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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6061 Post by admin2 » Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:33 pm

Flyboy - as you know from previous contact I do try to look at all material posted on the site - I see that as my 'remit' for want of a better word. You mentioned the video in your last post. I had watched with mounting concern the 'rumble' video you posted on 15/1 with 'Dr Martin'. It should be borne in mind that the video is around 12 months old.

Now, I am sitting in a 'personal' position where I try to take a reasoned view of everything, not least the Covid issue. The content of the video was extremely concerning - allegations of 'mass murder' and trying to kill millions of people in the world, American links with China to 'introduce' the Covid virus for commercial or other gains, all being conducted by mostly un-named people. I therefore asked myself where is the 'proof' of all this? The good 'Dr' assured me that he had copious copies of emails and letters, waved in front of the camera, none of which were actually readable, to support his allegations, and he told me that 'they' were acting in concert to suppress the information, suppressing the MSM and other sources.

I was directed to the 'Doctors' website for more. I was sure that such momentous 'facts' would be blazoned across his website, especially 12 months on with no further exposure of the deeds. No. Nothing. No 'headline' shock/horror. Surely after 12 months the issue has not gone away?

So - has he been 'silenced' as he claimed others have - the whole of the MSM allegedly silenced by highly placed American officials? He informed me that George Bush was involved when he was president and that an un-named close 'advisor' was implicated in this. Who? No name. Apparently seen sitting 'with' the president. Who, Flyboy?

Don't be afraid to post the information - I will not hold it back, and if I am 'pressured' by 'anyone' to withdraw it I will let you know. Presumably you yourself are 'convinced'. What facts have you established to 'convince' you - please share them, not by posting more videos, but with what you have discovered to be true?

This is alarming stuff - setting out to kill or maim a large part of the population of the world should focus minds. It would certainly focus mine, and, I believe, all our members.

If you are going to publish this stuff, give us the facts. We really should know. This is too important to ignore and needs substantiating.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6062 Post by barkingmad » Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:27 pm

Admin2 sez:- - -"I was directed to the 'Doctors' website for more. I was sure that such momentous 'facts' would be blazoned across his website, especially 12 months on with no further exposure of the deeds. No. Nothing. No 'headline' shock/horror. Surely after 12 months the issue has not gone away? "

And pray what happens after anything which questions "the narrative" is posted here?

Mostly it gets immediately spammed with trivial comments not worth perusing instead of some mature discussion and now you finally question the validity of the Dr Martin video?

You obviously have not bothered to verify Dr Martins patents evidence in the "Manufactured Illusion" video I posted some time ago, maybe because the US patents office records are easily verifiable...

Understandably as UK moderator of this site you are nervous about being held responsible for so-called "anti-vaxx" material being displayed, especially without serious questioning from the site.

Well if the standard of discussion about potential or actual 'stab' damages remains at its current level, then we're going nowhere.

I have led the challenge to the official story for nearly 3 years and I have already explained why I'm so concerned, especially for the innocent offspring known to those O-N members who might just alter their decisions over this inadequately tested experimental mRNA injection, never previously successful in animal trials but which has merrily been rolled out into the human population in contravention to the Nuremberg protocols.

What the dissenters on this forum discover "to be true' is usually a distillation of the numerous written, audio and video material which us 'nutters' have stumbled across and consider merit viewing by O-N members, in the hope of mature discussion, instead of the far too often facetious postings by the well-known immediate 'followers' of such posts.

If you, Admin2, are a real person and not a robot, have not yet connected the dots 'twixt the 'plague', its dubious and still 'unknown' origins, the rantings of Knobschwab and Harari, the suspicious deliberate fudging of 'plague' deaths by the main western guvvments, the PCR test rock upon which the 'plague' was built since turned to sand, the well publicised reverse ferrets by Fauci regarding mask wearing and PCR cycles, the plain lying by Ferguson which even frightened the US into lockdowns, the masking fearmongering pantomime, the officially acknowledged Project Fear Mk1 by the UK Behavioural Insights Team, the pictures of World leaders poncing around wearing masks then removing same when they thought they were not being filmed, the indecent speed (of science?) with which the 'stabs' were developed, tested, distributed within months instead of 10-12 years of safety procedures and animal testing, the destruction of small businesses by lockdown and other unnecessary measures which plays directly into the coffers of global business, the 'plague' passports and surveillance designed purely for control purposes and which have sod all to do with medical precautions, the horrendous tally of deaths and serious adverse events acknowledged to be 1-10% of the actual figures, the lack of post-mortem examinations of the many deaths from the 'plague', the relentless push to get everybody in the World 'stabbed' so there is no control group left alive to disprove the fiction, the censoring and firing from their professions the many doctors, scientists, nurses and other real people who dare to question the 'narrative', the Trusted News Initiative from those known to have received funds from Gates et al, the 86% funding of the UK Medicines and Health Regulation Authority and the equally suspicious funding of the US CDC, FDA, and General Practice by BigPharma, the record of massive fines of the same BigPharma companies who can shell out billions which are a mere fraction of their profits, the mysterious deaths of some well-known figures who have publicly challenged those same firms-then I despair. ~X(

That's enough for the moment, though not all, but I will leave it there for you and others to do their long overdue homework.

I did start the thread "Safe and Effective" to try to channel informed discussion of the vexed topic of the 'stabs', but you decided to place my attempt into Coronabollocks for unexplained reason(s).

I ask once again you reinstate that thread thread and for you to caution all O-N members against deliberate sabotage of the discussion of an extremely dangerous problem facing us all, and the next generation, and against treating the topic of death or horrendous injuries as some sort of jolly joke.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6063 Post by OFSO » Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:15 am

You have indeed done a sterling and much-needed service in presenting a counter-view of the pandemic situation, but do you not feel, after three years, that nobody is interested and you are now blowing desperately st the embers of a dead fire?

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6064 Post by admin2 » Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:44 am

I ask once again you reinstate that thread thread
The expression 'spread round like a mad woman's excrement on a blanket' would fit your posting history on O-N. Any value you might attempt to display is lost in the 'Peter and the wolf' cries of "It's the wolf, the wolf" about just about everything, including Covid, so, in order to control your wild throwing around ANYTHING that smacks of Vaccine deception/lies/murder by Fauci or other unnamed people goes here and here alone. The ?few? that wish to follow your posts know to look here and not search all over the site. Likewise your rants about all other plots and crimes for any other topic will be placed in their correct thread.
And pray what happens after anything which questions "the narrative" is posted here?

Mostly it gets immediately spammed with trivial comments not worth perusing instead of some mature discussion and now you finally question the validity of the Dr Martin video?
But, my dear anxious one, it is not removed, is it? Yes, I await some verifiable evidence of the claims of mass genocide in that video. It is a very important issue that needs to be explored, but properly.
You obviously have not bothered to verify Dr Martins patents evidence in the "Manufactured Illusion" video I posted some time ago, maybe because the US patents office records are easily verifiable...
Indeed, whilst, as I explained to Flyboy, I try to look at everything, I do NOT have the time or inclination to dart down every one of your rabbit holes. Copy and paste the proof with a verifiable link by all means.
Understandably as UK moderator of this site you are nervous about being held responsible for so-called "anti-vaxx" material being displayed, especially without serious questioning from the site.
No, I am concerned that unproven, and possibly damaging material about ANYTHING is spread. We need confirmable proof of the accusations made in the video.

So - name the 'evil killers' hinted at in the Martin video. Remember you will be posting on a public forum, so naturally if anyone contacts me to legally challenge anything I will have to disclose that poster's information if required. 'Tis the law. Be prepared to "put up or shut up".

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6065 Post by flyboy22 » Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:00 pm

Admin, whilst I respect your points about ‘….possibly damaging material about ANYTHING is spread’ and requiring ‘confirmable proof’, I would like to ask how it is that anyone/everyone here (and on the MSM) is at total liberty to publish or utter anything the government or gov-paid ‘scientists’ say or print, without apparently the slightest bit of evidence to back their statements up.

It seems that the ‘government narrative’ is that which must be totally accepted as the ‘truth’, without any shred of real-world evidence required. And any dissenting or contradictory voices must be held to the highest standards of evidence before they are even considered as possible to be true.

The reason I bring this up is because of what we have all experienced during the last two to three years. Most if not all people around the world, sat in front of their TVs every night waiting for their respective governments and gov-paid ‘scientists’ to tell them the ‘truth’. To tell them what the latest mandate was, the latest ‘death’ toll and the next lockdown requirements. At the same time, all those people were deliberately inundated with literally scaremongering adverts (professionally) designed to frighten them into ‘submission’, and thus cajole them to follow every ridiculous mandate. ‘Mandates’ that the elite and members of the government knew were totally unnecessary, and indeed did not ever intend to follow themselves. We have all seen the evidence of this, all around the world. Where the elites and various politicians are hugging, air-kissing, shaking hands, no masks, no social distancing etc etc. And they were happy to do that because they know the truth. The truth that many honest highly qualified professionals have been trying to tell us for nearly 3 years.

Professionals who know that the last 2-3 years have been a series of lies from our governments and government-paid ‘scientists’. How do they know? Because they’ve seen the evidence with their own eyes. Yet, what happens when they try to tell people around the world? They are accused of being ‘conspiracy theorists’, liars, purveyors of ‘misinformation’. They are smeared, their reputations ruined, their licences and jobs threatened, And who does that? The very governments, authorities, MSM broadcasters and journalists who have been lying to us for the last 2-3 years. I honestly cannot understand why this is (by now) not soooo obvious to the majority of people.

Anyway…the point I’m making is that when a video or document is posted on here, and it has come from a reputable source, I.e. a source that is known to be reliable (even if now vilified by those I mention above), why is that video/document not accepted as true in the same way the ‘narrative’ seems to be accepted (automatically) as true, even though we know much of it is was lies. I.e. almost everything Ferguson has ever uttered, the graphs/charts produced by Whitty and Co. we were shown on nightly BBC broadcasts, the ‘reasons’ for the ‘mandates’…the list goes on.

We never used to automatically trust what politicians said. They generally have ulterior motives when they speak. But we would generally trust renowned, published, highly qualified physicians like Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Peter McCullough, and many others, because their only motivation is to help people and save lives. But now it seems that has been turned upside down. People almost ridiculously trust everything that comes from gov and gov-paid ‘scientists’, and automatically disbelieve everything that reputable, highly qualified, published, physicians say, when it contradicts ‘the narrative’. Ask yourself why.

It’s called ‘Mass formation psychosis’. Please see the video below in which Dr Mattias Desmet (one of the world’s leading experts) explains how it works. It’s a longish video. There are other shorter versions if you would prefer. Also on YouTube. Just type in his name.

And perhaps even more important is his video about how to prevent this happening again…please see below…

So…when a link to a video is posted here, it is done so with the understanding that the person in that video is reputable, professional, honest, and has carried out the necessary due diligence before publishing the video. In other words he has done all the work required before publication. And there is no reason to distrust what the video contains, unless evidence can be found to disprove it. And a so-called ‘fact-checker’ who ‘smears’, ridicules, or attacks the person, is not ‘evidence’ which disproves it. It is merely another paid ‘troll’, attempting to vilify the person telling the truth.

So when I’m asked to provide ‘the evidence’. I don’t understand the point. The person in the video, provides the evidence, and thankfully makes it public. And if it is not to be believed, why not? Why would any of these eminently qualified and published, professionals put their careers and reputations on the line, and risk being taken to court, by publishing lies? They have no reason to put everything they’ve worked for at risk, other than to help people understand the truth. And as I’ve stated before, many of these highly-regarded people have lost almost everything, because they could not just stand by and watch innocent people being hurt. What has it come to, that there are still those who are unable see this.

As Mark Twain is reputed to have said, “Its easier to fool people than convince them they’ve been fooled.”

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6066 Post by prospector » Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:15 pm

Very good post Covers a lot of what has been splashed on here.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6067 Post by OFSO » Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:03 am

Why do people give precedence to media reports over what they see going on around them locally? For three years I posted here (and was derided for it by some) my own feelings about the severity of covid based on what I saw happening amongst family, friends and my pensioners. Sometimes there was such a difference between what I saw on the TV news and my own experiences that I felt we were living in a parallel universe. Not a mention today, of yesterday's stupidities such as cafés only allowing customers to drink coffee sitting down until 09:30, and after that they had to drink standing up. Or not being allowed to have their wife in the car seat next to them after spending the night in a double bed. All forgotten and swept away by time. Am I the only one that remembers when Madness swept the World...

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6068 Post by admin2 » Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:20 pm

flyboy wrote:So when I’m asked to provide ‘the evidence’. I don’t understand the point. The person in the video, provides the evidence, and thankfully makes it public.
The point is, Sir, I saw nothing in either video (skimmed through No1 due length!) to offer any 'evidence' - just words. Could you give me the time in No 1 video where he produced the 'proof'? That will help me.

As I requested before, post the names of those who are committing the alleged 'mass murder'. I note they are not 'mentioned' in the video. That is a fairly serious accusation to make. Post them here.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6069 Post by prospector » Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:04 pm

You do not have to look very hard to find names of people who are more motivated by greed than the welfare of their customers. ... d-present/


"In a November 9, 2021, interview with Atlantic Council CEO Frederick Kempe, Pfizer chairman and CEO Albert Bourla claimed “a small part of professionals” intentionally circulate “misinformation … so that they will mislead those that have concerns.” Such medical professionals are not just bad people, Bourla said, “they’re criminals, because they have literally cost millions of lives”
The criminals’ playbook includes the dictum to always blame the other side for what they themselves are guilty of
Pfizer has a long history of criminal activity. The company has been sued in multiple venues over unethical drug testing, illegal marketing practices, bribery in multiple countries, environmental violations — including illegal dumping of PCBs and other toxic waste — labor and worker safety violations and more. It’s also been criticized for price gouging that threatens the lives of patients with chronic diseases such as epilepsy
Between 2002 and 2010, Pfizer was fined $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards, including a $2.3 billion fine in 2009, the then-largest health care fraud fine in American history. In 2011, Pfizer paid $14.5 million to settle charges of illegal marketing, and in 2014 they settled charges relating to unlawful marketing of the kidney transplant drug Rapamune to the tune of $35 million. None of it deterred future bad behavior
According to a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID jab trial in the fall of 2020, data were falsified, patients were unblinded and follow-up on reported side effects lagged way behind"

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Re: Yellow Card For Safe and Effective...

#6070 Post by barkingmad » Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:11 am

Read, digest, then regurgitate whatever was your last meal; ... mediately/

Of course some here will refuse to accept this as evidence, so we must show them some empathy in their incurable mass formation condition...

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6071 Post by OFSO » Thu Jan 19, 2023 11:25 am

One professor of evolutionary biology, unqualified in statistics or virology, expressing an opinion. Worth reading, yes. Believing, no.

I'll still be getting my booster shots this Spring.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6072 Post by prospector » Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:38 am

If there was only one professor of any sort of biology/virology sounding the alarm perhaps one would have some doubt as to its veracity. But there are many virologists around the world sounding alarms about this so called vaccine based on MRNA technology. But of course if it was up to each individual to decide whether to take the risk that would be fair enough. But when it is made mandatory or you lose your job, pension, etc that decision made by some senile politician then this so called democratic system is sadly lacking.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6073 Post by prospector » Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:53 pm ... aign=Email

"Bourla claimed in 2021 that his product was “100% effective in preventing Covid-19 cases,” despite Pfizer never testing whether it would stop transmission or not. However, Pfizer was not required to prove whether its shot stopped transmission in order to secure emergency approval in the US and EU, while some studies showed that it reduced transmission of early Covid-19 variants.

India refused to grant any vaccine manufacturer protection from claims linked to vaccine side effects, with government sources arguing that accepting the indemnity clause would leave the government itself, rather than the manufacturer, liable in the event of lawsuits. Accordingly, Pfizer and Moderna both refused to ship their mRNA-based shots to India.

CDC must investigate deadly vaccine side effects – lawmaker
Read more CDC must investigate deadly vaccine side effects – lawmaker
India initially approved a locally-manufactured variant of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, another domestically-manufactured shot called Covaxin, and Russia’s Sputnik V. Moderna’s product was eventually given approval, as was Johnson & Johnson’s and a number of other locally-made vaccines.

Pfizer enjoys indemnity in the US under a series of pro-industry laws, and in the EU under confidential contracts signed by the pharma company and member states. The UK also granted Pfizer protection from legal action, changing the law to shield both the firm and healthcare staff administering the jab.

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced last week that it would investigate a potential link between Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine and strokes among elderly people, but insisted it “is very unlikely” that there is a “true clinical risk.” Pfizer’s shot has also been linked to an increased risk of cardiac arrest, particularly in young males"

100% effective?? It is most unlikely even the most ardent admirer of these so called vaccines would agree with that.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6074 Post by flyboy22 » Fri Jan 20, 2023 11:30 pm

Excellent posts ‘Prospector’, further confirming what we (those who have carried out research, and not just listened to MSM, politicians & gov-paid ‘scientists’) have learnt over the last nearly 3 years.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6075 Post by Mrs Ex-Ascot » Sat Jan 21, 2023 6:32 pm

Any one know if Astra Zeneca or J+J jabs are still being produced? All we seem to hear about is Pfitzer and Moderna these days.
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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6076 Post by G-CPTN » Sat Jan 21, 2023 6:42 pm

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6077 Post by Boac » Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:16 pm

Astra Zeneca
No chance, Mrs Ex-A. Priced too cheaply to make it an attractive 'deal' for profiteers, I'm afraid. I cannot see them putting any more money into researching on new Covid vaccines with very small returns. Sad, but well done to them.

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6078 Post by Boac » Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:31 am

So, recently, (post Covid), a raised level of heart damage (mainly myocarditis) has been noted in pilots. Why is not known as far as I am aware.

To be considered - from the British Heart Foundation:

"A study led by researchers at the BHF Cardiovascular Research Centre at the University of Glasgow, published in May 2022, found that 1 in 8 people who were hospitalised with Covid-19 were later diagnosed with myocarditis. The study also showed that in addition to heart inflammation, severe Covid can cause inflammation across the body and damage to the kidneys.

The research, which followed 159 people who were hospitalised between May 2020 and March 2021, found that the risk of myocarditis was much higher in those who were severely ill (needing a ventilator or treatment in intensive care).

Almost all of the patients involved in this study were unvaccinated, which means they were already at a higher risk of severe illness from Covid-19. This research was carried out before the Omicron variant was detected in the UK, and we know that generally people who catch this variant experience milder symptoms."

I read this to say there is no definitive proof that the vaccine worsens the occurrence of myocarditis but that Covid itself can cause it? It is all part of the 'risk/benefit' analysis sensible people make. Note the high incidence in unvaccinated people.

It will be very interesting to see how the 'DNI' directive and the detail

"FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved less than 12 months ago.
The FAA generally requires at least one-year of post-marketing experience with a new drug before consideration for aeromedical certification purposes. This observation period allows time for uncommon, but aeromedically significant, adverse effects to manifest themselves. Contact either your Regional Flight Surgeon or AMCD for guidance on specific applicants or to request consideration for a particular medication."

will apply to the 'Emergency use authorisation' for vaccines. I assume the '12 months' has expired, or will there be a mass of failed FAA medicals as new Covid variant vaccines appears? What is the CAA position?

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Re: Safe and Effective...Maybe....

#6079 Post by barkingmad » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:07 pm

The stench of male cattle manure continues to pervade the nostrils, even if they're blocked by a knobswab! :))

Now they're fighting over who to blame as the reckoning draws closer; ... -minister/

"MHRA then saw adverse event reporting starting to reveal serious safety issues in the U.K. and around the world. First, myocarditis and blood clots, in March 2021, a few weeks* after approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine (now effectively withdrawn) and later other heart issues, neurological problems and immunosuppression with Pfizer and Moderna".

But of course as we all know, the MHRA is squeaky-clean, above board and not subject to ANY influence by the folks whom it is supposed to be "regulating";

"Freedom of Information request on whether the MHRA receives funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (FOI 21-624)
We do receive funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as other sources outside government such as WHO. This funding mainly supports work to strengthen regulatory systems in other countries.
The majority of our income comes from the pharmaceutical industry through fees.
The current level of grant funding received from the Gates Foundation amounts to approximately $3m. This covers a number of projects and the funding is spread across 3-4 financial years".

Below is the full helping of manure and I trust it will count towards 'evidence' for some of our more stubborn sceptical members? ... foi-21-624

But isn't it a massive relief to know that the decision was taken by a guvvment Minister, and not one of those dreadfully corrupt folks in white coats, some of them even sporting stethoscopes?! :-o

* F A O UK CAA, you were aware of this of course, weren't you, that's why you allowed aircrew to be FORCED to take an untrialled drug? ! ? X(

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Re: Coronabollocks..

#6080 Post by Boac » Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:46 pm

"MHRA then saw adverse event reporting starting to reveal serious safety issues in the U.K. and around the world. First, myocarditis and blood clots, in March 2021, a few weeks* after approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine (now effectively withdrawn) and later other heart issues, neurological problems and immunosuppression with Pfizer and Moderna".
You overlook, I think, that reporting of adverse effects of vaccination could only start when vaccination began?
But for the Covid vaccines, MHRA is saying that the Secretary of State personally took all the decisions.
This makes the need for a proper enquiry even greater.

Any theories on what could have caused the reported "1 in 8" myocarditis events in the largely unvaccinated people? What are the figures for the ratio now-a-days, post vaccination?

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