO2 is recognised as a desirable gas for horticultural growth and benefit, the attention is turning to methane and farting cows now under sentence of death in Oireland and the Netherlands although the farting vegan hominids have been spared that fate, for the time being.

Goalpost moving and subtle changes to the official line are taking place in plain sight but the paid-for “journalists” dare not challenge the “narrative” as their jobs are at risk by a globally controlled meeja cabal.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#435 Post by AtomKraft »

You're correct Barkers. The lunacy Genie has taken a firm hold and is resisting efforts to go back in its bottle.

It's funny listening to the eco-loonies, all upset because they think we are all going to die- such is the extreme nature of the AGW CRISIS!

Truth is, without the Climatologists and Meteorologists, nobody would even have noticed anything at all,except, possibly that we've had a few mild Winters- a quite desirable thing overall.

In that respect, it's a bit like Covid; The first illness you don't even know you have without being tested or it!

This mass hysteria is so typical of the wankerish times in which we live.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#436 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana »

My scepticism is on a different point to the measurement sites mentioned.
Having been based at two of them, the RAF bases mentioned have considerably less activity on them than 30 years ago when I was making a lot of hot air there.
So, we should be able to see something from the recent changes.
That said, there are quite a few dire locations in the US, where the UHI has definitely increased in the last 50 years.
What I particularly question are the validity of the historical sea level records, the clear unwillingness to continue the research that led to much of the initial hysteria (e.g. 'hockey stick' tree rings), and the simple fact that the models used by the IPCC don't work. Invalid predictions mean it isn't science.
The world is warming up. We would expect it to be doing so from the geological record.
What are completely undetermined is what the rate really is, how much influence humans have had on it, and whether all the major changes being demanded will make any significant difference.
None of these points have any valid answers, one way or the other.
The two biggest problems are that the Climate Change crowd are claiming that they do have valid answers, and that they can't be challenged on that, which also aren't science.

The very first changes that ought to be made, logically, are the banning of private jets and superyachts. Not even allowed to be discussed. I think that tells us all we need to know.
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#437 Post by AtomKraft »

I'd have more respect for the scientists if they posited that they don't know (because they don't) what is actually going on. The Climate is a terribly complex thing- too complex for any 'model' to predict- in fact it is chaotic.

What we actually have observed is a sharp warming period- about 0.5C which occurred roughly between 1975 and 2000. Unfortunately, there's no way of KNOWING how much was us, and how much would have happened anyway!

Certainly, that warming rate was alarming, because if it had kept on at that rate- and it was all caused by us- we'd be guilty of wrecking the planet.
But if it was us, it probably should have kept right on warming as we have not reduced our Carbon Dioxide emissions- however, it stopped.

Individual countries have had hot spells, but the 'Global Mean Surface Temperature' hasn't warmed at all since the turn of the Century- and it is supposed to be a 'global' problem, is it not?
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#438 Post by Boac »

'Global Mean Surface Temperature' hasn't warmed at all since the turn of the Century
Can you substantiate that statement with any survey results, because it contradicts the results from NASA, NOAA, and Berkeley Earth? ... emperature
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#439 Post by AtomKraft »

Well, as I mentioned in my post #426, I'm trying to find out how much it has risen- in numbers since 2000.

I cannot find it anywhere- but googling 'how much has the Earth warmed since 2000', gives the following answer

People also ask
How much has the earth's temperature increased since 2000?
The “pause” in global warming observed since 2000 followed a period of rapid acceleration in the late 20th century. Starting in the mid-1970s, global temperatures rose 0.5 °C over a period of 25 years. Since the turn of the century, however, the change in Earth's global mean surface temperature has been close to zero.

In the graph you linked to, the accompanying narrative states it's warmed 0.8C compared to 'the twentieth century average-' but they were claiming it was up 0.8C in 2000!

So, if you know the number Bo, let's have it please!
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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#440 Post by Boac »

AK - This also from your source:
"Since this article was last updated, the slowdown in the rate of average global surface warming that took place from 1998–2012 (relative to the preceding 30 years) has unequivocally ended."

You said
There hasn't been any increase in 'Global mean surface temperature' since 2000
I produced evidence that it has. Do you dispute those sources?
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