The Great Economic Reset

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#101 Post by barkingmad » Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:00 pm

There now follows a party political broadcast from the Very Nasty Party, brought to you by Knobschwab Unlimited; ... d-in-2030/

Note the dates!?!?

And if you wish to know all about the wargames in the runup to the outbreak of the 'plague', here's some more homework, the event in October 2019 BC*

It's only Part 1 as I didn't want to frighten you.... :-o

* Before Covid19.

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#102 Post by barkingmad » Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:28 am

In Davos and other dark rabbit holes they're not just talking about how they will reorganise the World, they've already engineered the current Worldwide crisis via our good old friend, black gold;

So even long before bat and pangolin got it together in Wuhan the shortages we're now experiencing were being meticulously planned, pre-plandemic.

So now I understand why diesel road fuel is hovering around 25p/litre more than petrol in the UK, and there was me believing it was profiteering by the fuel retailers.

But I didn't realise chickenfeed was in short supply because of, you've guessed it, the war in Ukraine.

Of course before the EUssr stopped UK farmers from feeding food waste to their poultry and pig stocks due to some manufactured animal health crisis, we would have been less dependant on BigAgriManufacture for feeding our livestock and letting the pigs and chickens have the potato peelings and other leftovers.

But the idea of ramping up the ethanol output to keep the cornfield farmers onside before the election, despite the stupidity of increasing it's proportion in road fuel, sounds like an excellent electoral strategy. :-?

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#103 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:04 pm

I don't think this is pre-planned.
It doesn't need to be.
Never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

The factors which have led up to this food crisis are:
1) Centralisation of production and processing, by using regulation and large buying power to drive small businesses out of the market.
This is happening in every market, not just food, and has been going on for 200 years.
2) Climate politics forcing fuel and energy supply and cost problems to increase rapidly. It's the gas price rise that affects fertilizer.
3) Corporations and party politics ensuring that politicians are basically corrupt incompetents, and in turn them appointing Yes people as their "experts".
This both ensures more frequent crises, and the lack of ability to deal with them, AND the cost of trying.
We have now reached the point where crises do not need to be manufactured - the incompetent reactions to one causes the next.

The root cause of the problem is the average Joe voting for mainstream parties, no matter how incompetent they all are, rather than being prepared to vote for independents.
The solution is to relocate beyond the reach of government, with neighbours who also avoid government, and where all basic foodstuffs can be produced locally.
Beyond the reach of government, as it becomes more inefficient, is actually getting easier.

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#104 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:36 pm

Canada is, on average, the most educated country in the world.

As reported today, child literacy in New Brunswick, measured at age 8, has dropped from 83.6% to 59.9% in the last 12 years.
Nobody is disputing the numbers, just the causes and the solutions.

I'm near there. I can state from what the kids tell me that schools here routinely have 25% of senior school pupils absent from lessons. They turn up to morning registration, then disappear. Nobody cares. This is nothing new. There's a scene showing it in Michael Moore's 'Bowling for Columbine'. What's interesting is that the kids who bunk off are generally the clever ones. They work on their own at home, and still pass their exams.
However, the seven year olds can't teach themselves to read, and neither can the teachers now.

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#105 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:25 pm

Growing season in the Northern hemisphere now over.
Most US crops with low amounts of high quality yield. Overall effect is lower US yields than 2021, except Wheat is slightly better.
Effect on prices is that inflation continues. Not good.
Won't make much difference in the developed world, but elsewhere is looking bad for this winter.
21_International wheat prices_II.png
More here ... c/1618282/

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#106 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:55 pm

US 2s10s
yield curve steepening bofa.jpg
yield curve steepening bofa.jpg (24.5 KiB) Viewed 3002 times
For those who don't know, this is the difference between the 10 year and 2 year US Treasury yields.
Negative means the 10 year offers a lower yield than the 2 year.
This would seem to indicate a recession starting sometime in the next year, mostly likely 6 months.
It's the preferred leading indicator for the New York Fed. Their reasoning is here: ... kets/ycfaq#/

Arguably, some sectors of the economy have already been in recession for 6 months.

A significant factor now is China going back into lockdown. Whilst international sea container shipping costs have dropped back down to around 2019 levels from the 4x increase they had during Covid, a lack of supply from China coupled with increased domestic shipping rates (cost of workers, vehicles, and fuel) is likely to slow any reduction in prices. In addition, as I have seen locally, many firms are now going back to having local storage space. Just-In-Time is dead. The need for storage spaces also increases costs for businesses, as will staffing them.
Then you can chuck in the cost of energy increasing significantly. This is a structural problem owing to green policies creating both energy supply instability as well as rising fossil fuel prices. Doesn't matter what your opinion of green policies is, this is an unavoidable consequence of them.

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#107 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:52 pm

It's quite interesting watching all of governments' attempts to avoid blame and divert funds to their mates now causing their own ruin.
Whilst these shenanigans work with individual cock-ups and in stable (not necessarily good, but stable) economic conditions, in these times of multiple crises they are actually accelerating the rate of collapse.
In some cases they are the sole cause of the problem.
All of the examples are from my region of Canada, but are applicable worldwide.

Can't get doctors
1. Two extra quangos, filled with sinecure jobs for political friends, cause delays in recruiting which has doctors going elsewhere. The situation is so bad that the two quangos have just been scrapped completely.
2. Newly appointed doctor can't find either accommodation, or childcare, not one place anywhere. Goes elsewhere.
The government is pushing low cost child care for users, but they have tied getting the subsidies to being "government approved" childcare. The paperwork and conditions for this are so onerous that most have decided to remain non-government approved. So, cheap places if you can find one, but you can't. The building regulations are grandfathered. Government insists on a new owner upgrading facilities. Thus, existing businesses can't be sold on, and close when the owner retires.
The Government extortion racket of 'Do it our way or we shut you down' now has people saying "I quit".

Can't get medical care
This is all medical staff, not just doctors. Emergency room staffing is so poor that people are dying in the waiting rooms. Government can't fix it because they don't run healthcare, a company does. The company is meeting all its government regulations and making a profit, so there's nothing the government can do. They can't sack the company because there's no one in government who can take over. The Premier has sacked the Health Minister, but the new one is as powerless as the last. And people are still dying.
And now they are dying before they even get to hospital, because an ambulance might take 4 hours to arrive. Earlier this year, every single ambulance in my area (11) was sitting outside the emergency department with patients in, because the beds in emergency were full of people who could be moved into the main hospital, except there were no empty, staffed beds in the hospital. And there were beds, but no staff. And there were patients in the hospital beds who could have been moved to long term care, or assisted home living, except there are no staff for either of those. And, of course, the government now doesn't run any of these places themselves. So, they can't fix it.
They can't even ship in temporary foreign workers. There's no accommodation that they can afford either, even sleeping 15 to a house, and the cost of living is too high.

There are similar problems with policing.

You would not want my opinion of the military, should the nation actually come under threat.

And the basis of government is that it guards one's health and security. Currently, it is failing at a personally noticeable level.

The media have of course been largely avoiding reporting the problems, and where they do report they ceased digging out the details of government failures about 7-8 years ago.
It does not matter. Many now have personal experiences of these failures, and most of the rest have heard about them word-of-mouth.

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#108 Post by 1DC » Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:53 pm

Went on line to book a Doctor appointment yesterday to find no availability until December 23rd and no ability to book after December 23rd!! To get an appointment at our practice you telephone, it used to start at 0830 and you had about 30 minutes to get in but you could book a few appointments up to two weeks in advance on line. Now apparently the booking line opens at midnight and is all booked by 0800. Apparently, progress..THe local hospital is overloaded with people who should be seeing their GP..

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#109 Post by llondel » Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:57 pm

Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:52 pm
The Government extortion racket of 'Do it our way or we shut you down' now has people saying "I quit".
By all accounts it's not just the government(s) discovering this. Elon Musk has personal experience of it too, and in the US people seem to be more ready to walk away from bad workplaces than pre-pandemic. It will be interesting to see what happens when the employment pendulum swings the other way and there are more workers than available jobs. If we're lucky, all the bad jobs will have gone by then.

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#110 Post by PHXPhlyer » Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:00 pm

llondel wrote:
Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:57 pm
Fox3WheresMyBanana wrote:
Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:52 pm
The Government extortion racket of 'Do it our way or we shut you down' now has people saying "I quit".
By all accounts it's not just the government(s) discovering this. Elon Musk has personal experience of it too, and in the US people seem to be more ready to walk away from bad workplaces than pre-pandemic. It will be interesting to see what happens when the employment pendulum swings the other way and there are more workers than available jobs. If we're lucky, all the bad jobs will have gone by then.
Unfortunately, most employers are trying to get the most out of their employees for the least outlay.
This includes outsourcing to India, The Philippines, etc.
I think that the employment pendulum may not be swinging all that well for a good while.


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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#111 Post by llondel » Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:23 pm

PHXPhlyer wrote:
Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:00 pm
Unfortunately, most employers are trying to get the most out of their employees for the least outlay.
This includes outsourcing to India, The Philippines, etc.
I think that the employment pendulum may not be swinging all that well for a good while.
It's a very short-term strategy. These places will end up with a load of people skilled in the manufacturing and assembly stuff, and they're learning all the time about the design side of things, helped by all that helpful documentation provided to the factories. Ultimately the US and Europe will end up without the necessary skills because the knowledge will have been transferred elsewhere. Today's money men are fine, but tomorrow's may curse them, along with everyone else as the seat of power moves across the world.

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#112 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:41 pm

I'm not convinced at all that they are learning about the design side.
Their education systems are based on rote learning of answers and cheating.
They are generally too poor to have most of these things in their own home.
They are rewarded for reducing costs, and working too hard to think for any extended period of time.

The quality and good design of their products are decreasing with time, not increasing.

That's my first hand experience, for what it's worth.

The world as a whole is rapidly losing engineering skill.
Sure, there are some top level people making magical stuff
But the general standard of the lower level guys, the production and construction engineers, the guys who just passed their degrees, is decreasing.

Even as kids, the future engineers are not learning. They can't help an adult fix or maintain stuff because so much is now not fixable

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#113 Post by llondel » Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:43 pm

They might not be learning the design side, but I reckon that offshoring manufacturing will significantly reduce the time before a cheap competitor appears because they've taken your design and tweaked it slightly so it doesn't look too similar. Except when there's a part number etched into the PCB copper that gives away where they got the design from... Or their software is identical to yours except where someone's used a basic editor to change some of the strings to their company name instead of yours.

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#114 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:46 pm

This is the way the Chinese operate.
The government lets any company steal any western designs they like, and tweak it, but grants a two year period before any other Chinese company can copy them.
The chances of a western company suing a Chinese one is 6/10 of 5/8 of f-all.

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#115 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:15 am

Tomorrow, supermarkets here have almost all their Christmas stuff on 40%-50% discount.
Looks like people are out of money!

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#116 Post by barkingmad » Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:42 am

It’s time we gave a chance to “Mr Penis” to tell us all, in his own words, just how he got to his current position having started life in unbelievable deprivation and poverty and lack of privilege; ... 1971..html

Though I must confess listening to his acolyte Yuval Noah Harari has me reaching for the sickbag!

But is that the sound of a guillotine blade descending which regularly punctuates the audio? :-?

And these are the folks teaming up with the WHO to RULE the World when the next Gates funded plandemic surprises us all! ~X( X(

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#117 Post by Boac » Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:39 am

It seems to me that so much is adrift in the way most of the world is being 'run', in terms of freedom of speech/censorship, economies, government, etc etc, that perhaps we do need a big 'reset'. Has Herr Schwab got a point?

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#118 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:04 am

Herr Schwab has 5 points ;)))
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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#119 Post by Boac » Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:12 am

Who would you nominate?

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Re: The Great Economic Reset

#120 Post by barkingmad » Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:16 pm

Has The Great Economic Reset Started whilst we've been staring the other way?

As they said before 9/11, "the lights on the dashboard were blinking red" and nobody noticed; ... rp&mrefc=8

There seems to be a lot of noise and it has been noisy for some time, especially since the 'plague' provided an excellent distraction as well as financially screwing so many economies... :-? :-o

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