Germination and Propagation

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Re: Germination and Propagation

#41 Post by BenThere » Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:57 am

I never had to repel rodents or other mammals, my garden has always been fenced and protected. My lavender solution has been my mainstay for years, and seems to deter everything from ants and aphids to the grotesque tomato horn worms we get around here. Maybe our pests are not so voracious as yours.

Regarding effective chemicals, now banned - About thirty years ago I bought a beautiful house on an acre in suburban Sacramento. It had everything, pool, raised bed irrigated gardens, almond trees, gorgeous landscaping, etc. The problem was black widow spiders that established residence in each of 40 or so rafters under the roof soffits, and pretty much everywhere there was a dark, dry retreat. I was never bitten, but was always wary. What killed them was Chlordane, a potent insecticide that had staying power of a year; an annual treatment of a couple of liters checked the spiders. Then Chlordane was banned. I stocked up before the ban went into effect, but eventually ran out and found nothing on the market that did the job like Chlordane. I probably have 15 years of relatively heavy Chlordane exposure and have survived to retirement age. Go figure.

We banned DDT also to the cost of millions of mostly 3rd world lives lost to malaria. Most credible scientific studies have largely vindicated DDT, but the Green juggernaut that pushed for the banning, to my knowledge, has never apologized to the bereaved. Don't think they'll be sheepish about their suppression of GMO crops and the resultant starvation of millions, either. They know they're on the right side, evidence be damned to the contrary.

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Re: Germination and Propagation

#42 Post by Dirk » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:47 pm

I am having problems germinating some Carolina Reaper seeds, I think it is probably temperature (too cold) and should probably get a heating mat under them, but any tips for starting the very hot chilli varieties appreciated, (had similar difficulties with scotch bonnets, but these seem even harder to start, been under soaked tissue for 3 weeks now and not a hint of a root).

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Re: Germination and Propagation

#43 Post by om15 » Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:07 pm

Thought I would try something new today, planted some Jerusalem Artichoke and horseradish, dug a load of compost/horse muck mixture in, planted the roots in a hole and will see what happens.
The cooking looks tricky, but one thing at a time.

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Re: Germination and Propagation

#44 Post by limeygal » Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:45 am

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