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Re: Migrants

#61 Post by Pontius Navigator » Fri Nov 29, 2019 6:19 pm

Rwy in Sight wrote:
Fri Nov 29, 2019 5:43 pm
An excellent point here: how much better our countries would be if we can choose who to let in.
Or expel. Like the EU, who could we blame if . . . 😀

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Re: Migrants

#62 Post by Rwy in Sight » Fri Nov 29, 2019 8:26 pm

Pontius Navigator wrote:
Fri Nov 29, 2019 6:19 pm
Rwy in Sight wrote:
Fri Nov 29, 2019 5:43 pm
An excellent point here: how much better our countries would be if we can choose who to let in.
Or expel. Like the EU, who could we blame if . . . 😀
PN, now you mentioned it who is the one keeping the other, the EU or the UK? 😀

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Re: Migrants

#63 Post by Alisoncc » Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:07 am

It has been hypothesized that with climate changes taking place there will be significant migration of peoples looking to escape untenable situations. A statement that to my mind makes for a great deal of sense. In general people aren't stupid.

drought.jpg (30.77 KiB) Viewed 994 times

Currently huge areas of Africa are suffering from severe droughts. A recent article describes much of Zimbabwe as equating to a desert. Ex-A has described the drying up of his local lagoon for instance. Have even read of Victoria Falls ceasing to fall.

So combining paragraphs one and two, it would not seem illogical that the migration of huge numbers of people from Africa will be taking place as people seek to avoid starvation. So irrespective of one's belief as to the causes of climate change, migration due to climate change is going to be a fact of life for many.

Forming an impenetrable barrier the length of the Engish Channel and up into the North Sea is akin to Trump's wall, not going to happen. Jumping up and down, running around in circles, ranting and wailing isn't going to help one iota either. Might I suggest some practical solutions are needed for what is going to become an increasingly difficult issue.
Rev Mother Bene Gesserit.

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Re: Migrants

#64 Post by barkingmad » Sun Dec 08, 2019 8:56 pm

“10 local authorities in England are going to be Muslim majority population by 2031”.

“Countrywide Muslim majority by 2067”.

Anyone currently indigenous Brit inhabiting the UK worried about this, if not for yourselves then for your children’s children?

And this may not take into account subsequent immigration, only birthrate statistics.

Further homework if you can stomach it;

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Re: Migrants

#65 Post by Pontius Navigator » Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:30 pm

Alison, water shortage and migration are a given but why UK? There are many better places in the world with space, water and political stability. I know Australia also has an immigration problem but I don't water is a factor except in Australia itself.

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Re: Migrants

#66 Post by Rwy in Sight » Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:38 pm

I am hesitant to point out (mainly for legal reasons) that there should be a balance between people and land. Huge families (given more children become adults) can't be supported. Plus the food surplus of the Western world plus South American can be used to support the local unfortunate population in their counties.

Finally as far as I know most people crossing the Aegean Sea and welcome by the Greek government with open arms, do come mainly for the social security allowance in Western Europe. The nationality list includes countries with minimal issues but people just seeking more money without working.

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Re: Migrants

#67 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:39 pm

One look at the statistics will show you they are heavily overpopulated for the food supply and have been for decades, and that behaviour does not change when they move elsewhere. The problem is not their current location or its climate.
The UN will tell you that the single best change to reduce poverty and overpopulation is girls' education. Now, which religion is violently opposed to female education? You'll only need one guess.


Re: Migrants

#68 Post by Capetonian » Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:36 pm

I have witnessed this first hand when I've travelled by train in Italy and Germany. The invaders don't need to buy tickets and the train staff don't dare ask them, let alone challenge them.
Train travel in Italy

Train travel in Italy has never been so easy and affordable these days for migrants. All you need to do is to simply board the train. Chances that someone will approach you politely asking for a ticket are next to nil. If, however, especially on long distance trains such as Freccia, a conductor eventually finds you without a ticket, all he can do is, again, very politely, ask you to get off the train at the nearest station.
The only result is that you continue your journey, getting on the next train. And then, if you don’t agree with such a request because your travel plans cannot be bothered by lack of a valid ticket, you can always rely on the presence of some foot soldier of Soros’s Army, ready to lend a hand or give friendly advice to an alien culprit.

This is what happened not long ago exactly on a Frecciabianca, a high-speed regional train rolling along the Tuscan coast. A loud altercation was overheard by the passengers as a sub-Saharan woman was being addressed with – allegedly – harsh words by a train cleaner who had something to say about the fact that she was without a ticket. It was the African woman’s lucky day though, as one of the passengers who witnessed the commotion was Lorenzo Tosa, a blogger and former candidate in the May EU elections put up by Soros-financed Più Europa. Tosa rushed to the scene, ready to help the African woman confronting the train cleaner, described by Tosa as “an Italian in his forties, badly dressed, wearing thick frame glasses.” In short, someone mentally retarded who dared to approach “a splendid African girl in her 20’s who was in evident distress due to the man’s behavior.” At that point of the event Tosa felt entitled to step into the discussion and demanded – actually forced – the train cleaner to apologize.

Afterwards he felt compelled to inform the reader in a lyrical style how close “with every muscle, every nerve of his body” he sympathized with the African woman. Talk about empathy of the highest degree! Why haven’t our emphatic blogger paid for her ticket as a gesture of solidarity? Why shouldn’t his empathy be directed towards all human beings? How about some empathy towards the train cleaner, whose lack of education, or lack of skills, or lack of connections, forced him to clean train toilets for six or seven euros per hour? We wonder if Tosa ever had to accept such a low level menial job. Perhaps he wouldn’t have frothed at the mouth with disdain, or disgust, towards this man whom he portrays as a worthless human being.

Again, how about some empathy towards train conductors being attacked and beaten on a daily basis by Africans whom they – always politely – lest they be charged with racially aggravated harassment – ask for a ticket? If you read the sanitized, politically correct Italian news, you would be forced to think that Italians all of sudden are becoming increasingly allergic to tickets, as the reports do not reveal the nationality of the aggressors. Tosa is too busy sympathizing with ticketless Africans, rather than with his fellow citizens making an honest living.

This is by no means an isolated episode. Far from it. Italians, as well as every other EU citizen, are subject to a constant, never ending brainwashing dished out by a wide array of different and all too powerful actors, with the head of the newly reformed Bergosorosian church in Rome who, like a broken record, on a daily basis, reminds Italians and the rest of the world that immigrants must be accepted no matter what. Then you have the rank and file foot soldiers like Tosa who take advantage of every possible situation to earn their bread, enforcing the daily brainwashing dose.

In Italy, when someone is engaged in a political – or any kind of – discussion, the F-word is often used to dismiss a potential enemy. And no, we don’t refer to the ominous four-letter word widely used in everyday English; rather, we mean the word denominating a political party that ruled Italy between 1922 to 1943. When all else fails, rest assured someone will eventually call you a fascist no matter what. Whether you are debating the proper way to cook pasta, to make pizza or to travel safely on a train without anyone around you ready to assault the train conductor because he is asking passengers to show their tickets, if they don’t like what you have to say, you are a fascist. Period.

Lorenzo Tosa is no exception, eager to show his audience, and his party, that he knows what’s right and what’s wrong. If you disagree with his selective empathy, you are clearly a fascist and a racist, therefore you have no right to debate to begin with. Nowhere else outside the Apennine Peninsula does this appellative of anti-fascism – and lately of anti-racism – serve better all those forces interested in changing the foundations of Italian society. Whether a sub-Saharan “migrant” or an LGBT activist, you are a first class citizen deserving every possible attention and care, and certainly free legal defense, if needed. The others, the rest, the average Italian workers have become second –or third – class citizens.

We cannot help but wonder what kind of future society Tosa envisions. From Italians like him every African who has just washed ashore soon learns that in Italy the rule of law is a very vague concept. For you can be without a ticket on a bus, or a train, and someone like Tosa will be ready at hand to show his concern and solidarity. Or you can attack and beat up train conductors, train cleaners, police officers and a friendly judge and human-rights upholder in one will always be obliging and make sure that you will not be facing jail because your conduct is “due to the stress involved with the condition of being a refugee”, as cited in many verdicts.

Or you can stab to death a police officer and receive a visit in jail – a sign of concern for human rights – from a top brass member of the PD (Democratic Party) like Ivan Scalfarotto, who was once “disturbed” by the fact that a suspect was reported to be blindfolded in a Rome police station. We would like to remind Scalfarotto that in many countries, including the US, the murderer of a police officer would most likely have been dead on the crime scene, human rights or not, and would have certainly not been allowed visits from anyone anxious about a detainee’s condition.

Scalfarotto is a fitting example of the evolution or metamorphosis of the PD, the direct descendant of the former PCI (Italian Communist Party). An “activist committed to LGBT rights” – we can read on his Wikipedia page – he was the first ever member of an Italian government (the one headed by Renzi) to be “openly LGBT”. He is on very good terms with Monica Cirinnà, another top notch member of PD and staunch advocate of LGBT rights, whose motto is “God, Country, Family, what a **** life”. Never mind that the country she defecates on pays her and Scalfarotto a daily remuneration of 500 euro, give or take a few pennies, so she can afford a posh ranch in southern Tuscany where she cares for horses and donkeys. Have the workers’ rights, the dignity of the proletariat, the welfare of the poor been struck out of the the leftist agenda?

Obviously. It would be far too naïve to dismiss these fellows just as another example of “multiculti” supporters. Tosa, Scalfarotto and Cirinnà are preparing their places in the not so distant neo-feudal society that’s in the making. They know all too well that the nomenklatura, the selected elite made of billionaires who live in a separate world, will need a buffer class, a middle class if you wish, of obedient servants and especially of Thought Police enforcers, members of a puppet parliament or LGBT activists: all those necessary to keep the Herrenvolk as far away as possible from the 90% plus of humanity, from the Sklawenvolk needed to carry out all the menial work.

Menial workers like the train cleaner will only have one goal: survival. And if they need – from time to time – to be distracted from the drudgery, their thoughts will be attracted by Facebook or similar social networks, lest they dare conceive thoughts about their humiliating condition. The middle class made of people like the trio cited above will have its privileges, better living conditions, and certainly will be freed from the need of performing manual labor. Welcome to a new segregated society.

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Re: Migrants

#69 Post by barkingmad » Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:07 am

Oops! This one has slipped past under the radar and been quietly buried. I wonder why?

https://petition.parliament.uk/archived ... ons/188604

Tony Bliar went some of the way by opening the UK floodgates to the recently joined East European states in 2004 whilst the rest of the EUSSR forbade such migration into their countries for a period of time after accession.

It’s amazing what sorts of spoor one finds when peering down rabbit holes which usually remain overlooked!


Re: Migrants

#70 Post by Capetonian » Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:34 am

It has been buried because whilst the points the petitioners makes are valid and concerning, the petition itself doesn't explicitly state a clear objective, which I imagine would be a requirement.

The east European immigrants are not the greatest problem, it's the filth and scum from the third world, many of whom are disease-ridden violent criminals with zero education, skills, or morals.

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Re: Migrants

#71 Post by barkingmad » Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:57 pm

My post was not intended to single out the East European contingent, it just happened to be an easliy recalled example of one country’s leader deliberately engineering such an intake for purely selfish motives viz cheap labour and more left-wing votes on tap.

Try investigating the plan mentioned in this link, no answer available apparently and when you do further research you might then understand why;

https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/do ... 16_EN.html

I use this quote as any reference to the Kalergi plan seems to throw up a mass of rather interesting folk, though that is no reason to stop sifting through the rabbit droppings to try to ascertain what IS actually behind this phenomenon!?

Further material available from a popular source;

So can we work out why this book was allegedly once banned.......?

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Re: Migrants

#72 Post by Rwy in Sight » Fri Feb 28, 2020 6:57 am

Some intresting developments from Turkey as it will not stop Syrian refugees. And obviously everybody from now on will claim to be Syrian.

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Re: Migrants

#73 Post by OFSO » Fri Feb 28, 2020 9:30 pm

The EU warned Turkey today to live up to committments and not let thousands/tens of thousands of Syrian immigrants across the borders.

France 24TV tonight interviewed a few of a convoy of a hundred, who are on the road to Germany, they said.

Merkel's decision is still at work.....

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Re: Migrants

#74 Post by SOPS » Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:47 am

EU is about to be flooded again. Please call Australia and we can tell you how to stop being overrun.


Re: Migrants

#75 Post by Capetonian » Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:01 pm

It's relatively easy for Australia as you don't have any land borders or easily navigable sea crossings from other countries.

Why doesn't Merkel charter a few of the unused and unloved A380s and use them to ferry her beloved 'refugees' and 'asylum seekers' into Germany, so they don't have to cross other countries en route, and them confine them to Germany instead of having them destroy the way of life of other European nations. She wants them, let her take the consequences. I feel sorry for the Germans but to some extent many of them got what they voted for.

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Re: Migrants

#76 Post by OFSO » Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:40 am

International outrage this morning at scenes on TV breakfast news of Greek (?) coastguard boat trying to sink a large RIB loaded with immigrants using a pole, stabbing the boat, and then firing warning shots into the sea.

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Re: Migrants

#77 Post by Rwy in Sight » Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:53 am

OFSO wrote:
Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:40 am
International outrage this morning at scenes on TV breakfast news of Greek (?) coastguard boat trying to sink a large RIB loaded with immigrants using a pole, stabbing the boat, and then firing warning shots into the sea.
Trust me OFSO the Hellenic Coast Guard serves more as a welcoming committee rather a force protecting the EU border. And they have to cope with illegal immigrants sinking their vessels in purpose to oblige Greece to launch a SAR mission.

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Re: Migrants

#78 Post by Pontius Navigator » Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:56 am

Why don't they 'flee' to Georgia, or Iran, or Saudi?

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Re: Migrants

#79 Post by barkingmad » Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:06 am

Whilst we in the UK (and elsewhere) have been gazing into our navels looking for the odd virus called ‘Corona’, it’s business as usual out there in the English Channel.
This interview with the former Oz PM indicates what the Brits should be doing in the Channel, instead of running a free ferry service for illegal migrants, each with thousands of euros to spare, choosing to enter the awful soon-to-be post-Brexit Britain.
Anywhere in the video script, delete ‘Indonesia’ and insert ‘France’ and we might be able to stem the flow.
£61,000,000 is an awful lot of dosh to be shovelling into French coffers to achieve the reverse of the originally intended incentive scheme for them to prevent the illegals setting out in unsuitable craft in the first place.

For more details refer to ‘WTF...UK’ thread post # 878 which details the current practice here in Europe. [-X


Re: Migrants

#80 Post by Capetonian » Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:14 am

Could the title of this thread be changed in order to reflect what they really are?

I would suggest 'potential terrorists, illegal aliens, and invaders'.

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