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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5841 Post by Boac » Sun Oct 30, 2022 8:04 am

Although I suspect not ALL the idiots voted for her :))

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5842 Post by barkingmad » Sun Oct 30, 2022 9:33 pm

Not content with letting the Yanks lead the World in brewing up Apocalypse bioweapons, as per my post earlier, now the home of Pantsdown Ferguson has ventured into the same dark activities for some obscure reason; ... rains.html

Let's hope the wonderful Neil gets his 'modelling' right this time or we may be in for a winter of scariants?

Surely we all remember Neil Ferguson; ... d-be-asked

But I will avoid being within 1000m of Imperial College London nor will I wander past downwind at even greater range, purely to protect my 'elf and secure in the knowledge that a face nappy only keeps my beard warm and soggy! =))

And I hope he and the others keep their mouths shut, unlike Peter Daszak... [-X

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5843 Post by barkingmad » Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:59 am

I actually did choke on the muesli on reading this and am still finding bits of oatmeal and dried fruit in the curtains; ... amnestynot

I do hope that none of my antagonists here will propose such a solution to their severe embarrassment if/when the truth is properly out in the open as they will receive very polite short shrift.

The chinks of light are already beginning to show, despite the shrill efforts of MSM to suppress the evidence. [-X

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5844 Post by barkingmad » Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:32 am

Here is a hard-hitting article about the utter disaster imposed on the World population by TPTB and a staggering injustice which cries out for those responsible to be held to account and punished appropriately; ... etribution

And yet we here in O-N seem to have quietly and conveniently forgotten the litany of lies, deception and brutal cruelty as well as the deliberate murder of our fellow humans, not only the elderly but now as the death toll of the younger generation is slowly being publicised.

So let us not forget to what we were subjected over the last 31 months and maintain our guard against the attempts to impose similar freedom restrictions as the winter sniffles and coughs routinely visit the formerly civilised and scientifically aware western countries who seem to have totally lost their marbles under the unremitting campaign of psychological “nudging”.

This is just one paragraph from the article which might well remind all of us as to how we have been well and truly conned by the plandemic as science and politicians continue to get down and dirty trying to frighten us over the climate scare;

“The list of state-driven human-rights abuses we have endured, under the pretence of ‘keeping us safe’ and the – ominous – ‘greater good’, is long: prohibition of travel; confinement in our homes; social isolation; closure of businesses; denial of access to leisure activities; de-humanising mask mandates; directives (scrawled on floors and walls) dictating which way to walk; an arbitrary ‘stay 2-metres apart’ rule; exclusion from the weddings and funerals of our loved ones; the seclusion and neglect of our elderly; school shut-downs; children’s playgrounds sealed off with yellow-and-black tape; muzzled children and toddlers; students denied both face-to-face tuition and a rites-of-passage social life; and coerced experimental ‘vaccines’ that turned out to be more harmful and less effective than initially claimed. Equally egregious were the strategies deployed to lever compliance with these restrictions, namely psychological manipulation (‘nudging’), pervasive censorship across the media and academic journals, and the cancellation and vilification of anyone brave enough to speak out against the dominant covid narrative. All-in-all, a state-driven assault on the core of our shared humanity.”

There can be only one interpretation from the lack of pushback and effective countering in this forum against my recent postings on this topic, in contrast to the vilification and opprobrium to which I was subjected by others here at the start of the plandemic.

Lack of moral fibre is the phrase which immediately come to mind! :-? :-w X(


Re: Coronabollocks..

#5845 Post by ribrash » Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:41 am

barkingmad wrote:
Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:32 am
Here is a hard-hitting article about the utter disaster imposed on the World population by TPTB and a staggering injustice which cries out for those responsible to be held to account and punished appropriately; ... etribution

And yet we here in O-N seem to have quietly and conveniently forgotten the litany of lies, deception and brutal cruelty as well as the deliberate murder of our fellow humans, not only the elderly but now as the death toll of the younger generation is slowly being publicised.

So let us not forget to what we were subjected over the last 31 months and maintain our guard against the attempts to impose similar freedom restrictions as the winter sniffles and coughs routinely visit the formerly civilised and scientifically aware western countries who seem to have totally lost their marbles under the unremitting campaign of psychological “nudging”.

This is just one paragraph from the article which might well remind all of us as to how we have been well and truly conned by the plandemic as science and politicians continue to get down and dirty trying to frighten us over the climate scare;

“The list of state-driven human-rights abuses we have endured, under the pretence of ‘keeping us safe’ and the – ominous – ‘greater good’, is long: prohibition of travel; confinement in our homes; social isolation; closure of businesses; denial of access to leisure activities; de-humanising mask mandates; directives (scrawled on floors and walls) dictating which way to walk; an arbitrary ‘stay 2-metres apart’ rule; exclusion from the weddings and funerals of our loved ones; the seclusion and neglect of our elderly; school shut-downs; children’s playgrounds sealed off with yellow-and-black tape; muzzled children and toddlers; students denied both face-to-face tuition and a rites-of-passage social life; and coerced experimental ‘vaccines’ that turned out to be more harmful and less effective than initially claimed. Equally egregious were the strategies deployed to lever compliance with these restrictions, namely psychological manipulation (‘nudging’), pervasive censorship across the media and academic journals, and the cancellation and vilification of anyone brave enough to speak out against the dominant covid narrative. All-in-all, a state-driven assault on the core of our shared humanity.”

There can be only one interpretation from the lack of pushback and effective countering in this forum against my recent postings on this topic, in contrast to the vilification and opprobrium to which I was subjected by others here at the start of the plandemic.

Lack of moral fibre is the phrase which immediately come to mind! :-? :-w X(

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5846 Post by barkingmad » Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:53 am

An extract from today's Branch Covidian Times, just in case we all here had forgotten the stunning incredible insanity of the last 31 months;

"What we, and everyone with an intact moral compass, immediately grasped and acted upon, in contrast to those others.
Herein lies the fundamental problem: these people don’t understand that it is not about facts. It is about morality.

It is simply wrong for people to publicly advocate for segregation and unemployment of a group of people because they don’t want a medicine that is fifteen minutes old.

It is simply wrong to whip your children up into a frenzy about something you have only heard about on the mainstream news to the point where they are yelling at strangers less than two meters away.

It is simply wrong to uninvite family members from Christmas because they didn’t take the same medicine you did.

It is simply wrong to close churches—you know, those places you go to when death is near—because you think death is near!

It is simply wrong to close the borders for years on end and completely ruin businesses that rely on tourism.

It is simply wrong to demonize every dissenting opinion in the pursuit of scientific and medical answers. Something about the scientific method requiring dissenting opinions and contrary evidence to buttress claims comes to mind… "

Mmmm! We all know what happens to those who hold and express dissenting opinions, don't we?!?!? :-w :-?

Yes of course we do, they are "simply wrong", so that's ok innit?

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5847 Post by OFSO » Mon Nov 07, 2022 12:40 pm

Interestingly those bodies in Spain which have gone to what passes for a supreme court, alleging that lockdowns, municipal restrictions, driving restrictions etc., were illegal have all won their cases. Millions of euros in fines for non-observance of laws now ruled retrospectively illegal are supposedly due for repayment. Can't see it happening. All part of the madness sweeping the world: migrants, global warming, electric cars, Trump's lies, and so on.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5848 Post by barkingmad » Tue Nov 08, 2022 1:00 pm

OFSO sez:--"All part of the madness sweeping the world..." and never a truer word!

Those here in O-N who have swallowed and are thriving on the Kool-Aid please pass by, nothing to see here, move along.

For the remainder who must by now realise that all is not as it should be in Fauci world, this might just stay your hand when considering pharmacological intervention for the 'plague'?

Here is a long and comprehensive takedown of the plandemic, the first 2 paras are appended to give the flavour; applicable to all countries.

"The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies. We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.

For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines. For the first time in history medical treatment, protocols are not being formulated based on the experience of the physicians treating the largest number of patients successfully, but rather individuals and bureaucracies that have never treated a single patient—including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, EcoHealth Alliance*, the CDC, WHO, state public health officers and hospital administrators."

*Where have we heard about them before?!

Any doubts, "FOLLOW THE MONEY!" ~X(

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5849 Post by barkingmad » Fri Nov 11, 2022 8:20 am

New heights have been scaled in the utter bollocks being touted as those who screwed up the plandemic handling now wish to put it all behind and out of sight of the unfortunate peasants who suffer as a result.

This proposal by Baroness Nicky Morgan in the UK House of “Lords” has to take the biscuit when it comes to attempting to downplay the appalling disaster of the ‘plague’ measures which were instigated and/or supported by this assembly of time-expired hasbeens.

Instead of issuing warrants for the arrest and trial of the SAGE circus, BoJo, Hatt Mancock et al, they want us all to shuffle around in some grotesque parody of 11/11 Remembrance Day ceremonies and protocol which will have the dead of various conflicts spinning in their graves; ... be-joking/

What a tragic and senseless indictment of TPTB that they could even consider descecrating such a serious and solemn tribute to the Fallen by this proposed pathetic distraction from their own panic-stricken reaction to the ‘manufactured illusion’ which has now proven to be the ‘plague’ of 2020.

It is as tasteless and tactless as the presence of Messrs Bush and Bliar at the Cenotaph in the wake of the 9/11 & Iraq 2003 fiascos and which left me with a nasty taste in the mouth thereafter when Armistice Day is touted by MSM as a “never again” tribute to the dead and the wounded of conflicts various.

I hope this crazy idea sinks without trace along with the ‘brains’ behind the idea! X(

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5850 Post by barkingmad » Sun Nov 13, 2022 11:38 am

If any here, in any country, end up shivering with cold and/or hunger in the coming months or personally know someone unfortunate enough to so do, here is the main reason why we’re all in such a pickle; ... the-uk-the

From the above article edit to add;

“Agnew pointed to the lack of experience and high rates of staff turnover within the Treasury as contributing factors:

‘The only thing I can say to you is that the average age of a Treasury official is 29 and the turnover of staff in there is somewhere between 20% and 25% a year. They are very bright in a standard way—they went to a good university and got a good degree—but they have no life experience.’

While HMT experience was notably lacking, Agnew also deemed the sheer number of agencies involved hindered counter-fraud measures:

‘there are about 25 different agencies reporting into multiple different Ministries. There needs to be a much more coordinated approach.”

So where did all the money go? Alas I have heard of no arrests and prosecutions and erection of stocks and gallows and sightings of the “Blade” on the move around any country, so may we assume THEY have got away with either incompetence or deliberate action?

Oops, sorry, I’d forgotten that the ‘plague’ is now over, done and dusted, nothing to see here, move along and start getting really worrit about the Climate whilst we watch squillions of pounds, dollars, euros and whichever groats your country prints being shovelled into the pockets of the already wealthy who have discovered yet another scam by which they can “redistribute” what’s left of the World’s wealth. ... than-ever/


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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5851 Post by barkingmad » Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:09 am

As some in the UK agitate for the bad old days of 2020 to be restored, her’s a timely reminder, as one is needed, of the awful nightmares which are the “sensible measures” of so-called libertarian Western countries; ... ospection/

A sample;

“Writing in The Atlantic on October 31, Brown University economist Emily Oster penned a pre-emptive plea for amnesty for Covid-policy hardliners. Why? Because they were all well-intentioned and their pronouncements rested on benign ignorance...
...Oster, who endorsed vaccine mandates for universities and workers, says that in 2020–21, people couldn’t have known that transmission is rare outdoors, masks are not very good at blocking viruses and kids are a low-risk group for viral spread. Except these were mostly the conventional wisdom and departures from them was evidence-free radical experimentation.

All those who pointed out these inconvenient facts were hounded from the public square by the baying mob that now wants to erase recent history..” Sound familiar anybody?! ~X(

Sceptics or independent thinkers here please read on and enjoy some rare written commonsense, those who’ve swallowed the fairy story spun by guvvments and compliant meeja please return to beheading the breakfast boiled eggs.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5852 Post by barkingmad » Tue Nov 15, 2022 11:51 am

Boac wrote:
Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:28 am
It sounds as if some members here have not heard of the Peter principle?
As I said at the time, silly name for a serious modus operandi...

Can we accept the during the ‘plague’ scamdemic this principle was chucked in the same rubbish bin as were the pandemic precautions worked out by the eggspurts as the bat and pangolin got it together in connubial bliss in the Wuhan wet market?

But of course, despite the early stats on infection fatality rate and the queries about testing reliability,
THEY charged headlong into a Worldwide manmade disaster after which we are now trying to pick up the pieces. X( ... -principle

The comments following the article also provide food for thought.. :-?

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5853 Post by Woody » Tue Nov 15, 2022 12:06 pm

When all else fails, read the instructions.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5854 Post by barkingmad » Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:28 pm

Oops, this wasn’t supposed to happen;

“Even though the COVID-19 vaccines have been developed at pace, at no point and at no stage of development has safety been bypassed. These vaccines have satisfied, in full, all the necessary requirements for safety, effectiveness and quality....

...In general, indemnities given to manufacturers do not prevent individuals from pursuing a legal claim against a manufacturer for compensation. Rather, the indemnity determines who will pay the manufacturer’s losses arising from such a claim....

...This means that, notwithstanding the indemnity, the vaccine injured can bring action for damages against the vaccine manufacturers, albeit with taxpayers on the hook for the bill.”

The full article is here, but good news that the taxpayers, you and me, will pay for the manufacturers’ possible errors in rushing out, no sorry, rolling out the pharmacological treatments in record time; ... indemnity/

Phew! I’m glad that’s settled then! X(

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5855 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:44 pm

These vaccines have satisfied, in full, all the necessary requirements for safety, effectiveness and quality....
The normal safety testing was largely ignored, and as with calling them vaccines in the first place, the definitions were changed to fit what they had.
I read the Pfizer US approval. If they had followed the standard approval procedure pre-Covid, it would not have been approved before May 2027 at the earliest. And the document makes that perfectly clear.
They stuffed six parts of the normal approval testing procedure into the follow up procedure.

They can go around changing the meaning of words all they like. Dictatorships always do. It means the laws read right but you can do what you like because of the way you choose to define the words in them.
And you can get away with it as long as you remain in power.

This makes the jabs experimental drugs, by the pre-Covid definition.
This means the Nuremberg Code applies.

The fact that they were officially approved is immaterial, if the approval procedure did not effectively determine safety, and it didn't.
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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5856 Post by barkingmad » Tue Nov 15, 2022 6:09 pm

For some odd reason very few in this forum seem to care that they and their loved ones have been conned well and truly by those who were supposed to be servants of the public.

C’mon gals and guys, why are you still hiding under the stairs masked, trembling and fearful?

Isn’t it time to get angry and use what little freedom you have left to demonstrate to these villains that they won’t get away with their homicidal actions.

Others are showing their anger and there’s nothing more useful to us all than a FRIGHTENED POLITICIAN!

Does anyone here feel even mildly uncomfortable for slavishly following the propaganda heaped on our heads over the pan(dem)ic and maybe even sheepish for their vilification of the few who questioned the “narrative”???!!! X(

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5857 Post by OFSO » Tue Nov 15, 2022 6:15 pm

I would not describe being offered options, both for and against, making a considered choice (aided by advice from medical specialists and reading posts here) and taking appropriate action, as being "conned".

Unless you apply the soubriquet "Conned" to pretty much all of our choices in life. Or to people who don't agree with your opinions.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5858 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Nov 15, 2022 6:21 pm

In Canada, data on the infection and hospital admission rates with and without the jabs were deliberately not supplied to people making the decisions, and this was openly admitted in the media.
Those decisions were therefore not based on best advice, and therefore count as a con in my book.
'because the public might misinterpret the data' was the excuse given.
Even if you could prove you could interpret data, you weren't given it.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5859 Post by Karearea » Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:20 pm

My experience through the process:

Late August 2021: was alarmed by a YouTuber scarcely able to sob, having had Covid and been hospitalised for oxygen twice; it was awful to hear a well-known voice in such a struggle.

Sept/Oct 2021, forget date exactly, Health Min. announced 'traces of Delta Covid detected in waste-water in Christchurch'. It seemed inevitable that Delta would spread, although no cases were ever identified in the whole South Island at that time.

Oct. 2021 I discovered the apparently authoritative article which said
"In the case of vaccines, mRNA molecules are delivered and translated, but they subsequently decay and disappear entirely over the days following vaccination, without the possibility for renewal. After all, we have no gene to refresh the vaccine-delivered mRNA encoding the spike protein. Once this mRNA is cleared from our bodies, the spike protein too is gone, having shortly existed as just one of tens of thousands of proteins in any given cell."

"Forget adverse effects over five or ten years: the way your immune system works does not allow for such long-term safety concerns."
So I had Vax 1 in October 2021 and vax 2 in December 2021.

In the interval Omicron appeared and Delta vanished. However one's access to various places was hampered without a Vaccine Certificate and the 2 shots were required to comply.

In hindsight: I did my cautious best with the information I had at the time.

However I now understand I did not have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

This has changed my attitude for the future.
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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5860 Post by barkingmad » Wed Nov 16, 2022 12:36 pm

They think it’s all over?!

Erm, no it isn’t if this assessment is in anywhere near the mark; ... revisited/

But I do recall many here in O-N were all in favour of the totalitarianism when first introduced under the guise of the ‘emegency’, weren’t you?

And the behaviour of those zealots was atrocious, wasn’t it?!

So now howd’ya feel, embarrassed or even possibly apologetic…? :-w

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