The Second Amendment wins again...

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The Second Amendment wins again...

#1 Post by Airborne Aircrew » Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:48 pm

The probability is high by the manner of entry that the woman and her room mate were in extreme danger and clearly the police would not have been able to help... Gutsy young lady...
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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#2 Post by 500N » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:47 pm

Gutsy but also obviously knows how to use it.

And does it on the move as well.


BTW, she needs a bigger extended 17 round clip :D

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#3 Post by BenThere » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:58 pm

She is so cool. What a great example she is!

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#4 Post by 500N » Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:07 pm

I just read she shot dead one of them.

Even better.

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#5 Post by BenThere » Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:15 pm

I just read she shot dead one of them.

It was a black whose life mattered.

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#6 Post by Airborne Aircrew » Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:13 pm

It was a black whose life mattered.

Apparently it didn't matter enough to the good lady who they were attacking...

Luckily she's a minority or there'd be riots...
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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#7 Post by 500N » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:09 pm


Notice the "fire and movement" she employed as well as firing on the run - in what looked
like a pretty controlled manner, not waving it around like a lot do.

What is amazing is 3 blokes, 3 guns and all 3 ran like scared cats because she did the right thing.


Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#8 Post by ribrash » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:29 pm

Out fecking standing....


Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#9 Post by Slasher » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:38 pm

I second that. It why I had the ex trained up in the AK for just such an event.

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#10 Post by ExSp33db1rd » Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:29 pm

Note that she was carrying her cellphone as well - mustn't put that down, someone might want to send me a photograph of what they are having for dinner at the same time ?

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#11 Post by Airborne Aircrew » Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:07 am


She was on the phone to the police... But yes, pretty bloody focused...
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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#12 Post by Alisoncc » Sat Sep 24, 2016 3:08 am

Haven't made much progress since we gave you your independence have you? It's still the wild west, with everyone doling out summary justice. When every petty criminal goes armed, when deputies can kill with impunity even if it's because they are having a bad hair day.

Could save a lot of money by doing away with any pretence of a justice system. No Judges and courts, no magistrates or prisons, no police. With the money saved provide everyone lacking funds to buy their own weapon with a weapon of their choice. Love it, do wonders for any over-population concerns. Would the last American standing please switch off the lights.

Note the usual suspects stamping their feet and shouting for more. Probably getting quite orgasmic over the video with lots of heavy breathing. Who needs sex when videos like that are available. :-h
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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#13 Post by 500N » Sat Sep 24, 2016 3:48 am

admin wrote: with everyone doling out summary justice.

Disagree with you, that is not summary justice, that is defending yourself
and as you are no doubt aware, you don't shoot to wound. She was aiming
although not sure how accurately but the targets were very close.

I view summary justice as having caught them (alive), you then hang them (or shoot them).

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#14 Post by Pinky the pilot » Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:38 am

Were the three invaders carrying pistols themselves? :-\
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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#15 Post by Alisoncc » Sat Sep 24, 2016 5:53 am

As per usual 500N you read the words but fail to comprehend the meaning. One suspects that not only would you support the return of the death penalty, but you would actively search out places where they carry out public hangings in order to organise your next holiday break.

I am sure there are those who will get sexual gratification out of watching the video repeatedly.

Voyeurism is one of the behaviours in a group of sexual problems called paraphilias. Paraphilias are associated with sexual arousal in response to stimuli not associated with normal sexual behaviour patterns. Voyeurism is a practice in which an individual derives sexual pleasure from observing other people.

No different to those who stop at bad car accidents on the roads and get a vicarious pleasure out of watching the medics extract the body parts from the mangled wreckage.

Yes they were Pinky.

America is very much a victim of the law of unintended consequences. What might have seen like a good idea a few hundred years ago is now evolving into total lawlessness as everyone seems to have to the right to kill anyone of their choosing for whatever reason.

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#16 Post by Chuks » Sat Sep 24, 2016 6:57 am

Now, now, Alison. It's only the "clearly guilty" who should be done away with summarily. Don't make it worse than it is.

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#17 Post by Alisoncc » Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:15 am

First three items on this evenings news down here in NSW Oz. It's getting worse than Syria. Please stop extolling the virtues of gun ownership, because all it portrays is a total lack of civilised behaviour.

The "heartbroken" wife of Alice Springs man Kevin Reid, shot dead in the US this week, has told of how he died protecting her during a robbery attempt as they walked home from dinner in the southern state of Georgia.
The Savannah-Chatham police department confirmed 54-year-old Kevin Reid was shot dead after he was approached by three men while out walking with his wife on Wednesday night.

At least three people have been killed and two wounded during a shooting at a mall in the US state of Washington, with the suspect still on the run.
Witnesses told KOMO News a shooter walked into Macy's and opened fire. Nearby businesses were evacuated, the television station added.

The wife of the African American man whose death has triggered days of unrest in Charlotte, North Carolina, has released video footage of the moments before and after her husband was shot by police.
Key points:

Police say Keith Scott was armed, but family disputes that His wife has released video of moments before and after shooting. Police argue releasing video might interfere with investigations State of emergency declared in Charlotte

Police in the city have so far refused to publicly release their own body-cam and dashcam footage, which they say shows Keith Lamont Scott posed a threat to officers.

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#18 Post by Magnus » Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:50 am

Alisoncc, you can hear Scott's wife insisting he was unarmed. Why then did she go on to yell "Don't do it, Keith, don't do it", and how come a loaded gun with his prints and DNA was found? I also note the fluffy media reports have barely made mention of the fact that the officer was also black.

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#19 Post by Alisoncc » Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:00 am

I am sure you can pick holes in all three items, as with so many other shootings. Irrespective of what Scott's wife said people being shot dead is becoming the norm in the US not the exception.

Seriously thinking that it might be good if Trump is elected. As long as he builds a wall along the Mexican border AND one along the Canadian border, and blockades all ports, to keep you barstewards in. Before you infect the rest of the world with your stupidity.

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Re: The Second Amendment wins again...

#20 Post by Pinky the pilot » Sat Sep 24, 2016 11:40 am

Alison; I can understand your abhorrence and disliking for the occurrences that has given rise to this thread. FWIW I share your exasperation at the seemingly continuous and endless repetition of these events.

However, all these events occurred in the United States of America. Not Australia!
Over there they have a different culture, a different system of Laws and different views on what constitutes legitimate grounds for Self defence.

Suffice it to say though, that I suspect that in most free and democratic societies, if your front door was kicked down in the middle of the night and three Gun wielding persons subsequently entered your premises you could be forgiven if you assumed that they were not paying a social call to share a bottle of a good Red with you!

And if you had the means of Self Defence that legally included the use of Firearms, well then you just might actually use those Firearms.

I guess we in Australia can be thankful in some ways then in that handguns, and the owning of these has always been fairly heavily restricted. As a licenced Pistol owner and Shooter for the last 30 or so years I can attest to the rigid Licencing/Storage and Qualifications that have to be strictly adhered to just to maintain the ownership of these Firearms.

However, as more than a few serving Police Officers have quietly admitted to me, all the Laws in the World cannot, do not and will not stop the Criminal element of Society having and using Illegal Firearms, be they Handguns, Longarms or, in some cases Fully Automatic Assault Rifles or Sub Machine Guns/Machine Pistols which have never been legal for Civilian ownership in Australia. (With the exception, prior to '89, of Tasmania, surprise surprise :-o ....but the Firearm used at Port Arthur was a semi-auto)

I suppose then that the point of this somewhat long-winded post is that in a society with liberal Firearms laws such as the USA, you must be prepared to defend yourself against those who would wish you harm. However I also submit that in a society such as Australia which has quite restrictive firearms laws, and some would say that they are also quite ineffectual as they do nothing to stop the Criminal element from obtaining and using firearms of whatever category, the question of Self Defence is equally valid.

Would I ever use my Guns to defend myself against a 'home invasion' such as shown in that video clip?

I hope to never ever have to find out! [-X But............ :-?

Really time for another glass of that Shiraz, methinks.It's getting too serious, no?
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