BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

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Do you think the UK leaving the European Union would be a good thing?

Poll ended at Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:51 pm

Total votes: 50

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3381 Post by BenThere » Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:19 am

the UK cannot function on a stand alone basis in a global economy
I think there is basis for robust debate on that subject, Kristal. To wit, Britain has traded profitably for a thousand years. Why subject it to the Lilliputians of the EU, which hammers down its citizens, except for the periphery, populist states rebelling increasingly against their suffocation, like Eastern Europe and now Italy. 'Old Europe', along with Japan and China have, I think, more grandparents than grandchildren. That is not a healthy state. UK voters decided to go their own way after considering the current state, assessing the consequences, and boldly stated their choice in a close, but conclusive, election. While the people have spoken, the embedded neanderthals in government resist that mandate. That's wrong.

I think the UK can function better as a free state.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3382 Post by AtomKraft » Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:01 am

You never miss a chance to dance on Thatchers grave. It makes you look toxic.

And who was your hero, I wonder? Mr. Blair? The cretin that claimed to be a socialist and went on to kill a million in Iraq?

How I laughed when Labour 'got in' and found themselves led by our Tony. The socialist who trod boldly where even the Tories feared. It must have been tragic for you guys.🤣

You are truly the 'Terry ****'' of posters on here.

You haven't got a clue about a single thing.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3383 Post by Krystal n Chips » Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:09 am

BenThere wrote:
Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:19 am
the UK cannot function on a stand alone basis in a global economy
I think there is basis for robust debate on that subject, Kristal. To wit, Britain has traded profitably for a thousand years. Why subject it to the Lilliputians of the EU, which hammers down its citizens, except for the periphery, populist states rebelling increasingly against their suffocation, like Eastern Europe and now Italy. 'Old Europe', along with Japan and China have, I think, more grandparents than grandchildren. That is not a healthy state. UK voters decided to go their own way after considering the current state, assessing the consequences, and boldly stated their choice in a close, but conclusive, election. While the people have spoken, the embedded neanderthals in government resist that mandate. That's wrong.

I think the UK can function better as a free state.
There is a basis for a debate and it's current form is termed "Brexit..the Negotiations that have failed be cont'd " The UK has, as you say, traded profitably at times, usually when the UK has been dictating the terms. However, in a global economy we do not have the influence or attraction to other nations we once had and this will diminish further once, or if and when, we leave the EU. Despite what you read on here, and no doubt externally, the EU is not the overbearing ogre that many delusional people perceive.

The UK electorate voted on one, very simplistic, question the background to which was flawed with a stream of misinformation and fallacies, many of which having now emerged as such.

As for populist states / inhabitants, the very real danger of such is their affinity for right wing and extreme right wing ideology.....that's not my perception of democracy.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3384 Post by Woody » Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:34 am

UKIP leader Gerard Batten tweeted that Mr Farage's suggestion that there was no difference in policy between UKIP and the Brexit Party was "a lie".
He said: "UKIP has a manifesto and policies. Farage's party is just a vehicle for him."
He said the Brexit Party's "only purpose is to re-elect him (Mr Farage)" and was a "Tory/Establishment safety valve".
The Electoral Commission has issued European Parliamentary elections guidance for returning officers to advise them "on the rules should the elections go ahead" and to ensure they "have as much certainty as possible in developing contingency plans".
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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3385 Post by barkingmad » Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:51 am ... 4354528559

Oooops ! ! Someone fouled up. Not a very auspicious start to the new golden dawn.

Meanwhile over in this place's Computer Chatter we have info re EU Articles 11 & 13 passed with little publicity elsewhere.

No, I'm not paranoid but I can hear the hooves and baying dogs of my hunters so better find that dark room!

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3386 Post by FD2 » Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:15 am

What clever little people. Like Remoaners in general they seem to take delight in thwarting democratic conventions. Is there no law, e.g. Telecoms Act, against what these oafs have done?

I see that there is also a story there about Corbin calling for the Government to block that verminous coward Assange's extradition. At least Manning had the guts to face his accusers. Imagine what life would be like under a Corbin government - all spies and traitors pardoned and given special treatment - as long as it was only British secrets they betrayed. Excuse the slight thread drift.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3387 Post by ian16th » Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:16 am

Shamelessly nicked from today's Mail.
What would Rumpole make of Brexit murderers if we put them on trial?
By Richard Littlejohn for the Daily Mail
Rumpole of the Bailey, played by Leo McKern, should turn prosecutor and put those who have handled the Brexit chaos in the dock
Rumpole of the Bailey is being brought out of retirement and given a modern makeover by the daughters of his creator, John Mortimer.
Actress Emily Mortimer and her sister Rosie have 'reimagined' the eccentric barrister for a new TV series. The original Rumpole, played by Leo McKern, ran on ITV for 44 episodes between 1978 and 1992.
Celebrated for his literary allusions, his love of small cigars and copious amounts of Chateau Thames Embankment from Pomeroy's Wine Bar, Horace Rumpole enchanted millions of viewers.
One wonders how Rumpole himself would have reacted to being brought up to date. On being told he had to move with the times, he replied: 'If I don't like the way the times are moving, I shall refuse to accompany them.'
He believed the presumption of innocence was the 'golden thread' which ran through British justice and only ever appeared for the defence.
But times have indeed changed since Rumpole last appeared at the Old Bailey.
The introduction of the dreaded European 'Yuman Rites' Act and the creation of the ridiculous Supreme Court have torn up our traditional legal landscape.
Truth and justice have been replaced by spin and duplicity. So, if Rumpole is truly to be updated for the 21st century, he should rethink his guiding principle.
Perhaps it's time that Horace Rumpole appeared for the prosecution. If there was any justice in the world, the entire political class would be put in the dock at the Old Bailey and charged with murdering Brexit.
The scene is Court Number One, Judge Bullingham presiding . . .
My Lord, I appear for the Crown in this case, along with my learned colleague, the lovely Portia of Equity Court, Miss Phyllida Trant. The defence is represented by Mr Claude Erskine Brown QC and Mizz Liz Probert.
This is most unusual, Mr Rumpole. I don't believe I have ever known you to prosecute.
That is correct, Old Darling. In the past, Rumpole has always pleaded Not Guilty. I recall that Your Lordship presided at my most famous victory, the Penge Bungalow Murders trial.
Indeed, I did. Bloodstains, wasn't it?
One wonders how Rumpole himself would have reacted to being brought up to date. On being told he had to move with the times, he replied: 'If I don't like the way the times are moving, I shall refuse to accompany them.'
Your Lordship's memory is as acute as ever. But ne'er so bloody as the case before us today. Times have sadly moved on and I find myself compelled, for once, to accompany them.
You may proceed, Mr Rumpole.
I am obliged, My Lord. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. You see before you in the dock as rum a collection of desperados as ever drew breath. They are charged with the theft, kidnap and brutal, pre-meditated murder of Brexit.
What is this Brexit to which you refer, Mr Rumpole?
You may well ask, My Lord, since it has been spirited away before our very eyes in the most vile manner.
(Erskine-Brown). I really must protest, My Lord.
Oh, do shut up, Claude. You'll get your turn. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I invite you to cast back your minds to the morning of June 24, 2016. Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive . . .
Get on with it, Mr Rumpole.
Britain awoke to learn that 17.4 million people, a clear majority, had voted to leave the European Union, to cast off the yoke of a corrupt foreign tyranny.
Never again would this royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, this earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, this other Eden, demi-paradise, this fortress built by nature for herself . . .
We get the picture, Mr Rumpole. This is the Old Bailey, not the Old Vic.
Members of the jury, as a consequence of this historic plebiscite, the principal defendant Theresa Mary May became Prime Minister, when 'Call Me Dave' Cameron fell on his sword and was carried from the battlefield.
She promised solemnly that Brexit would mean Brexit. But she lied through her teeth and far from freeing Britain from the deadly embrace of a hostile foreign entity has surrended the last vestiges of sovereignty . . .
(Erskine-Brown). My Lord, I really must protest . . .
Theresa May and her cohorts should be put on trial charged with the murder of Brexit
Oh, do relax, Claude. Members of the jury, I put it to you that Mrs May, aka Mother Theresa of Maidenhead, the self-styled She Who Must Be Obeyed, as if there could be another, is fortunate not to have been charged with treason.
Mr Rumpole, stick to the charges before the court.
The prosecution will show that the defendant is guilty of grand larceny and murder most foul. Yet she stands not alone in the dock.
Behold her co-conspirators, Gina Nadira Miller, Pixie Balls-Cooper, Dominique Legion d'Honneur, Olivia Leftwing, Jean-Claude Bercow, Philip Spread-Fear Hammond, Amber Roland Rat, Anna Soubry-Loo and O Jeremy Corbyn.
I believe charges are pending against others, also, Mr Rumpole.
You believe correctly, My Lord. Unfortunately, there isn't room in the dock for them all to be tried at once.
Another 420 Members of Parliament have been remanded to appear at Snaresbrook Crown Court on similar counts of kidnapping and murder.
(Erskine-Brown). If Your Lordship pleases, my clients refuse to recognise the legitimacy of this court.
They believe members of the jury are too stupid to be trusted to reach the right verdict. They demand to be tried before a jury of their peers, at the European Court of Justice.
I bet they do, Old Darling.
Motion denied, Mr Erskine-Brown. Pray continue, Mr Rumpole.
I am obliged, My Lord. Members of the jury, in a nutshell, 17.4 million people voted to leave the EU and all its works and the defendants promised repeatedly to honour the result.
But immediately after the referendum, the political class and their confederates stole Brexit and have slowly strangled it to death.
Not only have they failed to 'take back control', they have handed our once-proud independent kingdom's fate to our natural enemies. All are guilty of cold-blooded murder.
That is for the jury to decide, Mr Rumpole. Have you anything else before we repair to the Magpie and Stump for luncheon?
If I may further quote the Bard: 'This land of such dear souls, this dear, dear land . . . is now leased out. England . . . is now bound in with shame. With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds, that England that was wont to conquer others, hath made a shameful conquest of itself.'
That's enough, Mr Rumpole. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, at the end of the trial you will retire to consider your verdict of Not Guilty.
In the event of a majority in favour of Guilty, you will be instructed to keep on voting until you reach the right decision. We are adjourned until Halloween.
Mine's a large Chateau Thames Embankment, Old Darling.
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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3388 Post by om15 » Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:07 pm

Now Nige has made his move he is public enemy no 1 with the Establishment, not to mention the leftie momentum crowd as well, he will be subject to every trick in the book, every slur, false accusation, mis-quote, phone tapping, the whole lot, he is their worst nightmare.
Good for him, this shower need some opposition and he is the bloke to do it, I hope he wins every election going and builds up a solid following, I think that I might go along with it for twenty five quid to give him some support.

lets face it, he's all we've got.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3389 Post by Woody » Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:26 pm

Reduced to quoting vast tracts of the Fail and pinning your hopes on someone that has failed 7 times to be elected to Parliament, grasping at straws are we?
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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3390 Post by om15 » Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:40 pm

We'll see, meanwhile here is the meeting in a warehouse in Coventry, it is very interesting and recommend watching it, then make your mind up.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3391 Post by Woody » Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:19 pm

I did try and take it seriously, but after all that stuff about taking on the elite, Nigel didn’t just shoot him self in the foot, when he introduced his first candidate, he chopped his legs off :ymdevil:
Annunziata is (apparently) just an ordinary working class girl born into the impoverished Rees-Mogg family. Member of the Conservative party since the age of eight, lead writer for the Daily Telegraph, deputy editor of MoneyWeek, etc etc. Definitely not an elite!
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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3392 Post by Nick Riviera » Fri Apr 12, 2019 2:50 pm

The UK electorate voted on one, very simplistic, question the background to which was flawed with a stream of misinformation and fallacies, many of which having now emerged as such.
Translation - the UK voted by a majority against my personal views. I will therefore seek to belittle them to prove that they are wrong and I am right. I am a true man of the people.


Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3393 Post by Sisemen » Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:01 pm

Woody wrote:
Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:26 pm
Reduced to quoting vast tracts of the Fail and pinning your hopes on someone that has failed 7 times to be elected to Parliament, grasping at straws are we?
Anything is better than interminable quotes from the Gruainad.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3394 Post by Woody » Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:28 pm

Sisemen wrote:
Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:01 pm
Woody wrote:
Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:26 pm
Reduced to quoting vast tracts of the Fail and pinning your hopes on someone that has failed 7 times to be elected to Parliament, grasping at straws are we?
Anything is better than interminable quotes from the Gruainad.
When have I done that?
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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3395 Post by BenThere » Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:55 pm

As for populist states / inhabitants, the very real danger of such is their affinity for right wing and extreme right wing ideology.....that's not my perception of democracy.
For the most part, that's not a danger, it's a feature.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3396 Post by Pontius Navigator » Fri Apr 12, 2019 4:13 pm

Whatever your viewd of Farage, Good, bad, or indifferent but you must admit it would enliven Parliamentary debates no end.

One of the slimey Tories said "no one wants the EU elections and if we get a deal by 22nd May we don't have to"

If it looks like we might get a deal (fat chance) are all the parties and candidates going to stand quietly in case we do? Or are they going to campaign as hard as ever?

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3397 Post by BenThere » Fri Apr 12, 2019 4:24 pm

I regard Farage very highly. He speaks with eloquent clarity. His world outlook is generally in consonance with mine. I regard him on the same pedestal I hold Churchill and Thatcher - great Brits who rose in their time to save their nation in the face of daunting opposition, which failed to deter them.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3398 Post by OFSO » Fri Apr 12, 2019 4:55 pm

Listen to the speeches of the absolute shower of wets, ditherers and incompetent mugwumps emplanted in the House today. Then listen to Farage. No contest.

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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3399 Post by Smeagol » Fri Apr 12, 2019 10:37 pm

Well if Mr Farage can get a candidate to stand in my parliamentary constituency, he or she will get my vote. The current incumbent (Chairman of the Conservative Party) has forfeited my support by his recent voting (or not voting) record.
He is a bit of a slimy git as well.
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Re: BREXIT - A Poll & Discussion

#3400 Post by Krystal n Chips » Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:21 am

om15 wrote:
Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:07 pm
Now Nige has made his move he is public enemy no 1 with the Establishment, not to mention the leftie momentum crowd as well, he will be subject to every trick in the book, every slur, false accusation, mis-quote, phone tapping, the whole lot, he is their worst nightmare.
Good for him, this shower need some opposition and he is the bloke to do it, I hope he wins every election going and builds up a solid following, I think that I might go along with it for twenty five quid to give him some support.

lets face it, he's all we've got.
We would be interested to learn as to your sources for the underlined above.....that said, yesterdays launch was hardly inspiring , unless you were / are a disciple of course.

Plus, having been a gob without portfolio since parting with UKIP ( loved the bit on the interview about condemning valiant Tommy, "tells it wot like it is ! " or Stephen to be more exact, convicted thug , racist and fraudster that he is joining UKIP....Nige seems to have missed the bit about the National Front / BNP being formative to the emergence of UKIP ) he's desperate to reincarnate himself. Looked remarkably fresh after enduring a 270 mile march as well....

And so to Phil, as seen on last nights C4News...Phil kindly opined the UK electorate just wanted the UK to leave..nothing else, just leave and weren't remotely interested in such trivial matters such as....details. Of course not, after all, why should the millions for whom the adverse effects of doing so on their lives be concerned !
Phil does inspire confidence doesn't he.

Finally, for those suffering from the effects of being deprived of erudite journalism, the hiatus in posting links is only temporary you will be delighted to learn. The right click, now there's a metaphor as the left is working perfectly ! on me mouse has failed, so, until I get a new one next week, please feel free to simply click on to the Guardian c/o Google or your preferred search engine of course.

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