Chaos in Oireland.

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#61 Post by barkingmad » Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:47 am

Can one catch Covid-1984 from a passing golfball?

Like the rest of the nations, here in Oireland there’s one rule for the peasants and one for the ruling bureaucrats; ... s-22554899

And still the peasants have not seen the bill for continued membership of the 27 happy united countries in the great alliance designed to make everything better.

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#62 Post by barkingmad » Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:31 pm

Seems like the Emerald Isle has had it’s own ‘Cummingsgate’, except that their version has fallen on his sword and dropped the faltering Brexit talks deeper into the slurry pit;

The whole farce would appear to be drifting rudderless towards a ‘no deal’ exit and their comments regarding BoJo are not very complimentary. Imagine my surprise?

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#63 Post by barkingmad » Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:34 pm

Is it remotely possible that BoJo & Co, at the head of the Conservative and Unionist Party, are manoeuvring to dump NornIron onto the EUSSR in order to save Dishy Rishi Sunak a shedload of money in the near future?

Any aggro which breaks out after that might be conveniently blamed on those pesky Brussels nuisances as the Westmonster brigade wipe their hands clean and walk away.

It seems inconceivable that the EUSSR is proposing to lay siege on the province, threatening to starve them out unless Mr Barmyer gets his own way.

Here’s a recent interview with a Labour Peer (!) who doesn’t hold back when it comes to Brexit and even mentions that secret weapon Article 38, about which even Boris & Co seem to have forgotten;

Anyone in a Conservative constituency who want to know if their Tory MP suffered a serious lack of moral fibre on the recent HoC vote can whizz across to JeffTaylor who kindly lists the names and constituencies of the lily-live red on the Guvvment benches.

The list is in his chat on “Brexit: the Tory Rebel’s are Surfacing” so if you are negatively affected hit the keyboard or your quill pens.

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#64 Post by Boac » Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:42 pm

Please explain what was wrong with voting against the bill, or abstaining?

Regarding the future for Ireland, please refer to viewtopic.php?f=64&t=1192&start=5320#p253561 September 12th
We will, I'm sure end up with a hard border in Ireland with all the problems that will bring. The only solution I can see is the faint hope that out Southern Irish friends decide to butt out of the EU as well. The more problematic solution would be to unify north and south inside the EU. Place fingers in ears.

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#65 Post by barkingmad » Wed Sep 16, 2020 7:12 pm

“Please explain what was wrong with voting against the bill, or abstaining?”

Maybe Article 38 had some material bearing on this Bill, which was therefore not needed in the first place.

And let us not forget Geoffrey Cox, he of the stentorian voice and theatrical posturing in the HoC, was one of the architects of the WA, so did he not read his own scripted utterance(s) before deciding to attract attention again as a dissenter?

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#66 Post by Boac » Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:55 pm

“Please explain what was wrong with voting against the bill, or abstaining?”
I don't see an answer.

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#67 Post by barkingmad » Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:06 am

Not quite chaos, but an example of how the plague is affecting a geographically similar country with roughly the same genetics but probably a lower proportion of BAME in the mix which might account for their figures;

At 2 weeks old, the vid has lots of easily understood graphs and a measured relaxed pace in the narrative which meant even this old fart was able to follow the drift.

I wonder if BoJo & Co are paying ANY attention to how other countries are faring and trying to work out a better strategy than the current reactive behaviour in England and devolved territories?

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#68 Post by barkingmad » Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:55 pm

For the benefit of those O-N members who are and have been far from the Oirish Sea, here is a short primer on one example of the madness of crowds which stubbornly refuses to go away.

No exam questions, no points being made but simply a history refresher which can be perused when the usual diet of Xmas TV begins to pall; ... s-britain/

But it is still a festering sore when it comes to the divorce of the UK from our “loyal friends” across the English Channel and why it has been such a boon to Barmyer and the Remoaners.

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#69 Post by barkingmad » Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:15 pm

Of which British ex-Prime Ministers does lovely Leo remind you;

1) John Major 2) Tony Bliar 3) Gordon Broon 4) David Cameroon 5) Theresa Maybot ?

Answers please on the usual grain of rice, including your best reasons as to why don’t these has-beens F O into the darkness and write their memoirs which no on will read, let alone buy?

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#70 Post by barkingmad » Fri Jan 15, 2021 8:11 pm

Isn’t it odd that this story, reported in the UK meeja, failed to raise any comment from our illustrious educated perceptive enquiring intelligent aware caring and sympathetic O-N members? ... 0?mode=amp

I clocked it the morning the report was aired but deliberately waited to see if and what response it would trigger with the forum members and answer came there none.

Of course some of our number devote an inordinate amount of effort sniping at myself, termed as “teasing” and “for fun”, but are apparently unable to drag their attention towards more important topics.

So here is what you missed and failed to pass any remark nor to initiate any ‘debate’ and all I can say is “shame on you”. The fact that RC organisations in Scotland and England have also been found guilty of serious abuse of the innocents, though possibly discussed elsewhere previously, implies a lack of concern to those unfortunates just across the Irish Sea.

The 9,000 deaths and associated mistreatment represents a form of 20th Century western European ‘holocaust’ which fails to stimulate any comment here.

These are horrific events which also have contributed to the decline of christianity in our formerly relatively religious societies on both islands and which seems to becoming supplanted with ‘alien’ faiths, some of them not necessarily religious as we recognise but are being pursued with similar zealotry.

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#71 Post by Boac » Fri Jan 15, 2021 8:21 pm

Have you just noticed?

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#72 Post by barkingmad » Sun Jul 11, 2021 10:07 am

A recent example of democracy in action, or inaction, in ROI.

Note in particular the behaviour of the alleged Gardai (Irish Police) 'sergeant" during this embarrassing episode;

I wonder if 'Sergeant Hugh' will be having a tea-no biscuits interview with his chief constable, though the Irish fuzz don't have a particularly good reputation for impartiality and probity.

Silly boy for taking on 2 well-informed females in a verbal sparring match, it could only end up badly.

P S, boac, yes, this one from 9th July I have only just noticed. Should I have clocked it sooner? :-w

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#73 Post by barkingmad » Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:12 pm

It appears that Ireland has gone completely barking mad, the worry is that Bunter might look across at the Emerald Isle and decide "that's a good idea"...

"In the Republic of Ireland as of July 26th, only those who have accepted two jabs are allowed to go inside the pub – that den of such life and good cheer that there is an Irish Pub to be found in the remotest corners of the globe.

On va à l’Irish? a French friend of mine used to say to his college mates, when they had a free afternoon in Poitiers.

Can this really be happening? Can the people of my native land really be refusing entry at pub doors to friends and neighbours who have not agreed to receive a particular medical treatment? I’ve been gone for over a decade – have things really changed that much?

What of the good-humoured scepticism that used to mitigate every piece of Irish officialdom? I know someone who lost his Irish passport while living and working illegally in the U.S., and who managed to have it replaced via a network of ex-patriots in the police and the passport office there. Years ago, I was stopped by the Gardai for exceeding the speed limit on a stretch of road approaching Cork city – “You were travelling quickly there, do you know that?” asked the garda. “God, I’m sorry,” I said. “Watch yourself next time, girl,” he said. That was it.

And what of the courage that used to lie beneath these soft to-and-fros of Irish life? As a baby, my grandmother had a gun held to her head by the Black and Tans, while they questioned her mother on the whereabouts of a local insurgent – she didn’t give them an answer, and her older daughter was later imprisoned in the Curragh for running messages between dissidents. When I was young, I saw a man whose fingertips had been cut off by the English. And on the walls of the Alamo, I read the names of tens of Irish who fought to free Texas as they have fought for versions of freedom in battles all over the world – the brother of my grandmother who survived the Black and Tans joined forces with the British Army in the Second World War.

The two have gone hand-in-hand – the courage and the craic, the friendliness and the fight. A verve for life and for people and for talk will tend to draw a person into whatever news is abroad and whatever struggle is afoot.

But now they’ve disappeared hand-in-hand, it looks like. Irish men and women sit well apart from other Irish men and women because their Government has ruled that they must or because they’re afraid of getting sick, or both.

The words of W B Yeats resound in my despondency: “Was it for this the wild geese spread? For this that all the blood was shed?”

Or in the words of Pink Floyd "Was It For This That Daddy Died?"

The full article is a warning to the rest of us in Europe, geographically and NOT politically, as to the very dark and dangerous road we now travel;

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Re: Chaos in Oireland.

#74 Post by barkingmad » Mon Aug 07, 2023 8:16 am

I have to assume that some Paddy, the worse for wear having wrapped himself around a “few points of Guinness”, staggered home and composed his own version of this story;

Unfortunately his proof-reading ability was somewhat impaired resulting in this novel scientific concept; ... SL1N39A1R3

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