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A dream for discussion.

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A dream for discussion.

#1 Post by boing »

Here is an odd-ball post simply to provide a subject for discussion.

I know I dream considerably but very rarely do I remember the content of the dream for more than a few seconds after waking. I had a very brief incident last night that I obviously remember clearly even now. I am pretty sure I was engaged in another dream when this brief interlude occurred.

I remember looking down towards a writing desk drawer, the wide shallow type that is above your legs as you sit at the desk. It opened quite quickly and inside was a very organised arrangement, nothing like the jumble of rubbish that I keep in my desk drawers. I did not have much time to take this in but there seemed to be various sizes of writing paper very neatly arranged and a front division for writing instruments and rulers but the thing that caught my eye and held my attention for several seconds was located on the right hand edge of the drawer about half way from front to back, it was the two halves of an eggshell neatly laid together. The whole eggshell was neatly divided into two matching halves but with a wavy line suggesting that it had been divided during perhaps cookery or the exit of a chick. The two halves of the shell were completely clean and dry and I got the impression that they had been there for a while..

Now, why a divided eggshell and even more "whyly" why a clean divided eggshell in a neatly arranged drawer of papers? My attention was quite clearly directed to the eggshells rather than the other contents of the drawer but the neat arrangement of the other items also seems very significant.


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Re: A dream for discussion.

#2 Post by OFSO »

I dream a lot. My dreams range from the logical to the absurd and defy explanation. For example last week I dreamed that someone with whom I correspond very frequently but have never met, a chap who is a heavy electrics engineer, phoned me to say he'd cancelled his participation as astronaut in an orbital launch. Nothing I could think of triggered this dream. (It did make him laugh when I told him and he said he wouldn't have cancelled.)

Re: A dream for discussion.

#3 Post by Slasher »

I had a recurrent dream a while back where Apsara became the new Joan Jett and I was begging her to cancel her world tour of 12 months. From the front row I kept interrupting her concert with the begging and pleading. She kept saying she still loves me and won’t leave me but belongs to the world now, and to stop being so silly.

Have no bloody idea what caused it. She looked Joan Jettish but am buggered why I dreamt it. All of a sudden it stopped - and I haven’t had same since. Buggered if I know what caused that too!

Dreams are weird. It never occurred to me to ask her when the hell did she learn the guitar nor who are these creeps she teamed up with!

Re: A dream for discussion.

#4 Post by Capetonian »

I had a weird dream last night. I was in the right hand seat of an Airbus twinjet and we landed on a slipway leading down to a lake somewhee in Africa. Captain fired up the engines and turned the aircraft into a speedboat zooming round the lake.

Re: A dream for discussion.

#5 Post by Slasher »

Couldn’t’ve been me in the LHS Cape. I’m not rated on Airbii that convert to speedboat mode. It’d be kinda fun though!
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Re: A dream for discussion.

#6 Post by boing »

This sort of thing? 4 minutes onward is the really amazing part.

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Re: A dream for discussion.

#7 Post by boing »

Just to clarify I do not credit that dreams could be some type of "divine" guidance but it does seem as though they may be a perhaps important product of our mind. In waking hours the mind is almost fully committed to dealing with the events of the day but it may be that during sleep it gets the opportunity to digest the events of our waking hours, consider them utilising our now spare mental resources and perhaps even arrive at solutions for our problems. We cannot expect those solutions will be presented as a printed operations manual so the mind gives us symbolic hints about our areas of concern.

If I had to interpret this dream, and it was unusual in its clarity and content, I would say the opening drawer represented my mind. My physical drawers are totally chaotic so the organised drawer with its display of clean, organised, note paper and writing instruments suggests that I need to keep detailed and organised notes about something. The eggshell is the problem. Out of curiousity I visited the internet to investigate the meaning of eggs in dreams - there are a ton of opinions but, unfortunately none of them referred to a clean eggshell neatly divided into two halves and apparently kept as some form of momento. If the dream is to be decoded I would think that the message is that I will have, or have had, an idea that needs to be carefully documented which is odd because I am now working on quite a complex computer programme.

the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

Re: A dream for discussion.

#8 Post by Slasher »

As one nears his 59th year of existence one still experiences the rare ‘wet dream’ but it never gets anywhere. Bed quilts forever keep getting in the way, clothes impossible to remove...always something. Then I wake up never having done any bonking at all. So nothing but Dry ones.

Last one I had was after watching a few episodes of Married With Children that day and dreamt that night of having Peg Bundy on her table. She kept complaining what happens if Al walks in and I just couldn’t get her bloody clothes and boots off. Felt up her jugs underneath though! :ymdevil:

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Re: A dream for discussion.

#9 Post by TheGreenGoblin »

Slasher wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:56 pm
Last one I had was after watching a few episodes of Married With Children that day and dreamt that night of having Peg Bundy on her table.

Peg Bundy has/had a certain 'je ne sais quoi', I must admit! =)) :-bd
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