Climate Crisis!!!!

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#661 Post by Boac » Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:56 pm

I may have to take exceptional measures this summer in order to keep my cool, including cancelling that camping holiday at the RAF Coningsby perimeter fence;
You are certainly stuffed, there, since your most favourite UHI managed tp produce a record temperature on Sunday (- without any aviation activity!?) Out with the met books again? Oh dear.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#662 Post by barkingmad » Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:59 am

Boac wrote:
Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:56 pm
I may have to take exceptional measures this summer in order to keep my cool, including cancelling that camping holiday at the RAF Coningsby perimeter fence;
You are certainly stuffed, there, since your most favourite UHI managed tp produce a record temperature on Sunday (- without any aviation activity!?) Out with the met books again? Oh dear.
Oh dear indeed, as requested I am perusing my almost mint condition copy of that seminal volume “AP3307 Elementary Meteorology For Aircrew”, the one and only amendment being performed in 1972.

Alas there is no reference to ‘Climate Crisis’, so that must have been a later 70s or 80s import.

But the reference to Properties of Air Masses Around Britain tabulates a Tropical Maritime Climate as “warm, moist and hazy...” which I consider succinctly describes the ’science’ of Climate Emergency Project.

I had forgotten about the “Thermal Depression”, which I realised inevitably afflicts me when I encounter the desperate tosh uttered by these financially driven zealots.

And the tome does admit that in Britain, in summer, the surface temperatures increase, something to do with insolation, though I believe isolation for these Fearmongers would be a better fate... =))

But I am reassured that at least you recognise the principle of the UHI, so some progress has been made in your learning! :-?

On a more serious note, today’s news on tropical deforestation and it’s effect on the climate is indeed serious, but I doubt if Rushid Sunuk will twig that ripping out our gas boilers and imposing ULEZs will make any difference to that particular influence.

And apart from not purchasing tropical hardwoods for our furniture, WTF can we on the Clapham Omnibus do about that one?

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#663 Post by Boac » Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:37 am

at least you recognise the principle of the UHI
Indeed I do, and have done for most of my adult life (longer than yours..), and I also know that you know that RAF Coningsby is not one, though you fear admitting it.
And the tome does admit that in Britain, in summer, the surface temperatures increase, something to do with insolation,
Hurrah! You HAVE been reading it, haven't you? There may be hope.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#664 Post by barkingmad » Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:54 pm

boac sez re the principle of UHI:-—-“Indeed I do, and have done for most of my adult life (longer than yours..), and I also know that you know that RAF Coningsby is not one, though you fear admitting it”.

Your tortured mind continues to lose the plot, but I yield to you the chance to prove the validity of this statement by quoting from the voluninous entries in these ‘ere pages………. :-? :-\ i-)

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#665 Post by Boac » Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:19 pm

You ask me to quote from
voluninous entries
(whatever that is) about UHI (which are all yours, I believe) to prove you are right? Tortured, indeed. :-?

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#666 Post by barkingmad » Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:00 am

Ooh dear! Erewego again! I really hope these programmers are not out of the same stable as the Airboos and Boeing programmers?!

:—-“NASA Climate Model Fails at Basic Physics, Report Finds

There is little evidence of the climate becoming more adverse or more harmful. Small changes in, for example, extreme rainfall or storms, are not discernible above the noise of natural changes in the weather.

However, as everyone knows, climate scientists say we should still be frightened, because of what they learn from their climate models. These giant computer simulations of the atmosphere and ocean are at the centre of the global warming scare, and are behind every claim that droughts will get worse, storms are caused by SUVs and that we are all going to hell in a handcart. We are told, endlessly, that we should trust these prognostications because the models are ‘based on basic physics’.

But what if that wasn’t strictly true? What if climate models were actually junk? A new paper from Net Zero Watch shows, somewhat alarmingly, that this is indeed the case.

The author, Willis Eschenbach, is an experienced computer programmer and a long-time writer on all things climate change. His paper, entitled Climate Models and Climate Muddles, reports on what he found when he examined the computer code inside NASA’s Model E climate simulation. It is positively astonishing. While programmers have indeed attempted to base the model on basic physics, time and again they have run into problems. For example, Eschenbach describes the problems they have had with polynyas, pools of meltwater that sit on top of the polar ice caps. These are important in determining how much of the sun’s heat is reflected straight back out to space again, and thus how much global warming affects the earth’s temperature.

Being made of water, polynyas should of course freeze once temperatures fall below zero. However, the code reveals that, in the artificial world of the simulation, they failed to freeze even at temperatures far colder! Imagine that – fresh water that refuses to freeze. However, instead of working out what was wrong with the physics, NASA’s scientists simply decided to insert some code that forced it to freeze if the temperature fell too far below zero. So, in this area at least, the model is not based on physics so much as on fudge.

The problem with the polynyas is just one example. Eschenbach shows that in another area of the model scientists were forced to insert code that dealt with the problem of cloud cover becoming negative. Clearly, if a model can have less than 0% cloud in some parts of the world, the physics on which it is based is very faulty.

In recent years, we have seen the difficulties into which politicians can get when they trust scientists’ models unquestioningly.

Aah, computer modelling raises it’s ugly head again.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#667 Post by Woody » Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:04 am

When all else fails, read the instructions.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#668 Post by k3k3 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:28 am

The BBC have the same rediculous temperatures for Torquay as well.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#669 Post by Woody » Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:44 am

It wasn’t Bill Gates, it was Rishi :ymdevil:
Lord Zac Goldsmith has resigned as a minister, accusing Rishi Sunak of being "uninterested" in climate change.
It comes a day after the Tory peer was accused of undermining a Commons investigation into Boris Johnson.
He was among 10 Tories the Privileges Committee said was part of a campaign to interfere with their inquiry.
Lord Goldsmith said the government's "apathy" on the environment made it "untenable" for him to remain minister for the international environment.
The Johnson supporter was the only serving minister to be criticised by the cross-party committee for attacking its work.
In a scathing resignation letter, which did not mention the Privileges Committee report, he said he had been "horrified" at the government abandoning its environmental commitments and withdrawing its leadership on the world stage.
He cited a flagship animal welfare bill being ditched, as well as an abandoned pledge to spend £11.6bn of UK aid on climate and environment.
"The problem is not that the government is hostile to the environment, it is that you, our prime minister, are simply uninterested," he wrote.
"That signal, or lack of it, has trickled down through Whitehall and caused a kind of paralysis."
When all else fails, read the instructions.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#670 Post by talmacapt » Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:03 am

Woody, it is similar here.

The computer model predicted no rain, and certainly no thunderstorms, where I live yesterday.

At 1100, I was sat out, noticed small clouds building and decided that, before 1600, there would be thunderstorms, as has been for the past 3 days or so.

Lo and behold they started around 1430.

If the computer can't get it correct on the day what hope for a long ways in the future.

I remember the first thing I was told about the weather

"Meteorology is not an exact science".

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#671 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:19 am

Zac's resignation is likely just a chance for a cheap shot at the PM before he gets reshuffled into oblivion anyway.
Although I do think that the PM is rapidly backpedaling on the Climate Change bike, not because he's uninterested but because it's clearly trashing the economy and losing him votes.

The Atlantic Canadian Premiers have been trying to get the PM here to delay the Fuel Charge, which will add about 10% to the price of gas tomorrow, no joy.
Everyone and his dog will be filling up today.
Our inflation rate is running about double the national average too, and way beyond wage increases.
I suspect the near clean sweep of Atlantic Provinces for the Liberals could crash and burn at the next election. People round here don't forget.
Turdeau is burning his bridges.

Theoretically, the Premiers could give all the fuel charge back to the citizens as a lump sum, and indeed that's Green Party policy. The truth is they've already skimmed off 10% for themselves and their mates, and spent most of the rest.

I don't think it's just the economic effects. I think the significant amount of blatantly stupid stuff in the last year, like trying to ban all gas appliances on patently spurious reasons, coupled with the sheer impracticality, has wised the average frog up to the increasing water temperature.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#672 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Jun 30, 2023 5:12 pm

As predicted, every gas station was out of both regular and mid-grade fuel by lunchtime.
There are a lot of dogs hereabouts ;)))

I filled up yesterday!

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#673 Post by barkingmad » Fri Jun 30, 2023 6:08 pm

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Fri Jun 30, 2023 5:12 pm
As predicted, every gas station was out of both regular and mid-grade fuel by lunchtime.
There are a lot of dogs hereabouts ;)))

I filled up yesterday!
May I make it clear, I am not connected with this fuel supply shortfall and as far as your location is concerned I am unable to enter that sad place for some time, until Hell freezes over, IAW the looming “Climate Emergency” predictions.

Do you ever get that sinking sensation you are being conned by your democratically elected “representatives”?

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#674 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Jun 30, 2023 6:59 pm

They are not conning me since I know what they are up to.
Every time they find a new way to tax me for something they aren't giving me, I find new, legal ways to get that money back.
It keeps me amused.
My neighbours have much the same attitude.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#675 Post by Karearea » Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:02 pm

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Fri Jun 30, 2023 5:12 pm
As predicted, every gas station was out of both regular and mid-grade fuel by lunchtime.
There are a lot of dogs hereabouts ;)))

I filled up yesterday!
Fuel price increase in NZ from today, also. :-?
Queues are forming at Auckland’s cheapest petrol station ahead of the petrol excise duty being reinstated this weekend. ... From Saturday, the price per litre of petrol will increase by around 29 cents when Government subsidies on petrol excise duty and road user charges end. The 25 cents per litre discount on petrol will be added back at the pump but by the time GST is added, the reinstated tax will add nearly 29 cents to the litre price. ...
NZ Herald: Data shows cheapest, most expensive gas stations ahead of fuel tax return
Around the world thoughts shall fly In the twinkling of an eye

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#676 Post by PHXPhlyer » Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:00 pm

Humans pump so much groundwater that Earth’s axis has shifted, study finds ... index.html

Humans’ unquenchable thirst for groundwater has sucked so much liquid from subsurface reserves that it’s affecting Earth’s tilt, according to a new study.

Groundwater provides drinking water for people and livestock, and it helps with crop irrigation when rain is scarce. However, the new research shows that persistent groundwater extraction over more than a decade shifted the axis on which our planet rotates, tipping it over to the east at a rate of about 1.7 inches (4.3 centimeters) per year.

That shift is even observable on Earth’s surface, as it contributes to global sea level rise, researchers reported in the study published June 15 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

“Earth’s rotational pole actually changes a lot,” said lead study author Ki-Weon Seo, a professor in the department of Earth science education at Seoul National University in South Korea, in a news release. “Our study shows that among climate-related causes, the redistribution of groundwater actually has the largest impact on the drift of the rotational pole.”

Earth’s drifting axis
You might not be able to feel Earth’s rotation, but it’s spinning on a north-south axis at a rate of about 1,000 miles per hour (1,609 kilometers per hour).

The ebb and flow of seasonal change is linked to the angle of the planet’s rotational axis, and over geologic time, a wandering axis could affect climate on a global scale, said Surendra Adhikari, a research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in the release. Adhikari was not involved in the study.

Earth’s interior is layered with rock and magma surrounding a dense, hot core. But in the outermost rocky layer, there are also vast quantities of water. Below the planet’s surface, rocky reservoirs known as aquifers are estimated to contain over 1,000 times more water than all the surface rivers and lakes in the world.

Behold one of the more stunningly detailed images of the Earth yet created. This Blue Marble Earth montage, created from photographs taken by the VIIRS instrument on board the Suomi NPP satellite, shows many stunning details of our home planet.
Over geologic time, a wandering axis could affect Earth's climate on a global scale, scientists say.
Between 1993 and 2010, the period examined in the study, humans extracted more than 2,150 gigatons of groundwater from inside Earth, mostly in western North America and northwestern India, according to estimates published in 2010. To put that into perspective, if that amount were poured into the ocean, it would raise global sea levels by about 0.24 inches (6 millimeters).

In 2016, another team of researchers found that drift in Earth’s rotational axis between 2003 and 2015 could be linked to changes in the mass of glaciers and ice sheets, as well as the planet’s reserves of terrestrial liquid water.

In fact, any mass change on Earth, including atmospheric pressure, can affect its axis of rotation, Seo told CNN in an email.

But axis changes caused by atmospheric pressure shifts are periodic, which means that the rotational pole wanders and then returns to its prior position, Seo explained. Seo and his colleagues had questions about long-term changes to the axis — specifically, how groundwater contributed to that phenomenon. It had not been calculated in prior research.

Revealing groundwater extraction’s impact
Shifts in Earth’s axis are measured indirectly through radio telescope observations of immobile objects in space — quasars — using them as fixed points of reference. For the new study, scientists took the 2010 data about groundwater extraction and incorporated it into computer models, alongside observational data about surface ice loss and sea level rise, and estimates of rotational pole changes.

The researchers then evaluated sea level variations “using the groundwater mass change from the model,” to pinpoint how much of the axis shift was caused by groundwater pumping alone, Seo said.

The redistribution of groundwater tilted Earth’s rotational axis east by more than 31 inches (78.7 centimeters) in just under two decades, according to the models. The most notable driver of long-term variations in the rotational axis was already known to be mantle flow — the movement of molten rock in the layer between Earth’s crust and outer core. The new modeling reveals that groundwater extraction is the second most significant factor, Seo said.

“This is a nice contribution and an important documentation,” Adhikari said. “They’ve quantified the role of groundwater pumping on polar motion, and it’s pretty significant.”

Future models can use observations on Earth’s rotation to illuminate the past, Seo added. “The data is available since the late 19th century,” he said. With that information, scientists can peer back in time and trace changes in planetary systems as the climate warmed over the last 100 years.

Groundwater pumping can be a lifeline, particularly in parts of the world that are heavily affected by drought caused by climate change. But subterranean reserves of liquid water are finite; once drained, they are slow to replenish.

And groundwater extraction doesn’t merely deplete a valuable resource; the new findings demonstrate that this activity has unintended global consequences.

“We have affected Earth systems in various ways,” Seo said. “People need to be aware of that.”


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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#677 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:15 pm

Every single thing officially recognised by governments as a major problem can be solved by having a lot less people alive.
Some of them can only be solved that way.

However, several real problems not officially recognised by Governments, and the reduction of costs by private companies, can only be solved by a lot more people,
and furthermore a lot more people not where they are now.

And there is no happy medium.

And governments, and to a certain extent citizens, won't make the necessary choices between which problems are the most important.
They also aren't prepared to bite the bullet and pick the bad solution over the worse one, forever hoping the impossible good solution will somehow turn up.
Nor, again to a certain extent, are the interests of governments aligned with the interests of the citizens, although governments publicly pretend they are.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#678 Post by llondel » Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:59 pm

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:15 pm
Every single thing officially recognised by governments as a major problem can be solved by having a lot less people alive.
Some of them can only be solved that way.
Well, the Russians have been working on that one with some degree of success.

The Chinese tried a method, the one child policy, but it backfired a bit. In a way that may help reduce the number of people with the resulting sex imbalance, either by lost opportunity, or violence as those without attempt to take by force what they're lacking.

The US isn't helping by all the abortion ban stuff, although by relaxing gun controls it may well balance out.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#679 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:07 pm

By a lot, I mean 50-90%.
What you mention is rounding errors on this scale.
For example, if you scale up the "sustainable" farming of the Greens and require all food for the UK to be grown in the UK, it will only support 5% of the current population.

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Re: Climate Crisis!!!!

#680 Post by PHXPhlyer » Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:31 pm

llondel wrote:
Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:59 pm

The US isn't helping by all the abortion ban stuff, although by relaxing gun controls it may well balance out.
The gun issue, from where I am, seems to be mostly low lifes taking each other out. That might lead to an overall improvement in the quality of the populace, however there will also be good ones taken along the way as well.
Not really a reliable way to make improvements.


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