Chaos in Spain

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#561 Post by OFSO » Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:12 am

Spanish football: President Rubiales collective escapades drew Spain’s – and then the world’s – attention to the numerous scandals, allegations of corruption, collusion, orgies and misuse of funds which Rubiales seems to have inherited directly from his Andalucian forebears.

Motril-native Rubiales descends from a long line of Andalucians who seem to think that one only goes into politics to enrich themselves and abuse the power bestowed upon them.

That they, along with their buddies and confederates in the public institutions of power, will enjoy impunity because none of them will ever hold the other to account.

Luis Rubiales’ father, Manuel Rubiales, is a former mayor of Motril who was caught up in Andalucia’s dreadful ERE scandal in 2020. The long-running corruption case saw nearly €1 billion siphoned off by public officials in one of Spain’s poorest regions.

Over €25,000 per month spaffed on cocaine, €400,000 for a fake chicken farm and thousands on bottomless gin and tonics between 2001 and 2009 in a vast pile of money from Madrid dubbed the ‘reptile fund’ by those in the know.

Just like his son, Rubiales Senior ended up being disqualified from his position of power and still has a trial pending which could see him behind bars for three years.

Antonio Fernandez jailed in the ERE scandal
Antonio Fernandez was jailed in the ERE scandal in which Manuel Rubiales was implicated in

Meanwhile, the mother, Angeles Bejar – who presumably lived very well from her husband’s career – went on a pitiful three-day hunger strike because she could not conceive that her son might have done wrong.

She implored Hermoso to ‘tell the truth’. Bejar presumably knew what the ‘truth’ was because her golden boy – the baby of the family – told her.

Impossible for mother Bejar that her son could have been lying, or twisting the facts. Unthinkable, clearly. She believed it as gospel and then embarrassed herself in front of the world.

All this sense of impunity and entitlement underpins the endemic corruption that curses Andalucia and it is clearly passed down through the generations.

Rubiales Senior rubbed shoulders with the 21 senior Junta officials implicated in the scandal, and young Luis would have seen that conduct, been brought up surrounded in it and finally emulated it when he came of age.

Which is why it’s so important that we take a stand now, and show these people that their behaviour will no longer be tolerated.

Spain demands and deserves a better class of politician.

EXPLAINER: How €680 million of Junta de Andalucia cash was embezzled in ERE scandal, Spain’s biggest EVER public money corruption case
Prosecutors at Spain’s national High Court formalise criminal case against Luis Rubiales over unsolicited kiss
Jenni Hermoso files official complaint with the courts against Luis Rubiales over ‘non-consensual’ kiss.


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Re: Chaos in Spain

#562 Post by Woody » Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:22 am

A billion Euros, a mere drop in the ocean compared to Track and Trace, PPE, HS2 etc
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Re: Chaos in Spain

#563 Post by OFSO » Mon Sep 11, 2023 3:45 pm

Because he is an absolute heap of *****, in his resignation statement Rubiales expressed neither remorse nor contrition for the kiss or its fallout, but rather copped a stance of victimhood and heroic self-sacrifice, citing the "persecution" and "falsehoods" he and his family have suffered and expressing a belief that "on the street, more and more each day, the truth is prevailing." He framed his choice to resign—from the RFEF as well as from his vice-presidency at UEFA, soccer's governing body in Europe—as a matter of protecting a joint bid by Spain, Portugal, Morocco, and (of all places) Ukraine to host the2030 World Cup. It comes to the same thing, however he rationalizes it: The RFEF will have a new president, and Rubiales will have to find a new job to be bad at.

"Soccer" Today.

Rubiales also taped a video interview with great big English turd-man Piers Morgan, voicing his resignation and recapitulating all the ***** about it being an act of noble selflessness done on behalf of his loved ones and the 2030 World Cup bid. I recommend watching it, if only for the amazing moment of As a father of daughters, beloved of at least two women commiseration these two gigantic shitheads share at the outset:

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#564 Post by Boac » Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:11 pm

I have watched the alleged 'offence' many times and I cannot see the problem. There is no way she fought off the kiss - she even hugged him. The whole thing is a gross over-doing of 'me too-ery'.

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#565 Post by OFSO » Tue Sep 12, 2023 5:42 am

Enthusiastic kissing is a feature of life in Spain.

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#566 Post by OFSO » Wed Sep 27, 2023 4:05 pm

So...... Neither political party obtained a majority in the last election. The King, for reasons unknown, invited party leader and no-hoper Fijoo to form a government. He's asked for a two-day debate in Parliament to put forward his candidature. I assess his chances as less than one in a hundred.
Next the King will have to ask the other party leader, Sanchez, to form a government. Sanchez can only get a majority if he offers an amnesty to the convicted Catalan leaders, and if he does, all his other supporters will leave him.
New elections next year and I'm betting that the results will be much the same.

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#567 Post by OFSO » Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:27 pm

As I predicted, the party leader with the funny name, Fijoo, came nowhere in the Spanish government debate today despite being the King's favourite to form a new government, being allied with the fascist Vox party (which cost him votes).
The King will now grit his teeth and summon the socialist leader Sanchez and ask him to form a government. Sanchez, who in July said he would make no concessions to Catalan separatists, now must make concessions to Catalan seperatists to obtain their support. Still, when was being a turncoat ever a deterrent to a successful politician? The comedy continues....

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#568 Post by OFSO » Thu Nov 09, 2023 3:23 pm

Sanchez has won an agreement with the Catalan separatists to pardon hundreds in exchange for putting him into Parliament. Despite the fact that I am pro-Catalan and support a Catalan separate state, I really have to ask myself: has there ever before been a situation (excluding the USA of course) where so many people who committed unlawful acts were pardoned in exchange for their political support ? No wonder there is rioting in Madrid. Organised by opposing parties VOX and the PP.

PS Failed attempt to assassinate a Catalan politician today, in Madrid. Shot in the face by a motorcyclist, in hospital in stable condition.

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#569 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Thu Nov 09, 2023 3:49 pm

I really have to ask myself: has there ever before been a situation (excluding the USA of course) where so many people who committed unlawful acts were pardoned in exchange for their political support ?
Um, this happens with every minority which block-votes in every country. It's just that they usually don't have to be pardoned because they are never arrested in the first place. Their crimes are either ignored, or the law interpreted so it isn't a crime at all. It's the favourite political method, since this is how ruling politicians themselves are miraculously never charged for their plethora of crimes. So, the unusual thing in Spain is that criminals are actually imprisoned (then pardoned).

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#570 Post by OFSO » Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:07 am

Rioting again last night in Madrid. Right-wingers giving fascist salutes.

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#571 Post by OFSO » Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:24 am

Madrid last night:
"Ultra-profile groups took the front line of the rally, as had happened on each of the previous nights, and threw firecrackers, flares, glass bottles and other objects at the police line, which ended up charging to disperse the crowds.

Despite the first proclamations against violence, around nine o'clock at night they started chanting slogans against the police, displayed Francoist symbols and sang on several occasions the fascist song "Cara al sol" as well as other proclamations that have no apparent connection with the origin of the protest, such as "Spain, Christian and not Muslim".

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#572 Post by OFSO » Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:27 pm

The Brussels HQ of Spain's ruling party was 'severely' vandalised last night with obscenities also sprayed on the outside denouncing the Spanish PM for offering an amnesty to Catalan politicians.

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Re: Chaos in Spain

#573 Post by Fox3WheresMyBanana » Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:02 pm

Gaza, politics, inflation... Sounds like a good year to be in the spray-paint industry!

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