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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5781 Post by Dushan » Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:01 pm

Apparently a delivery truck took a wrong turn at Wellington St. and honked its horn prompting Justin to declare that he has come down with another case of COVID.
Because they stand on the wall and say "nothing's gonna hurt you tonight, not on my watch".

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5782 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:40 pm

Brave Sir Robin Justin !
The difference between Trudy and Zelenskyi is that Zelenskyi stopped being a clown when he took office.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5783 Post by OFSO » Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:52 am

29 cyclists have abandoned the Tour of Switzerland due to Covid.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5784 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Sat Jun 18, 2022 7:10 am

How stupid can you get? seems to be interpreted as a challenge these days.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5785 Post by PHXPhlyer » Sun Jul 03, 2022 12:09 am

N. Korea suggests balloons flown from South brought COVID-19 ... t-covid-19

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea is suggesting its COVID-19 outbreak began in people who had contact with balloons flown from South Korea.

The highly questionable claim appeared to be an attempt to hold its rival responsible amid increasing tensions.

For years, activists have flown balloons across the border to distribute propaganda leaflets, and North Korea has expressed fury at the activists and at South Korea's leadership for not stopping them.

A state media report Friday said officials were ordered to deal vigilantly with “alien things” and balloons blown across the border.

Global health authorities say the coronavirus is spread by people in close contact who inhale airborne droplets and it's more likely to occur in enclosed spaces than outdoors.

North Korea is believed to have gone through a wave of COVID-19. Amnesty International says North Korea has rejected vaccines from the World Health Organization operation that distributes the shots across the globe.


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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5786 Post by barkingmad » Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:01 pm

Having previously in the O-N halls of wisdom been accused of being a "certain total thicko, tinfoil hat wearer and one who was generally of a conspiratorial disposition...", I thought I'd better seek re-education on the topic of C19.

I recently stumbled across the following tome which shows promise in the task of making me realise my errors to date and which hopefully will correct my perception of the continuing deadly threat;

Busting Anti-Vax Myths! Seriously EXPERT Arguments for the Covid-Deniers in Your Life Paperback – 20 Aug. 2022
by Prof Oisín MacAmadáin (Author)

Prof. Oisín MacAmadaín is an expert, one of the best, in fact. Founder, sole lecturer and provost of The Termonfeckin Institute of Expertise in Ireland’s beautiful Co. Louth, he knew that if there was one thing governments needed for their response to Covid, it was his enormous brains. Consequently, he has devoted every waking moment of the Covid Era to advising all government cabinets everywhere on the supreme value of masks, lockdowns, mandates and being vaccinated at least once a month.

He was, at a certain point however, utterly horrified to learn of the existence of certain total thickos, tinfoil hat wearers and those who were generally of a conspiratorial disposition. Sensing that the mentally soft among us could be prone to believing any old kind of nonsense, he set out to write a book to counteract the nefarious mis-, dis- and downright crackpot information that is currently being spread among the nether regions of the internet.

Do you have a neighbour or, heaven forbid, friend or family member, who regularly spews utter nonsense in your direction along the lines of their government being out to chip them or that a quack aromatherapy pill like vitamin D might save lives from Covid? Or perhaps you have been accosted by a random conspiracy theorist in the street who adamantly believes that everyone should add horse-dewormer to their morning coffee or that lockdowns aren’t the pinnacle of scientific acumen that they clearly are and that whoever invented them should obviously win a Nobel Prize?

This, at last!, is THE book you need in order to arm yourself with bulletproof arguments and put these poor deluded souls in their proper place once and for all!

In it, you will learn:
How to counteract the views of fringe, far-right scientists who say that lockdowns mightn’t be the best idea (!)
Why society under lockdown has arguably never been better for our general happiness levels or mental wellbeing
How to factcheck like a pro
Why masks make you really sexy (but why wearing masks in combination with pantyhose will not only make you even sexier but will protect you amazingly against Covid)
The countries that did it best: Australia, Canada, Austria and, of course, the dear old Emerald Isle! (Don’t we just punch above our weight in everything?)
And the places that did it worst: Belarus, Mexico, Romania, Florida and Sweden…oh, Sweden! How is it that a formerly liberal utopia became such a far-right nightmare?
The nefarious dealings of prominent antivaxxers and the generally awful consequences of their actions (such as creating vaccine hesitancy disease, an illness almost on a par with Covid itself)
Why the vaccine is definitely a vaccine (because it self-identifies as one and it is vaccinephobic to suggest otherwise)
Why The Great Reset is absolutely 100% what we need and will make us all utterly delirious with joy by 2030
So, sit back, enjoy, take it all in and remember… get your boosters, keep your distance and, for the love of God, stay extremely safe!

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5787 Post by OFSO » Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:14 pm

What's Covid?

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5788 Post by barkingmad » Thu Oct 06, 2022 10:41 am

OFSO wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:14 pm
What's Covid?
It's the reason you are noticing strange pinpricks in your shoulder, as evidenced by your post #4163 in the Sick Bay & Health C19 thread?

I pray that you will not feature in the expanding list of those with Adverse Events, nor that you might go suddenly silent for the same reason... :(

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5789 Post by OFSO » Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:42 am

One of the effects of decrying vaccination is obviously suffering from split Infinitive syndrome.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5790 Post by barkingmad » Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:32 am

Oh dear gawd, erewego again, better exhume those face-nappies and in-date knob swabs and get out the 2-metre distance skirt hoop ! ! ! ... nih-grant/

This is the very same Eco-Health Alliance whose CEO is the infamous Peter Daszak who popped up on radar long before the bat-virus swept the World into a 'new normal'.

"By March 2015, both the virulence of the S1 spike protein and the ACE II receptor was known to present a considerable risk to human health. NIAID, EcoHealth Alliance and numerous researchers lamented the fact that the public was not sufficiently concerned about coronavirus to adequately fund their desired research.'

And also in 2015 (note the year!);

Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance offered the following assessment:
“Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated."

And from The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 15, 2021;

The fiscal 2022 defense authorization bill, passed by Congress on Wednesday, contains a ban on Pentagon funding of any work in China by the controversial New York-based EcoHealth Alliance, an NGO that worked closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on research to make bat coronaviruses more infectious to humans.
The funding prohibition followed concerns that the Pentagon may have funded EcoHealth work in China as part of its Defense Threat Reduction Agency contracts. The ban on funding can be waived by the Pentagon if the waiver is explained in writing to Congress.

When will we ever learn?!?!


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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5791 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:42 am

My province is hosting the Canada winter games. Normally by this time for events like this the volunteer slots are all filled, and there's a waiting list.
Free tickets, gucci kit, travel concessions, etc, and you are doing your bit. What's not to like?

This time, they only have just over half what they need.
The first item on the requirements list is up-to-date coronavirus jabs.

Can't see how this would be a problem since officially 108% of the province has been jabbed.
I mean, it couldn't possibly be that all the "racist" "neo-nazis" who don't get jabbed, to quote the PM, are the very same people who volunteer for the benefit of the community, could it?

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5792 Post by Boac » Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:52 am

BM wrote:in-date knob swabs
Here we are again - we never had an answer during your last incarnation - what is a 'knob swab'? I know it is often used as test for sexually transmitted diseases, but is it something you have had to have done for Covid?

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5793 Post by OFSO » Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:14 pm

My BIL just tested + for Covid. Symptoms identical to hay fever.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5794 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:08 pm

It seems the billhooks studies used to justify mask mandates are finally showing up in court, and failing dismally, as anyone with an ounce of science experience knew they would. ... 61357.html
Text if you are blocked
Santa Clara County’s $3 million lawsuit against a church in California’s Silicon Valley over COVID-19 mandate violations, as well as its prior mask mandate, was based on a study that’s deeply flawed, critics say.

Pastor Mike McClure of Calvary Chapel San Jose defied county mandates from May through October 2020 when the church held indoor services, made masks optional, ignored social distancing rules, and refused to place limits on how many of its 600 congregants could attend services.

The county filed a civil enforcement lawsuit against the church in November 2020 to collect fines and penalties totaling $2.87 million—and in its latest move, the county asked the California Supreme Court on Sept. 26 to review an appeals court decision from August that allowed the church to avoid paying more than $200,000 in court fines.
Meanwhile, the county’s indoor mask mandate was changed to a recommendation in March. The church also filed a civil rights lawsuit against county and state officials over the fines and COVID-related restrictions in April.

In a deposition in August, Dr. Sara Cody, the county’s public health officer, was asked about studies she relied on regarding COVID-19 policies.

“I can remember a particular study around masking evidence that was a large study in Bangladesh that had cases—it was a large retrospective cohort study that demonstrated the efficacy of community-wide masking. I can’t remember exactly where it was published. It was not published by the CDC [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention],” she said.

Dr. Robert Malone, an internationally recognized scientist and physician who has conducted key research on mRNA vaccines, told the Epoch Times that while Cody is highly credentialed, “she is citing as justification for action a very flawed study that actually proves if anything, that the masks don’t work, when you actually look at the data.”

Norman Fenton, a mathematician and risk information management professor at Queen Mary University of London, also said the Bangladesh study doesn’t hold up to rigorous analysis and doesn’t prove masks work.

“There was no discernible effect of the mask intervention on covid infection,” he concluded.

In his paper from May, Fenton states the news media grossly exaggerated the authors’ conclusions in the Bangladesh study, and that skeptical researchers have identified weaknesses in various aspects of the trial and statistical analysis, thus casting doubt on the significance of the results.

A more recent re-analysis published on Sept. 15 provides additional “damning critique” of the Bangladesh study, Fenton said in an email to The Epoch Times. The re-analysis, led by University of California–Berkeley professor Benjamin Recht, found masks had a “modest or no direct effect on COVID-related outcomes.”

Cody did not respond to multiple Epoch Times inquiries, and the county’s media relations staff declined to comment.
I should add that the only vaguely valid large scale study was one done in Denmark, where they dished out masks to half the town's inhabitants - made no difference whether you wore one or not.
I will also add that absolutely all the studies pre-Covid showed that surgical masks make no difference to the transmission of ANY virus. Nor would one expect them to, it would be like using an umbrella made of one layer of chicken wire. There is a useful summary paper on the CDC website, dated 2017, which says so. Or there was..wouldn't surprise me if it's magically disappeared now.
Which is why all the medical authorities in public health said so in the early days...until someone high up reminded them who paid their wages.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5795 Post by barkingmad » Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:37 pm

Boac wrote:
Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:52 am
BM wrote:in-date knob swabs
Here we are again - we never had an answer during your last incarnation - what is a 'knob swab'? I know it is often used as test for sexually transmitted diseases, but is it something you have had to have done for Covid?
I have had to have a cleverly disguised 'knob swab' tickle my (missing) tonsil roots and penetrate my snout seeking bogies which allegedly prove to someone that I have a disease without symptoms.

The pleasure was experienced several times in order for me to board a passenger aircraft to/from holidays, one of which was cancelled due to-you've got it-the dreaded C1984 plandemic.

Re: Klaus Von Knobschwab, I am not the only one to note the resemblance 'twixt the World's next leader and a circumcised member;

as the first 20 seconds of this video will confirm. =))

I recommend NOT viewing the video just before you tuck into your dinner of pork sausages as it may provoke an unfortunate reflux reaction whilst masticating... :ymsick:

Bo, re my failure to answer your query to me regarding take-off speeds versus weights from some time ago, perhaps this new definition will prove that I actually have been doing my homework, such is the progress being made in this STEM subject since March 2020? ... of-science

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5796 Post by Boac » Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:46 pm

Couldn't work out what that link had to do with aircraft performance?

Any chance of an image of this 'Knob Swab' implement of which you speak? I am, by the way, more than a little concerned that it was felt necessary to test your tonsils and/or nasal passages for a sexually transmitted disease! The mind boggles............... you pilots....

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5797 Post by OFSO » Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:01 pm

Good Lord!

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5798 Post by barkingmad » Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:25 pm

Seems like nobody missed me at all during my absence since mid-August?

Back then fortunately my perceived symptoms of "Monkeypox" were quickly dismissed by my psychotherapist and I slowly recovered from "Long monkeypox", also diagnosed as psychosomatic.

It serves me right for watching snippets of MSM and getting panicked as they intended, just like I was frightened by the C1984 death plague which swept the world leaving bodies in the streets... (Contd on page 94.) :-?

I got quite excited when said therapist mentioned CBD treatment and was looking forwards to getting 'high' legally and possibly on prescription.

Alas I'd misheard them and when it was clarified that it was CBT I descended back into a dark place. :(

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5799 Post by TheGreenAnger » Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:03 pm

barkingmad wrote:
Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:25 pm
Seems like nobody missed me at all during my absence since mid-August?

Back then fortunately my perceived symptoms of "Monkeypox" were quickly dismissed by my psychotherapist and I slowly recovered from "Long monkeypox", also diagnosed as psychosomatic.

It serves me right for watching snippets of MSM and getting panicked as they intended, just like I was frightened by the C1984 death plague which swept the world leaving bodies in the streets... (Contd on page 94.) :-?

I got quite excited when said therapist mentioned CBD treatment and was looking forwards to getting 'high' legally and possibly on prescription.

Alas I'd misheard them and when it was clarified that it was CBT I descended back into a dark place. :(

One hopes that you avoid the plague, whether or not it be Dengue fever, beriberi, or any other of the phantoms of the mind that might lead to a Munch like scream.

A good walk, plenty of fresh air, good English vegetables and cold showers will do you a power of good barkingmad, and also good to have you back too! ;)))
My necessaries are embark'd: farewell. Adieu! I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious leave.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#5800 Post by Boac » Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:05 pm

OFSO wrote:Good Lord!
Just think - at some point in your valued life you may have placed your body in an aircraft that was possibly operated by BM. Sleepless nights?

To add to your phobia, remember BM thinks that man looks like a human penis.................... I fear BM may have some undeclared physical anomaly? =))

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