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#481 Post by boing » Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:50 pm

My problem is just sheer volume of passwords. That "vast collection of numbers" does not help unless you can remember which of those numbers you allocated to which application. That is why I prefer a password programme so that I can log on to a chosen application using a name rather than a password. It just depends on your needs.

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#482 Post by 4mastacker » Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:58 pm

ian16th wrote:
Sun Oct 21, 2018 4:32 pm
The scam e-mail showed one of my lowest level passwords. So I'm not overly concerned.

An advantage of being in the military is a rather vast collection of numbers engraved on ones brain. Who else bar Allison knows the Section & ref of a Green Satin Tx/Rx?
The scam e-mail quoted a password that I have never, ever used.

errr........ 10D/23281. ;)))
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#483 Post by ian16th » Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:17 pm

4mastacker wrote:
Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:58 pm
ian16th wrote:
Sun Oct 21, 2018 4:32 pm
The scam e-mail showed one of my lowest level passwords. So I'm not overly concerned.

An advantage of being in the military is a rather vast collection of numbers engraved on ones brain. Who else bar Allison knows the Section & ref of a Green Satin Tx/Rx?
The scam e-mail quoted a password that I have never, ever used.

errr........ 10D/23281. ;)))
Quite good!

But it was 10D/18843
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#484 Post by Capetonian » Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:54 pm

Pay the ransom - or watch me wreck your life': Chilling new computer menace that is driving victims to suicide

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#485 Post by boing » Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:14 am

I suppose that the only time you need to be concerned about this scam is if you really think the scammer has the evidence he claims. Frankly, if anyone I know was genuinely caught by the scammer and I was sent the pictures I wouldn't give a darn. There are a lot more concerning activities that someone could get caught entering into than watching porn unless children are involved.

The good thing about the threat I received is that it caused me to review my home and business computer security. I found that people had been lax in the use of emails even giving others their passwords and allowing them to log in to their accounts rather than simply forwarding the necessary emails. We put a stop to that with a little chat about the problems. The event also increased my concern that large organisations like Google are just soaking up our information and they are really not that good at protecting it.

The first thing I do when I take a new laptop out of the box is to stick heavy black tape across the cameras and microphones and this is also standard office procedure. All portable devices except personal cell-phones are taped and cameras are only connected to desktops whilst actually required otherwise the connector is pulled. This is not because anything that goes on is improper but because in America's legal system anything that can be used as evidence against you in a court case will be used against you and casual comments on a video will be taken as absolute truth. No point in putting blood in the water for the legal sharks.

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#486 Post by llondel » Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:44 am

We've received thousands of those "we've hacked your PC and watched you watching porn" emails. They pretty much all bounce thanks to the spam filter. I think they blew it by dumping that many, given that a one-off is far more menacing than an obvious scatter blast.

I can tell some of the sites that leaked though, based on the passwords they're telling us about, and they all date back ten years.

They're also telling lies, simply because of the claim that they can detect when the message has been read. The ones we're getting are all plain-text with no read-receipt and no HTML in which to hide a web bug.

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#487 Post by llondel » Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:00 pm

Another 380 appeared in the spam folder overnight, spread over seven different passwords.



#488 Post by Capetonian » Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:23 pm

Great one :
David Berryhill <>
Wed 24/10/2018, 13:09
Attention: Beneficiary,

Re: Payment Notification:

We are writhing to know if it's true that you are DEAD. Because we received a notification from one Mr. John Flowers from your country stating that you are DEAD and that you have giving him the right to claim your funds. He stated you died on a CAR accident. He has been calling us regarding this issue, but we cannot proceed with him until we confirm this by not hearing from you after 7 working days. Be advised that we have made all arrangements for you to receive and confirm your funds without any more stress and without any further delays.

All we need is to confirm if you are DEAD or still Alive. Because this persons message brought shock to our minds. And we just can't proceed with him until we confirm if this is a reality OR not but if it happened we did not hear from you after 7 days, then we say: MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE"

Please Note: If You find this email in your spam/junk is due to low network.


May the peace of the Lord be with you wherever you may be now.


David Berryhill.

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#489 Post by llondel » Thu Oct 25, 2018 3:48 am

I like that one, totally different approach, making people focus more on not being dead than anything else that might be in the message.

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#490 Post by 54Phan » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:10 am

I got an email from one of our Canadian banks, telling me that my on line account with them had been compromised. Not sure how that happened, since I don't bank with them, although my ex wife did work for them.

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#491 Post by OFSO » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:15 am

After a spot of food poisoning yesterday and all night, I am also writhing to know if I am dead !

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#492 Post by ian16th » Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:23 am

I received this one today:
Dearest One,

I am sorry for the embarrassment this mail might cause you, as we have not met before. I am writing this mail to you with heart full of tears and sorrow. Please with due respect and humility I write you this letter which I believe you would be of great assistance to me and my younger sister. I am Ms Marina Williams, the Daughter of late chief Joseph Williams from Sierra Leone. It is my pleasure communicating with you for the first time and believing that it will lead to a better relationship between us. My sources of your contact gave me the courage and confidence to rely on you. I am writing you in absolute confidence primarily to seek your assistance to transfer our cash of Fourteen million, Five hundred thousand dollars ($14,500,000) now in the custody of Security Company to your account pending our arrival to your country.

SOURCE OF THE MONEY; My late father, Chief Joseph Williams, a native of mende district in the South-East Province of Sierra Leone, was the general Manager of Sierra Leone mining co-operation (S.L.M.C.) Freetown. According to my late father. This money was the income accrued from mining co-operation over draft and minor sales. Before the peak of the civil war between the rebels forces of Major Paul Koroma and the combined forces of ECOMOG peace keeping operation that almost destroyed my Country, following the forceful removal from power of the Civilian Elected President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah by the rebels. My father had already made arrangement for his family, my mother, my little sister and myself to be evacuated to South Africa with our personal effects through the aid of United Nation evacuation team. My father deposited the fund with the security company here in South Africa for safe custody until after the war when he will join us.

During the war in my country, and following the indiscriminate looting of public and Government properties by the rebel forces, the Sierra Leone mining coop. was one of the targets looted and destroyed. My father including other top Government functionaries were attacked and killed by the rebels because of his relationship with the civilian Government of Ahmed Tejan Kabbah. As a result of my father death, and with the news of my uncles involvement in air crash, dashed our hope of survival. The untimely deaths caused my mother's heart failure and other related complications of which she later died in the hospital after we must have spent a lot of money on her. Now my 16-years-old sister and I are alone in this strange country suffering without any care or help. Without any relation, we are now like refugees and orphans. Our only hope now is in this money our father deposited with the security company.Most importantly, the security company does not know the exact content of the box as money because it was Declared family valuables. The whole Documents issued after deposit is in my custody.

To this effect, I humbly solicit your assistance in the followings ways. To assist me claim this Box from the Security company as co-beneficiary. To Transfer this money in your name to your country. To make a good arrangement for a joint business investment on our behalf in your country and you, the care taker. To secure a college for my Little sister and myself in your country to further our education. And to make arrangement for our travel to your country after you have transferred this money. For your assistance, I beg to concede 20 % of this money to you for your efforts and assistance. Please I will appreciate your timely response on my private Email address: for more details.

Thank you and May God bless you as you assist us.
Ms Marina Williams and sister.
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#493 Post by G-CPTN » Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:43 am

What a load of sanctimonious bollocks - would any sensible person be taken in and respond to that load of garbage?



#494 Post by Slasher » Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:53 am

Similar to what I had a while ago. If I took 1.5 million US bucks I would be given half a mill in gratuity.



#495 Post by Capetonian » Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:05 pm

I get some pretty bizarre scam emails but this one takes the biscuit :
Ms.unsalty babe6 <>
Fri 09/11/2018, 21:04
Is it gruesome?
I hope U're free to talk,
I'm lonely wholesome Person;) immediately Im waiting for limpid mister!

I can send You my picture

It's my e-mail box for answer is;-)

Have a good day
I can only assume it was translated from Kazakh via Russian and Shqiptari into 'English'.

I have replied, as one would :

I was mightily intrigued by your message and your attempt to communicate in something apparently meant to resemble English.

You might wish to explain to me :
Why you address me as 'mister crisp'?
Is what gruesome?
What is wholesome about you? You wash at least once a month would be my guess.
What you mean by 'limpid mister'?

Please send me your photograph, I am sure it will provide some amusement.

From your wholesome limpid mister crisp.


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#496 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:29 pm

For a time I logged on to Skype but the only calls I got were from pretty young women.

I knew they were pretty and white as they were on cam. However they needed money as they were all living with a grand parent as their parents, or father, were dead. They were all in Gambia and needed money for their broadband or education in the university etc.

Young, pretty, single white women aged 20-28 in Gambia!



#497 Post by Sisemen » Mon Nov 12, 2018 2:07 am

Pay the ransom - or watch me wreck your life': Chilling new computer menace that is driving victims to suicide

I got one of those the other day. Trouble is it was from the Australian Tax Office via my accountant :((

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#498 Post by ExSp33db1rd » Mon Nov 12, 2018 2:59 am

Yes, just got my fourth, t'rouble is they appear to come from my own e-mail address, so I can't blacklist it, or I would not tehn be able to receive any e-mail that I copy back to myself, or send to my wife - we share the same e-mail address. 'tis a puzzlement, said Alice.

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#499 Post by Smeagol » Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:18 pm

Received a postal one today, purporting to be from the 'International postcode Online Lottery', in Melbourne, Australia, telling Mrs S that she had one £900,000. Pretty good for never having bought a ticket!
This one gave a contact address in Hanover Square, London, though I seem to remember getting a similar letter a year or so ago with a completely different address in north London. A quick look on Google showed both addresses to exist but no sign of the company concerned. Surprise, surprise.

Don't think I will be calling the number provided unless I get very bored in the next day or two and fancy wasting their time for a few minutes :ymdevil: :ymdevil:
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#500 Post by OFSO » Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:22 pm

A new record today: three calls from "Microsoft" telling me I'd been hacked. One hesitant man, two confused ladies. Telling me the calls came from India to save me money. Still trying to work that one out.

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